Why do republicans continue to delude themselves by believing they are Christian?

When did Christ say the government should confiscate wealth from the productive and distribute it so the politicians could keep their power?
Actually it is so that corporations can keep their power . They need to keep workers alive by providing a social safety net so that they have available labor when needed
“Why do republicans continue to delude themselves by believing they are Christian?”

The better question is:

Why do most on the right who claim to be Christian advocate for certain policies clearly contrary to Christian doctrine and dogma.
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


And that is it in a nutshell, they aren't Christians. They in fact act in all ways opposite of what Christ said and did.
/——-/ When did Christ say to murder unborn babies? When did Christ say the government should confiscate wealth from the productive and distribute it so the politicians could keep their power? When did Christ say two guys could get married? Need I go on?
He didn’t.

That’s the point.

Yet most conservative Christians seek to disadvantage gay Americans by denying them their right to equal protection of the law and access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in predicated on the notion that allowing gay Americans to marry violates Christian doctrine and dogma.
“Why do republicans continue to delude themselves by believing they are Christian?”

The better question is:

Why do most on the right who claim to be Christian advocate for certain policies clearly contrary to Christian doctrine and dogma.
I suspect because they pay lip service to God.

Another good question is why do you lump them all into that bucket?
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


Ohhh look, more hatred vomited from the Stalinist left.

Run along and practice with your suicide vest, fuckwad.

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:
1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Those people are who we call the left.

The very same people Republicans really, really hate.

I know you really like cutting and pasting your fake gop hate list but you really need to stop claiming that women’s rights is a group of people
Women are a group.
I don't know why you call the list fake.
Did you forget we have the Internet and Donald Trump?
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


Ohhh look, more hatred vomited from the Stalinist left.

Run along and practice with your suicide vest, fuckwad.

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:
1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Those people are who we call the left.

The very same people Republicans really, really hate.

I know you really like cutting and pasting your fake gop hate list but you really need to stop claiming that women’s rights is a group of people

I love how the lying little shit claims Republicans hate Jews, when his filthy party is practically Hitler in their Antisemitism.

What was it, two weeks back that the "Paper of the Party," the New York Holocaust Deniers, were publishing lies to smears Jews to promote their Hamas allies.

Despite this admissions, Manelis argued, some Western media outlets continued to push the narrative favored by Hamas “by publishing its lies rather than the facts”.

A day after the most intense clashes on the Israel-Gaza border, the New York-based Daily News blasted not only Israel, but the Trump administration as well for unveiling the new US embassy in Jerusalem Monday, while Gaza rioters attempted to breach the security fence.

Other outlets dropped reference to the violent nature of the Gaza riots from their headlines, with Yahoo News publishing an article Tuesday with the headline: “Israeli forces kill dozens in Gaza as U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem”.

One New York Times headline created a similar narrative: “Israel Kills Dozens at Gaza Border as U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem”

Days later, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) chastised the media over its coverage of the riots.

“In these battles for survival that Israel faces daily, we can count on global media elites acting as little more than propaganda arms for Hamas and other terrorists,” Cruz said Thursday.

“I direct you to the front page of the New York Times from this week. The New York Times’headline, ‘Israel Kills Dozens at Gaza Border as U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem’. Now anyone reading this headline [might think] - ‘Goodness gracious. Why are the Israelis murdering people?’ That’s what the New York Times says. One takes from the coverage apparently poor, innocent, unarmed people are being shot for no reason by Israel. That’s certainly what the global media elite are portraying.”}

'Hamas lied, Gaza rioters died'

These Stalinist democrats are little more than Nazis.

Stalin was an authoritarian, like Trump.

Nazi's are part of the GOP.

Leave Democrats out of GOP issues.
Stalin was an authoritarian, like Trump.

If Trump were like Stalin, you would love Trump.

But let's examine your lie, little commie fuck.

How is Trump "Authoritarian?"

Is he seeking to revoke the Bill of Rights? Nope, that would be you Stalinists

Did Trump outlaw words that shall not be spoken? Nope, that's you Stalinists

Did Trump designate "safe spaces" that races officially hated by the part are prohibited from entering? You know, the Apartheid zones set up by the Stalinist democrats of Berkley, Harvard, and other radical left indoctrination centers.

Nazi's are part of the GOP.

Leave Democrats out of GOP issues.

Yeah, I mean look at how the GOP controlled press lied about the recent Hamas attacks on Israel? Jew hating fuckers.

