Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

Correct. Like I said, GW tried it again and it created more problems than solved.

I think that if I were running for President, it might be a good policy to have more obvious identification on American made products. You know, like a big flag on the packaging of the product or something.

After all, when was the last time you went shopping and searched the carton to see where it was made? Probably never--just like most of us.

Our focus is on price and price only. If you have two big-screen televisions you may want to buy, both have the exact same features, are you going to buy the American television set for $1,800, or are you going to buy the foreign made set for $1,300? Chances are you will by the $1,300 set and never even look where it was manufactured.

So your solution is to create new packaging laws and regulations. Republicans won't even pass a law to require GMO's be clearly labelled, even though the public is screaming for this, because it will increase costs to the suppliers.

It may, but it's just a start. Perhaps if we as American consumers were more conscious about where our products are made, it might make some people think.

After all, the solution to our jobs problem is to purchase what we make over here. But I don't think it should be done by government force.

The government CAN demand a fair playing field between countries.

Currently, we are not on a level playing field. Not even close.
Maybe not, but we get the cheap products we wish to buy. Penalizing the manufacturers in those countries only hurts the American consumer. Then it becomes a political ball in the game. I can see it now "The Republicans are responsible for the prices of your products to go sky high!"

True, but is the wealth lost each year due to these trade deals more than the additional price of the products would be? I think the answer is probably yes.

I don't think so. It's kind of a supply and demand thing.

In this country, there is a huge demand for cheaper products. I don't know that there is a huge demand for higher priced American products overseas.

Let's say you have a family of five to feed and I am single. You want one of my bushels of apples in exchange for one of your bushels of corn. It's a fair trade. The problem is a bushel of corn will last me the summer. You need three bushels of apples a month to feed your family. I have you over a barrel.

Because of that, I will give you two bushels of my apples for three bushels of your corn. What choice do you have but to make the trade? I really don't need all that corn, but you really need those apples.
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
Because Republicans are, by and large, selfish / hurray for me and fuck you people who will do or say anything to avoid paying for the things they get.

They don't want to pay any taxes but expect government to be there for THEM when THEY need it but not if YOU need it.

That's as stupid as saying all Democrats are stupid, lazy, welfare bums.
Explain then why Republicans vote against aide for places like Sandy Hook and hurricane victims in other places but when THEIR state gets hit they are up front SCREAMING for Federal Aide.

Simple, because in general people on BOTH sides are stupid, and hence we get assholes elected to office, on BOTH sides, who pay political games instead of doing the jobs they are paid to do
Nice try, but you simply don't see that sort of behavior on the Democratic side, you just don't.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Says the super partisan hack.
Because the scumbag DemoRATS are such BLATANT LIARS!!!!

How can he when at the very beginning of his term your repub friends said their Number ONE goal was to make him a one term president?? Could you work with someone expressing the desire to see you fail???

Really? So it's not the objective of Democrats to make a Republican President a one term President?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Then you wonder why we call your kind the Uniformed Voter???
we might not like the idea of a republican president {{example moron gwb} but we sure aren't trying to take our country down with him....your pub friends don't give a hoot for what evil you've done ,,,just as long as you make dems look as bad as you can

The only "evil" Republicans have done is capitulate to the Dimocrat agenda.
if you really believe republicans have capitulated to dems you should get yourself checked out
Really? So it's not the objective of Democrats to make a Republican President a one term President?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Then you wonder why we call your kind the Uniformed Voter???
we might not like the idea of a republican president {{example moron gwb} but we sure aren't trying to take our country down with him....your pub friends don't give a hoot for what evil you've done ,,,just as long as you make dems look as bad as you can

The only "evil" Republicans have done is capitulate to the Dimocrat agenda.
if you really believe republicans have capitulated to dems you should get yourself checked out

Anyone who claims they haven't is a leftwing douche bag.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Then you wonder why we call your kind the Uniformed Voter???
we might not like the idea of a republican president {{example moron gwb} but we sure aren't trying to take our country down with him....your pub friends don't give a hoot for what evil you've done ,,,just as long as you make dems look as bad as you can

The only "evil" Republicans have done is capitulate to the Dimocrat agenda.
if you really believe republicans have capitulated to dems you should get yourself checked out

Anyone who claims they haven't is a leftwing douche bag.
what has your congress voted on that were dem policies what has your repub congress capitulated on

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Then you wonder why we call your kind the Uniformed Voter???
we might not like the idea of a republican president {{example moron gwb} but we sure aren't trying to take our country down with him....your pub friends don't give a hoot for what evil you've done ,,,just as long as you make dems look as bad as you can

The only "evil" Republicans have done is capitulate to the Dimocrat agenda.
if you really believe republicans have capitulated to dems you should get yourself checked out

Anyone who claims they haven't is a leftwing douche bag.

