They want to be in the minority

I don't think they even want to govern, we all know they can't anyway so it's probably for the best.
They are all mostly the same! The only difference for me is one supports life, and mental sanity, hate me if you must!
You are wrong! Spending more than you bring in so you can raise taxes is irresponsible, and is not in the best interest of the country, only in the best interest of people who want more power.

Deficit spending stimulates the economy. Without it the U.S. economy would be in a permanent depression.

Allowing the wealthiest 1% to horde all the money is what destroys the economy.
No it isnt. We need more nos.
The longer this takes, the longer this is taking up their time.

You need a function government and with Republicans supposedly in control, you don't have one.

Your military is in a mess with the world on the brink and one asshole Senator is holding up the whole promotion agenda.

The House has no Speaker, and Republicans are completely dysfunctional.

There are also ambassadorships around the world that Republicans refuse to confirm. This is no way to run any country, and it's no wonder why your enemies are chosing now to attack.
You need a function government and with Republicans supposedly in control, you don't have one.

Your military is in a mess with the world on the brink and one asshole Senator is holding up the whole promotion agenda.

The House has no Speaker, and Republicans are completely dysfunctional.

There are also ambassadorships around the world that Republicans refuse to confirm. This is no way to run any country, and it's no wonder why your enemies are chosing now to attack.
Mind your business
You need a function government and with Republicans supposedly in control, you don't have one.

Your military is in a mess with the world on the brink and one asshole Senator is holding up the whole promotion agenda.

The House has no Speaker, and Republicans are completely dysfunctional.

There are also ambassadorships around the world that Republicans refuse to confirm. This is no way to run any country, and it's no wonder why your enemies are chosing now to attack.
Thanks, canadian taliban.
Got it you hate successful people!

Got it - you're an economic imbecile.

In the USA, 80% of the wealth is going to the top 10%, which is why your economy is in the toilet and the waters are swirling. In Norway, that figure is 50%, and in Canada, it's 40%. You're starving the working and middle class by giving all kinds of money to people who don't need it.

A healthy and thriving middle class is a requirement for a successful capitalist economy. The USA has been covering for their declining middle class by expanding markets, instead of growing the middle class. Instead of reducing poverty and growing the middle class, Republicans think starving the workers, will keep them in line.

The auto workers union is advocating for equal raises. If management received 40% wage increases because of the company's record profits, then workers should also get 40% wage increases as well, since their labour made those profits possible. For the past 40 years, executive compensation has gone up by 2000% while worker wages have stagnated.

Mind your business

You're nation is the meth lab living downstairs. If you're going to have a collective nervous breakdown and abandon democracy in favour of Donald Fucking Trump, he'll destroy your country completely if you give him a second chance.
Deficit spending stimulates the economy. Without it the U.S. economy would be in a permanent depression.

Allowing the wealthiest 1% to horde all the money is what destroys the economy.
GAHAHAH! Do you practice this same kind of spending in your own finances? No? You'd rather have a balanced checkbook? OK, Then let's force the US to live within its means. That means:
No more social welfare programs
Putting the Dollar back on the Gold Standard, where it belongs
Ditching the Federal Reserve
And that's just for starters.
GAHAHAH! Do you practice this same kind of spending in your own finances? No? You'd rather have a balanced checkbook? OK, Then let's force the US to live within its means. That means:
No more social welfare programs
Putting the Dollar back on the Gold Standard, where it belongs
Ditching the Federal Reserve
And that's just for starters.
That’s insane . Christ . Don’t talk about economics. You’re an idiot
History shows the banana republicans are the party of "no".
And they should be. Just say no to drugs. Enact a Muslim ban so there are no Muslims entering our country. Just say no to immigrants from shit hole countries. Just say no to trans shows.

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