Why do Republicans agree to debates moderated by liberal partisans...because they're stupid...

Benghazi deserved extra fortification on that date. Instead it received very little and was largely ignored. That is an abject failure of duty by this inept administration. Then the multiple coverups ensued.
Benghazi was done before any one could react .
Benghazi was not fortified as it should have been in the first place. That is the issue. That is the failure of duty.
false, besides the defense of any us out post is the job of the dod not the president.
The president is their boss. If he was not culpable he wouldn't 'to have generated the multiple coverups. You're a Nixon apologist.
there were no cover ups!
but thanks for coming out to every one that a conspiracy theorist..
as to Nixon he got caught red handed ...
Allegedly calling it terrorism by referring to a passing use of the term a day after it happened but before spending the next two weeks blaming a video and referring to the terrorism comment after that?
You have Black Knight syndrome.
Benghazi was done before any one could react .
Benghazi was not fortified as it should have been in the first place. That is the issue. That is the failure of duty.
false, besides the defense of any us out post is the job of the dod not the president.
The president is their boss. If he was not culpable he wouldn't 'to have generated the multiple coverups. You're a Nixon apologist.
there were no cover ups!
but thanks for coming out to every one that a conspiracy theorist..
as to Nixon he got caught red handed ...
Allegedly calling it terrorism by referring to a passing use of the term a day after it happened but before spending the next two weeks blaming a video and referring to the terrorism comment after that?
You have Black Knight syndrome.
you must practice at being wrong ....

Last edited:
Benghazi was not fortified as it should have been in the first place. That is the issue. That is the failure of duty.
false, besides the defense of any us out post is the job of the dod not the president.
The president is their boss. If he was not culpable he wouldn't 'to have generated the multiple coverups. You're a Nixon apologist.
there were no cover ups!
but thanks for coming out to every one that a conspiracy theorist..
as to Nixon he got caught red handed ...
Allegedly calling it terrorism by referring to a passing use of the term a day after it happened but before spending the next two weeks blaming a video and referring to the terrorism comment after that?
You have Black Knight syndrome.
you must practice at being wrong ....

Where's your Mike Savage clip for balance?
None of that counters the fact of the abject failure in preparation that led to the attack and the obvious multiple coverups. Obama lied to coverup a coverup. He used words spoken before the video lie to obfuscate for the video lie. There is no way around that.
The 2012 debate had Candy Crowley help obama flat out lie about benghazi and Romney didn't even question it!
Because it didn't happen.
Sure it did. What's more, she basically set up Obama to admit the video excuse was a total lie. And Romney still didn't sieze the chance.
You must have watched a different debate. Romney was losing in every poll and lost the election. The media didn't do anything to hurt him anymore than he hurt himself with his convention, going to Poland in the middle of the race, picking a very unpopular running mate, trotting out the same failed policies of tax relief for the rich, and chastising nearly 1/2 the country as people who were of a closed mind.

You must have watched a different thread. Your remarks are irrelevant to this one.
false, besides the defense of any us out post is the job of the dod not the president.
The president is their boss. If he was not culpable he wouldn't 'to have generated the multiple coverups. You're a Nixon apologist.
there were no cover ups!
but thanks for coming out to every one that a conspiracy theorist..
as to Nixon he got caught red handed ...
Allegedly calling it terrorism by referring to a passing use of the term a day after it happened but before spending the next two weeks blaming a video and referring to the terrorism comment after that?
You have Black Knight syndrome.
you must practice at being wrong ....

Where's your Mike Savage clip for balance?
None of that counters the fact of the abject failure in preparation that led to the attack and the obvious multiple coverups. Obama lied to coverup a coverup. He used words spoken before the video lie to obfuscate for the video lie. There is no way around that.
it's a right wing conspiracy and is false...
The president is their boss. If he was not culpable he wouldn't 'to have generated the multiple coverups. You're a Nixon apologist.
there were no cover ups!
but thanks for coming out to every one that a conspiracy theorist..
as to Nixon he got caught red handed ...
Allegedly calling it terrorism by referring to a passing use of the term a day after it happened but before spending the next two weeks blaming a video and referring to the terrorism comment after that?
You have Black Knight syndrome.
you must practice at being wrong ....

Where's your Mike Savage clip for balance?
None of that counters the fact of the abject failure in preparation that led to the attack and the obvious multiple coverups. Obama lied to coverup a coverup. He used words spoken before the video lie to obfuscate for the video lie. There is no way around that.
it's a right wing conspiracy and is false...

Geez, you're dumb. Balance for your video!
And Benghazi was a failure of duty the way the first 9-11 was a failure of preparedness. Only Benghazi was worse because the significance of the date was fair warning. And this admin still failed. Add to that two coverups, the second used to attempt to coverup the first coverup.
Unless you have new info this discussion is done. So far you've provided nothing concrete and only biased emotion.
there were no cover ups!
but thanks for coming out to every one that a conspiracy theorist..
as to Nixon he got caught red handed ...
Allegedly calling it terrorism by referring to a passing use of the term a day after it happened but before spending the next two weeks blaming a video and referring to the terrorism comment after that?
You have Black Knight syndrome.
you must practice at being wrong ....

Where's your Mike Savage clip for balance?
None of that counters the fact of the abject failure in preparation that led to the attack and the obvious multiple coverups. Obama lied to coverup a coverup. He used words spoken before the video lie to obfuscate for the video lie. There is no way around that.
it's a right wing conspiracy and is false...

Geez, you're dumb. Balance for your video!
And Benghazi was a failure of duty the way the first 9-11 was a failure of preparedness. Only Benghazi was worse because the significance of the date was fair warning. And this admin still failed. Add to that two coverups, the second used to attempt to coverup the first coverup.
Unless you have new info this discussion is done. So far you've provided nothing concrete and only biased emotion.
that would be you...Benghazi like 911 caught us with our pants down be an adult and deal with it.as to balance you r guy is spouting the same false shit you are .
that is not balance.
Definition of balance (n)
Bing Dictionary
  • bal·ance
  • [ bállənss ]
  1. steady state on narrow base: a state in which a body or object remains reasonably steady in a particular position while resting on a base that is narrow or small relative to its other dimensions.
  2. opposition of equal forces: a state in which two opposing forces or factors are of equal strength or importance so that they effectively cancel each other out and stability is maintained
  3. harmony: a state in which various parts form a satisfying and harmonious whole and nothing is out of proportion or unduly emphasized at the expense of the rest
your "usage" of the word does not match it's definitions

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