Such an angry little goyim peckerwood
Everything is?

The debt isn't better-it's worse.
Government dependency isn't better--it's worse.
Iraq isn't better--it's worse.
A nuclear Iran isn't better--it's worse.
Income inequality isn't better--it's worse.
Race relations aren't better--it's worse.
Poverty in America isn't better--it's worse.

Name one Western First-World Nation which has a lower national debt than they had in 2008. All but three Western Nations are still running deficits which started to combat the meltdown of the world economy. Did you really think it wouldn't take years to recover from W's mess?

Government dependency is worse because Republicans refuse to address wage stagnation, or raise taxes. Reagan's tax code needs to be completely revised to end the transfer of wealth to the top. Republican keep screaming about wealth redistribution, but that it what Republican tax code amendments in the 1980's have achieved - a redistribution of the nations wealth from the working and the middle class, to the wealthiest. Ending Republican wealth redistribution so that working people get a fair shake is "communistic".

The Republican solution to income inequity is to increase earned income credits. In other words, give the poor more free stuff, funnelled through the IRS, which enables corporations to keep from increasing wages, and it's paid for by American taxpayers.

Iraq is worse, because W botched the peace, alienated the Iraqi people, and fired Sadam's army. Officers of the old Iraqi army got to keep their weapons, joined forces with the remnants of AQ, and formed ISIS. Taking out Sadam destabilized the entire region. Given the cost of the Iraq war, the loss of American lives, and the damage to the economy of all of that money spent on Iraq, the folly of the war knows no end. And we can't even say it was the dumbest thing W did as President.

The situation with Iran is better than it has been since the Ayatollah's deposed the Shah. There's an Agreement in place, wherein Iran is agreeing to stop working on a nuclear bomb for 10 years. This doesn't mean we completely trust the Iranians, or that we will not be watching them very carefully, but this is a huge step forward in relations. It's a start towards better relations, but given the horror that was the Shah's reign, is it any wonder that Iranians despise the country which inflicted that despot on them, and kept him on the throne all those years? This is your chance to improve relations with a country you seriously fucked over for decades. Don't blow it.

Income inequity - see above

Arrests and incarceration of people of colour started increasing under Reagan, with zero tolerance, and mandatory sentencing. Study after study has shown that blacks and Hispanics, are less likely than white criminals to get probation or time served. Privately owned prisons are now providing prisoner labor to private corporations, while the workers are paid pennies, and cannot refuse to work. That used to be called "slavery". There are now more prisoner slaves in the US that the South had in slavery before the Civil war.

The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. How long do you think black people were going to put up with this crap? It's entirely possible that things would have been much, much worse without Obama as President. I'm certainly old enough to remember the race riots of the 1960's.

Poverty in America will continue to get worse as long as corporations keep getting bigger and more powerful. See previous paragraphs re tax reform and income inequity.
Everything is?

The debt isn't better-it's worse.
Government dependency isn't better--it's worse.
Iraq isn't better--it's worse.
A nuclear Iran isn't better--it's worse.
Income inequality isn't better--it's worse.
Race relations aren't better--it's worse.
Poverty in America isn't better--it's worse.

Name one Western First-World Nation which has a lower national debt than they had in 2008. All but three Western Nations are still running deficits which started to combat the meltdown of the world economy. Did you really think it wouldn't take years to recover from W's mess?

Government dependency is worse because Republicans refuse to address wage stagnation, or raise taxes. Reagan's tax code needs to be completely revised to end the transfer of wealth to the top. Republican keep screaming about wealth redistribution, but that it what Republican tax code amendments in the 1980's have achieved - a redistribution of the nations wealth from the working and the middle class, to the wealthiest. Ending Republican wealth redistribution so that working people get a fair shake is "communistic".

