Why do people hate Liberals?

I don't want to get into detail because then I would be accused of being hateful toward cons. But while liberals view the world with shades of gray, conservatives view the world as black vs white,us vs them,good vs evil.

The weird thing is - there seems to be some truth in that.

I just don't see a lot of more left wing posters going on about "typical conservative mindset" or claiming "conservatives are so stupid".

I'm glad we don't see that, but still...

Then you obviously go through life with blinders on.....Basically, a typical liberal, nothing more.

Personally, I don't hate liberals, I laugh at them....They provide too damn much entertainment when cackling on about their loony world view, to ever hate the lil' goofballs.

that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
The weird thing is - there seems to be some truth in that.

I just don't see a lot of more left wing posters going on about "typical conservative mindset" or claiming "conservatives are so stupid".

I'm glad we don't see that, but still...

Then you obviously go through life with blinders on.....Basically, a typical liberal, nothing more.

Personally, I don't hate liberals, I laugh at them....They provide too damn much entertainment when cackling on about their loony world view, to ever hate the lil' goofballs.

that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]

Fox loves to parade people who pretend to have converted from evil to good, this video is good evidence of the us vs them paradigm.
The weird thing is - there seems to be some truth in that.

I just don't see a lot of more left wing posters going on about "typical conservative mindset" or claiming "conservatives are so stupid".

I'm glad we don't see that, but still...

Then you obviously go through life with blinders on.....Basically, a typical liberal, nothing more.

Personally, I don't hate liberals, I laugh at them....They provide too damn much entertainment when cackling on about their loony world view, to ever hate the lil' goofballs.

that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]

Right. Another of your n-word "friends", no doubt....wonder how Sowell would react to you calling him the n-word, for "fun". LOL
I don't want to get into detail because then I would be accused of being hateful toward cons. But while liberals view the world with shades of gray, conservatives view the world as black vs white,us vs them,good vs evil.

The weird thing is - there seems to be some truth in that.

I just don't see a lot of more left wing posters going on about "typical conservative mindset" or claiming "conservatives are so stupid".

I'm glad we don't see that, but still...

You must be fucking blind. :eusa_whistle:

Then you obviously go through life with blinders on.....Basically, a typical liberal, nothing more.

Personally, I don't hate liberals, I laugh at them....They provide too damn much entertainment when cackling on about their loony world view, to ever hate the lil' goofballs.

that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]

Fox loves to parade people who pretend to have converted from evil to good, this video is good evidence of the us vs them paradigm.

:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:
Our media covers the relevant political spectrum, each through a different prism.
Fox, the BDOTB (Big Dog On The Block), does not toe the lib line. What better way to get their point across than the mea culpa of a reformed Marxist?
A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality.

Then you obviously go through life with blinders on.....Basically, a typical liberal, nothing more.

Personally, I don't hate liberals, I laugh at them....They provide too damn much entertainment when cackling on about their loony world view, to ever hate the lil' goofballs.

that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]

Right. Another of your n-word "friends", no doubt....wonder how Sowell would react to you calling him the n-word, for "fun". LOL

Many here would react negatively to anyone referring to anyone by any racial epithet.
That said, your post is a lame deflection.
Sowell is a legit American intellectual who has abandoned the Marxism of his youthful indiscretion for a more realistic view of life and the world. Stop playing the vic and deal with it. You may be smart but you're not nearly as smart as you like to believe.
BTW, is your "IGNORE" list just a prop or do you really have all those peeps on "IGNORE?"
20% of americans identify themselves as liberals, 40% as conservatives, and 40% don't give a shit.

liberals get attention because the dominate the media and the entertainment industry.

they are hated because the philosophy they push is destroying this country.
Actually Liberals are not really hated except by partisan hacks on the right who would rather bash Liberals than have a decent discussion about the issues.

I've always found, when you have to resort to name calling, hate, and lies, you've got no argument whatsoever.

There are good people here on both sides and terrible people here on both sides.

But no one is hate worthy. That's a pretty strong word. If someone wants to hate me, I don't give a shit.

But I don't hate people for having a different opinion. I can dislike them if they act like an ass and then not engage them anymore but I don't hate.

Hating makes you hateful and angry. Life's too short.

OK-my preaching is over for this Sunday, LOL.
Ohhh hate sites you say. For that statement, you have lost any credibility.

Oh, I lose credibility; yet YOU are the one posting shit from the hate sites?


What a buffoon.

You cited a gaggle of leftist hate sites. MoveOn, ThinkProgress, Communist Dreams. et al.

