Why do people hate Liberals?

He is certainly smart enough to know he can make money being the village idiot(useful idiot) specializing in assuage of rich white guilt.

Monty Python - Village Idiots - YouTube

Everything Thomas Sowell Thinks is Wrong - Education - YouTube
HA...It is the notion of 'rich white guilt which has made blue states out of the entire northeast, upper midwest and California. Ironically where most of the nation's wealth is located. And in the hands of the very people your side accuses of being conservative.
What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit.

I disagree. How has rich white guilt made blue states? can you expound on that?
It did not 'make' them. They were blue to begin with.
The most wealthy areas tend to vote democrat.
HA...It is the notion of 'rich white guilt which has made blue states out of the entire northeast, upper midwest and California. Ironically where most of the nation's wealth is located. And in the hands of the very people your side accuses of being conservative.
What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit.

I disagree. How has rich white guilt made blue states? can you expound on that?
It did not 'make' them. They were blue to begin with.
The most wealthy areas tend to vote democrat.

I agree somewhat "wealthy areas tend to vote democrat". But it it conservatives who feel guilty for giving welfare for the rich and cutting programs for the poor.
As an Independent I see pluses and minuses for liberals and conservatives.

I hate liberals when they get on their high horses like they are the only ones on high ethical ground. Liberalism is easy, you want to give everything to everyone. What liberals have not figured out is that there are not enough resources to do that. But, on and on they go pontificating and showing the rest of us that they are impractical and do not understand the world of hard-ball politics.

Conservatives vomit extreme ideas all over the place because they can not win arguments based upon their own ideas. This is not true, conservatives have some good ideas for American voters. I think most people buy the idea of people taking responsibility for their own lives. Welfare is supposed to be a temporary helping hand, not a lifestyle. I don't blame conservatives for being angry. Got to go with the law of survival in the jungle with these guys. The planet has an OVERPOPULATION PROBLEM not an EMPLOYMENT PROBLEM. If you are poor, have five kids, and you die, I am not going to pick up the tab for your stupidity in having puppies you could not afford.
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Well then, I guess you didn't witness the Clinton years, where there was much compromise going on....Ya' see, unlike the inept fool we now have occupying the Oval Office, at least William Jethro had the ability to lead, and reach across the aisle without back stabbing the other side when compromise was reached, as Obama has done.....But then, Obama is nothing more than a divider, with zero ability to lead, there is no way to deny it now, and that will be his ultimate legacy as the history books are written.

Which Clinton years are you talking about? I'm really impressed by the rose colored glasses through which many on the right now view the Clinton years. To me, it was one witch hunt after another by those on the right. Richard Mellon Scaiffe funded organizations specifically designed to bring down the Clinton Presidency. When Clinton responded to the attack on the USS Cole, he was roundly accused of "wagging the dog" by those on the right who felt he used the incident to detract from the Lewinsky scandal.

When he sent troops into Bosnia, it most certainly was not with the support of Republicans. When he fired on a known al-qaida training camp in an effort to get bin Laden, it was definitely NOT with the support of Republicans.

Did he bend over backward to accommodate conservatives regarding NAFTA? welfare reform? DOMA? and DADT? You betcha. But that's not compromise. That's capitulating. Big difference.

Face it. Those on your side hated Clinton and everything he did and everything he stood for every bit as much as you all hate Obama now.

You actually think there isn't going to be push back from an opposing side during ANY presidency?.....Damn right there is, and should be.

Attacking a known terrorist camp..Ya' mean the one that was KNOWN to be empty, and bin-Laden was known to be nowhere near?.....Yeah, he deserved to be hammered over that fiasco. Just as he deserves to be hammered for wasting other opportunities to take bin-Laden out when he had the clear opportunity....At least he's willing to admit it's his biggest regret, as it should be, when you directly have the blood of thousands of americans murdered on 9/11 staining your hands due to your abject failures.

And, it's also quite funny how you libs cannot bring yourselves to say the word compromise, and can only claim "capitulation," when one of your brethren actually does "compromise" on an issue with the other side.....And that is exactly why one should NEVER take a liberal seriously....Dealing in honesty is not a liberals forte.