Oh wait, that was the official propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat, the New York Holocaust Deniers (Times)

You're truly dumb as a dog turd.
“Why do republicans continue to delude themselves by believing they are Christian?”

The better question is:

Why do most on the right who claim to be Christian advocate for certain policies clearly contrary to Christian doctrine and dogma.

What makes leftwit atheists think they know anything about Christian doctrine?
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus

Could you explain to the forum, when, and why, you decided to become the arbiter of what is or is not, Christian behavior or philosophy?
By pointing out Jesus’s teachings contradicts today’s republican values?
And yet you demonstrate again and again you don’t know what Jesus taught or what republicans value. You don’t even try to understand
“Why do republicans continue to delude themselves by believing they are Christian?”

The better question is:

Why do most on the right who claim to be Christian advocate for certain policies clearly contrary to Christian doctrine and dogma.

Because we don’t. You just don’t know Christian doctrine
Jesus was the first republican.
Satan said " Bow down and worship me and I will give you all of the kingdoms of Earth."
Jesus said: You're on your own, asshole.
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


Ohhh look, more hatred vomited from the Stalinist left.

Run along and practice with your suicide vest, fuckwad.

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:
1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Those people are who we call the left.

The very same people Republicans really, really hate.

I know you really like cutting and pasting your fake gop hate list but you really need to stop claiming that women’s rights is a group of people
Women are a group.
I don't know why you call the list fake.
Did you forget we have the Internet and Donald Trump?

Women are a group. Women’s rights are not a group. The fact that you keep copying and pasting the same list with no thought and no basis in reality is one of several reasons you lack any credibility.
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


Ohhh look, more hatred vomited from the Stalinist left.

Run along and practice with your suicide vest, fuckwad.

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:
1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Those people are who we call the left.

The very same people Republicans really, really hate.

I know you really like cutting and pasting your fake gop hate list but you really need to stop claiming that women’s rights is a group of people

I love how the lying little shit claims Republicans hate Jews, when his filthy party is practically Hitler in their Antisemitism.

What was it, two weeks back that the "Paper of the Party," the New York Holocaust Deniers, were publishing lies to smears Jews to promote their Hamas allies.

Despite this admissions, Manelis argued, some Western media outlets continued to push the narrative favored by Hamas “by publishing its lies rather than the facts”.

A day after the most intense clashes on the Israel-Gaza border, the New York-based Daily News blasted not only Israel, but the Trump administration as well for unveiling the new US embassy in Jerusalem Monday, while Gaza rioters attempted to breach the security fence.

Other outlets dropped reference to the violent nature of the Gaza riots from their headlines, with Yahoo News publishing an article Tuesday with the headline: “Israeli forces kill dozens in Gaza as U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem”.

One New York Times headline created a similar narrative: “Israel Kills Dozens at Gaza Border as U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem”

Days later, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) chastised the media over its coverage of the riots.

“In these battles for survival that Israel faces daily, we can count on global media elites acting as little more than propaganda arms for Hamas and other terrorists,” Cruz said Thursday.

“I direct you to the front page of the New York Times from this week. The New York Times’headline, ‘Israel Kills Dozens at Gaza Border as U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem’. Now anyone reading this headline [might think] - ‘Goodness gracious. Why are the Israelis murdering people?’ That’s what the New York Times says. One takes from the coverage apparently poor, innocent, unarmed people are being shot for no reason by Israel. That’s certainly what the global media elite are portraying.”}

'Hamas lied, Gaza rioters died'

These Stalinist democrats are little more than Nazis.

Stalin was an authoritarian, like Trump.

Nazi's are part of the GOP.

Leave Democrats out of GOP issues.

In what way is trump authoritarian? The man is slashing rules and regulations
Jesus was the first republican.
Satan said " Bow down and worship me and I will give you all of the kingdoms of Earth."
Jesus said: You're on your own, asshole.

If Satan offered all the kingdoms of Earth he must own all the kingdoms of Earth, including the United States of America. Which means Trump, the Republican Congress, and the SCOTUS all answer to Satan, not to God.
When did Christ say two guys could get married?
When did he say that they could not?
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
Jesus was the first republican.
Satan said " Bow down and worship me and I will give you all of the kingdoms of Earth."
Jesus said: You're on your own, asshole.

If Satan offered all the kingdoms of Earth he must own all the kingdoms of Earth, including the United States of America. Which means Trump, the Republican Congress, and the SCOTUS all answer to Satan, not to God.

He isn’t called the Father of lies for no reason. He offered what He never had

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