Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

There have been some on other boards where the criticisms of Obama haven'r been so loud but just for the record I don't want any foreigners coming into America without being properly checked .vetted and he does nothing about tax reform Our companies are at great disadvantage in dealing with those of other countries
I'd like a lowering of taxes to get trillions back here that are stuck overseas
Lowering corporate taxes will NOT bring any money back. It just results in another race to the bottom as other places lower THEIR tax rates.

Lowering our taxes to the rates of 3rd world countries just results in US becoming a 3rd world country.

Tax the products of companies that are stashing money and not paying proper taxes. Put an import tax or another tax surcharge on the products they make here and hide their money there.

So Ireland is a 3rd world country?

What's amusing is that even Bill Clinton believes that we need to lower taxes...yet you far left liberals continue to call for more taxes or "surcharges"! So tell me who's misguided, Willie...you...or Bill Clinton?
Bill Clinton

LOL...I bet Bill Clinton's smart enough to realize Ireland isn't a 3rd world country, Willie! Unlike you or most other liberals, "Slick Willie" has enough of a grasp of economics to understand that raising taxes at this point would simply accelerate the outsourcing of jobs from this country to others. You? Not so much!
I never called Ireland a 3rd world country === YOU DID.

There are many other countries where rich people are hiding their money from the tax man.

Okay, so that begs the question: why aren't they hiding it here????
Lowering corporate taxes will NOT bring any money back. It just results in another race to the bottom as other places lower THEIR tax rates.

Lowering our taxes to the rates of 3rd world countries just results in US becoming a 3rd world country.

Tax the products of companies that are stashing money and not paying proper taxes. Put an import tax or another tax surcharge on the products they make here and hide their money there.

So Ireland is a 3rd world country?

What's amusing is that even Bill Clinton believes that we need to lower taxes...yet you far left liberals continue to call for more taxes or "surcharges"! So tell me who's misguided, Willie...you...or Bill Clinton?
Bill Clinton

LOL...I bet Bill Clinton's smart enough to realize Ireland isn't a 3rd world country, Willie! Unlike you or most other liberals, "Slick Willie" has enough of a grasp of economics to understand that raising taxes at this point would simply accelerate the outsourcing of jobs from this country to others. You? Not so much!
I never called Ireland a 3rd world country === YOU DID.

There are many other countries where rich people are hiding their money from the tax man.

There will always BE other countries where rich people will hide their money from the tax man...a concept that you head in the sand liberals can't seem to grasp! Rich people are very adroit at protecting their wealth...it's what they DO! Here's a hint for you, Willie...if you REALLY want wealthy people to give you more of their money in tax revenue? Give them incentives to take that wealth out of hiding and put it to work. All you're doing is providing more reasons for them to do the opposite.

When the American economy was rockin' and rollin' back in the 60's and 70's we had a top tax rate on the wealthy of 91% and a 10% usery law that prevented charging more than 10% interest.

The peasants were also allowed to deduct 100% of the interest they paid on everything on their income taxes both state and federal.

Until Ronald Reagan created the largest tax increase on the middle class in history when he took the interest deduction away, except for your home mortgage -- and he WANTED to take that away too.

Having a high tax rate on the uber wealthy serves two purposes.

1) It raises more money to pay down the country's debt -- thanks to Bush's Follies.

2) It motivates the wealthy to use their remaining money to start more businesses and expand the one's they own in order to get more money.

If a man has 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 92 million, he has little motivation to expand his plant or start another business.

If he had 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 10 million, he has LOTS of motivation to expand his operations and start more.

He still owns his yacht and mansions and now needs more money to KEEP them just like his employees need to make money to pay their rent / house payment.

He's still a rich man, nobody took his factory away from him, but with a high tax rate he pays more to society for the better life he is receiving from society. And that helps society.

Proof of my statement is that when we HAD high tax rates on the wealthy ... they DID expand their businesses and start more. Times were booming.

But, since Reagan and the massive tax cuts to the wealthy under the pretense it would create more jobs ( which has been proven untrue ), they just hide their money overseas and sit on their wealth.

The conservatives claim that giving welfare to the poor encourages them not to work.

Well, tax cuts for the rich are the same thing as welfare to the poor --- only it's welfare for the RICH.

And, if being given money discourages the poor from working, giving money to the rich discourages them from opening new businesses because they don't NEED to.
So Ireland is a 3rd world country?

