Why do religious conservative people raised during the 1980s hate geek stuff?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Phil Chalmers | Author, Speaker, Educator, Crime Expert

Was a high school student in the 1980s. Was on the football team. Goes to schools saying that violent video games and even PG-13 movies turn kids into killers. Calls himself a Christian. Voted for Trump. Wishes there was no violence on TV. Says DnD leads to the occult.

Imagine going up to a Babylon 5, BSG, Game of Thrones, or even Agents of Shield fan and telling them their show shouldn't be on TV!
Why do religious conservative people raised during the 1980s hate geek stuff?

Because the 1980s were the "Reagan Years." You were in your teens then, so you should know the implication of that.

Imagine going up to a Babylon 5, BSG, Game of Thrones, or even Agents of Shield fan and telling them their show shouldn't be on TV!
Well, perhaps I posted my remarks above too quickly insofar as from your statement quoted immediately above, I suspect you and I have have very different notions of what "geek stuff" is.

For me, "geek stuff" is the "stuff" referenced in the OP of the thread I created a few minutes ago. The closest thing to "geek stuff" that comes on television is CSPAN, occasionally the PBS Newshour's segments or the odd program that shows up on PBS or the Science or National Geographic channels. All the rest of what I'm aware of and that comes on TV strikes me are merely entertainment of one stripe or another, none of which are "geek-grade," IMO.

I find a lot of what I call "geek stuff" interesting, but I'm reasonably certain that most of my contemporaries do not. I'm certain because I can count on one hand the quantity of folks here who refer to white papers and academic journals when making their points about "whatever."
I am religious conservative person, but I was born in 1982 so maybe I am considered too young for this question you ask.

God bless you always!!!


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