Why Do People Join ISIS? The Psychology Of A Terrorist


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This is a very interesting article.

Why Do People Join ISIS? The Psychology Of A Terrorist

When Andre Poulin, a Canadian who converted to Islam, first appeared on YouTube in Syria last year, he said his family didn’t understand why he had moved to the country to fight with other jihadists against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. Allah, he said during his video message, had pulled him to Syria. Poulin was just one of severalWesterns to join the Islamic State, which at the time was just a small group of extremists vying for power. Now the Islamic State (also called ISIS) has obtained millions of dollars in new weaponry and is gaining more followers like Poulin, pledging allegiance to a group so barbaric that even al-Qaida has denounced it.

“We tend to think they are crazy,” John Horgan, a psychologist and professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Center for Terrorism and Security Studies, said. “Because of what terrorists do, we assume that can be explained via the pathology of those people, but trying to explain terrorism as mental illness is misleading.”

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Why Do People Join ISIS The Psychology Of A Terrorist?
They want to be part of something larger than themselves, to feel empowered. This combined with a large measure of being clueless about the inner workings and tactics of the group.
They want to be part of something larger than themselves, to feel empowered. This combined with a large measure of being clueless about the inner workings and tactics of the group.

It's like joining a gang, but as you say they are clueless. However, it looks like some of them have caught on by seeing the barbarity going on with their new gang. I don't think people have ever seen such barbarity as is going on with ISIS. Now we will see if any of the countries they left will take them back. I honestly don't want to see them wandering around us because even if they don't like the barbarity of their new gang that doesn't mean that they don't want to do harm to those they consider Infidels.
They want to be part of something larger than themselves, to feel empowered. This combined with a large measure of being clueless about the inner workings and tactics of the group.
Clueless? You are so polite. Try Stupid! It's a one way ticket to hell!
This is a very interesting article.

Why Do People Join ISIS? The Psychology Of A Terrorist

When Andre Poulin, a Canadian who converted to Islam, first appeared on YouTube in Syria last year, he said his family didn’t understand why he had moved to the country to fight with other jihadists against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. Allah, he said during his video message, had pulled him to Syria. Poulin was just one of severalWesterns to join the Islamic State, which at the time was just a small group of extremists vying for power. Now the Islamic State (also called ISIS) has obtained millions of dollars in new weaponry and is gaining more followers like Poulin, pledging allegiance to a group so barbaric that even al-Qaida has denounced it.

“We tend to think they are crazy,” John Horgan, a psychologist and professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Center for Terrorism and Security Studies, said. “Because of what terrorists do, we assume that can be explained via the pathology of those people, but trying to explain terrorism as mental illness is misleading.”

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Why Do People Join ISIS The Psychology Of A Terrorist?
I think the author hit the nail on the head when he said they have a need to
“belong to something special.” “They want to find something meaningful for their life,”

I think this should be taken seriously by parents and educators. Young people have an intense desire to belong to the group and feel that their lives have meaning. Too often teenagers feel they're an outsider and there is no purpose in their life.. They want to do something meaning with lives; they just don't know what.
This is a very interesting article.

Why Do People Join ISIS? The Psychology Of A Terrorist

When Andre Poulin, a Canadian who converted to Islam, first appeared on YouTube in Syria last year, he said his family didn’t understand why he had moved to the country to fight with other jihadists against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. Allah, he said during his video message, had pulled him to Syria. Poulin was just one of severalWesterns to join the Islamic State, which at the time was just a small group of extremists vying for power. Now the Islamic State (also called ISIS) has obtained millions of dollars in new weaponry and is gaining more followers like Poulin, pledging allegiance to a group so barbaric that even al-Qaida has denounced it.

“We tend to think they are crazy,” John Horgan, a psychologist and professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Center for Terrorism and Security Studies, said. “Because of what terrorists do, we assume that can be explained via the pathology of those people, but trying to explain terrorism as mental illness is misleading.”

