Why Do Right Wing Whites Think?...

And jim crow WAS replaced with modern laissez faire racism that is described like this:

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions.”

Which is what you guys do every day.
:itsok: Poor baby...

And still, AA is dead.
Wrong. African nations had laws before whites showed up. Africans had cities, not everybody lived in huts. In Europe people lived in huts also. And Africans did use their resources. You really know little to nothing about Africa.

Are you going to regal us with stories about ancient black civilized cities?
You're just a regular Uncle Remus aren't you....

That somehow we are blaming whites because we failed just because we post on race?

Where do you guys get this malarkey from?

I know how you can fix this problem! Vote for a rich white guy who said he doesn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle" with black people like you!

Oh, you already tried that? Too bad...

You really need to stop assuming son. I have numerous African friends even before I visted.

Like I said, you don't know SQUAT about Africa.

We know thats a lie.
African blacks hate american blacks. Same in Jamaica,they dont like you.
The internet is full of stories of blacks moving to african nations looking for a racial paradise only to find out the locals hate them and gouge them for every dime they can. There's a local price and then there's the black american price....they inevitably move back to america where there's a fried chicken joint on every block.
Um, because you're blaming whites for being abject failures, that's why.

You're a failure at life, and you're too big a pussy to admit it.

Sorry, negro, ain't nobody here buyin' the shit you're sellin'...
No. If you knew who I am and what I do I’d surprise you.

I have money. I have nice car(s). I live in a nice house. But you could blow my brains out and not spend a day in Shawshank as long as u get ur lie straight

Muhammad Ali had money 50 years ago. So did MLK. So did James Brown. So did Malcolm X. So did Prince n Micheal Jackson

But all of them spoke about racial injustice. Not that I’m comparing myself to them. Having money doesn’t protect you from white supremacy. Go ask Bill Cosby
We know thats a lie.
African blacks hate american blacks. Same in Jamaica,they dont like you.
The internet is full of stories of blacks moving to african nations looking for a racial paradise only to find out the locals hate them and gouge them for every dime they can. There's a local price and then there's the black american price....they inevitably move back to america where there's a fried chicken joint on every block.
No, we don't know that. The internet is not full of such stories and African blacks don't hate American blacks. Nor do Jamaican blacks.I know this from life experience, you use anecdotals to generalize. Blacks are moving to Africa and are not coming back. That's a truth your belief in white supremacy won't let you face. Your everbody hates blacks but whitey is your best friend story is a lie. Learn that. Accept it.
I know how you can fix this problem! Vote for a rich white guy who said he doesn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle" with black people like you!

Oh, you already tried that? Too bad...

Dumb whiteness.
Its easy to be white and act smug about being a racist.
Funny how you always say whites can’t understand the black experience because they’re not black, but then the pretend to know what it’s like to be white. Hypocrite much?
Having money doesn’t protect you from white supremacy. Go ask Bill Cosby
Damn, I thought bill cosby roofied those girls, but you say “white supremacy” did it? Did they find any semen samples from “white supremacy” in the vaginas?

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