Why do people hate Liberals?


Then you obviously go through life with blinders on.....Basically, a typical liberal, nothing more.

Personally, I don't hate liberals, I laugh at them....They provide too damn much entertainment when cackling on about their loony world view, to ever hate the lil' goofballs.

that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
Sowell, Elder, Carson, and several other highly educated blacks who are willing to speak out openly on how the liberal agenda is only aiding in keeping their black brethren oppressed, at the risk of being called every disgusting name in the book by these liberal idiots, are the liberals worst nightmares....For an educated black to speak out, in an attempt to show their fellow blacks that the liberal agenda is their own worst enemy, is something these loons should definitely fear....An educated black in the liberal mind, is an enemy, nothing more....And that is why they so vociferously attack ANY black that dares to speak out, because those blacks are a direct threat to wipe out a prized voting bloc, that liberals seek to keep oppressed, for no other reason than to use them, election after election.

Bottom line, ANY liberal who claims to be in it for the minorities, are lying through their friggin' teeth.

I'm not sure they are lying. Being wrong or incorrect is not necessarily to lie even though your wrong conclusion produces one. There is a difference though between basing ones sociopolitical philosophy on what 'feels' good or 'looks righteous' or 'has good intentions' and in basing one sociopolitical philosophy on what actually results in the greater good.

It was reading the profound words of Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, and other great black conservatives who allowed me to correct my formerly wrong view of racism, class inequities, etc. and moved me ever closer to being a pure classical liberal, i.e. modern American conservative.

I had already been immersed in the writings of the radical left, debated the pros and cons of Marxism and socialism, explored and evaluated the European forms of government with that outlined by our Constitution. Immersing myself in the documents left to us by our Founders and other great minds of the conservative world from the 18th century forward including Burke, de Tocqueville, Hayek, Adam Smith, Cooper, Brownson, SF Stephen, Mill, and others, along with personal experience, brought me all the way to my current convictions.

The opening posts suggested that conservatives see things in black and white while liberals see things in shades of gray. You cannot say that if you read the thoughts of those great conservative minds who saw all the dangers and pitfalls in ideology, no matter what ideology it was, but also could see the concepts that create the greater good.

I hope all will listen to that clip of the Thomas Sowell interview. It goes to the heart of why conservatism, as the Founders practiced it, is the only hope humankind has for liberty, self determination, and freedom from oppressive tyranny.
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Haven't seen the Republicans compromise on much of anything in the past 20 years. When a Democrat is President, the Republicans have clearly been against any sort of compromise or accommodation. They will even be against the very things they were for if a Democrat takes it up. "Compromise? No thanks. You can have it." I guess you must be ecstatic with the Republican party of the past decade or so.
Well then, I guess you didn't witness the Clinton years, where there was much compromise going on....Ya' see, unlike the inept fool we now have occupying the Oval Office, at least William Jethro had the ability to lead, and reach across the aisle without back stabbing the other side when compromise was reached, as Obama has done.....But then, Obama is nothing more than a divider, with zero ability to lead, there is no way to deny it now, and that will be his ultimate legacy as the history books are written.

Which Clinton years are you talking about? I'm really impressed by the rose colored glasses through which many on the right now view the Clinton years. To me, it was one witch hunt after another by those on the right. Richard Mellon Scaiffe funded organizations specifically designed to bring down the Clinton Presidency. When Clinton responded to the attack on the USS Cole, he was roundly accused of "wagging the dog" by those on the right who felt he used the incident to detract from the Lewinsky scandal.

When he sent troops into Bosnia, it most certainly was not with the support of Republicans. When he fired on a known al-qaida training camp in an effort to get bin Laden, it was definitely NOT with the support of Republicans.

Did he bend over backward to accommodate conservatives regarding NAFTA? welfare reform? DOMA? and DADT? You betcha. But that's not compromise. That's capitulating. Big difference.

Face it. Those on your side hated Clinton and everything he did and everything he stood for every bit as much as you all hate Obama now.

You actually think there isn't going to be push back from an opposing side during ANY presidency?.....Damn right there is, and should be.