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Why Do People Join ISIS The Psychology Of A Terrorist?

Same reason they've always joined cults. Give lonely disenfranchised people attention, love, respect, etc. and they'll die with a smile for you.
This is a very interesting article.

Why Do People Join ISIS? The Psychology Of A Terrorist

When Andre Poulin, a Canadian who converted to Islam, first appeared on YouTube in Syria last year, he said his family didn’t understand why he had moved to the country to fight with other jihadists against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. Allah, he said during his video message, had pulled him to Syria. Poulin was just one of severalWesterns to join the Islamic State, which at the time was just a small group of extremists vying for power. Now the Islamic State (also called ISIS) has obtained millions of dollars in new weaponry and is gaining more followers like Poulin, pledging allegiance to a group so barbaric that even al-Qaida has denounced it.

“We tend to think they are crazy,” John Horgan, a psychologist and professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Center for Terrorism and Security Studies, said. “Because of what terrorists do, we assume that can be explained via the pathology of those people, but trying to explain terrorism as mental illness is misleading.”

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Why Do People Join ISIS The Psychology Of A Terrorist?

Did you bother to read the comments that the article got? Yeah, precisely, because it's bogus. Nobody reads propaganda, nor do they comment on it. Nobody is "joining" a bogus organization. It's an AstroTurf front made by the west. It's a project by M16, the CIA and Mossad and Saudi Arabia. Why do people join? Because they are dumb and they don't know it's a creation of the west and Israel.
ISIS Fighter Claims Turkey Funds the Jihadist Group
ISIS Fighter Claims Turkey Funds the Jihadist Group
Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his AK Party have a well developed reputation for anti-Semitism and anti-Israel policies generally. But now ties to the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, are emerging. The Jerusalem Post reported one Islamic State member said Turkey, a member of NATO, provided funds for the terrorist group.
The ISIS Islamic Terrorists are Supported by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia
The ISIS Islamic Terrorists are Supported by the US Israel and Saudi Arabia Global Research
In June, investment adviser Jim Willie alleged:
The [Isis] troops that are working there [in Syria and Iraq] are Langley [i.e. CIA] troops. They’re trained, funded, and armed by Langley.

What I’m hearing… the U.S. military (Pentagon regulars), and you have to be careful when you refer to U.S. military anymore. What kind of U.S. military? Is it the Pentagon U.S. Army, or is it the Langley military, which has unmarked uniforms and 10′s of thousands of mercenaries?

They’re about to encounter each other in Iraq. The U.S. military Pentagon regulars evacuated Iraq, and what filled the vacuum was the Langley mercenaries, trained for Syria, that migrated South and announced their new agenda.

If and when the Pentagon regulars encounter the Langley mercenaries in Iraq, Obama’s going to get a house call, because U.S. military will be fighting U.S. military. Pentagon vs. Langley.

While we don’t know which of the above-described allegations are true, two things are certain:

  • The U.S. armed Islamic jihadis in Syria, and their weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS; and
  • Close allies of the U.S. have supported and trained the ISIS terrorists
ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq

Al-Maliki must have known that Iraq would be next once Damascus would have fallen. The second is that the al-Maliki administration is closely aligned with Tehran and pro-Iranian, Shia lobbies in Iraq. Falling out with Tehran would have been equivalent to cutting ties with the only regional support the al-Maliki administration could count on.

The decision came in the autumn of 2012, when the Iraqi military was ordered to secure the smuggling routes in Al-Anbar and confront the Saudi – U.S. mercenaries, ISIS/ISIL.

In December, a senior Iraqi legislator issued a warning to media stressing that plots were being hatched by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia against Iraq, calling on all Iraqi citizens to be vigilant.

A month earlier, P.M. al-Maliki warned that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are attempting to carry out:

“an Iraq style plot against Syria in an attempt to topple the government by deploying terrorists”.

