Why do Republicans bash socialism - when it's all around them?

Again, you claimed the left has the solutions and in states and cities where the leftists claim rule, such as California, Washington and Oregon the homeless population is continuing to rise, the poverty continues to rise. It seems your solution is to blame other people, no t a good solution in anyone’s book, however that is what happens when you have no real solutions.
we have solutions. the right wing refuses to argue and take voice votes.

Again you have only blame and no solutions. California, Oregon and Washington are all ran by the left, why is their poverty, and homelessness? What is the solution.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation is a simple solution to simple poverty.

Why haven’t California, Oregon and Washington adopted this solution? The states have the right to execute their laws.
We could have solved simple poverty, Yesterday. "It is simply too much social horror for the right wing to bear Because the Poor may benefit."

More blaming others because you have no other solutions. Let me know when the left has a solution and not blame.
we have solutions. the right wing refuses to argue and take voice votes.

Again you have only blame and no solutions. California, Oregon and Washington are all ran by the left, why is their poverty, and homelessness? What is the solution.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation is a simple solution to simple poverty.

Why haven’t California, Oregon and Washington adopted this solution? The states have the right to execute their laws.
We could have solved simple poverty, Yesterday. "It is simply too much social horror for the right wing to bear Because the Poor may benefit."

More blaming others because you have no other solutions. Let me know when the left has a solution and not blame.
you can't "break it" as a simple solution to simple poverty.

want to argue about it?
Name one socialist country that does not have Government.

Socialism is a form of government but not any and all forms of government.

which is why socialist nations have government and so do we but we are not socialist.
I am saying our public sector is socialism. We have a mixed market economy. The private sector is capitalism.
The public sector is not socialism.

Socialism is the government ownership of the means of production.

what you are saying is wrong as you are still defining socialism incorrectly
They were the founding fathers of the nation not just for white people.
At the time it was for white people... and the odd Chinaman.

No where does it say that in the constitution
One Nation under God. Not some Zulu mothafucker, or Allah, or Buddah... The white god.
The constitution never says one nation under god.

Or even the word god
Sorry, the Declaration of Independence. Too bad for you. Now get back in line.
The Declaration of Independence does not say one nation under god either.
Name one socialist country that does not have Government.

Socialism is a form of government but not any and all forms of government.

which is why socialist nations have government and so do we but we are not socialist.
I am saying our public sector is socialism. We have a mixed market economy. The private sector is capitalism.
The public sector is not socialism.

Socialism is the government ownership of the means of production.

what you are saying is wrong as you are still defining socialism incorrectly
At the time it was for white people... and the odd Chinaman.

No where does it say that in the constitution
One Nation under God. Not some Zulu mothafucker, or Allah, or Buddah... The white god.
The constitution never says one nation under god.

Or even the word god
Sorry, the Declaration of Independence. Too bad for you. Now get back in line.
The Declaration of Independence does not say one nation under god either.
You're brown, get back in line.
If you live on the reservation the DEMs have you where they want you.
As long as you vote for them.
If all the reservation's populations started block voting for REPs the DEMs would be demanding the reservations be closed down.
Again you have only blame and no solutions. California, Oregon and Washington are all ran by the left, why is their poverty, and homelessness? What is the solution.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation is a simple solution to simple poverty.

Why haven’t California, Oregon and Washington adopted this solution? The states have the right to execute their laws.
We could have solved simple poverty, Yesterday. "It is simply too much social horror for the right wing to bear Because the Poor may benefit."

More blaming others because you have no other solutions. Let me know when the left has a solution and not blame.
you can't "break it" as a simple solution to simple poverty.

want to argue about it?

Argue about what? I am asking you why the left hasn’t solved the poverty and homeless problem in their states? So far you have no answer let alone solutions.
Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.

Sounds horrible, huh?

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

These things aren't socialism, you retard
Public office is socialism not capitalism.

You've been explained numerous times that is not, and why is not, and you're still running as broken record.

Repeating it won't make it true. Now fuck off with your communist propaganda.
Name one socialist country that does not have Government.

Socialism is a form of government but not any and all forms of government.

which is why socialist nations have government and so do we but we are not socialist.
I am saying our public sector is socialism. We have a mixed market economy. The private sector is capitalism.
The public sector is not socialism.

Socialism is the government ownership of the means of production.

what you are saying is wrong as you are still defining socialism incorrectly
At the time it was for white people... and the odd Chinaman.

No where does it say that in the constitution
One Nation under God. Not some Zulu mothafucker, or Allah, or Buddah... The white god.
The constitution never says one nation under god.

Or even the word god
Sorry, the Declaration of Independence. Too bad for you. Now get back in line.
The Declaration of Independence does not say one nation under god either.
i get my understanding of socialism from encyclopedias not dictionaries.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation is a simple solution to simple poverty.

