They want to be in the minority

I chuckle, because most of what you've listed, has been bestowed upon up by the Republicans.
Maybe the ED one. And i only say that because of the single issue I was actually implying. Keystone.
And even if it was true, why would that be funny to you? Because you think im a republican or something? :lol:
Maybe the ED one. And i only say that because of the single issue I was actually implying. Keystone.
And even if it was true, why would that be funny to you? Because you think im a republican or something? :lol:
I don't want to hear about your erectile dysfunction.

I was thinking: "Warrantless wiretapping. The patriot act etc." and the no-fly listing of certain names, for a start.
I don't want to hear about your erectile dysfunction.

I was thinking: "Warrantless wiretapping. The patriot act etc." and the no-fly listing of certain names, for a start.
Eminent domain, goober.
You dont think that bullshit is bi-partisan? :lol:
The no fly list is bi partisan. Obama kept it. Feinstein said this about it" it is one our best lines of defense"
Try harder.
This dipshit laughs at some of the freedoms we have lost, and then turns it into a partisan thing. SMH
These hacks ARE the problem.
This dipshit laughs at some of the freedoms we have lost, and then turns it into a partisan thing. SMH
These hacks ARE the problem.
Who are you talking to Harley?

You're not a republican, and despise the government. We have that in common. Calling each other names, we don't.
Should we fix the crippling structural finance problems the federal government faces?


Should we patch holes in a shoddy barely functional medical system?


Should we reform government agencies who violate civil rights?


Can’t get enough of it. Bring on those “nos”.
Lol, Obama tried to fix the medical system. Made it more unaffordable, before he tried to fix it I could afford to pay cash at the doctor's office. Now you can find one.
I agree, it should be a part time job with part-time pay. Also, the 170k is just the tip of the iceberg as they get all sorts of extra benefits.

It is hard to find a good source, but I found one that put forth it cost about 33 million dollars a day to pay for Congress.
They should make what the average citizen makes, get the same healthcare, and get the same social security as we do. Then we would see an improvement overnight.
When congress is stalled American wins!
The notion of ‘shutting down’ the government to force spending cuts is naïve and childish.

It also exhibits contempt for sound, responsible governance.

There are necessary, proper, and Constitutional programs, policies, and government regulatory responsibilities that merit expenditure consistent with the will of the people.

The right’s unwarranted opposition to such expenditures has nothing to do with ‘fiscal responsibility’ or ‘decreasing debt’ and everything to do with subjective, failed, wrongheaded conservative political dogma.
Let's have a moment of clarity here. Having disagreements within a political party is a sign of a vibrant, dynamic party that considers different views. It is a moribund, vacuous party that votes and acts in lock-step on every controversial issue.

Which party today is totally supporting an utterly failed President? Which party votes in lockstep on all controversial issues?

Draw your own conclusions.
Disagreement is one thing, republicans epitomize total disfunction.
The notion of ‘shutting down’ the government to force spending cuts is naïve and childish.

It also exhibits contempt for sound, responsible governance.

There are necessary, proper, and Constitutional programs, policies, and government regulatory responsibilities that merit expenditure consistent with the will of the people.

The right’s unwarranted opposition to such expenditures has nothing to do with ‘fiscal responsibility’ or ‘decreasing debt’ and everything to do with subjective, failed, wrongheaded conservative political dogma.
You are wrong! Spending more than you bring in so you can raise taxes is irresponsible, and is not in the best interest of the country, only in the best interest of people who want more power.
Eminent domain, goober.
You dont think that bullshit is bi-partisan? :lol:
The no fly list is bi partisan. Obama kept it. Feinstein said this about it" it is one our best lines of defense"
Try harder.
The entire un-patriotic Patriot act was a bunch of police state leftovers from the Clintoon/Reno cabal, that couldn't get passed as stand-alones.

Not a dime's worth of difference.

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