In an interview with the Lebanese al-Mayyadeen satellite network, al-Maliki spelled out that a coup was planned against Iraq, saying:

” Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are meddling to topple the Syrian government are now doing the same meddling to topple the Iraqi regime. Their goal is overthrowing the Iraqi government. Their goal is overthrowing the Iraqi ruling system and not overthrowing me”.

It is noteworthy that the U.S. think tank Stratfor, in 2002, suggested to divide Iraq into three states. Nouri al-Maliki and members of his administration must have been aware of the fact that U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden has endorsed this plan since 2002, when he still was a U.S. Senator.​
I remember the first American Taliban prisoner we took in Afghanistan. He was a white kid from San Francisco, from an upper-middle class home. It took a month or two to sift fact from rumor, but it turned out that his father had sued for divorce from his mother on grounds that he was gay and he no longer cared to pursue any kind of family life or contact with his wife and his son. What an asshole (I mean for just writing his son off so coldly).

So the kid decides to become a Muslim on the grounds that they have very low tolerance for homosexuality. That's how he ended up in a bunker in Afghanistan, after he'd spent a year in Saudi Arabia learning Arabic and Terrorism 101. So now he's in Leavenworth cooling his heels for at least ten years. I think the reason Western converts are attracted to Islamic radicalism is because they're just as troubled and fucked up as the rest of the rabble willing to throw away their lives...for what? For God?
Really don't care to analyze them, just shoot them.
Do you realize just how much that is going cost both in dollars and lives?

Forget about the money for a minute, Flopper. That is about a cold answer. The bottom line is the answer is to give them a real reason to live and that is that the LORD loves them. This includes the very worst ISIS terrorist - God does not want these people to perish! He sent His Son so they would repent! So they could live holy whereas before they couldn't do it. Now I believe the worst of them could be redeemed so that is why I wouldn't want to kill them.

Think about being raised as a baby into this stuff. What would you know? Nothing but hate! You'd be so brainwashed by those video tapes - they groom these kids as toddlers into this stuff. Governments exploit them knowing full well what the current immigration procedures are producing. They know what will happen. This is not happening in a vacuum. But they will reap this violence in their own lives - in the lives of their children - they may call it a bad luck case - a fluke but God is shrewd with the shrewd. Then there is eternity and that is beyond any suffering they would have on this earth.

These muslims? They are totally convinced they are doing what they are doing in the name of God. They are so convinced that they convince our young people to join them - they may not have had the best upbringing themselves and it becomes a recipe for disaster. The answer is not killing them. The answer is getting them saved!
I remember the first American Taliban prisoner we took in Afghanistan. He was a white kid from San Francisco, from an upper-middle class home. It took a month or two to sift fact from rumor, but it turned out that his father had sued for divorce from his mother on grounds that he was gay and he no longer cared to pursue any kind of family life or contact with his wife and his son. What an asshole (I mean for just writing his son off so coldly).

So the kid decides to become a Muslim on the grounds that they have very low tolerance for homosexuality. That's how he ended up in a bunker in Afghanistan, after he'd spent a year in Saudi Arabia learning Arabic and Terrorism 101. So now he's in Leavenworth cooling his heels for at least ten years. I think the reason Western converts are attracted to Islamic radicalism is because they're just as troubled and fucked up as the rest of the rabble willing to throw away their lives...for what? For God?

Allah is not the God of the Bible. He is the antithesis of the God of the bible - do not confuse the two, please. This story is a perfect example! It is heartbreaking - the sins of the father have destroyed this young mans life - his cold heart had such an effect on his son that his son thought this is going to be a one way trip - what does it matter? There is no point to life anyhow - that was what he was thinking. When you feel you have nothing to lose? You are capable of anything because nothing matters - you are just out there on wide open and not even thinking of an exit strategy because in the back of your mind you do not care about living. Life is just a black hole. It is a tragic thing and it is happening more and more to our young people. Death is not the end! That is not the way out. That is the way to no way out ever! It is very sad - their confusion over who God is and what God wants can really complicate things. It is very frustrating to think of young people throwing their lives away when they could be having the time of their life with God! The real one! God is not boring and he is certainly not telling anyone to kill anyone else! It is a total deception. Very sad!
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This is a very interesting article.