The Republican solution to income inequity is to increase earned income credits. In other words, give the poor more free stuff, funnelled through the IRS, which enables corporations to keep from increasing wages, and it's paid for by American taxpayers.

Iraq is worse, because W botched the peace, alienated the Iraqi people, and fired Sadam's army. Officers of the old Iraqi army got to keep their weapons, joined forces with the remnants of AQ, and formed ISIS. Taking out Sadam destabilized the entire region. Given the cost of the Iraq war, the loss of American lives, and the damage to the economy of all of that money spent on Iraq, the folly of the war knows no end. And we can't even say it was the dumbest thing W did as President.

The situation with Iran is better than it has been since the Ayatollah's deposed the Shah. There's an Agreement in place, wherein Iran is agreeing to stop working on a nuclear bomb for 10 years. This doesn't mean we completely trust the Iranians, or that we will not be watching them very carefully, but this is a huge step forward in relations. It's a start towards better relations, but given the horror that was the Shah's reign, is it any wonder that Iranians despise the country which inflicted that despot on them, and kept him on the throne all those years? This is your chance to improve relations with a country you seriously fucked over for decades. Don't blow it.

Income inequity - see above

Arrests and incarceration of people of colour started increasing under Reagan, with zero tolerance, and mandatory sentencing. Study after study has shown that blacks and Hispanics, are less likely than white criminals to get probation or time served. Privately owned prisons are now providing prisoner labor to private corporations, while the workers are paid pennies, and cannot refuse to work. That used to be called "slavery". There are now more prisoner slaves in the US that the South had in slavery before the Civil war.

The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. How long do you think black people were going to put up with this crap? It's entirely possible that things would have been much, much worse without Obama as President. I'm certainly old enough to remember the race riots of the 1960's.

Poverty in America will continue to get worse as long as corporations keep getting bigger and more powerful. See previous paragraphs re tax reform and income inequity.

Reagan and Bush are responsible for every ill in the entire world!

And democrats and the rest and the world have been unable to change it!

Remarkable how powerful and smart these two men are.
Everything is?

The debt isn't better-it's worse.
Government dependency isn't better--it's worse.
Iraq isn't better--it's worse.
A nuclear Iran isn't better--it's worse.
Income inequality isn't better--it's worse.
Race relations aren't better--it's worse.
Poverty in America isn't better--it's worse.

Name one Western First-World Nation which has a lower national debt than they had in 2008. All but three Western Nations are still running deficits which started to combat the meltdown of the world economy. Did you really think it wouldn't take years to recover from W's mess?

Government dependency is worse because Republicans refuse to address wage stagnation, or raise taxes. Reagan's tax code needs to be completely revised to end the transfer of wealth to the top. Republican keep screaming about wealth redistribution, but that it what Republican tax code amendments in the 1980's have achieved - a redistribution of the nations wealth from the working and the middle class, to the wealthiest. Ending Republican wealth redistribution so that working people get a fair shake is "communistic".

The Republican solution to income inequity is to increase earned income credits. In other words, give the poor more free stuff, funnelled through the IRS, which enables corporations to keep from increasing wages, and it's paid for by American taxpayers.

Iraq is worse, because W botched the peace, alienated the Iraqi people, and fired Sadam's army. Officers of the old Iraqi army got to keep their weapons, joined forces with the remnants of AQ, and formed ISIS. Taking out Sadam destabilized the entire region. Given the cost of the Iraq war, the loss of American lives, and the damage to the economy of all of that money spent on Iraq, the folly of the war knows no end. And we can't even say it was the dumbest thing W did as President.

The situation with Iran is better than it has been since the Ayatollah's deposed the Shah. There's an Agreement in place, wherein Iran is agreeing to stop working on a nuclear bomb for 10 years. This doesn't mean we completely trust the Iranians, or that we will not be watching them very carefully, but this is a huge step forward in relations. It's a start towards better relations, but given the horror that was the Shah's reign, is it any wonder that Iranians despise the country which inflicted that despot on them, and kept him on the throne all those years? This is your chance to improve relations with a country you seriously fucked over for decades. Don't blow it.