What's amusing is that even Bill Clinton believes that we need to lower taxes...yet you far left liberals continue to call for more taxes or "surcharges"! So tell me who's misguided, Willie...you...or Bill Clinton?
Bill Clinton

LOL...I bet Bill Clinton's smart enough to realize Ireland isn't a 3rd world country, Willie! Unlike you or most other liberals, "Slick Willie" has enough of a grasp of economics to understand that raising taxes at this point would simply accelerate the outsourcing of jobs from this country to others. You? Not so much!
I never called Ireland a 3rd world country === YOU DID.

There are many other countries where rich people are hiding their money from the tax man.

There will always BE other countries where rich people will hide their money from the tax man...a concept that you head in the sand liberals can't seem to grasp! Rich people are very adroit at protecting their wealth...it's what they DO! Here's a hint for you, Willie...if you REALLY want wealthy people to give you more of their money in tax revenue? Give them incentives to take that wealth out of hiding and put it to work. All you're doing is providing more reasons for them to do the opposite.

When the American economy was rockin' and rollin' back in the 60's and 70's we had a top tax rate on the wealthy of 91% and a 10% usery law that prevented charging more than 10% interest.

The peasants were also allowed to deduct 100% of the interest they paid on everything on their income taxes both state and federal.

Until Ronald Reagan created the largest tax increase on the middle class in history when he took the interest deduction away, except for your home mortgage -- and he WANTED to take that away too.

Having a high tax rate on the uber wealthy serves two purposes.

1) It raises more money to pay down the country's debt -- thanks to Bush's Follies.

2) It motivates the wealthy to use their remaining money to start more businesses and expand the one's they own in order to get more money.

If a man has 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 92 million, he has little motivation to expand his plant or start another business.

If he had 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 10 million, he has LOTS of motivation to expand his operations and start more.

He still owns his yacht and mansions and now needs more money to KEEP them just like his employees need to make money to pay their rent / house payment.

He's still a rich man, nobody took his factory away from him, but with a high tax rate he pays more to society for the better life he is receiving from society. And that helps society.

Proof of my statement is that when we HAD high tax rates on the wealthy ... they DID expand their businesses and start more. Times were booming.

But, since Reagan and the massive tax cuts to the wealthy under the pretense it would create more jobs ( which has been proven untrue ), they just hide their money overseas and sit on their wealth.

The conservatives claim that giving welfare to the poor encourages them not to work.

Well, tax cuts for the rich are the same thing as welfare to the poor --- only it's welfare for the RICH.

And, if being given money discourages the poor from working, giving money to the rich discourages them from opening new businesses because they don't NEED to.
now I'm a converted Dem but didn't Reagan reduce tax rates from the 90's to high 20's?
Bill Clinton

LOL...I bet Bill Clinton's smart enough to realize Ireland isn't a 3rd world country, Willie! Unlike you or most other liberals, "Slick Willie" has enough of a grasp of economics to understand that raising taxes at this point would simply accelerate the outsourcing of jobs from this country to others. You? Not so much!
I never called Ireland a 3rd world country === YOU DID.

There are many other countries where rich people are hiding their money from the tax man.

There will always BE other countries where rich people will hide their money from the tax man...a concept that you head in the sand liberals can't seem to grasp! Rich people are very adroit at protecting their wealth...it's what they DO! Here's a hint for you, Willie...if you REALLY want wealthy people to give you more of their money in tax revenue? Give them incentives to take that wealth out of hiding and put it to work. All you're doing is providing more reasons for them to do the opposite.

When the American economy was rockin' and rollin' back in the 60's and 70's we had a top tax rate on the wealthy of 91% and a 10% usery law that prevented charging more than 10% interest.

The peasants were also allowed to deduct 100% of the interest they paid on everything on their income taxes both state and federal.

Until Ronald Reagan created the largest tax increase on the middle class in history when he took the interest deduction away, except for your home mortgage -- and he WANTED to take that away too.

Having a high tax rate on the uber wealthy serves two purposes.

1) It raises more money to pay down the country's debt -- thanks to Bush's Follies.

2) It motivates the wealthy to use their remaining money to start more businesses and expand the one's they own in order to get more money.

If a man has 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 92 million, he has little motivation to expand his plant or start another business.

If he had 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 10 million, he has LOTS of motivation to expand his operations and start more.

He still owns his yacht and mansions and now needs more money to KEEP them just like his employees need to make money to pay their rent / house payment.

He's still a rich man, nobody took his factory away from him, but with a high tax rate he pays more to society for the better life he is receiving from society. And that helps society.

Proof of my statement is that when we HAD high tax rates on the wealthy ... they DID expand their businesses and start more. Times were booming.

But, since Reagan and the massive tax cuts to the wealthy under the pretense it would create more jobs ( which has been proven untrue ), they just hide their money overseas and sit on their wealth.