Why Do People Join ISIS? The Psychology Of A Terrorist

When Andre Poulin, a Canadian who converted to Islam, first appeared on YouTube in Syria last year, he said his family didn’t understand why he had moved to the country to fight with other jihadists against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. Allah, he said during his video message, had pulled him to Syria. Poulin was just one of severalWesterns to join the Islamic State, which at the time was just a small group of extremists vying for power. Now the Islamic State (also called ISIS) has obtained millions of dollars in new weaponry and is gaining more followers like Poulin, pledging allegiance to a group so barbaric that even al-Qaida has denounced it.

“We tend to think they are crazy,” John Horgan, a psychologist and professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Center for Terrorism and Security Studies, said. “Because of what terrorists do, we assume that can be explained via the pathology of those people, but trying to explain terrorism as mental illness is misleading.”

Continue reading at:

Why Do People Join ISIS The Psychology Of A Terrorist?

Did you bother to read the comments that the article got? Yeah, precisely, because it's bogus. Nobody reads propaganda, nor do they comment on it. Nobody is "joining" a bogus organization. It's an AstroTurf front made by the west. It's a project by M16, the CIA and Mossad and Saudi Arabia. Why do people join? Because they are dumb and they don't know it's a creation of the west and Israel.
ISIS Fighter Claims Turkey Funds the Jihadist Group
ISIS Fighter Claims Turkey Funds the Jihadist Group
Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his AK Party have a well developed reputation for anti-Semitism and anti-Israel policies generally. But now ties to the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, are emerging. The Jerusalem Post reported one Islamic State member said Turkey, a member of NATO, provided funds for the terrorist group.
The ISIS Islamic Terrorists are Supported by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia
The ISIS Islamic Terrorists are Supported by the US Israel and Saudi Arabia Global Research
In June, investment adviser Jim Willie alleged:
The [Isis] troops that are working there [in Syria and Iraq] are Langley [i.e. CIA] troops. They’re trained, funded, and armed by Langley.

What I’m hearing… the U.S. military (Pentagon regulars), and you have to be careful when you refer to U.S. military anymore. What kind of U.S. military? Is it the Pentagon U.S. Army, or is it the Langley military, which has unmarked uniforms and 10′s of thousands of mercenaries?

They’re about to encounter each other in Iraq. The U.S. military Pentagon regulars evacuated Iraq, and what filled the vacuum was the Langley mercenaries, trained for Syria, that migrated South and announced their new agenda.

If and when the Pentagon regulars encounter the Langley mercenaries in Iraq, Obama’s going to get a house call, because U.S. military will be fighting U.S. military. Pentagon vs. Langley.

While we don’t know which of the above-described allegations are true, two things are certain:

  • The U.S. armed Islamic jihadis in Syria, and their weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS; and
  • Close allies of the U.S. have supported and trained the ISIS terrorists
ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq

Al-Maliki must have known that Iraq would be next once Damascus would have fallen. The second is that the al-Maliki administration is closely aligned with Tehran and pro-Iranian, Shia lobbies in Iraq. Falling out with Tehran would have been equivalent to cutting ties with the only regional support the al-Maliki administration could count on.

The decision came in the autumn of 2012, when the Iraqi military was ordered to secure the smuggling routes in Al-Anbar and confront the Saudi – U.S. mercenaries, ISIS/ISIL.

In December, a senior Iraqi legislator issued a warning to media stressing that plots were being hatched by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia against Iraq, calling on all Iraqi citizens to be vigilant.

A month earlier, P.M. al-Maliki warned that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are attempting to carry out:

“an Iraq style plot against Syria in an attempt to topple the government by deploying terrorists”.

