Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

What was the cost to America, douche bag? What good did Obama do for America? It's all bad, as far as I can see. The main problem with the Republicans is that they didn't try hard enough to stop Obama.

This is what comes of spending your life in your mother's basement reading right-wing blogs. You haven't looked outside your own four walls.

Sitting in the basement making thousands of posts on a political message board doesn't mean you have any knowledge of whats really going on in the world, and your consistently false view of the world is strong evidence that you can't see very far at all.

Well, that certainly proved me wrong . . . . NOT.

There was no information in your post to disprove, just your narrow-minded, bigoted position. It's not my job to supplement your woefully inadequate education, or to provide you with a bunch of links to prove you wrong. But anyone with 55,000 posts in 5 years, is certainly not working, or even getting out of the house much. That works out to 30 posts a day, every day, for 5 years.

It fairly obvious you don't have a job, aren't married, don't have children to provide for, or any real obstacles in your life. You just sit on your ass, absorbing the conservative media lies, and posting them back to us.

Nailed him.

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But anyone with 55,000 posts in 5 years, is certainly not working, or even getting out of the house much. That works out to 30 posts a day, every day, for 5 years.

It's a tough job. But he feels he has to do it. The alternative would be that he actually worked.

But have you noticed that it is mostly the crazed right wingers on here that run up the BIG post counts? Why is that? Are they lazy. Sit around on their fat asses bitching all day. Why don't they get a job?

And they bitch about others being non productive.LMAO.
I noticed that a few years ago. Bunch of lazy so-and-so's, the lot of them.

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and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

If only they had been successful in making him a one term president, the country would be much better off today.
sure red ,,,and the proof of what you say is the great 8 years your prior repub president had?

why cant you libs ever address the failures of your guy, Obama? This is not about Bush, no one here is praising Bush.

Obama has been a terrible president, Hillary would continue that trend.
what you call failure I call obama not healing the deep wounds caused by gwb and republicans in bushes 8 years fast enough......you forget the cess pool he left america in ,,,,and now all you do is fling feces at the guy who is doing the clean up

you are totally indoctrinated in left wing bullshit, I will not waste any more time on such an idiot.
What was inaccurate in his assessment?

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The New Right represents a great threat to our nation's traditions, values and democratic institutions. They have wrapped themselves in the American Flag, and while holding the cross of Christianity, they have soiled everything those symbols represent.

That is so true.

Interesting. So what traditions and values do you speak of? Marriage? Women dressing like women and men dressing like men? Two-parent families? Self reliance? Personal responsibility?

Seems to me those are Republican values. All of the above were attacked by the libs on the left at one time or another. Of course we can keep adding to that list. You know, like the tradition of men using the mens room and women using the women's room. Liberals today want grown men taking showers with our 14 year old daughters and granddaughters. But of course, it's the Republicans that have the war on women, isn't that right Dean????

Q. what traditions and values do you speak of?

A. Liberty, the freedom to be oneself, be happy, have equal opportunities, not to be discriminated against by laws passed to restrict their rights, justified by the canard that discrimination is simply an example of someone practicing their principles.

I'd like to see dishonest bigots cease their constant hate and fear rhetoric ("Liberals today want grown men taking showers with our 14 year old daughters and granddaughters.) which are not only stupid but foolish, since no one with any sense believes such nonsense.
Hey eddiew, what year did Clinton reduce our national debt?

He reduced the deficit.
I would like to apply the principle about dishonest statements that you espoused in your prior paragraph to your last statement. It is partially dishonest to say that Clinton reduced the deficit. It is honest to say that Clinton and the Republican Congress reduced the deficit. Did Clinton in fact propose budgets with declining deficits, or did he propose budgets with higher deficits that were then sent back to him with lower deficits? IOW, did he lead the way to reduced deficits or did he follow Congress' leadership?
I guess the answer is they worked together ,,,,,something the pub nitwits in congress know nothing about
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.
Jackass, the Republicans held secret meetings vowing to NOT work with Obama BEFORE he stepped one foot in the White House.

GTFOH with the "it takes two to tango" nonsense!

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Oh please, Obama made it quite clear to everyone almost from his inauguration that he had no intention of compromising with Republicans and Dems cheered, so how are they any better?

Got a link where he said that. Or democrats cheering.

Keep in mind I wanted Obam to tell the repubs to fuck off.
But I don't have any thing showing him doing that.

So if you don't mind. A link please. It'll make my day.
Q. what traditions and values do you speak of?