Attacking a known terrorist camp..Ya' mean the one that was KNOWN to be empty, and bin-Laden was known to be nowhere near?.....Yeah, he deserved to be hammered over that fiasco. Just as he deserves to be hammered for wasting other opportunities to take bin-Laden out when he had the clear opportunity....At least he's willing to admit it's his biggest regret, as it should be, when you directly have the blood of thousands of americans murdered on 9/11 staining your hands due to your abject failures.

And, it's also quite funny how you libs cannot bring yourselves to say the word compromise, and can only claim "capitulation," when one of your brethren actually does "compromise" on an issue with the other side.....And that is exactly why one should NEVER take a liberal seriously....Dealing in honesty is not a liberals forte.
It isn't a matter of hating liberals that we should be discussing. But why liberalism is rejected by some.

I would take any controversial topic be it abortion or minimum wage or gun control or passing out condoms to high schooler--choose any such topic--and I would challenge a liberal and a conservative to write a 100-word rationale for their point of view on that topic.

The rules would be:
1. No anecdotal evidence of any kind
2. No references to any person, group, or demographic.
3. No reference to anybody's moral, religious, or ethical convictions.
4. No reference to anybody's feelings.
5. No copy and paste of anybody's statistics or studies or opinion.

I am guessing that most conservatives could come up with a reasoned argument for their point of view.

I am guessing that most liberals could not.

I can't test my theory for I have yet to find a liberal willing to take me up on on the challenge.
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:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:
Our media covers the relevant political spectrum, each through a different prism.
Fox, the BDOTB (Big Dog On The Block), does not toe the lib line. What better way to get their point across than the mea culpa of a reformed Marxist?
A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality.

Sowell has never been a liberal or mugged by reality/ truth.

Sowell is brilliant. And makes liberals want to spit chewed nails.

He is certainly smart enough to know he can make money being the village idiot(useful idiot) specializing in assuage of rich white guilt.


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Sowell has never been a liberal or mugged by reality/ truth.

Sowell is brilliant. And makes liberals want to spit chewed nails.

He is certainly smart enough to know he can make money being the village idiot(useful idiot) specializing in assuage of rich white guilt.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlss_LiNeJk]Monty Python - Village Idiots - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJuwLsoo4hs]Everything Thomas Sowell Thinks is Wrong - Education - YouTube[/ame]

So why do you and those like you hate Thomas Sowell? Even to the point that you would listen to a village idiot say what he says instead of listening to what Thomas Sowell says?
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that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube
Sowell, Elder, Carson, and several other highly educated blacks who are willing to speak out openly on how the liberal agenda is only aiding in keeping their black brethren oppressed, at the risk of being called every disgusting name in the book by these liberal idiots, are the liberals worst nightmares....For an educated black to speak out, in an attempt to show their fellow blacks that the liberal agenda is their own worst enemy, is something these loons should definitely fear....An educated black in the liberal mind, is an enemy, nothing more....And that is why they so vociferously attack ANY black that dares to speak out, because those blacks are a direct threat to wipe out a prized voting bloc, that liberals seek to keep oppressed, for no other reason than to use them, election after election.

Bottom line, ANY liberal who claims to be in it for the minorities, are lying through their friggin' teeth.

I'm not sure they are lying. Being wrong or incorrect is not necessarily to lie even though your wrong conclusion produces one. There is a difference though between basing ones sociopolitical philosophy on what 'feels' good or 'looks righteous' or 'has good intentions' and in basing one sociopolitical philosophy on what actually results in the greater good.

It was reading the profound words of Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, and other great black conservatives who allowed me to correct my formerly wrong view of racism, class inequities, etc. and moved me ever closer to being a pure classical liberal, i.e. modern American conservative.

I had already been immersed in the writings of the radical left, debated the pros and cons of Marxism and socialism, explored and evaluated the European forms of government with that outlined by our Constitution. Immersing myself in the documents left to us by our Founders and other great minds of the conservative world from the 18th century forward including Burke, de Tocqueville, Hayek, Adam Smith, Cooper, Brownson, SF Stephen, Mill, and others, along with personal experience, brought me all the way to my current convictions.

The opening posts suggested that conservatives see things in black and white while liberals see things in shades of gray. You cannot say that if you read the thoughts of those great conservative minds who saw all the dangers and pitfalls in ideology, no matter what ideology it was, but also could see the concepts that create the greater good.