The conservatives claim that giving welfare to the poor encourages them not to work.

Well, tax cuts for the rich are the same thing as welfare to the poor --- only it's welfare for the RICH.

And, if being given money discourages the poor from working, giving money to the rich discourages them from opening new businesses because they don't NEED to.
now I'm a converted Dem but didn't Reagan reduce tax rates from the 90's to high 20's?
And that is exactly the problem and one of the reasons we have such a high national debt.

Starving the government of enough money to pay the bills causes it to have to BORROW money and pay INTEREST. Sure you may save a few hundred in taxes and the rich save MILLIONS ( which they have no way to even spend they have so much money already ) but it makes it so the government can't pay the bills --- but the government MUST continue to operate so it BORROWS money and the debt goes up and up and up and up all because of the greed of the wealthy who have so much money they can't spend it in their entire lifetimes.
So Ireland is a 3rd world country?

What's amusing is that even Bill Clinton believes that we need to lower taxes...yet you far left liberals continue to call for more taxes or "surcharges"! So tell me who's misguided, Willie...you...or Bill Clinton?
Bill Clinton

LOL...I bet Bill Clinton's smart enough to realize Ireland isn't a 3rd world country, Willie! Unlike you or most other liberals, "Slick Willie" has enough of a grasp of economics to understand that raising taxes at this point would simply accelerate the outsourcing of jobs from this country to others. You? Not so much!
I never called Ireland a 3rd world country === YOU DID.

There are many other countries where rich people are hiding their money from the tax man.

There will always BE other countries where rich people will hide their money from the tax man...a concept that you head in the sand liberals can't seem to grasp! Rich people are very adroit at protecting their wealth...it's what they DO! Here's a hint for you, Willie...if you REALLY want wealthy people to give you more of their money in tax revenue? Give them incentives to take that wealth out of hiding and put it to work. All you're doing is providing more reasons for them to do the opposite.

When the American economy was rockin' and rollin' back in the 60's and 70's we had a top tax rate on the wealthy of 91% and a 10% usery law that prevented charging more than 10% interest.

The peasants were also allowed to deduct 100% of the interest they paid on everything on their income taxes both state and federal.

Until Ronald Reagan created the largest tax increase on the middle class in history when he took the interest deduction away, except for your home mortgage -- and he WANTED to take that away too.

Having a high tax rate on the uber wealthy serves two purposes.

1) It raises more money to pay down the country's debt -- thanks to Bush's Follies.

2) It motivates the wealthy to use their remaining money to start more businesses and expand the one's they own in order to get more money.

If a man has 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 92 million, he has little motivation to expand his plant or start another business.

If he had 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 10 million, he has LOTS of motivation to expand his operations and start more.

He still owns his yacht and mansions and now needs more money to KEEP them just like his employees need to make money to pay their rent / house payment.

He's still a rich man, nobody took his factory away from him, but with a high tax rate he pays more to society for the better life he is receiving from society. And that helps society.

Proof of my statement is that when we HAD high tax rates on the wealthy ... they DID expand their businesses and start more. Times were booming.

But, since Reagan and the massive tax cuts to the wealthy under the pretense it would create more jobs ( which has been proven untrue ), they just hide their money overseas and sit on their wealth.

The conservatives claim that giving welfare to the poor encourages them not to work.

Well, tax cuts for the rich are the same thing as welfare to the poor --- only it's welfare for the RICH.

And, if being given money discourages the poor from working, giving money to the rich discourages them from opening new businesses because they don't NEED to.

Folks, here you have it, right here........liberal logic.

Taking money away from people will make them work harder to get more. I swear if I didn't know better, I would think it was a joke.

Well if that's how people react, then why not lower the federal minimum wage? After all, if people have less money, they will work harder to get more, right???

While we're at it, we could cut the food stamp roll by at least half. After all, if people don't have enough food, they will work more hours to get more food.

Half of the people in this country pay no federal income tax. I say we should make everybody pay income taxes. If they don't have enough money after we tax them, they will work more to get more money.
So Ireland is a 3rd world country?

What's amusing is that even Bill Clinton believes that we need to lower taxes...yet you far left liberals continue to call for more taxes or "surcharges"! So tell me who's misguided, Willie...you...or Bill Clinton?
Bill Clinton

LOL...I bet Bill Clinton's smart enough to realize Ireland isn't a 3rd world country, Willie! Unlike you or most other liberals, "Slick Willie" has enough of a grasp of economics to understand that raising taxes at this point would simply accelerate the outsourcing of jobs from this country to others. You? Not so much!
I never called Ireland a 3rd world country === YOU DID.

