They want to be in the minority

So, better to do nothing than to debate and pass a budget?

Then what was this whole Matt Gaetz and McCarthy boot all about?

Now we are down to about 30 days having to debate and pass the it'll be 10 days, then 1 day, and once again, just like clockwork the Rs and Ds will pass an unseen omnibus bill to save us from catastrophe...

Rs can not govern, they make the USA on the world stage, appear to be fools.

Y'all and Rs need to get their shit are going to cost us billions in added debt, just by interest rate hikes on our debt, for being unstable, unable to govern!

The mess your people have made is un-fixable you empty headed buffoon. The corruption and fiscal damage was barely fixable before your muslim destroyed it all permanently. Stocking the FED GOCzt withh 1000 communists every day for 8 yrs. Can't get rid of them now. Look at the military damage alone! Land O' Goshen!
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Deficit spending stimulates the economy. Without it the U.S. economy would be in a permanent depression.

Allowing the wealthiest 1% to horde all the money is what destroys the economy.

Franco #2? Another Physcotic feels the need to chime in with physco babble.
No, it isn't insane. The Federal Fucking Government is not, I repeat NOT our big daddy to wipe our asses from cradle to grave.
So you’re a big fan of depressions every ten years?

Oh wait… you have no idea what I’m talking about

Never mind you’re an ignorant fanatic
So you’re a big fan of depressions every ten years?

Oh wait… you have no idea what I’m talking about

Never mind you’re an ignorant fanatic

Tired old BS outa your limp wristed cottage cheese mouth you sack of crap.
So you’re a big fan of depressions every ten years?

Oh wait… you have no idea what I’m talking about

Never mind you’re an ignorant fanatic
I am a big fan of making the government live within its fucking means. How simple is that concept? Oh, I forgot. You're a far Left Communist loon who thinks big daddy government is the end all be all to society's ills.
Alright you freaking morons:
The fruits of our labor funding terrorism, paying peoples salaries halfway across the world, killing children etc.
Our labor being devalued monetarily because of govts excess spending. On things they dont even have the power to spend on.
Our right to privacy, IE the fourth amendment. Warrantless wiretapping. The patriot act etc
There is no longer private property. You rent it from the government. And even if you pay your rent, they will take your shit from you for corporations. Even FOREIGN ones.
We no longer have a free market. Medicinally, economically etc. Go ahead and go buy some inhalers from mexico. Or some insulin from canada.
Our second amendment has been raped, swallowed and spit back out.
Right of travel. If I have a certain name, I cant fly on a plane.
Guilty until proven innocent. IE red flag laws.
We can lose any right we have with the power of "marshal law" that doesnt even exist.

This is basic shit. Do you want more, you freaking boot lickers?
So nothing then. Got it. :thup:
Too late. The muslim years turned possibly manageable debt into auto-pilot towards hopelessness. Now here we are un-fixable short of fiscal collapse and street war. Then start over.
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It's easier, there are few if any responsibilities, it's far more suited to the republican mentality of "no" on everything. It requires less thought and effort, it's good for fundraising, they really don't want to govern anyway.

Republican Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska says:

The simple fact is the organization formerly known as the Republican Party is completely bankrupt of ideas.

They have no solutions to any problems facing our country. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

All they have is theater for the rubes.

What a disgrace.
GAHAHAH! Do you practice this same kind of spending in your own finances? No? You'd rather have a balanced checkbook? OK, Then let's force the US to live within its means. That means:
No more social welfare programs
Putting the Dollar back on the Gold Standard, where it belongs
Ditching the Federal Reserve
And that's just for starters.

How about taxing BEFORE spending, and cutting military spending in half, to pay for those social welfare programs that are keeping working people afloat.
We don't want that election denier Jefferies.

She didn't question the results of the 2020 election, she lied about it.

She (like every other 2020 election squealer) has offered no evidence of any fraud.

The bitch probably isn't even good in bed.
She didn't question the results of the 2020 election, she lied about it.

She (like every other 2020 election squealer) has offered no evidence of any fraud.

The bitch probably isn't even good in bed.
You have no idea if she lied. You people have never proven she has either. All opinion, pinhead.

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