A. Liberty, the freedom to be oneself, be happy, have equal opportunities, not to be discriminated against by laws passed to restrict their rights, justified by the canard that discrimination is simply an example of someone practicing their principles.

I'd like to see dishonest bigots cease their constant hate and fear rhetoric ("Liberals today want grown men taking showers with our 14 year old daughters and granddaughters.) which are not only stupid but foolish, since no one with any sense believes such nonsense.
He reduced the deficit.
I would like to apply the principle about dishonest statements that you espoused in your prior paragraph to your last statement. It is partially dishonest to say that Clinton reduced the deficit. It is honest to say that Clinton and the Republican Congress reduced the deficit. Did Clinton in fact propose budgets with declining deficits, or did he propose budgets with higher deficits that were then sent back to him with lower deficits? IOW, did he lead the way to reduced deficits or did he follow Congress' leadership?
I guess the answer is they worked together ,,,,,something the pub nitwits in congress know nothing about
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.
How can he when at the very beginning of his term your repub friends said their Number ONE goal was to make him a one term president?? Could you work with someone expressing the desire to see you fail???

Oh please, Obama made it quite clear to everyone almost from his inauguration that he had no intention of compromising with Republicans and Dems cheered, so how are they any better?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Interesting. So what traditions and values do you speak of? Marriage? Women dressing like women and men dressing like men? Two-parent families? Self reliance? Personal responsibility?

Seems to me those are Republican values. All of the above were attacked by the libs on the left at one time or another. Of course we can keep adding to that list. You know, like the tradition of men using the mens room and women using the women's room. Liberals today want grown men taking showers with our 14 year old daughters and granddaughters. But of course, it's the Republicans that have the war on women, isn't that right Dean????

Q. what traditions and values do you speak of?

A. Liberty, the freedom to be oneself, be happy, have equal opportunities, not to be discriminated against by laws passed to restrict their rights, justified by the canard that discrimination is simply an example of someone practicing their principles.

I'd like to see dishonest bigots cease their constant hate and fear rhetoric ("Liberals today want grown men taking showers with our 14 year old daughters and granddaughters.) which are not only stupid but foolish, since no one with any sense believes such nonsense.
Hey eddiew, what year did Clinton reduce our national debt?

He reduced the deficit.
I would like to apply the principle about dishonest statements that you espoused in your prior paragraph to your last statement. It is partially dishonest to say that Clinton reduced the deficit. It is honest to say that Clinton and the Republican Congress reduced the deficit. Did Clinton in fact propose budgets with declining deficits, or did he propose budgets with higher deficits that were then sent back to him with lower deficits? IOW, did he lead the way to reduced deficits or did he follow Congress' leadership?
I guess the answer is they worked together ,,,,,something the pub nitwits in congress know nothing about
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.
Jackass, the Republicans held secret meetings vowing to NOT work with Obama BEFORE he stepped one foot in the White House.

GTFOH with the "it takes two to tango" nonsense!

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Sure about that? I don't remember your name being on the guest list or seeing you there. Maybe you have an inside line. Do you know Jack?
Interesting. So what traditions and values do you speak of? Marriage? Women dressing like women and men dressing like men? Two-parent families? Self reliance? Personal responsibility?

Seems to me those are Republican values. All of the above were attacked by the libs on the left at one time or another. Of course we can keep adding to that list. You know, like the tradition of men using the mens room and women using the women's room. Liberals today want grown men taking showers with our 14 year old daughters and granddaughters. But of course, it's the Republicans that have the war on women, isn't that right Dean????

Q. what traditions and values do you speak of?

A. Liberty, the freedom to be oneself, be happy, have equal opportunities, not to be discriminated against by laws passed to restrict their rights, justified by the canard that discrimination is simply an example of someone practicing their principles.

I'd like to see dishonest bigots cease their constant hate and fear rhetoric ("Liberals today want grown men taking showers with our 14 year old daughters and granddaughters.) which are not only stupid but foolish, since no one with any sense believes such nonsense.
Hey eddiew, what year did Clinton reduce our national debt?

He reduced the deficit.
I would like to apply the principle about dishonest statements that you espoused in your prior paragraph to your last statement. It is partially dishonest to say that Clinton reduced the deficit. It is honest to say that Clinton and the Republican Congress reduced the deficit. Did Clinton in fact propose budgets with declining deficits, or did he propose budgets with higher deficits that were then sent back to him with lower deficits? IOW, did he lead the way to reduced deficits or did he follow Congress' leadership?
I guess the answer is they worked together ,,,,,something the pub nitwits in congress know nothing about
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.