In an interview with the Lebanese al-Mayyadeen satellite network, al-Maliki spelled out that a coup was planned against Iraq, saying:

” Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are meddling to topple the Syrian government are now doing the same meddling to topple the Iraqi regime. Their goal is overthrowing the Iraqi government. Their goal is overthrowing the Iraqi ruling system and not overthrowing me”.

It is noteworthy that the U.S. think tank Stratfor, in 2002, suggested to divide Iraq into three states. Nouri al-Maliki and members of his administration must have been aware of the fact that U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden has endorsed this plan since 2002, when he still was a U.S. Senator.​
It would not surprise me to learn the US gov was funding them for their own agenda - we have run both sides of wars for decades due to powerful elitists owning our political leaders.
This is a very interesting article.

Why Do People Join ISIS? The Psychology Of A Terrorist

When Andre Poulin, a Canadian who converted to Islam, first appeared on YouTube in Syria last year, he said his family didn’t understand why he had moved to the country to fight with other jihadists against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. Allah, he said during his video message, had pulled him to Syria. Poulin was just one of severalWesterns to join the Islamic State, which at the time was just a small group of extremists vying for power. Now the Islamic State (also called ISIS) has obtained millions of dollars in new weaponry and is gaining more followers like Poulin, pledging allegiance to a group so barbaric that even al-Qaida has denounced it.

“We tend to think they are crazy,” John Horgan, a psychologist and professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Center for Terrorism and Security Studies, said. “Because of what terrorists do, we assume that can be explained via the pathology of those people, but trying to explain terrorism as mental illness is misleading.”

Continue reading at:

Why Do People Join ISIS The Psychology Of A Terrorist?

Did you bother to read the comments that the article got? Yeah, precisely, because it's bogus. Nobody reads propaganda, nor do they comment on it. Nobody is "joining" a bogus organization. It's an AstroTurf front made by the west. It's a project by M16, the CIA and Mossad and Saudi Arabia. Why do people join? Because they are dumb and they don't know it's a creation of the west and Israel.
ISIS Fighter Claims Turkey Funds the Jihadist Group
ISIS Fighter Claims Turkey Funds the Jihadist Group
Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his AK Party have a well developed reputation for anti-Semitism and anti-Israel policies generally. But now ties to the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, are emerging. The Jerusalem Post reported one Islamic State member said Turkey, a member of NATO, provided funds for the terrorist group.
The ISIS Islamic Terrorists are Supported by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia
The ISIS Islamic Terrorists are Supported by the US Israel and Saudi Arabia Global Research
In June, investment adviser Jim Willie alleged:
The [Isis] troops that are working there [in Syria and Iraq] are Langley [i.e. CIA] troops. They’re trained, funded, and armed by Langley.

What I’m hearing… the U.S. military (Pentagon regulars), and you have to be careful when you refer to U.S. military anymore. What kind of U.S. military? Is it the Pentagon U.S. Army, or is it the Langley military, which has unmarked uniforms and 10′s of thousands of mercenaries?

They’re about to encounter each other in Iraq. The U.S. military Pentagon regulars evacuated Iraq, and what filled the vacuum was the Langley mercenaries, trained for Syria, that migrated South and announced their new agenda.

If and when the Pentagon regulars encounter the Langley mercenaries in Iraq, Obama’s going to get a house call, because U.S. military will be fighting U.S. military. Pentagon vs. Langley.

While we don’t know which of the above-described allegations are true, two things are certain:

  • The U.S. armed Islamic jihadis in Syria, and their weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS; and
  • Close allies of the U.S. have supported and trained the ISIS terrorists
ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq

Al-Maliki must have known that Iraq would be next once Damascus would have fallen. The second is that the al-Maliki administration is closely aligned with Tehran and pro-Iranian, Shia lobbies in Iraq. Falling out with Tehran would have been equivalent to cutting ties with the only regional support the al-Maliki administration could count on.