You are a mindless hack, posting party demagoguery against the hated opposition.

What about the rest of my post. YOU MUST be a republican, by taking a fragment of my argument and trying to make a mockery of it. Good job buddy!! Get on your soap box and tell the world how women should bow to men, and be our slaves!!

You have no brain, you are a drone, programmed by the hate sites to spew shit against the opponents your rulers identify.

I doubt you've ever had an independent thought in your life.

How about this. Why don't you take my post, research what I cited, and then prove my statements wrong. Unless you do so, then you are a simpleton, who is blinded by stupidity. Until you prove absolutely that what I said what "spewing hate" you willbe regarded as a useless troll

So 3 days later, and still no rebuttal on how I was wrong :eusa_whistle:... so either you can't find it, or you are still trying LOL.... either way, YOU GOT OWNED!!!
The weird thing is - there seems to be some truth in that.

I just don't see a lot of more left wing posters going on about "typical conservative mindset" or claiming "conservatives are so stupid".

I'm glad we don't see that, but still...

Then you obviously go through life with blinders on.....Basically, a typical liberal, nothing more.

Personally, I don't hate liberals, I laugh at them....They provide too damn much entertainment when cackling on about their loony world view, to ever hate the lil' goofballs.

that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
Sowell, Elder, Carson, and several other highly educated blacks who are willing to speak out openly on how the liberal agenda is only aiding in keeping their black brethren oppressed, at the risk of being called every disgusting name in the book by these liberal idiots, are the liberals worst nightmares....For an educated black to speak out, in an attempt to show their fellow blacks that the liberal agenda is their own worst enemy, is something these loons should definitely fear....An educated black in the liberal mind, is an enemy, nothing more....And that is why they so vociferously attack ANY black that dares to speak out, because those blacks are a direct threat to wipe out a prized voting bloc, that liberals seek to keep oppressed, for no other reason than to use them, election after election.

Bottom line, ANY liberal who claims to be in it for the minorities, are lying through their friggin' teeth.
that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube

Right. Another of your n-word "friends", no doubt....wonder how Sowell would react to you calling him the n-word, for "fun". LOL

Many here would react negatively to anyone referring to anyone by any racial epithet.
That said, your post is a lame deflection.
Sowell is a legit American intellectual who has abandoned the Marxism of his youthful indiscretion for a more realistic view of life and the world. Stop playing the vic and deal with it. You may be smart but you're not nearly as smart as you like to believe.
BTW, is your "IGNORE" list just a prop or do you really have all those peeps on "IGNORE?"

Thank you for proving my point. One groups wants one thing, and won't budge on the issue, and the opposite group does the same. Get a clue, government is about compromise. Government is about bettering your society, for the whole, not a few elitists. But we have seemed to lose that notion. However, as long as we have the babies in Congress, that are so blinded by party hatred, we will continue to go down the toilet.

One example:
Obama and the dems tried to get legislation passed that would offer huge tax incentives for large corporations to bring their factories back home to America, to boost OUR economy, and the repubs shot it down.... hhhmmmm and the repubs want us to believe they have "us" in their best interest?
How do you come to the conclusion that governing is about compromise?

Do we compromise on the notion that people who murder other people should not be jailed?

Do we compromise on the notion that if we are attacked by another country, the perhaps we shouldn't fight back?

The fact is that for any country to survive, clear choices and hard decisions must be made. To compromise on those decisions is the path to ruin..

Witness the GOP. They have adopted a policy of compromise for the past 20 years. It has weakened us as a nation, it has brought our economy to the very brink of ruin, and our societal rot has increased almost exponentially.

Compromise? No thanks. You can have it.

Haven't seen the Republicans compromise on much of anything in the past 20 years. When a Democrat is President, the Republicans have clearly been against any sort of compromise or accommodation. They will even be against the very things they were for if a Democrat takes it up. "Compromise? No thanks. You can have it." I guess you must be ecstatic with the Republican party of the past decade or so.
Well then, I guess you didn't witness the Clinton years, where there was much compromise going on....Ya' see, unlike the inept fool we now have occupying the Oval Office, at least William Jethro had the ability to lead, and reach across the aisle without back stabbing the other side when compromise was reached, as Obama has done.....But then, Obama is nothing more than a divider, with zero ability to lead, there is no way to deny it now, and that will be his ultimate legacy as the history books are written.

Then you obviously go through life with blinders on.....Basically, a typical liberal, nothing more.

