Why do right-wingers lose lawsuits against liberals at such alarming rate? Is Elon next?

any judge, prosecutor or politician that uses the justice system as a tool to win elections or punish their opposition deserves what they get,,

and thats exactly whats currently happening,,
and thats exactly whats currently happening,, Explain by giving examples?
tRump has already lost the fraud suit. The rest are still pending.

He did lose everything he and his little orange buddies filed about supposed election interference.

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The case is still on going... when its over Trump's lawyers have promised an appeal to the supreme court if the have to....
BWK You don't have to pay a lot dummy... but you do have to pay attention....
Nope, this is the penalty phase. He has already lost the case.
He can't appeal till the case is over... and from what I hear the case is dead already and any appeal court will say so.... that is what happens to Kangaroo courts... they get over ruled....
figures you dont even know what youre talking about,,
Please, explain how that was a personal attack. I have a dozen of these freaks following me around the forum calling me a "fag" and worse every day.

I think I've got the concept of "personal attack" figured out and if you think that was one then your skin is far too thin to be here.
He can't appeal till the case is over... and from what I hear the case is dead already and any appeal court will say so.... that is what happens to Kangaroo courts... they get over ruled....
Again, links? Quotes? Anything?

Just so you know, I do not expect you to come up with anything.
None of the cases against Trump has been completed... because the prosecutors know they have no case... so the one judge who does not about justice held a juryless court... he is the decider on the case and the hangman as well...
That case will be over ruled on appeal.... listen to the experts they will say the same thing.... there have been two appeals in two different cases on gag orders and Trump has beat them both.... you can't silence a presidential candidate in the middle of a campaign....
Please, explain how that was a personal attack. I have a dozen of these freaks following me around the forum calling me a "fag" and worse every day.

I think I've got the concept of "personal attack" figured out and if you think that was one then your skin is far too thin to be here.
why did you try and make it about me to make me feel bad about something??

is it so hard for you to just respond directly to my comment and leave the personal shit out of it??
Again, links? Quotes? Anything?

Just so you know, I do not expect you to come up with anything.
I don't do searches for you uninformed mobs.... find a new news agency... you are not a dummy... look it up....

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