Why haven’t California, Oregon and Washington adopted this solution? The states have the right to execute their laws.
We could have solved simple poverty, Yesterday. "It is simply too much social horror for the right wing to bear Because the Poor may benefit."

More blaming others because you have no other solutions. Let me know when the left has a solution and not blame.
you can't "break it" as a simple solution to simple poverty.

want to argue about it?

Argue about what? I am asking you why the left hasn’t solved the poverty and homeless problem in their states? So far you have no answer let alone solutions.
you need a rational argument on how it will break. so far you have no answer let alone rebuttals or refutations.
Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.

Sounds horrible, huh?

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

These things aren't socialism, you retard
Public office is socialism not capitalism.

You've been explained numerous times that is not, and why is not, and you're still running as broken record.

Repeating it won't make it true. Now fuck off with your communist propaganda.
y'all are nothing but story tellers.

i resort to the fewest fallacies, not the nine hundred ninety-nine.

Public office is socialism not capitalism.

You need a valid argument for rebuttal not merely, you saying so.
Why haven’t California, Oregon and Washington adopted this solution? The states have the right to execute their laws.
We could have solved simple poverty, Yesterday. "It is simply too much social horror for the right wing to bear Because the Poor may benefit."

More blaming others because you have no other solutions. Let me know when the left has a solution and not blame.
you can't "break it" as a simple solution to simple poverty.

want to argue about it?

Argue about what? I am asking you why the left hasn’t solved the poverty and homeless problem in their states? So far you have no answer let alone solutions.
you need a rational argument on how it will break. so far you have no answer let alone rebuttals or refutations.

No answer for what? You are the one claiming the left has the solutions and answers. I am simply asking why the left wing solutions are not working and all you have is blame and excuses. Put up or shut up. That is all I am claiming.
Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.

Sounds horrible, huh?

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

These things aren't socialism, you retard
Public office is socialism not capitalism.

You've been explained numerous times that is not, and why is not, and you're still running as broken record.

Repeating it won't make it true. Now fuck off with your communist propaganda.
y'all are nothing but story tellers.

i resort to the fewest fallacies, not the nine hundred ninety-nine.

Public office is socialism not capitalism.

You need a valid argument for rebuttal not merely, you saying so.

Lol! You are a bull shit troll.
Time to go to my mailbox and get my socialist mail.
We could have solved simple poverty, Yesterday. "It is simply too much social horror for the right wing to bear Because the Poor may benefit."

More blaming others because you have no other solutions. Let me know when the left has a solution and not blame.
you can't "break it" as a simple solution to simple poverty.

want to argue about it?

Argue about what? I am asking you why the left hasn’t solved the poverty and homeless problem in their states? So far you have no answer let alone solutions.
you need a rational argument on how it will break. so far you have no answer let alone rebuttals or refutations.

No answer for what? You are the one claiming the left has the solutions and answers. I am simply asking why the left wing solutions are not working and all you have is blame and excuses. Put up or shut up. That is all I am claiming.
The left is advancing on the goal of equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States.

My State representative has informed me this issue is on the 2020 legislative agenda.
Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.

Sounds horrible, huh?

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

These things aren't socialism, you retard
Public office is socialism not capitalism.

You've been explained numerous times that is not, and why is not, and you're still running as broken record.

Repeating it won't make it true. Now fuck off with your communist propaganda.
y'all are nothing but story tellers.

i resort to the fewest fallacies, not the nine hundred ninety-nine.

Public office is socialism not capitalism.

You need a valid argument for rebuttal not merely, you saying so.

Lol! You are a bull shit troll.
you are worse.

True capitalism includes and requires government

Socialism is only one form of government and consistently a failure

Government is not by definition socialism and that is fact which you consistently get wrong
no, it doesn't. truly free markets have no government.
Free markets and capitalism are not the same thing dumbass

Free markets can and have existed with government
Capitalism is just a commerce related form of the free market.
And American Capitalism is what brings home the bacon. Admit it. :113:
America was behind much of western Europe before WW2. Hitler destroyed Europe. America propelled forward. Hitler may have been an American agent to help America take the first spot. Because many American bankers, and industrialists had supported Hitler.

How many?
What time period?
Name them?
Name one socialist country that does not have Government.

Socialism is a form of government but not any and all forms of government.

which is why socialist nations have government and so do we but we are not socialist.
I am saying our public sector is socialism. We have a mixed market economy. The private sector is capitalism.
The public sector is not socialism.

Socialism is the government ownership of the means of production.

what you are saying is wrong as you are still defining socialism incorrectly
No where does it say that in the constitution
One Nation under God. Not some Zulu mothafucker, or Allah, or Buddah... The white god.
The constitution never says one nation under god.

Or even the word god
Sorry, the Declaration of Independence. Too bad for you. Now get back in line.
The Declaration of Independence does not say one nation under god either.
i get my understanding of socialism from encyclopedias not dictionaries.
More like the brown web.

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