I do not agree that getting OBL 20 years ago would have stopped 9/11, just as getting him in 2011 didn't stop the Boston Bombings in 2013. His brand of violent Islamism did and does exist without him. Another wealthy ideologue would have taken OBL's place and the result would have been more or less the same.
I disagree. How has rich white guilt made blue states? can you expound on that?
It did not 'make' them. They were blue to begin with.
The most wealthy areas tend to vote democrat.

I agree somewhat "wealthy areas tend to vote democrat". But it it conservatives who feel guilty for giving welfare for the rich and cutting programs for the poor.

Name one federal program 'for the poor' that has been "cut"?
And please provide examples of 'conservatives giving welfare to the rich'..
This ought to be good.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

They encourage the government to remove more money from my family.

Is that a "real" enough reason?


I also hate burglers, robbers, thieves, and bandits.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

They encourage the government to remove more money from my family.

Is that a "real" enough reason?


I also hate burglers, robbers, thieves, and bandits.

Reagan, H Bush both raised taxes and Dumbya spent money that he knew someone would have to pay for...

Which Clinton years are you talking about? I'm really impressed by the rose colored glasses through which many on the right now view the Clinton years. To me, it was one witch hunt after another by those on the right. Richard Mellon Scaiffe funded organizations specifically designed to bring down the Clinton Presidency. When Clinton responded to the attack on the USS Cole, he was roundly accused of "wagging the dog" by those on the right who felt he used the incident to detract from the Lewinsky scandal.

When he sent troops into Bosnia, it most certainly was not with the support of Republicans. When he fired on a known al-qaida training camp in an effort to get bin Laden, it was definitely NOT with the support of Republicans.

Did he bend over backward to accommodate conservatives regarding NAFTA? welfare reform? DOMA? and DADT? You betcha. But that's not compromise. That's capitulating. Big difference.

Face it. Those on your side hated Clinton and everything he did and everything he stood for every bit as much as you all hate Obama now.

You actually think there isn't going to be push back from an opposing side during ANY presidency?.....Damn right there is, and should be.

Attacking a known terrorist camp..Ya' mean the one that was KNOWN to be empty, and bin-Laden was known to be nowhere near?.....Yeah, he deserved to be hammered over that fiasco. Just as he deserves to be hammered for wasting other opportunities to take bin-Laden out when he had the clear opportunity....At least he's willing to admit it's his biggest regret, as it should be, when you directly have the blood of thousands of americans murdered on 9/11 staining your hands due to your abject failures.

And, it's also quite funny how you libs cannot bring yourselves to say the word compromise, and can only claim "capitulation," when one of your brethren actually does "compromise" on an issue with the other side.....And that is exactly why one should NEVER take a liberal seriously....Dealing in honesty is not a liberals forte.

I do not agree that getting OBL 20 years ago would have stopped 9/11, just as getting him in 2011 didn't stop the Boston Bombings in 2013. His brand of violent Islamism did and does exist without him. Another wealthy ideologue would have taken OBL's place and the result would have been more or less the same.
bin-Laden was the face of al-Qaeda....The man who declared war, the financier, the motivation....Damn sure had we been serious about killing his ass, 9/11 would not have happened.....Clinton made us look weak, like we did not have the resolve to put up a serious fight....It was HIS failures that helped feed the beast, and even HE admits he royally fucked up.

The Boston bombing had squat to do with bin-Laden, and that is becoming quite obvious.
It did not 'make' them. They were blue to begin with.
The most wealthy areas tend to vote democrat.

I agree somewhat "wealthy areas tend to vote democrat". But it it conservatives who feel guilty for giving welfare for the rich and cutting programs for the poor.

Name one federal program 'for the poor' that has been "cut"?
And please provide examples of 'conservatives giving welfare to the rich'..
This ought to be good.
That's the thing about libs, they actually think that going after fraud, waste, and abuse is akin to "cuts."

And that is exactly why you take anything a liberal says with a grain of salt...They don't deal in honesty, it's all about false hyperbole with them.....Basically, it's all about phoney dramatics, nothing more.
It did not 'make' them. They were blue to begin with.
The most wealthy areas tend to vote democrat.

I agree somewhat "wealthy areas tend to vote democrat". But it it conservatives who feel guilty for giving welfare for the rich and cutting programs for the poor.

Name one federal program 'for the poor' that has been "cut"?
And please provide examples of 'conservatives giving welfare to the rich'..
This ought to be good.

Why does it have to be federal?