There are many other countries where rich people are hiding their money from the tax man.

There will always BE other countries where rich people will hide their money from the tax man...a concept that you head in the sand liberals can't seem to grasp! Rich people are very adroit at protecting their wealth...it's what they DO! Here's a hint for you, Willie...if you REALLY want wealthy people to give you more of their money in tax revenue? Give them incentives to take that wealth out of hiding and put it to work. All you're doing is providing more reasons for them to do the opposite.

When the American economy was rockin' and rollin' back in the 60's and 70's we had a top tax rate on the wealthy of 91% and a 10% usery law that prevented charging more than 10% interest.

The peasants were also allowed to deduct 100% of the interest they paid on everything on their income taxes both state and federal.

Until Ronald Reagan created the largest tax increase on the middle class in history when he took the interest deduction away, except for your home mortgage -- and he WANTED to take that away too.

Having a high tax rate on the uber wealthy serves two purposes.

1) It raises more money to pay down the country's debt -- thanks to Bush's Follies.

2) It motivates the wealthy to use their remaining money to start more businesses and expand the one's they own in order to get more money.

If a man has 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 92 million, he has little motivation to expand his plant or start another business.

If he had 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 10 million, he has LOTS of motivation to expand his operations and start more.

He still owns his yacht and mansions and now needs more money to KEEP them just like his employees need to make money to pay their rent / house payment.

He's still a rich man, nobody took his factory away from him, but with a high tax rate he pays more to society for the better life he is receiving from society. And that helps society.

Proof of my statement is that when we HAD high tax rates on the wealthy ... they DID expand their businesses and start more. Times were booming.

But, since Reagan and the massive tax cuts to the wealthy under the pretense it would create more jobs ( which has been proven untrue ), they just hide their money overseas and sit on their wealth.

The conservatives claim that giving welfare to the poor encourages them not to work.

Well, tax cuts for the rich are the same thing as welfare to the poor --- only it's welfare for the RICH.

And, if being given money discourages the poor from working, giving money to the rich discourages them from opening new businesses because they don't NEED to.

You know what, Willie? You liberals are positively scary when you start trying to rationalize your desire for increased taxes. You honestly seem to believe that the economy flourished back in the 60's and 70's because taxes were raised and that simply wasn't the case. Even a liberal icon like John F. Kennedy understood that tax cuts were what was needed to stimulate a US economy that was no longer growing by leaps and bounds like it did following WWII when we were one of the few nations left with a functioning industrial infrastructure. The reason that JFK called for tax cuts back in the early 60's is the exact same reason that Bill Clinton is calling for them now! As for the American economy "rocking and rolling" in the 70's? Dude, did you sleep through the "malaise" of the Carter years? It was UGLY!
So Ireland is a 3rd world country?

What's amusing is that even Bill Clinton believes that we need to lower taxes...yet you far left liberals continue to call for more taxes or "surcharges"! So tell me who's misguided, Willie...you...or Bill Clinton?
Bill Clinton

LOL...I bet Bill Clinton's smart enough to realize Ireland isn't a 3rd world country, Willie! Unlike you or most other liberals, "Slick Willie" has enough of a grasp of economics to understand that raising taxes at this point would simply accelerate the outsourcing of jobs from this country to others. You? Not so much!
I never called Ireland a 3rd world country === YOU DID.

There are many other countries where rich people are hiding their money from the tax man.

There will always BE other countries where rich people will hide their money from the tax man...a concept that you head in the sand liberals can't seem to grasp! Rich people are very adroit at protecting their wealth...it's what they DO! Here's a hint for you, Willie...if you REALLY want wealthy people to give you more of their money in tax revenue? Give them incentives to take that wealth out of hiding and put it to work. All you're doing is providing more reasons for them to do the opposite.

When the American economy was rockin' and rollin' back in the 60's and 70's we had a top tax rate on the wealthy of 91% and a 10% usery law that prevented charging more than 10% interest.

The peasants were also allowed to deduct 100% of the interest they paid on everything on their income taxes both state and federal.

Until Ronald Reagan created the largest tax increase on the middle class in history when he took the interest deduction away, except for your home mortgage -- and he WANTED to take that away too.

Having a high tax rate on the uber wealthy serves two purposes.

1) It raises more money to pay down the country's debt -- thanks to Bush's Follies.

2) It motivates the wealthy to use their remaining money to start more businesses and expand the one's they own in order to get more money.

If a man has 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 92 million, he has little motivation to expand his plant or start another business.

