Why do Republicans agree to debates moderated by liberal partisans...because they're stupid...

I could never figure that one out either. These repub idiots had an alleged debate moderated by Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann. What is that about? Could you imagine democrats having a debate moderated by Rush Limbaugh and Mike Savage Weiner?
I could never figure that one out either. These repub idiots had an alleged debate moderated by Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann. What is that about? Could you imagine democrats having a debate moderated by Rush Limbaugh and Mike Savage Weiner?
rash limpslong does not know the first thing about how to moderate a debate...
The 2012 debate had Candy Crowley help obama flat out lie about benghazi and Romney didn't even question it!
Benghazi is a non issue. They know the job was dangerous and the embassy understaffed long before Obama took office....
The 2012 debate had Candy Crowley help obama flat out lie about benghazi and Romney didn't even question it!
Benghazi is a non issue. They know the job was dangerous and the embassy understaffed long before Obama took office....
Cop out. Benghazi was a failure of epic proportions. Willful and abject failure of duty by a detached narcissistic president. Woefully unprepared on the most obvious of dates. To the extent of the deaths of Americans. Add a coverup and a coverup to coverup the coverup. Makes Watergate look like J-walking.
I could never figure that one out either. These repub idiots had an alleged debate moderated by Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann. What is that about? Could you imagine democrats having a debate moderated by Rush Limbaugh and Mike Savage Weiner?
rash limpslong does not know the first thing about how to moderate a debate...
why did I know you'd say something that ignorant...
The 2012 debate had Candy Crowley help obama flat out lie about benghazi and Romney didn't even question it!
Benghazi is a non issue. They know the job was dangerous and the embassy understaffed long before Obama took office....
Cop out. Benghazi was a failure of epic proportions. Willful and abject failure of duty by a detached narcissistic president. Woefully unprepared on the most obvious of dates. To the extent of the deaths of Americans. Add a coverup and a coverup to coverup the coverup. Makes Watergate look like J-walking.
delusional much ....
As candidates hardly ever answer the questions asked by the moderators, what fucking difference does it make?

These people are politicians. They attend debates because they are looking to catch their opponent making a mistake. The entire exercise is a dopey dance.

The media is represented by those who are probably liberal in their personal politics. That is because the media is made up of educated people who have access to information and are adept at discerning when someone is full of shit.

As a result, moderators bend over backwards to appear non-partisan so they don't have to listen to whining bitches like the OP screaming about how they were not fair. The product is boring debates with no answers.

Congrats whiners.
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As candidates hardly ever answer the questions asked my the moderators, what fucking difference does it make?

These people are politicians. They attend debates because they are looking to catch their opponent making a mistake. The entire exercise is a dopey dance.

The media is represented by those who are probably liberal in their personal politics. That is because the media is made up of educated people who have access to information and are adept at discerning when someone is full of shit.

As a result, moderators bend over backwards to appear non-partisan so they don't have to listen to whining bitches like the OP screaming about how they were not fair. The product is boring debates with no answers.

Congrats whiners.
The best thing Sarah Palin ever said was that she wasn't seeking approval of the liberal elites. Unfortunately, she was ordered to suck up to those assholes by that idiot McCain. It's time to end the pretense that they are anything other than a political action committee of the Democratic Party.
The 2012 debate had Candy Crowley help obama flat out lie about benghazi and Romney didn't even question it!
Benghazi is a non issue. They know the job was dangerous and the embassy understaffed long before Obama took office....
Cop out. Benghazi was a failure of epic proportions. Willful and abject failure of duty by a detached narcissistic president. Woefully unprepared on the most obvious of dates. To the extent of the deaths of Americans. Add a coverup and a coverup to coverup the coverup. Makes Watergate look like J-walking.
delusional much ....
I guess your memory lacks.
The 2012 debate had Candy Crowley help obama flat out lie about benghazi and Romney didn't even question it!
Because it didn't happen.
Sure it did. What's more, she basically set up Obama to admit the video excuse was a total lie. And Romney still didn't sieze the chance.
You must have watched a different debate. Romney was losing in every poll and lost the election. The media didn't do anything to hurt him anymore than he hurt himself with his convention, going to Poland in the middle of the race, picking a very unpopular running mate, trotting out the same failed policies of tax relief for the rich, and chastising nearly 1/2 the country as people who were of a closed mind.
The best thing Sarah Palin ever said was that she wasn't seeking approval of the liberal elites. Unfortunately, she was ordered to suck up to those assholes by that idiot McCain. It's time to end the pretense that they are anything other than a political action committee of the Democratic Party.

It's so brave of you to admit that you actually agree with what that silly drunken brawler says. Any sane person would be embarrassed for that to be outed in public, but you put it out there for everybody to see. So brave of you. Dumb, but brave.

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