Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

Correct. Like I said, GW tried it again and it created more problems than solved.

I think that if I were running for President, it might be a good policy to have more obvious identification on American made products. You know, like a big flag on the packaging of the product or something.

After all, when was the last time you went shopping and searched the carton to see where it was made? Probably never--just like most of us.

Our focus is on price and price only. If you have two big-screen televisions you may want to buy, both have the exact same features, are you going to buy the American television set for $1,800, or are you going to buy the foreign made set for $1,300? Chances are you will by the $1,300 set and never even look where it was manufactured.

So your solution is to create new packaging laws and regulations. Republicans won't even pass a law to require GMO's be clearly labelled, even though the public is screaming for this, because it will increase costs to the suppliers.

It may, but it's just a start. Perhaps if we as American consumers were more conscious about where our products are made, it might make some people think.

After all, the solution to our jobs problem is to purchase what we make over here. But I don't think it should be done by government force.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

If only they had been successful in making him a one term president, the country would be much better off today.
sure red ,,,and the proof of what you say is the great 8 years your prior repub president had?

why cant you libs ever address the failures of your guy, Obama? This is not about Bush, no one here is praising Bush.

Obama has been a terrible president, Hillary would continue that trend.
what you call failure I call obama not healing the deep wounds caused by gwb and republicans in bushes 8 years fast enough......you forget the cess pool he left america in ,,,,and now all you do is fling feces at the guy who is doing the clean up

Right, like WTF did he ever do to clean anything up?
It's the perfect excuse. No matter how lousy Obama's policies are, his supporters just fall back on, "Oh, it was just so horrible that there is just no way he could possibly have done anything to make it better in <fill in arbitrary number> years". That will cease the instant the next Republican president is sworn in.
I would like to apply the principle about dishonest statements that you espoused in your prior paragraph to your last statement. It is partially dishonest to say that Clinton reduced the deficit. It is honest to say that Clinton and the Republican Congress reduced the deficit. Did Clinton in fact propose budgets with declining deficits, or did he propose budgets with higher deficits that were then sent back to him with lower deficits? IOW, did he lead the way to reduced deficits or did he follow Congress' leadership?
I guess the answer is they worked together ,,,,,something the pub nitwits in congress know nothing about
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.
How can he when at the very beginning of his term your repub friends said their Number ONE goal was to make him a one term president?? Could you work with someone expressing the desire to see you fail???

Really? So it's not the objective of Democrats to make a Republican President a one term President?
I do not understand why dems are so upset at the idea that Republican Congressmen prefer to have a Republican president. I certainly don't hear Harry Reid sighing for a Republican president when Obama is in office.

It's been a talking point of theirs since McConnell said it. Like one guy saying something off-hand is why the entire Congress couldn't' get along with DumBama.

They forget "The Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat" or "I have a pen and I have a cell phone." See, that's okay. No indication there that DumBama didn't want to work with the Republicans in the house.
I guess the answer is they worked together ,,,,,something the pub nitwits in congress know nothing about
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.
How can he when at the very beginning of his term your repub friends said their Number ONE goal was to make him a one term president?? Could you work with someone expressing the desire to see you fail???

Really? So it's not the objective of Democrats to make a Republican President a one term President?
I do not understand why dems are so upset at the idea that Republican Congressmen prefer to have a Republican president. I certainly don't hear Harry Reid sighing for a Republican president when Obama is in office.

It's been a talking point of theirs since McConnell said it. Like one guy saying something off-hand is why the entire Congress couldn't' get along with DumBama.

They forget "The Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat" or "I have a pen and I have a cell phone." See, that's okay. No indication there that DumBama didn't want to work with the Republicans in the house.
Another reason Obama is known as The Fragile One.
Correct. Like I said, GW tried it again and it created more problems than solved.

I think that if I were running for President, it might be a good policy to have more obvious identification on American made products. You know, like a big flag on the packaging of the product or something.

After all, when was the last time you went shopping and searched the carton to see where it was made? Probably never--just like most of us.

Our focus is on price and price only. If you have two big-screen televisions you may want to buy, both have the exact same features, are you going to buy the American television set for $1,800, or are you going to buy the foreign made set for $1,300? Chances are you will by the $1,300 set and never even look where it was manufactured.

So your solution is to create new packaging laws and regulations. Republicans won't even pass a law to require GMO's be clearly labelled, even though the public is screaming for this, because it will increase costs to the suppliers.

It may, but it's just a start. Perhaps if we as American consumers were more conscious about where our products are made, it might make some people think.

After all, the solution to our jobs problem is to purchase what we make over here. But I don't think it should be done by government force.

The government CAN demand a fair playing field between countries.

Currently, we are not on a level playing field. Not even close.
Toyotas are so reliable, it's amazing. I'm on my second one once I gave up on Detroit Union crap.