I hope all will listen to that clip of the Thomas Sowell interview. It goes to the heart of why conservatism, as the Founders practiced it, is the only hope humankind has for liberty, self determination, and freedom from oppressive tyranny.
According to the lib playbook, a mis-statement, error or disagreement with the lib agenda is labeled as a "lie"...This is just another method of silencing conservative thought/speech.
Sowell is brilliant. And makes liberals want to spit chewed nails.

He is certainly smart enough to know he can make money being the village idiot(useful idiot) specializing in assuage of rich white guilt.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlss_LiNeJk]Monty Python - Village Idiots - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJuwLsoo4hs]Everything Thomas Sowell Thinks is Wrong - Education - YouTube[/ame]

So why do you and those like you hate Thomas Sowell? Even to the point that you would listen to a village idiot say what he says instead of listening to what Thomas Sowell says?

First of all I do not hate Sowell, I don't know him....but the video has Sowell speaking on education.
Sowell has never been a liberal or mugged by reality/ truth.

Sowell is brilliant. And makes liberals want to spit chewed nails.

He is certainly smart enough to know he can make money being the village idiot(useful idiot) specializing in assuage of rich white guilt.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlss_LiNeJk]Monty Python - Village Idiots - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJuwLsoo4hs]Everything Thomas Sowell Thinks is Wrong - Education - YouTube[/ame]
HA...It is the notion of 'rich white guilt which has made blue states out of the entire northeast, upper midwest and California. Ironically where most of the nation's wealth is located. And in the hands of the very people your side accuses of being conservative.
What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit.
Surely you jest.

Liberals are just as black and white, right and wrong on issues as cons are. Dont kid yourself into thinking that liberals are any more or less flexible.

I am judging from what I have seen in nearly 70 years of life.

then you dont get out much.

You don't have to go far in this video before Scarborough calls the government the "enemy of the good".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei0r6MBeV7Q]Joe Scarborough Paul Krugman FULL Deficit Debate - YouTube[/ame]
He is certainly smart enough to know he can make money being the village idiot(useful idiot) specializing in assuage of rich white guilt.

Monty Python - Village Idiots - YouTube

Everything Thomas Sowell Thinks is Wrong - Education - YouTube

So why do you and those like you hate Thomas Sowell? Even to the point that you would listen to a village idiot say what he says instead of listening to what Thomas Sowell says?

First of all I do not hate Sowell, I don't know him....but the video has Sowell speaking on education.

Yes, but smart people don't go to a heavily edited attack video to get quotations to accuse people. Smart people go to the source itself and see what the person said in context. Sowell has done exhaustive research, commentary, and lecturing on education. He may be more knowledgeable on the subject than anybody living these days and he documents his facts and figures very very well.

I have read much, if not most, that he has offered on the subject and he documents his facts and figures very very well.

Have you? Are you smart?
I am guessing that most conservatives could come up with a reasoned argument for their point of view.

I am guessing that most liberals could not.

I can't test my theory for I have yet to find a liberal willing to take me up on on the challenge.

Provides no actual argument, and wraps it up with the mother of all anecdotes.

This is one of the most ironic things I have ever read.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

All they know is what Sean, Glenn and now Alex Jones tell them.

Oh yeah, let's not forget that they have put Ann Coulter on the best sellers list for years now.
Sowell is brilliant. And makes liberals want to spit chewed nails.

He is certainly smart enough to know he can make money being the village idiot(useful idiot) specializing in assuage of rich white guilt.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlss_LiNeJk]Monty Python - Village Idiots - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJuwLsoo4hs]Everything Thomas Sowell Thinks is Wrong - Education - YouTube[/ame]
HA...It is the notion of 'rich white guilt which has made blue states out of the entire northeast, upper midwest and California. Ironically where most of the nation's wealth is located. And in the hands of the very people your side accuses of being conservative.
What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit.

No kidding the full term is LIBERAL white guilt....liberals arent even honest on that point....
I am guessing that most conservatives could come up with a reasoned argument for their point of view.

I am guessing that most liberals could not.

I can't test my theory for I have yet to find a liberal willing to take me up on on the challenge.

Provides no actual argument, and wraps it up with the mother of all anecdotes.

