Why do Republicans think they are "better" than everyone else?



They aren't smarter.

Their domestic policies are all disasters.

Their foreign policies cause death and unrest.

Their states are broke cesspools.

They pretend they are the most patriotic, but talk about secession.

They are always wanting to change the constitution.

They target every minority not white and Christian and sometimes even them.
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

They always end up on the side of big business. (Except possibly now. Business wants to bring in immigrants with degrees because the GOP base is too stupid to learn, but the base doesn't want those immigrants here. Can't wait to see how that turns out.)

They are obsessed with abortion but completely uninterested in babies.

They scream they are FOR freedom. Forget voter ID, they want to cut early voting and reduce the number of voting locations to limit as many as they can from the freedom they claim others are trying to take from them.

Even while so many are collecting food stamps and welfare, they complain that others are getting it unfairly. They do that because they think they are the only ones working.

They abhor science so they can't add to anything based in science except screaming it's a lie. They are good at calling others "liar" when they seldom seem to even know what the truth is.

And the whole "Jesus" thing? How many right wingers have convinced you that "every man for himself" and "American helping American is socialism" was the true message from Jesus?

And they insist they are "so for" the military. Do they even know, the state who has the most active duty personal is "California"? More than any other state by far. And they completely ignore the huge number of minorities that are in the military. And the military doesn't count Hispanics as a minority. So when you hear that a third of the enlisted and a quarter of officers are minority, that doesn't include Hispanics. So there goes all those minority military looking for "hand outs" and "food stamps" and "stuff" from Obama.

US Military Demographics Report

Now the more strange is the fact they identify with millionaires. Even the ones on disability without jobs defend millionaires over themselves. That may be "selfless", but it's not directed towards the people Jesus wanted to help.

Honestly, I don't know why these right wingers think they are better than everyone else. Perhaps, they could enlighten us. Why do they think they are so "special"? Why they don't need "smart people" and "elites"?
They aren't smarter.

Their domestic policies are all disasters.

Their foreign policies cause death and unrest.

Their states are broke cesspools.

They pretend they are the most patriotic, but talk about secession.

They are always wanting to change the constitution.

They target every minority not white and Christian and sometimes even them.
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

They always end up on the side of big business. (Except possibly now. Business wants to bring in immigrants with degrees because the GOP base is too stupid to learn, but the base doesn't want those immigrants here. Can't wait to see how that turns out.)

They are obsessed with abortion but completely uninterested in babies.

They scream they are FOR freedom. Forget voter ID, they want to cut early voting and reduce the number of voting locations to limit as many as they can from the freedom they claim others are trying to take from them.

Even while so many are collecting food stamps and welfare, they complain that others are getting it unfairly. They do that because they think they are the only ones working.

They abhor science so they can't add to anything based in science except screaming it's a lie. They are good at calling others "liar" when they seldom seem to even know what the truth is.

And the whole "Jesus" thing? How many right wingers have convinced you that "every man for himself" and "American helping American is socialism" was the true message from Jesus?

And they insist they are "so for" the military. Do they even know, the state who has the most active duty personal is "California"? More than any other state by far. And they completely ignore the huge number of minorities that are in the military. And the military doesn't count Hispanics as a minority. So when you hear that a third of the enlisted and a quarter of officers are minority, that doesn't include Hispanics. So there goes all those minority military looking for "hand outs" and "food stamps" and "stuff" from Obama.

US Military Demographics Report

Now the more strange is the fact they identify with millionaires. Even the ones on disability without jobs defend millionaires over themselves. That may be "selfless", but it's not directed towards the people Jesus wanted to help.

Honestly, I don't know why these right wingers think they are better than everyone else. Perhaps, they could enlighten us. Why do they think they are so "special"? Why they don't need "smart people" and "elites"?
There's not too many "free thinkers" in that bunch.

Consequently, they love playing "follow the leader".

They find comfort in doing what they're told!
They aren't smarter.

Their domestic policies are all disasters.

Their foreign policies cause death and unrest.

Their states are broke cesspools.

They pretend they are the most patriotic, but talk about secession.

They are always wanting to change the constitution.

They target every minority not white and Christian and sometimes even them.
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

They always end up on the side of big business. (Except possibly now. Business wants to bring in immigrants with degrees because the GOP base is too stupid to learn, but the base doesn't want those immigrants here. Can't wait to see how that turns out.)

They are obsessed with abortion but completely uninterested in babies.

They scream they are FOR freedom. Forget voter ID, they want to cut early voting and reduce the number of voting locations to limit as many as they can from the freedom they claim others are trying to take from them.

Even while so many are collecting food stamps and welfare, they complain that others are getting it unfairly. They do that because they think they are the only ones working.

They abhor science so they can't add to anything based in science except screaming it's a lie. They are good at calling others "liar" when they seldom seem to even know what the truth is.

And the whole "Jesus" thing? How many right wingers have convinced you that "every man for himself" and "American helping American is socialism" was the true message from Jesus?

And they insist they are "so for" the military. Do they even know, the state who has the most active duty personal is "California"? More than any other state by far. And they completely ignore the huge number of minorities that are in the military. And the military doesn't count Hispanics as a minority. So when you hear that a third of the enlisted and a quarter of officers are minority, that doesn't include Hispanics. So there goes all those minority military looking for "hand outs" and "food stamps" and "stuff" from Obama.

US Military Demographics Report

Now the more strange is the fact they identify with millionaires. Even the ones on disability without jobs defend millionaires over themselves. That may be "selfless", but it's not directed towards the people Jesus wanted to help.

