Why Do Right Wing Whites Think?...

No. If you knew who I am and what I do I’d surprise you.

The way you whine?


I have money.

Which you undoubtedly get from the gub'mint...

I have nice car(s).

Sorry, but an '85 Cutlass with 24" rims doesn't qualify as "nice"...

I live in a nice house.

For the projects, I'm sure it is...

But you could blow my brains out and not spend a day in Shawshank as long as u get ur lie straight

Wow. Sucks to be you...

Muhammad Ali had money 50 years ago.


So did MLK.

King had a personal net worth of , and this is adjusted for inflation, $250K when he was killed.

That's nothing. I have a boat worth more than that...

So did James Brown. So did Malcolm X. So did Prince n Micheal Jackson

Again... and?

But all of them spoke about racial injustice. Not that I’m comparing myself to them.

That's a good idea...

Having money doesn’t protect you from white supremacy. Go ask Bill Cosby

How was it white supremacy that put Cosby in prison? Because his victims were white?

That negro should've been taken back 'round the barn and put down...
Funny how you always say whites can’t understand the black experience because they’re not black, but then the pretend to know what it’s like to be white. Hypocrite much?
Since there are 5 times more of you as people like you always claim to excuse the high white crime, we are constantly exposed to situations where we interact with whites. On top of that, we are educated learning white beliefs, history, philosophy, laws, etc.. Whites don't do this and whites like you have created a lie about other races that you believe as gospel, therefore you can't understand our experience.
No. If you knew who I am and what I do I’d surprise you.

I have money. I have nice car(s). I live in a nice house. But you could blow my brains out and not spend a day in Shawshank as long as u get ur lie straight

Muhammad Ali had money 50 years ago. So did MLK. So did James Brown. So did Malcolm X. So did Prince n Micheal Jackson

But all of them spoke about racial injustice. Not that I’m comparing myself to them. Having money doesn’t protect you from white supremacy. Go ask Bill Cosby

I was wondering when we'd find our first "Bill Cosby truther".

No, we don't know that. The internet is not full of such stories and African blacks don't hate American blacks. Nor do Jamaican blacks.I know this from life experience, you use anecdotals to generalize. Blacks are moving to Africa and are not coming back. That's a truth your belief in white supremacy won't let you face. Your everbody hates blacks but whitey is your best friend story is a lie. Learn that. Accept it.

No...I use facts and personal experience.
I know you hate to admit it but foreign blacks think you're a bunch of lazy fucks blowing the chance at the good life.
Since there are 5 times more of you as people like you always claim to excuse the high white crime,
I’ve never claimed to excuse any crime. Individuals break laws and some get caught. I personally don’t care what their skin color is, it’s the lack of character that matters.
Damn, I thought bill cosby roofied those girls, but you say “white supremacy” did it? Did they find any semen samples from “white supremacy” in the vaginas?
Like a lot of, if not most, powerful people, Cosby was a predator.
The way you whine?


Which you undoubtedly get from the gub'mint...

Sorry, but an '85 Cutlass with 24" rims doesn't qualify as "nice"...

For the projects, I'm sure it is...

Wow. Sucks to be you...


King had a personal net worth of , and this is adjusted for inflation, $250K when he was killed.

That's nothing. I have a boat worth more than that...

Again... and?

That's a good idea...

How was it white supremacy that put Cosby in prison? Because his victims were white?

That negro should've been taken back 'round the barn and put down...
When it comes to cars, "nice" is a relative term. I think a MGTF is a nice car, I think a Jaguar XK120 is a nice car. I even think an Opel GT is a nice car.
When it comes to cars, "nice" is a relative term. I think a MGTF is a nice car, I think a Jaguar XK120 is a nice car. I even think an Opel GT is a nice car.
My grandfather used to have an Opel GT, much like this one:

My grandfather used to have an Opel GT, much like this one:

I think Opel GTs are flat sexy, they combine the best features of Ferraris and Corvettes in their appearance. Unfortunately, they had a bad reputation for not being reliable. I had a co-worker refuse to sell me his because it was an accident magnet, always being hit when parked and always breaking down. He said he wouldn't sell it to anyone he knew.
No. If you knew who I am and what I do I’d surprise you.

I have money. I have nice car(s). I live in a nice house. But you could blow my brains out and not spend a day in Shawshank as long as u get ur lie straight

Muhammad Ali had money 50 years ago. So did MLK. So did James Brown. So did Malcolm X. So did Prince n Micheal Jackson

But all of them spoke about racial injustice. Not that I’m comparing myself to them. Having money doesn’t protect you from white supremacy. Go ask Bill Cosby
Wtf does Bill Cosby have to do with any of this?
Since there are 5 times more of you as people like you always claim to excuse the high white crime, we are constantly exposed to situations where we interact with whites. On top of that, we are educated learning white beliefs, history, philosophy, laws, etc.. Whites don't do this and whites like you have created a lie about other races that you believe as gospel, therefore you can't understand our experience.
Where were white crimes excused? You and other black posters constantly excuse black criminals by blaming their behavior on whites.
No. If you knew who I am and what I do I’d surprise you.

I have money. I have nice car(s). I live in a nice house. But you could blow my brains out and not spend a day in Shawshank as long as u get ur lie straight

Muhammad Ali had money 50 years ago. So did MLK. So did James Brown. So did Malcolm X. So did Prince n Micheal Jackson

But all of them spoke about racial injustice. Not that I’m comparing myself to them. Having money doesn’t protect you from white supremacy. Go ask Bill Cosby
Since there are 5 times more of you as people like you always claim to excuse the high white crime, we are constantly exposed to situations where we interact with whites. On top of that, we are educated learning white beliefs, history, philosophy, laws, etc.. Whites don't do this and whites like you have created a lie about other races that you believe as gospel, therefore you can't understand our experience.
Go cry to mommy.
Since there are 5 times more of you as people like you always claim to excuse the high white crime, we are constantly exposed to situations where we interact with whites. On top of that, we are educated learning white beliefs, history, philosophy, laws, etc.. Whites don't do this and whites like you have created a lie about other races that you believe as gospel, therefore you can't understand our experience
Nobody excuses white crime, we just don’t blame another race for it. You use history to blame whites today for things they are not doing.
You are delusional. Whites are where they are because of 190 years of racial preferences, not performance. But you seem unable to see that is what slavery and jim crow was.
Whites are where they are because of over a thousand years of innovation and scientific research.

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