This is one of the most ironic things I have ever read.

Really? I give my guess for the way things will go, and you criticize me for not providing an argument for my own experience? And you quote my thoughts out of context to do it? You have a very strange view of irony my friend. But you certainly do illustrate the way liberals think. :)

However, to give me a basis for my guess and take away my argument that a liberal likely can't articulate a rationale for a point of view under the five rules I outlined, would you be interested in accepting the challenge?
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It isn't a matter of hating liberals that we should be discussing. But why liberalism is rejected by some.

I would take any controversial topic be it abortion or minimum wage or gun control or passing out condoms to high schooler--choose any such topic--and I would challenge a liberal and a conservative to write a 100-word rationale for their point of view on that topic.

The rules would be:
1. No anecdotal evidence of any kind
2. No references to any person, group, or demographic.
3. No reference to anybody's moral, religious, or ethical convictions.
4. No reference to anybody's feelings.
5. No copy and paste of anybody's statistics or studies or opinion.

I am guessing that most conservatives could come up with a reasoned argument for their point of view.

I am guessing that most liberals could not.

I can't test my theory for I have yet to find a liberal willing to take me up on on the challenge.

Ha! Why don't you do it first then? What a blowhard.
I am guessing that most conservatives could come up with a reasoned argument for their point of view.

I am guessing that most liberals could not.

I can't test my theory for I have yet to find a liberal willing to take me up on on the challenge.

Provides no actual argument, and wraps it up with the mother of all anecdotes.

This is one of the most ironic things I have ever read.

I believe Bill O'Reilly calls it "bloviating".
It isn't a matter of hating liberals that we should be discussing. But why liberalism is rejected by some.

I would take any controversial topic be it abortion or minimum wage or gun control or passing out condoms to high schooler--choose any such topic--and I would challenge a liberal and a conservative to write a 100-word rationale for their point of view on that topic.

The rules would be:
1. No anecdotal evidence of any kind
2. No references to any person, group, or demographic.
3. No reference to anybody's moral, religious, or ethical convictions.
4. No reference to anybody's feelings.
5. No copy and paste of anybody's statistics or studies or opinion.

I am guessing that most conservatives could come up with a reasoned argument for their point of view.

I am guessing that most liberals could not.

I can't test my theory for I have yet to find a liberal willing to take me up on on the challenge.

Ha! Why don't you do it first then? What a blowhard.

Oh I have done it many times. Will you take the challenge? Using my five point rules? Perhaps you could offer five proposed topics and I will offer five proposed topics and we might be able to agree on one out of those offered as a point of view to defend? And each will provide their 100-word or so argument to defend our respective points of view?
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Sowell is brilliant. And makes liberals want to spit chewed nails.

He is certainly smart enough to know he can make money being the village idiot(useful idiot) specializing in assuage of rich white guilt.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlss_LiNeJk]Monty Python - Village Idiots - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJuwLsoo4hs]Everything Thomas Sowell Thinks is Wrong - Education - YouTube[/ame]
HA...It is the notion of 'rich white guilt which has made blue states out of the entire northeast, upper midwest and California. Ironically where most of the nation's wealth is located. And in the hands of the very people your side accuses of being conservative.
What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit.

I disagree. How has rich white guilt made blue states? can you expound on that?
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

All they know is what Sean, Glenn and now Alex Jones tell them.

Oh yeah, let's not forget that they have put Ann Coulter on the best sellers list for years now.
You can go on believing that if it makes you feel better.
So why do you and those like you hate Thomas Sowell? Even to the point that you would listen to a village idiot say what he says instead of listening to what Thomas Sowell says?

First of all I do not hate Sowell, I don't know him....but the video has Sowell speaking on education.

Yes, but smart people don't go to a heavily edited attack video to get quotations to accuse people. Smart people go to the source itself and see what the person said in context. Sowell has done exhaustive research, commentary, and lecturing on education. He may be more knowledgeable on the subject than anybody living these days and he documents his facts and figures very very well.

I have read much, if not most, that he has offered on the subject and he documents his facts and figures very very well.

Have you? Are you smart?

It wasn't an attack or edited. And he gave facts to dispute Sowell. How do feel he misrepresented Sowell's comments? I agree the headline is a little rhetorical.
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