Says who?
Says a hyper-partisan radical conservative hack. That's who!

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When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
Because Republicans are, by and large, selfish / hurray for me and fuck you people who will do or say anything to avoid paying for the things they get.

They don't want to pay any taxes but expect government to be there for THEM when THEY need it but not if YOU need it.

That's as stupid as saying all Democrats are stupid, lazy, welfare bums.
Explain then why Republicans vote against aide for places like Sandy Hook and hurricane victims in other places but when THEIR state gets hit they are up front SCREAMING for Federal Aide.

Simple, because in general people on BOTH sides are stupid, and hence we get assholes elected to office, on BOTH sides, who pay political games instead of doing the jobs they are paid to do
Nice try, but you simply don't see that sort of behavior on the Democratic side, you just don't.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Q. what traditions and values do you speak of?

A. Liberty, the freedom to be oneself, be happy, have equal opportunities, not to be discriminated against by laws passed to restrict their rights, justified by the canard that discrimination is simply an example of someone practicing their principles.

I'd like to see dishonest bigots cease their constant hate and fear rhetoric ("Liberals today want grown men taking showers with our 14 year old daughters and granddaughters.) which are not only stupid but foolish, since no one with any sense believes such nonsense.
He reduced the deficit.
I would like to apply the principle about dishonest statements that you espoused in your prior paragraph to your last statement. It is partially dishonest to say that Clinton reduced the deficit. It is honest to say that Clinton and the Republican Congress reduced the deficit. Did Clinton in fact propose budgets with declining deficits, or did he propose budgets with higher deficits that were then sent back to him with lower deficits? IOW, did he lead the way to reduced deficits or did he follow Congress' leadership?
I guess the answer is they worked together ,,,,,something the pub nitwits in congress know nothing about
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.

Says who?
Says a hyper-partisan radical conservative hack. That's who!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Score! That's an easy 5 points right there.
Q. what traditions and values do you speak of?

A. Liberty, the freedom to be oneself, be happy, have equal opportunities, not to be discriminated against by laws passed to restrict their rights, justified by the canard that discrimination is simply an example of someone practicing their principles.

I'd like to see dishonest bigots cease their constant hate and fear rhetoric ("Liberals today want grown men taking showers with our 14 year old daughters and granddaughters.) which are not only stupid but foolish, since no one with any sense believes such nonsense.
He reduced the deficit.
I would like to apply the principle about dishonest statements that you espoused in your prior paragraph to your last statement. It is partially dishonest to say that Clinton reduced the deficit. It is honest to say that Clinton and the Republican Congress reduced the deficit. Did Clinton in fact propose budgets with declining deficits, or did he propose budgets with higher deficits that were then sent back to him with lower deficits? IOW, did he lead the way to reduced deficits or did he follow Congress' leadership?
I guess the answer is they worked together ,,,,,something the pub nitwits in congress know nothing about
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.
How can he when at the very beginning of his term your repub friends said their Number ONE goal was to make him a one term president?? Could you work with someone expressing the desire to see you fail???

Really? So it's not the objective of Democrats to make a Republican President a one term President?

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When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
Because Republicans are, by and large, selfish / hurray for me and fuck you people who will do or say anything to avoid paying for the things they get.

They don't want to pay any taxes but expect government to be there for THEM when THEY need it but not if YOU need it.

That's as stupid as saying all Democrats are stupid, lazy, welfare bums.
Explain then why Republicans vote against aide for places like Sandy Hook and hurricane victims in other places but when THEIR state gets hit they are up front SCREAMING for Federal Aide.

Simple, because in general people on BOTH sides are stupid, and hence we get assholes elected to office, on BOTH sides, who pay political games instead of doing the jobs they are paid to do
Nice try, but you simply don't see that sort of behavior on the Democratic side, you just don't.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Dude, are you even taking yourself seriously?
I would like to apply the principle about dishonest statements that you espoused in your prior paragraph to your last statement. It is partially dishonest to say that Clinton reduced the deficit. It is honest to say that Clinton and the Republican Congress reduced the deficit. Did Clinton in fact propose budgets with declining deficits, or did he propose budgets with higher deficits that were then sent back to him with lower deficits? IOW, did he lead the way to reduced deficits or did he follow Congress' leadership?
I guess the answer is they worked together ,,,,,something the pub nitwits in congress know nothing about
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.
How can he when at the very beginning of his term your repub friends said their Number ONE goal was to make him a one term president?? Could you work with someone expressing the desire to see you fail???

