Why do Republicans sabotage Obamacare - then say it's failing?


This Unique, Terrible, Phony, Fraught-With-Lies Moment In American Politics

Graham-Cassidy is just as much a wolf as past Republican repeal bills, despite its sheep’s clothing.

This Unique, Terrible, Phony, Fraught-With-Lies Moment In American Politics

Lindsey Graham is an even bigger liar than I had previously thought. What a dishonest little weasel.
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
Obamacare is bullshit ,you clowns should see how much it cost for the working man, just to pay for you lazy ass losers with your hand out ,your days are numbered ,go get job you worthless bums.:ahole-1:
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
Obamacare is bullshit ,you clowns should see how much it cost for the working man, just to pay for you lazy ass losers with your hand out ,your days are numbered ,go get job you worthless bums.:ahole-1:
Holy Frankenfuck! What do we ever have here. ??You might have noticed that some people here are trying to have a rational discussion of an important issue of life and death. May I suggest that if you want to be taken seriously, you should compose yourself and try to calmly present your position, with documentation. We know that there are some people who feel shafted by Obamacare and that is why we should work to fix it. A big part of the problem is the way that Republicans have made it difficult to work, as has been documented here. Can you refute any of that ? Even at that, many people have benefited from it while the current Republican bill will cost lives. Now grow up and calm the fuck down and try to engage in a rational discussion or SHUT THE FUCK UP. Oh and by the way, the vast majority of the people who benefit from Obamacare DO WORK. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
Obamacare is bullshit ,you clowns should see how much it cost for the working man, just to pay for you lazy ass losers with your hand out ,your days are numbered ,go get job you worthless bums.:ahole-1:
You're going to lose, bigley if the bill passes. Be forewarned.
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
As a new Republican I'll try to explain simply how we feel.

People on welfare stay on welfare. Giving poor people Obamacare is another thing to give poor people rather than them come join the middle class. Anyone working at a middle class job should be getting company paid for healthcare, thus not needing Obamacare.

If unemployment is near zero get a job and don't have kids you can't afford.
The insurance companies and rich own the republican party lock step and barrel. They want to give the rich insurance companies to screw the little peon over some more!!!

The poor and middle class will pay more for their shit and get shit.
Next week is just a Hail Mary pass--so Republicans can campaign on repealing/replacing Obamacare even though this is a horrible bill. They promised for 7 long years that they would repeal & replace Obamacare. When the rubber met the road they couldn't get it done, so there's nothing more embarrassing for them than heading into the midterm election cycle and not keeping their promise to their constituents. Welcome to politics 101.

The PROBLEM--Their constituents are NOT going to like their new premiums under Trump care .This bill skyrockets premiums on 50 & over, aka the Trump supporter, and if you have a pre-existing condition you'll have to mortgage your home to get medical insurance.

If they do vote to repeal/replace they might as well sit down and right their own obituaries at the same time.


Here is AARP on Trump care: There is an AARP advertisment in this link that explains Trump care very well.
AARP ad says House GOP health care bill would boost insurance rates for older Americans

They're still not addressing the real issue--the cost of health care, specifically the cost of Prescription drugs in this country. We're paying 3 to 4 times more than Europeans and Canadians--this sends premiums through the roof, and puts huge deficits in Medicare & Medicade programs--and all they do to make up for it is cut benefits--instead of addressing big pharma.
Pharmaceuticals cheaper abroad because of regulation - CNN
Medscape: Medscape Access
Opinion | Why Drugs Cost So Much
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Obviously they believe no sacrifice by America's poor is too great.

They figure most of those people vote Democrat anyway so it's good for the Groper's Party to let them die.

They have no fucks to give.

Absolutely right about not giving a **** about the Muslim's attempt to take over a large part of our economy. Care had NOTHING to do with it. Just like climate change has nothing to do with climate.

Say no to governmentcare. It sucks. Fix the insurance companies, not my doctor.

I'm curious, given your capacity, exactly how do we do that? How do we fix the seemingly monopolistic, mafioso-style tactics, including constantly raising rates used daily by an ever powerful US insurance industry lobby to gain maximum profit from our citizens? That would be terrific if you could explain it all to me in perfect detail, as I'm just a simple layperson.