Income inequity - see above

Arrests and incarceration of people of colour started increasing under Reagan, with zero tolerance, and mandatory sentencing. Study after study has shown that blacks and Hispanics, are less likely than white criminals to get probation or time served. Privately owned prisons are now providing prisoner labor to private corporations, while the workers are paid pennies, and cannot refuse to work. That used to be called "slavery". There are now more prisoner slaves in the US that the South had in slavery before the Civil war.

The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. How long do you think black people were going to put up with this crap? It's entirely possible that things would have been much, much worse without Obama as President. I'm certainly old enough to remember the race riots of the 1960's.

Poverty in America will continue to get worse as long as corporations keep getting bigger and more powerful. See previous paragraphs re tax reform and income inequity.

Let me ask you something: if we raised taxes on the wealthy, HTF does that help anybody but government?

It doesn't. You can take half of what every millionaire and billionaire has today, and it won't raise my pay scale two dollars.

Transfer of wealth? Can you explain how that happens? After all, if there is this transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top, somebody has to be in charge of that, don't you think? And if so, who are these people in charge of that? I know the answer to that, but I anxiously await yours.

Government dependency is promoted by the Democrat party. With Commie Care alone, the Democrats have created (according to White House figures) over 14 million more government dependents. The so-called Stimulus? That almost doubled the dependents on the SNAP's program. Government dependents have nothing to do with Republicans. Sanders wants to create even millions more with his (and Hillary's) FREE college plan.

The US has the highest percentage of their population locked up behind bars. The reason is drugs. It has nothing to do with race. Those race statistics are bogus because it only measures the final results--not the dynamics.

If a white guy is busted for coke for the first time in his life, he will likely get less of a sentence than a black who was busted with coke his fifth time. If a white guy shows remorse to the court while the black guy screams and yells at the judge, he will likely get less time than the black. If the police discuss a case of a white person with a judge who didn't give cops a hard time, cooperated with the police and prosecutor, he will get less time than the black who ran from police, fought with them while being handcuffed, and spit on them while they were throwing him into the police car.

Of course, your statistics show none of these things. All they point out is that blacks get stiffer sentences than whites.
Everything is?

The debt isn't better-it's worse.
Government dependency isn't better--it's worse.
Iraq isn't better--it's worse.
A nuclear Iran isn't better--it's worse.
Income inequality isn't better--it's worse.
Race relations aren't better--it's worse.
Poverty in America isn't better--it's worse.

Name one Western First-World Nation which has a lower national debt than they had in 2008. All but three Western Nations are still running deficits which started to combat the meltdown of the world economy. Did you really think it wouldn't take years to recover from W's mess?

Government dependency is worse because Republicans refuse to address wage stagnation, or raise taxes. Reagan's tax code needs to be completely revised to end the transfer of wealth to the top. Republican keep screaming about wealth redistribution, but that it what Republican tax code amendments in the 1980's have achieved - a redistribution of the nations wealth from the working and the middle class, to the wealthiest. Ending Republican wealth redistribution so that working people get a fair shake is "communistic".

The Republican solution to income inequity is to increase earned income credits. In other words, give the poor more free stuff, funnelled through the IRS, which enables corporations to keep from increasing wages, and it's paid for by American taxpayers.

Iraq is worse, because W botched the peace, alienated the Iraqi people, and fired Sadam's army. Officers of the old Iraqi army got to keep their weapons, joined forces with the remnants of AQ, and formed ISIS. Taking out Sadam destabilized the entire region. Given the cost of the Iraq war, the loss of American lives, and the damage to the economy of all of that money spent on Iraq, the folly of the war knows no end. And we can't even say it was the dumbest thing W did as President.

The situation with Iran is better than it has been since the Ayatollah's deposed the Shah. There's an Agreement in place, wherein Iran is agreeing to stop working on a nuclear bomb for 10 years. This doesn't mean we completely trust the Iranians, or that we will not be watching them very carefully, but this is a huge step forward in relations. It's a start towards better relations, but given the horror that was the Shah's reign, is it any wonder that Iranians despise the country which inflicted that despot on them, and kept him on the throne all those years? This is your chance to improve relations with a country you seriously fucked over for decades. Don't blow it.