Washington?s Hunger Games: Sequester?s Cuts to Food Assistance Programs - The Daily Beast

Post-Welfare Reform Trends Plus Deeper Spending Cuts Could Equal Disaster for the Nation?s Poor | Center for American Progress

General Assistance Programs: Safety Net Weakening Despite Increased Need ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Private sector parasites - Salon.com

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I agree somewhat "wealthy areas tend to vote democrat". But it it conservatives who feel guilty for giving welfare for the rich and cutting programs for the poor.

Name one federal program 'for the poor' that has been "cut"?
And please provide examples of 'conservatives giving welfare to the rich'..
This ought to be good.

Why does it have to be federal?

Washington?s Hunger Games: Sequester?s Cuts to Food Assistance Programs - The Daily Beast

Post-Welfare Reform Trends Plus Deeper Spending Cuts Could Equal Disaster for the Nation?s Poor | Center for American Progress

General Assistance Programs: Safety Net Weakening Despite Increased Need ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Private sector parasites - Salon.com

Corporate Welfare Headquarters Corporate Welfare Shame Page

Your links alone, fully prove why one should NEVER take a liberal seriously.....It's all bullshit, nothing more......Too fuckin' funny!

Your links alone, fully prove why one should NEVER take a liberal seriously.....It's all bullshit, nothing more......Too fuckin' funny!

It's all bullshit? every word?
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

Intellectual envy?
Holding one's self accountable was never a RW trait, and with the rise in unpopularity with the Teanderthal Repub Party, they're only projecting on liberals.
Why do people hate Liberals?

I think in most cases its because the haters confuse our government and the corporations that own it with liberalism.

They call, as but one example, the people running the FED, liberals
I just don't see a lot of more left wing posters going on about "typical conservative mindset" or claiming "conservatives are so stupid".

I'm glad we don't see that, but still...

I see it all the time here. I suspect you just can't see it because it seems justified and okay to you. Perhaps you should read more carefully -- it's there, the same kind of put-downs by leftists that conservatives do.

Oh good grief, there's plenty of hatred spewed here by both ends of the political spectrum. The only way a person wouldn't realize that is if they're blinded by their own partisan ideology.

I try to look at the bright side and hope that the anger provides a catharsis so that the hate won't be used by these people in "real life".

It will, though, IMO ---- the reason there is so much hate here is that this is the normal process of revving up for civil war. Half the country hates and wants defeated the other half, and to fight and win humans HAVE to depersonalize and demonize the enemy so they can fight them effectively.

The depersonalization and dehumanizing is going on now as we all get ready to fight each other. Say, any older posters think they've ever seen American-American hatred this virulent before? No, I didn't think so, me neither.

Oh good grief, there's plenty of hatred spewed here by both ends of the political spectrum. The only way a person wouldn't realize that is if they're blinded by their own partisan ideology.

I try to look at the bright side and hope that the anger provides a catharsis so that the hate won't be used by these people in "real life".

If not cathartic, at least therapeutic. :eusa_shifty:

Oh good grief, there's plenty of hatred spewed here by both ends of the political spectrum. The only way a person wouldn't realize that is if they're blinded by their own partisan ideology.

I try to look at the bright side and hope that the anger provides a catharsis so that the hate won't be used by these people in "real life".

It will, though, IMO ---- the reason there is so much hate here is that this is the normal process of revving up for civil war. Half the country hates and wants defeated the other half, and to fight and win humans HAVE to depersonalize and demonize the enemy so they can fight them effectively.

The depersonalization and dehumanizing is going on now as we all get ready to fight each other. Say, any older posters think they've ever seen American-American hatred this virulent before? No, I didn't think so, me neither.

Politics, at least the big eastern city variety, has long had a violence to it.
How about this. Why don't you take my post, research what I cited, and then prove my statements wrong.

Ah, the refrain of the mindless; "prove me wrong."

Not the way it works, sparky. YOU must prove your assertions have merit. The onus is upon the claimant to prove his claim.

Unless you do so, then you are a simpleton, who is blinded by stupidity. Until you prove absolutely that what I said what "spewing hate" you willbe regarded as a useless troll

Proving that you are spewing hate is simple, I merely point up the fact that you use the leftist hate sites as your source.

You lack the wits to offer a cogent argument - you are but another leftist monkey throwing feces at passers by - you are a feral baboon.

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