The decision came in the autumn of 2012, when the Iraqi military was ordered to secure the smuggling routes in Al-Anbar and confront the Saudi – U.S. mercenaries, ISIS/ISIL.

In December, a senior Iraqi legislator issued a warning to media stressing that plots were being hatched by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia against Iraq, calling on all Iraqi citizens to be vigilant.

A month earlier, P.M. al-Maliki warned that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are attempting to carry out:

“an Iraq style plot against Syria in an attempt to topple the government by deploying terrorists”.

In an interview with the Lebanese al-Mayyadeen satellite network, al-Maliki spelled out that a coup was planned against Iraq, saying:

” Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are meddling to topple the Syrian government are now doing the same meddling to topple the Iraqi regime. Their goal is overthrowing the Iraqi government. Their goal is overthrowing the Iraqi ruling system and not overthrowing me”.

It is noteworthy that the U.S. think tank Stratfor, in 2002, suggested to divide Iraq into three states. Nouri al-Maliki and members of his administration must have been aware of the fact that U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden has endorsed this plan since 2002, when he still was a U.S. Senator.​
It would not surprise me to learn the US gov was funding them for their own agenda - we have run both sides of wars for decades due to powerful elitists owning our political leaders.

Oh, you were interested in the agenda? Oil. A middle east map that is politically favorably to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the rest of our allies. I could find a ton of articles, just google, "Project for NEW MIDDLE EAST." They've wanted it and planned it since the last Bush Administration.

Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East The Project for a New Middle East Global Research

A relatively unknown map of the Middle East, NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan, and Pakistan has been circulating around strategic, governmental, NATO, policy and military circles since mid-2006. It has been causally allowed to surface in public, maybe in an attempt to build consensus and to slowly prepare the general public for possible, maybe even cataclysmic, changes in the Middle East. This is a map of a redrawn and restructured Middle East identified as the “New Middle East.”
Really don't care to analyze them, just shoot them.
Do you realize just how much that is going cost both in dollars and lives?

Forget about the money for a minute, Flopper. That is about a cold answer. The bottom line is the answer is to give them a real reason to live and that is that the LORD loves them. This includes the very worst ISIS terrorist - God does not want these people to perish! He sent His Son so they would repent! So they could live holy whereas before they couldn't do it. Now I believe the worst of them could be redeemed so that is why I wouldn't want to kill them.

Think about being raised as a baby into this stuff. What would you know? Nothing but hate! You'd be so brainwashed by those video tapes - they groom these kids as toddlers into this stuff. Governments exploit them knowing full well what the current immigration procedures are producing. They know what will happen. This is not happening in a vacuum. But they will reap this violence in their own lives - in the lives of their children - they may call it a bad luck case - a fluke but God is shrewd with the shrewd. Then there is eternity and that is beyond any suffering they would have on this earth.

These muslims? They are totally convinced they are doing what they are doing in the name of God. They are so convinced that they convince our young people to join them - they may not have had the best upbringing themselves and it becomes a recipe for disaster. The answer is not killing them. The answer is getting them saved!
I don't think it's ideology that attracts them. It's a need to be accepted into the group. The terrorist cell is a replacement for the family providing unconditional support, love, and loyalty and demanding the same.
in the category "what I learned about islam from muslims">>>

easy-----there are actually bars to conversion to many religions--
Zoroastrians do not accept converts at all-----jews are reluctant...Christians DEMAND a kind of sacrifice of prior
"pleasures" -------and a kind of acceptance of strict morality----
INTERESTINGLY-----anyone can convert to islam and "BE A
MUSLIM" In a shariah society a "MUSLIM" has rights that
a non muslim simply does not have In fact, in an Islamic
court------a non muslim cannot bring a case against a muslim or
TESTIFY against a muslim. <<<< quite an advantage.

conversion to islam is INSTANT perk A convert to islam becomes a person ----legally SUPERIOR to all non muslims in
a world-----which such people are assured----will VERY SOON
be one giant CALIPHATE. ----------now you know

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