I'm all ears, genius...
The insurance companies and rich own the republican party lock step and barrel. They want to give the rich insurance companies to screw the little peon over some more!!!

The poor and middle class will pay more for their shit and get shit.
The insurance companies wrote Obamacare, moron. If they own anyone, it's the Democrats. The one thing insurance companies don't want is to have to compete in an open marketplace.
The insurance companies and rich own the republican party lock step and barrel. They want to give the rich insurance companies to screw the little peon over some more!!!

The poor and middle class will pay more for their shit and get shit.
The insurance companies wrote Obamacare, moron. If they own anyone, it's the Democrats. The one thing insurance companies don't want is to have to compete in an open marketplace.

That's why we need Single-Payer.
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
As a new Republican I'll try to explain simply how we feel.

People on welfare stay on welfare. Giving poor people Obamacare is another thing to give poor people rather than them come join the middle class. Anyone working at a middle class job should be getting company paid for healthcare, thus not needing Obamacare.

If unemployment is near zero get a job and don't have kids you can't afford.
In short .. I got mine.
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
As a new Republican I'll try to explain simply how we feel.

People on welfare stay on welfare. Giving poor people Obamacare is another thing to give poor people rather than them come join the middle class. Anyone working at a middle class job should be getting company paid for healthcare, thus not needing Obamacare.

If unemployment is near zero get a job and don't have kids you can't afford.
In short .. I got mine.
No. Don't you think getting a better job with healthcare is better than staying poor with free Obamacare?

And my opinion matters more than theirs because I voted. And I'm paying for theirs!

Elections have consequences. We are going to try it the GOP way. Don't like it show up in 18
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
As a new Republican I'll try to explain simply how we feel.

People on welfare stay on welfare. Giving poor people Obamacare is another thing to give poor people rather than them come join the middle class. Anyone working at a middle class job should be getting company paid for healthcare, thus not needing Obamacare.

If unemployment is near zero get a job and don't have kids you can't afford.
In short .. I got mine.

Gimme, gimme, gimme - the liberal motto.
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
As a new Republican I'll try to explain simply how we feel.

People on welfare stay on welfare. Giving poor people Obamacare is another thing to give poor people rather than them come join the middle class. Anyone working at a middle class job should be getting company paid for healthcare, thus not needing Obamacare.

If unemployment is near zero get a job and don't have kids you can't afford.
In short .. I got mine.

Gimme, gimme, gimme - the liberal motto.

No, the Liberal motto is give us Universal Health Care - like the other major industrialized nations.

List of countries with universal health care - Wikipedia

List of Countries with Universal Healthcare
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
As a new Republican I'll try to explain simply how we feel.

People on welfare stay on welfare. Giving poor people Obamacare is another thing to give poor people rather than them come join the middle class. Anyone working at a middle class job should be getting company paid for healthcare, thus not needing Obamacare.

If unemployment is near zero get a job and don't have kids you can't afford.
In short .. I got mine.

Gimme, gimme, gimme - the liberal motto.

No, the Liberal motto is give us Universal Health Care - like the other major industrialized nations.

List of countries with universal health care - Wikipedia

List of Countries with Universal Healthcare

If the poor were good enough citizens to show up and vote us rich people would have no choice but to give universal healthcare but the truth is they don't. So if we don't want to pay for their healthcare and they won't even be bothered to show up and vote, why are we giving them anything?

I don't blame the GOP if they repeal Obamacare aside from things like pre existing conditions but free healthcare for the poor? NO. Cover your kid till he's 26? NO. The American citizens decided universal healthcare was not that important to them. If it was they would have showed up last year.

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

"Well, because poor people don’t vote. I mean, that’s just a fact," Sanders said. "That’s a sad reality of American society. And that’s why we have to transform one, as you know, one of the lowest voter turnouts of any major society of Earth. We have done a good job of bringing young people. But in America today, the last election in 2014, 80 percent of poor people did not vote."
If poor people won't show up to vote why am I wasting my time worrying about them and voting for them?

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