LMAO. I shot my Chevy truck this morning. It has 100k on it now and the glove box latch broke. So I shot it.

My previous Chevy pu truck had 225,000 miles on it. My Chevy van almost 300k. Had a GMC pu. Only about 60k before I sold it.

None of my Chevys EVER left me stranded or broke down.

Had my son driving a Honda prelude with an automatic. Piece of shit.
My daughter drove a Mazda. Drank three quarts of oil a WEEK.
I drove a Toyota pu for a while. Till it rusted away.
My wife is driving a Honda SUV. Hates it. The rear door won't release when the weather is cold. Dealer says; oh well.
My other daughter was driving a Mitsubishi. Good motor, bad body.

So now my son drives a Chevy. Both daughters drive a Chevy and my wife will be driving a Chevy soon.

Them Chevys sure are great.

In case you haven't noticed.. Conservatives are fed up with the GOP.

So? Too bad conservatives have no ideas to solve the myriad problems left us by G.W and his pals.
The New Right represents a great threat to our nation's traditions, values and democratic institutions. They have wrapped themselves in the American Flag, and while holding the cross of Christianity, they have soiled everything those symbols represent.

That is so true.

Interesting. So what traditions and values do you speak of? Marriage? Women dressing like women and men dressing like men? Two-parent families? Self reliance? Personal responsibility?

Seems to me those are Republican values. All of the above were attacked by the libs on the left at one time or another. Of course we can keep adding to that list. You know, like the tradition of men using the mens room and women using the women's room. Liberals today want grown men taking showers with our 14 year old daughters and granddaughters. But of course, it's the Republicans that have the war on women, isn't that right Dean????
What do you care who dresses like what. Don't like it? Turn away.

So you found one comment I made out of all the others. Good for you Dean. Now tell us again who holds traditional values.
Correct. Like I said, GW tried it again and it created more problems than solved.

I think that if I were running for President, it might be a good policy to have more obvious identification on American made products. You know, like a big flag on the packaging of the product or something.

After all, when was the last time you went shopping and searched the carton to see where it was made? Probably never--just like most of us.

Our focus is on price and price only. If you have two big-screen televisions you may want to buy, both have the exact same features, are you going to buy the American television set for $1,800, or are you going to buy the foreign made set for $1,300? Chances are you will by the $1,300 set and never even look where it was manufactured.

So your solution is to create new packaging laws and regulations. Republicans won't even pass a law to require GMO's be clearly labelled, even though the public is screaming for this, because it will increase costs to the suppliers.

It may, but it's just a start. Perhaps if we as American consumers were more conscious about where our products are made, it might make some people think.

After all, the solution to our jobs problem is to purchase what we make over here. But I don't think it should be done by government force.

The government CAN demand a fair playing field between countries.

Currently, we are not on a level playing field. Not even close.

Maybe not, but we get the cheap products we wish to buy. Penalizing the manufacturers in those countries only hurts the American consumer. Then it becomes a political ball in the game. I can see it now "The Republicans are responsible for the prices of your products to go sky high!"
It takes two to work together. Obama has shown little inclination to be part of any collaboration.
How can he when at the very beginning of his term your repub friends said their Number ONE goal was to make him a one term president?? Could you work with someone expressing the desire to see you fail???

Really? So it's not the objective of Democrats to make a Republican President a one term President?
I do not understand why dems are so upset at the idea that Republican Congressmen prefer to have a Republican president. I certainly don't hear Harry Reid sighing for a Republican president when Obama is in office.

It's been a talking point of theirs since McConnell said it. Like one guy saying something off-hand is why the entire Congress couldn't' get along with DumBama.

They forget "The Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat" or "I have a pen and I have a cell phone." See, that's okay. No indication there that DumBama didn't want to work with the Republicans in the house.
Another reason Obama is known as The Fragile One.

He is too. Think Russia would be flying their fighter jets so low to our ships if Trump were President today? They make a fool out of him all the time and they don't even have to mention his name. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Correct. Like I said, GW tried it again and it created more problems than solved.

I think that if I were running for President, it might be a good policy to have more obvious identification on American made products. You know, like a big flag on the packaging of the product or something.

After all, when was the last time you went shopping and searched the carton to see where it was made? Probably never--just like most of us.

Our focus is on price and price only. If you have two big-screen televisions you may want to buy, both have the exact same features, are you going to buy the American television set for $1,800, or are you going to buy the foreign made set for $1,300? Chances are you will by the $1,300 set and never even look where it was manufactured.

So your solution is to create new packaging laws and regulations. Republicans won't even pass a law to require GMO's be clearly labelled, even though the public is screaming for this, because it will increase costs to the suppliers.

It may, but it's just a start. Perhaps if we as American consumers were more conscious about where our products are made, it might make some people think.