Income inequity - see above

Arrests and incarceration of people of colour started increasing under Reagan, with zero tolerance, and mandatory sentencing. Study after study has shown that blacks and Hispanics, are less likely than white criminals to get probation or time served. Privately owned prisons are now providing prisoner labor to private corporations, while the workers are paid pennies, and cannot refuse to work. That used to be called "slavery". There are now more prisoner slaves in the US that the South had in slavery before the Civil war.

The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. How long do you think black people were going to put up with this crap? It's entirely possible that things would have been much, much worse without Obama as President. I'm certainly old enough to remember the race riots of the 1960's.

Poverty in America will continue to get worse as long as corporations keep getting bigger and more powerful. See previous paragraphs re tax reform and income inequity.

Reagan and Bush are responsible for every ill in the entire world!

And democrats and the rest and the world have been unable to change it!

Remarkable how powerful and smart these two men are.

Isn't astounding how left wingers can delude themselves? Get this: Dragonlady thinks the way to decrease government dependency is to increase taxes! Such fantastical thinking is an incredible thing to behold.
Everything is?

The debt isn't better-it's worse.
Government dependency isn't better--it's worse.
Iraq isn't better--it's worse.
A nuclear Iran isn't better--it's worse.
Income inequality isn't better--it's worse.
Race relations aren't better--it's worse.
Poverty in America isn't better--it's worse.

Name one Western First-World Nation which has a lower national debt than they had in 2008. All but three Western Nations are still running deficits which started to combat the meltdown of the world economy. Did you really think it wouldn't take years to recover from W's mess?

Government dependency is worse because Republicans refuse to address wage stagnation, or raise taxes. Reagan's tax code needs to be completely revised to end the transfer of wealth to the top. Republican keep screaming about wealth redistribution, but that it what Republican tax code amendments in the 1980's have achieved - a redistribution of the nations wealth from the working and the middle class, to the wealthiest. Ending Republican wealth redistribution so that working people get a fair shake is "communistic".

The Republican solution to income inequity is to increase earned income credits. In other words, give the poor more free stuff, funnelled through the IRS, which enables corporations to keep from increasing wages, and it's paid for by American taxpayers.

Iraq is worse, because W botched the peace, alienated the Iraqi people, and fired Sadam's army. Officers of the old Iraqi army got to keep their weapons, joined forces with the remnants of AQ, and formed ISIS. Taking out Sadam destabilized the entire region. Given the cost of the Iraq war, the loss of American lives, and the damage to the economy of all of that money spent on Iraq, the folly of the war knows no end. And we can't even say it was the dumbest thing W did as President.

The situation with Iran is better than it has been since the Ayatollah's deposed the Shah. There's an Agreement in place, wherein Iran is agreeing to stop working on a nuclear bomb for 10 years. This doesn't mean we completely trust the Iranians, or that we will not be watching them very carefully, but this is a huge step forward in relations. It's a start towards better relations, but given the horror that was the Shah's reign, is it any wonder that Iranians despise the country which inflicted that despot on them, and kept him on the throne all those years? This is your chance to improve relations with a country you seriously fucked over for decades. Don't blow it.

Income inequity - see above

Arrests and incarceration of people of colour started increasing under Reagan, with zero tolerance, and mandatory sentencing. Study after study has shown that blacks and Hispanics, are less likely than white criminals to get probation or time served. Privately owned prisons are now providing prisoner labor to private corporations, while the workers are paid pennies, and cannot refuse to work. That used to be called "slavery". There are now more prisoner slaves in the US that the South had in slavery before the Civil war.

The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. How long do you think black people were going to put up with this crap? It's entirely possible that things would have been much, much worse without Obama as President. I'm certainly old enough to remember the race riots of the 1960's.

Poverty in America will continue to get worse as long as corporations keep getting bigger and more powerful. See previous paragraphs re tax reform and income inequity.

Reagan and Bush are responsible for every ill in the entire world!

And democrats and the rest and the world have been unable to change it!

Remarkable how powerful and smart these two men are.