Personally, I don't hate liberals, I laugh at them....They provide too damn much entertainment when cackling on about their loony world view, to ever hate the lil' goofballs.

that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88"]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
Sowell, Elder, Carson, and several other highly educated blacks who are willing to speak out openly on how the liberal agenda is only aiding in keeping their black brethren oppressed, at the risk of being called every disgusting name in the book by these liberal idiots, are the liberals worst nightmares....For an educated black to speak out, in an attempt to show their fellow blacks that the liberal agenda is their own worst enemy, is something these loons should definitely fear....An educated black in the liberal mind, is an enemy, nothing more....And that is why they so vociferously attack ANY black that dares to speak out, because those blacks are a direct threat to wipe out a prized voting bloc, that liberals seek to keep oppressed, for no other reason than to use them, election after election.

Bottom line, ANY liberal who claims to be in it for the minorities, are lying through their friggin' teeth.

no kidding, Poet, a question for you, I think they here that word from several people, mostly democrats, usually starting with house in front of it. If you want to see racism, work for a black republican, you'll see just how racist democrats can be, and yeah it's really really bad.
How do you come to the conclusion that governing is about compromise?

Do we compromise on the notion that people who murder other people should not be jailed?

Do we compromise on the notion that if we are attacked by another country, the perhaps we shouldn't fight back?

The fact is that for any country to survive, clear choices and hard decisions must be made. To compromise on those decisions is the path to ruin..

Witness the GOP. They have adopted a policy of compromise for the past 20 years. It has weakened us as a nation, it has brought our economy to the very brink of ruin, and our societal rot has increased almost exponentially.

Compromise? No thanks. You can have it.

Haven't seen the Republicans compromise on much of anything in the past 20 years. When a Democrat is President, the Republicans have clearly been against any sort of compromise or accommodation. They will even be against the very things they were for if a Democrat takes it up. "Compromise? No thanks. You can have it." I guess you must be ecstatic with the Republican party of the past decade or so.
Well then, I guess you didn't witness the Clinton years, where there was much compromise going on....Ya' see, unlike the inept fool we now have occupying the Oval Office, at least William Jethro had the ability to lead, and reach across the aisle without back stabbing the other side when compromise was reached, as Obama has done.....But then, Obama is nothing more than a divider, with zero ability to lead, there is no way to deny it now, and that will be his ultimate legacy as the history books are written.

Which Clinton years are you talking about? I'm really impressed by the rose colored glasses through which many on the right now view the Clinton years. To me, it was one witch hunt after another by those on the right. Richard Mellon Scaiffe funded organizations specifically designed to bring down the Clinton Presidency. When Clinton responded to the attack on the USS Cole, he was roundly accused of "wagging the dog" by those on the right who felt he used the incident to detract from the Lewinsky scandal.

When he sent troops into Bosnia, it most certainly was not with the support of Republicans. When he fired on a known al-qaida training camp in an effort to get bin Laden, it was definitely NOT with the support of Republicans.

Did he bend over backward to accommodate conservatives regarding NAFTA? welfare reform? DOMA? and DADT? You betcha. But that's not compromise. That's capitulating. Big difference.

Face it. Those on your side hated Clinton and everything he did and everything he stood for every bit as much as you all hate Obama now.
that's another lie...everyone knows liberals are crusaders......liberals want to stamp out all evil....ALL of it....which explains why the nword is now seen as the equivalent of church bombing.....conservatives believe in trade off.....Sowell said it best..it's 4 min, watch it.

The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube

Fox loves to parade people who pretend to have converted from evil to good, this video is good evidence of the us vs them paradigm.

:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:
Our media covers the relevant political spectrum, each through a different prism.
Fox, the BDOTB (Big Dog On The Block), does not toe the lib line. What better way to get their point across than the mea culpa of a reformed Marxist?
A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality.

Sowell has never been a liberal or mugged by reality/ truth.
I don't believe the abortion issue is about who controls women's lives.
It's about dead babies, remember?
It's about barely formed embryos which are little different from fish, lizard or rat embryos.

Learn a little biology, you superstitious ignoramus!!
Right....That and 50 cents will get you a senior coffee at Burger King..
Little more than a fish..
Ya know what....Save yourself further ridicule by forgetting how to post on this message board.
Fox loves to parade people who pretend to have converted from evil to good, this video is good evidence of the us vs them paradigm.

:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:
Our media covers the relevant political spectrum, each through a different prism.
Fox, the BDOTB (Big Dog On The Block), does not toe the lib line. What better way to get their point across than the mea culpa of a reformed Marxist?
A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality.

Sowell has never been a liberal or mugged by reality/ truth.

Sowell is brilliant. And makes liberals want to spit chewed nails.

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