Honestly, I don't know why these right wingers think they are better than everyone else. Perhaps, they could enlighten us. Why do they think they are so "special"? Why they don't need "smart people" and "elites"?
There's not too many "free thinkers" in that bunch.

Consequently, they love playing "follow the leader".

They find comfort in doing what they're told!

Not so sure. I think they shape their leaders more than we give them credit for.
Simply not being a total fuck-up is an improvement over being a Democrat.

Because we have lengthy dicks and extended lifespans yarghhhhh

Suicide risk linked to rates of gun ownership, political conservatism

Two thirds of all gun related deaths are suicide. All gun related deaths.

And who is killing themselves?

states with the highest rates of gun ownership -- for example, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Alabama, and West Virginia -- also tended to have the highest suicide rates.

The odds of committing suicide were 2.9 times higher among men than women
Non-Hispanic whites were nearly four times as likely to kill themselves as Non-Hispanic African Americans
The odds of suicide among Hispanics were 2.3 times higher than the odds among Non-Hispanic African Americans


OK, so Republicans are better at suicide. Now they're carrying it over to their party.


A suicide map of the US

Suicide rates in the United States generally rise as you go south and west. Earlier this year, I got interested in the exceptions to that rule, so I decided to create a map. States with lower than average suicide rates I colored blue; the rest I colored red.

And there it was: an approximation of the year 2000 presidential election map.

Thirteen states and the District of Columbia have lower than average suicide rates. All but one voted for Al Gore. Of the remaining 37 states, 29 voted for George W. Bush. The five states with the most lopsided Bush vote (Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho, with a margin of 25 percent or more) were all among the top eight for suicide.
Thirteen states and the District of Columbia have lower than average suicide rates. All but one voted for Al Gore. Of the remaining 37 states, 29 voted for George W. Bush. The five states with the most lopsided Bush vote (Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho, with a margin of 25 percent or more) were all among the top eight for suicide.

So they must have baby dicks. Is that why people in those states kill everyone else instead of themselves?

Because we have lengthy dicks and extended lifespans yarghhhhh

Suicide risk linked to rates of gun ownership, political conservatism

Two thirds of all gun related deaths are suicide. All gun related deaths.

And who is killing themselves?

states with the highest rates of gun ownership -- for example, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Alabama, and West Virginia -- also tended to have the highest suicide rates.

The odds of committing suicide were 2.9 times higher among men than women
Non-Hispanic whites were nearly four times as likely to kill themselves as Non-Hispanic African Americans
The odds of suicide among Hispanics were 2.3 times higher than the odds among Non-Hispanic African Americans


OK, so Republicans are better at suicide. Now they're carrying it over to their party.


A suicide map of the US

Suicide rates in the United States generally rise as you go south and west. Earlier this year, I got interested in the exceptions to that rule, so I decided to create a map. States with lower than average suicide rates I colored blue; the rest I colored red.

And there it was: an approximation of the year 2000 presidential election map.

Thirteen states and the District of Columbia have lower than average suicide rates. All but one voted for Al Gore. Of the remaining 37 states, 29 voted for George W. Bush. The five states with the most lopsided Bush vote (Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho, with a margin of 25 percent or more) were all among the top eight for suicide.

What the fuck do you care? You're a radical liberal lefty. Living the perfect conscience-free lifestyle. Oh wait... conscience would require a brain.

My bad.
I am.

Get back to me when you get a girlfriend.

Any one else?

Nuff said rdean.
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Thirteen states and the District of Columbia have lower than average suicide rates. All but one voted for Al Gore. Of the remaining 37 states, 29 voted for George W. Bush. The five states with the most lopsided Bush vote (Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho, with a margin of 25 percent or more) were all among the top eight for suicide.

So they must have baby dicks. Is that why people in those states kill everyone else instead of themselves?

Two thirds of ALL gun related deaths are suicide. They are killing themselves. "Everyone else" stays pretty much untouched.
Thirteen states and the District of Columbia have lower than average suicide rates. All but one voted for Al Gore. Of the remaining 37 states, 29 voted for George W. Bush. The five states with the most lopsided Bush vote (Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho, with a margin of 25 percent or more) were all among the top eight for suicide.

So they must have baby dicks. Is that why people in those states kill everyone else instead of themselves?

Two thirds of ALL gun related deaths are suicide. They are killing themselves. "Everyone else" stays pretty much untouched.

Untouched. Just like their liberal baby dicks.
Two thirds of ALL gun related deaths are suicide. They are killing themselves. "Everyone else" stays pretty much untouched.

Untouched. Just like their liberal baby dicks.

So that's why Republicans don't want to help babies. Because they think they are liberals.

We help our babies help themselves. Our babies grow up to work for a living.

You kill most babies, then offer any survivors a tit for the rest of their lives.

Our babies eventually pay for your adult survivors to kill their babies.

It's a vicious cycle, in't it?
I'll run with my ass. I think that's good enough but Mr. H's arguments are pretty good too.
Untouched. Just like their liberal baby dicks.

So that's why Republicans don't want to help babies. Because they think they are liberals.

We help our babies help themselves. Our babies grow up to work for a living.

You kill most babies, then offer any survivors a tit for the rest of their lives.

Our babies eventually pay for your adult survivors to kill their babies.

It's a vicious cycle, in't it?

How is helping a baby to grow up like you, "help"? I consider it a tragedy.

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