Isn't astounding how left wingers can delude themselves? Get this: Dragonlady thinks the way to decrease government dependency is to increase taxes! Such fantastical thinking is an incredible thing to behold.

More unbelievable is that she thinks the "transfer of wealth" happens through taxation; that when you take less money from a wealthy person, that's money that's transferred to the top.

Rush is right as always. Liberals believe that all money belongs to government first, and what they allow you to keep is a gift from them to you. That might be the situation in Cuba or perhaps North Korea, but in a free country, the money you earn is rightfully yours.

"Just how much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
That's as stupid as saying all Democrats are stupid, lazy, welfare bums.
Explain then why Republicans vote against aide for places like Sandy Hook and hurricane victims in other places but when THEIR state gets hit they are up front SCREAMING for Federal Aide.

Simple, because in general people on BOTH sides are stupid, and hence we get assholes elected to office, on BOTH sides, who pay political games instead of doing the jobs they are paid to do
Nice try, but you simply don't see that sort of behavior on the Democratic side, you just don't.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Dude, are you even taking yourself seriously?
Show me evidence of a Democrat trying to stop aid from going to another state. Don't worry, I'll wait.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Oh, I see. You want to focus narrowly on aid to states, not on playing political games. Nice one.
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.
How can he when at the very beginning of his term your repub friends said their Number ONE goal was to make him a one term president?? Could you work with someone expressing the desire to see you fail???

Really? So it's not the objective of Democrats to make a Republican President a one term President?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Then you wonder why we call your kind the Uniformed Voter???
we might not like the idea of a republican president {{example moron gwb} but we sure aren't trying to take our country down with him....your pub friends don't give a hoot for what evil you've done ,,,just as long as you make dems look as bad as you can
That's a remarkably uninformed opinion.
Then you wonder why we call your kind the Uniformed Voter???
we might not like the idea of a republican president {{example moron gwb} but we sure aren't trying to take our country down with him....your pub friends don't give a hoot for what evil you've done ,,,just as long as you make dems look as bad as you can

The only "evil" Republicans have done is capitulate to the Dimocrat agenda.
if you really believe republicans have capitulated to dems you should get yourself checked out

Anyone who claims they haven't is a leftwing douche bag.
what has your congress voted on that were dem policies what has your repub congress capitulated on
They refused to defund obamadon'tcare when they had the power to do so. They refused to stop amnesty when they had the power to do so. That's two capitulations.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.

the house has passed legislation to repeal Obamacare over 30 times.
I notice you failed to answer a single one of my questions.

The GOP repealed ObamaCare? That's closing the barn door after the horse has left. It's theater for the rubes. After all, when the GOP controlled all the branches of government, what comprehensive reform did they enact to deal with the fact health care costs had been outpacing inflation for decades? I'll answer for you. NOTHING.

Oh, wait. They did create a whole new trillion dollar medical entitlement program so as to win the senior vote in 2004. And they failed to pay for it, thus adding to the debt.

The Democrats telegraphed during all those decades exactly what it would do if it got the chance, so you would think the GOP would have headed that shit off when they controlled the entire government. But they did NOTHING, thus signaling they had abdicated on the issue.

You have to be one of the most gullible rubes on the planet to swallow all that piss about cutting spending, eliminating the EPA, abolishing the Dept of Ed, and repealing ObamaCare. Unlike you rubes, I believe the Republican Party's ACTIONS speak much, much louder than its carnival barker BULLSHIT.

There was no healthcare crisis in the USA before obozocare. NONE, no one was denied healthcare NO ONE, even people here illegally.

ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist. It was nothing but a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy.

I agree that the GOP reps that were sent to DC did not do what they were sent there to do, and they should be removed.

I also know that more democrats in DC will only make everything worse. The debt will increase, the country will be more divided, our economy will suck, and we will be more vulnerable to attack from militant muslims, and others who want this country destroyed. Unfortunately the current president is one of the people trying to bring down the USA.
Obama care is just like any other socialist program, it is absolute waste, fraud and abuse....
To the OP, the answer to your question is: because conservatives and republicans are honest. They criticize their own as well as the dem/libs.

Since you dem/libs never dare to criticize your leaders, you cannot understand that kind of honesty.

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