Really? So it's not the objective of Democrats to make a Republican President a one term President?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Then why do they run a candidate against a Republican president seeking a second term? That's lunacy you're talking there.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

If only they had been successful in making him a one term president, the country would be much better off today.
sure red ,,,and the proof of what you say is the great 8 years your prior repub president had?

why cant you libs ever address the failures of your guy, Obama? This is not about Bush, no one here is praising Bush.

Obama has been a terrible president, Hillary would continue that trend.
what you call failure I call obama not healing the deep wounds caused by gwb and republicans in bushes 8 years fast enough......you forget the cess pool he left america in ,,,,and now all you do is fling feces at the guy who is doing the clean up

Right, like WTF did he ever do to clean anything up?
Everything is better now, than when shrub was Office. Everything.

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If only they had been successful in making him a one term president, the country would be much better off today.
sure red ,,,and the proof of what you say is the great 8 years your prior repub president had?

why cant you libs ever address the failures of your guy, Obama? This is not about Bush, no one here is praising Bush.

Obama has been a terrible president, Hillary would continue that trend.
what you call failure I call obama not healing the deep wounds caused by gwb and republicans in bushes 8 years fast enough......you forget the cess pool he left america in ,,,,and now all you do is fling feces at the guy who is doing the clean up

Right, like WTF did he ever do to clean anything up?
Everything is better now, than when shrub was Office. Everything.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Oh, brother. Black economic status. Go.
Because Republicans are, by and large, selfish / hurray for me and fuck you people who will do or say anything to avoid paying for the things they get.

They don't want to pay any taxes but expect government to be there for THEM when THEY need it but not if YOU need it.

That's as stupid as saying all Democrats are stupid, lazy, welfare bums.
Explain then why Republicans vote against aide for places like Sandy Hook and hurricane victims in other places but when THEIR state gets hit they are up front SCREAMING for Federal Aide.

Simple, because in general people on BOTH sides are stupid, and hence we get assholes elected to office, on BOTH sides, who pay political games instead of doing the jobs they are paid to do
Nice try, but you simply don't see that sort of behavior on the Democratic side, you just don't.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Dude, are you even taking yourself seriously?
Show me evidence of a Democrat trying to stop aid from going to another state. Don't worry, I'll wait.

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Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.

the house has passed legislation to repeal Obamacare over 30 times.
I notice you failed to answer a single one of my questions.

The GOP repealed ObamaCare? That's closing the barn door after the horse has left. It's theater for the rubes. After all, when the GOP controlled all the branches of government, what comprehensive reform did they enact to deal with the fact health care costs had been outpacing inflation for decades? I'll answer for you. NOTHING.

Oh, wait. They did create a whole new trillion dollar medical entitlement program so as to win the senior vote in 2004. And they failed to pay for it, thus adding to the debt.

The Democrats telegraphed during all those decades exactly what it would do if it got the chance, so you would think the GOP would have headed that shit off when they controlled the entire government. But they did NOTHING, thus signaling they had abdicated on the issue.

You have to be one of the most gullible rubes on the planet to swallow all that piss about cutting spending, eliminating the EPA, abolishing the Dept of Ed, and repealing ObamaCare. Unlike you rubes, I believe the Republican Party's ACTIONS speak much, much louder than its carnival barker BULLSHIT.
Last edited:
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.

the house has passed legislation to repeal Obamacare over 30 times.
Why have they been WASTING the people's time and money like this?

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Whenever leftists complain about politicians wasting money you can be assured of two things:

#1 The amount is trivial.

#2 It always involve trying to roll back the leftwing agenda.
That's as stupid as saying all Democrats are stupid, lazy, welfare bums.
Explain then why Republicans vote against aide for places like Sandy Hook and hurricane victims in other places but when THEIR state gets hit they are up front SCREAMING for Federal Aide.

Simple, because in general people on BOTH sides are stupid, and hence we get assholes elected to office, on BOTH sides, who pay political games instead of doing the jobs they are paid to do
Nice try, but you simply don't see that sort of behavior on the Democratic side, you just don't.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Dude, are you even taking yourself seriously?
Show me evidence of a Democrat trying to stop aid from going to another state. Don't worry, I'll wait.

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When has a Democrat ever tried to stop the government from spending money unless it's for the Dept of Defense?

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