After all, the solution to our jobs problem is to purchase what we make over here. But I don't think it should be done by government force.

The government CAN demand a fair playing field between countries.

Currently, we are not on a level playing field. Not even close.
Maybe not, but we get the cheap products we wish to buy. Penalizing the manufacturers in those countries only hurts the American consumer. Then it becomes a political ball in the game. I can see it now "The Republicans are responsible for the prices of your products to go sky high!"

True, but is the wealth lost each year due to these trade deals more than the additional price of the products would be? I think the answer is probably yes.
Says the person that made this post at 9:11am--when most other people are working.

You're gonna really like this Ray.

People who work for themselves go to work when they want to. Retired people don't go to work at all.

People like you punch a clock and do what you are told.

Now kiss my self employed, semi retired ass.


Your truck break down today ray?
Correct. Like I said, GW tried it again and it created more problems than solved.

I think that if I were running for President, it might be a good policy to have more obvious identification on American made products. You know, like a big flag on the packaging of the product or something.

After all, when was the last time you went shopping and searched the carton to see where it was made? Probably never--just like most of us.

Our focus is on price and price only. If you have two big-screen televisions you may want to buy, both have the exact same features, are you going to buy the American television set for $1,800, or are you going to buy the foreign made set for $1,300? Chances are you will by the $1,300 set and never even look where it was manufactured.

So your solution is to create new packaging laws and regulations. Republicans won't even pass a law to require GMO's be clearly labelled, even though the public is screaming for this, because it will increase costs to the suppliers.

It may, but it's just a start. Perhaps if we as American consumers were more conscious about where our products are made, it might make some people think.

After all, the solution to our jobs problem is to purchase what we make over here. But I don't think it should be done by government force.

The government CAN demand a fair playing field between countries.

Currently, we are not on a level playing field. Not even close.
Maybe not, but we get the cheap products we wish to buy. Penalizing the manufacturers in those countries only hurts the American consumer. Then it becomes a political ball in the game. I can see it now "The Republicans are responsible for the prices of your products to go sky high!"

True, but is the wealth lost each year due to these trade deals more than the additional price of the products would be? I think the answer is probably yes.

The April 11 copy of TIME asks and provides responses to the questions,
  • "Has free trade made us better off":
  • "Is the global playing field unfair"
  • "Doesn't trade improve labor markets in rich countries"
  • "Is China stealing U.S jobs"
  • "Do we need a new way of thinking about fair trade"
  • "Is there any good news"
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

I'm curious, Eddie...when you progressives were running the entire show...the Oval Office...the House...and the Senate...what did you do for America? The Obama Stimulus...something that spent so much money and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was? ObamaCare...probably the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress...something that even it's proponents admit they lied about to get passed and now need someone to revamp or it will not work? Is that what you Democratic "geniuses" can get done when you've got political power? And then you're mystified why the electorate voted more Democrats out of office in 2010 than at any time in modern political history? Hate to break this to you, little buddy but you're the "conductor" on the "fu train"!
Citizens United is absolutely THEE worst legislation passed. Get it right.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Funny...they didn't have to lie about Citizens United to get it passed. Why do you think you progressives had to lie your asses off to get ObamaCare passed? Because it was such "good" legislation?
So you believe that Citizens United was/is actually a good thing?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
How can he when at the very beginning of his term your repub friends said their Number ONE goal was to make him a one term president?? Could you work with someone expressing the desire to see you fail???

Really? So it's not the objective of Democrats to make a Republican President a one term President?
I do not understand why dems are so upset at the idea that Republican Congressmen prefer to have a Republican president. I certainly don't hear Harry Reid sighing for a Republican president when Obama is in office.

It's been a talking point of theirs since McConnell said it. Like one guy saying something off-hand is why the entire Congress couldn't' get along with DumBama.

They forget "The Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat" or "I have a pen and I have a cell phone." See, that's okay. No indication there that DumBama didn't want to work with the Republicans in the house.
Another reason Obama is known as The Fragile One.

He is too. Think Russia would be flying their fighter jets so low to our ships if Trump were President today? They make a fool out of him all the time and they don't even have to mention his name. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
didn't have anything to do with obama ,,,,,,,the commander of that ship is 10x smarter than the con man trump your repubs want as president
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.

the house has passed legislation to repeal Obamacare over 30 times.
Why have they been WASTING the people's time and money like this?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
He is too. Think Russia would be flying their fighter jets so low to our ships if Trump were President today? They make a fool out of him all the time and they don't even have to mention his name. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The ship was less than fifty miles from a Russian base...if the Russian had a warship in the Gulf of Mexico we would react...
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
oh yes republicans would love to cut spending BUT ONLY if the cuts didn't come down on them
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?

Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

There's no need to extol the virtues of good when denigrating evil. Simple as that.
So in other words you don't have specific reasons for voting republican?

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