If he had 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 10 million, he has LOTS of motivation to expand his operations and start more.

He still owns his yacht and mansions and now needs more money to KEEP them just like his employees need to make money to pay their rent / house payment.

He's still a rich man, nobody took his factory away from him, but with a high tax rate he pays more to society for the better life he is receiving from society. And that helps society.

Proof of my statement is that when we HAD high tax rates on the wealthy ... they DID expand their businesses and start more. Times were booming.

But, since Reagan and the massive tax cuts to the wealthy under the pretense it would create more jobs ( which has been proven untrue ), they just hide their money overseas and sit on their wealth.

The conservatives claim that giving welfare to the poor encourages them not to work.

Well, tax cuts for the rich are the same thing as welfare to the poor --- only it's welfare for the RICH.

And, if being given money discourages the poor from working, giving money to the rich discourages them from opening new businesses because they don't NEED to.

And if the only means of making money was to use it to start or expand businesses then you might encourage wealthy people into doing just that but it's NOT! Wealthy people aren't stupid when it comes to preserving capital. If you raise taxes on income then they are simply going to put their wealth into tax shelters and ride out the storm until there are people in power who are savvy enough to understand that the only way to increase investment is to increase the potential for profit. Increased taxes means a smaller potential for profit.

You seem confused about the government "giving" money to the rich! You don't "give" someone something when you allow them to keep what they've earned. Welfare is giving money to someone who hasn't earned it. A tax cut is simply allowing someone to keep a little more of what they've EARNED!
LOL...I bet Bill Clinton's smart enough to realize Ireland isn't a 3rd world country, Willie! Unlike you or most other liberals, "Slick Willie" has enough of a grasp of economics to understand that raising taxes at this point would simply accelerate the outsourcing of jobs from this country to others. You? Not so much!
I never called Ireland a 3rd world country === YOU DID.

There are many other countries where rich people are hiding their money from the tax man.

There will always BE other countries where rich people will hide their money from the tax man...a concept that you head in the sand liberals can't seem to grasp! Rich people are very adroit at protecting their wealth...it's what they DO! Here's a hint for you, Willie...if you REALLY want wealthy people to give you more of their money in tax revenue? Give them incentives to take that wealth out of hiding and put it to work. All you're doing is providing more reasons for them to do the opposite.

When the American economy was rockin' and rollin' back in the 60's and 70's we had a top tax rate on the wealthy of 91% and a 10% usery law that prevented charging more than 10% interest.

The peasants were also allowed to deduct 100% of the interest they paid on everything on their income taxes both state and federal.

Until Ronald Reagan created the largest tax increase on the middle class in history when he took the interest deduction away, except for your home mortgage -- and he WANTED to take that away too.

Having a high tax rate on the uber wealthy serves two purposes.

1) It raises more money to pay down the country's debt -- thanks to Bush's Follies.

2) It motivates the wealthy to use their remaining money to start more businesses and expand the one's they own in order to get more money.

If a man has 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 92 million, he has little motivation to expand his plant or start another business.

If he had 100 million dollars a year coming in from his factory, and the government lets him keep 10 million, he has LOTS of motivation to expand his operations and start more.

He still owns his yacht and mansions and now needs more money to KEEP them just like his employees need to make money to pay their rent / house payment.

He's still a rich man, nobody took his factory away from him, but with a high tax rate he pays more to society for the better life he is receiving from society. And that helps society.

Proof of my statement is that when we HAD high tax rates on the wealthy ... they DID expand their businesses and start more. Times were booming.

But, since Reagan and the massive tax cuts to the wealthy under the pretense it would create more jobs ( which has been proven untrue ), they just hide their money overseas and sit on their wealth.

The conservatives claim that giving welfare to the poor encourages them not to work.

Well, tax cuts for the rich are the same thing as welfare to the poor --- only it's welfare for the RICH.

And, if being given money discourages the poor from working, giving money to the rich discourages them from opening new businesses because they don't NEED to.
now I'm a converted Dem but didn't Reagan reduce tax rates from the 90's to high 20's?
And that is exactly the problem and one of the reasons we have such a high national debt.

Starving the government of enough money to pay the bills causes it to have to BORROW money and pay INTEREST. Sure you may save a few hundred in taxes and the rich save MILLIONS ( which they have no way to even spend they have so much money already ) but it makes it so the government can't pay the bills --- but the government MUST continue to operate so it BORROWS money and the debt goes up and up and up and up all because of the greed of the wealthy who have so much money they can't spend it in their entire lifetimes.

What's amusing, Willie...is that you've bought into the fiction that the Federal Government is being "starved" of revenues!

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