Why do schools who have been shut down for a year need extra tax dollars to open back up?

Seems to me they didn't spend squat the past year because they weren't teaching kids. So explain why they need more money to open back up?

Don't they have money left over from last year when they did nothing?

Prove me wrong.....................
You would not believe the amount of stuff I hauled into closed schools
Seems to me they didn't spend squat the past year because they weren't teaching kids. So explain why they need more money to open back up?

Don't they have money left over from last year when they did nothing?

Prove me wrong.....................

I saw on Newsmax the other day that one California County plans on giving each teacher a $6000.00 bonus and a trip to Hawaii. Talk about powerful Teachers Unions!
Seems to me they didn't spend squat the past year because they weren't teaching kids. So explain why they need more money to open back up?

Don't they have money left over from last year when they did nothing?

Prove me wrong.....................
They want us to bribe them into reopening.
It's just a shakedown.
Well, for one, they will need extra money for paint to stencil BLM on all the text books and classroom walls.
Seems to me they didn't spend squat the past year because they weren't teaching kids. So explain why they need more money to open back up?

Don't they have money left over from last year when they did nothing?

Prove me wrong.....................

You are even dumber than you seem. Students attended online classes all last year. School boards had the additional expenses of buying and setting up the software so teachers could teach from home, and paying for the software for all of their staff. Teachers were also given money to set up their home offices as a suitable teaching environment. School boards also had to pay to train teachers to use the online classroom platforms. That's in addition to supplying students without access to computer equipment at home with tablets/laptops, and internet, so they could learn from home.

The School Boards still paid salaries to teachers, and other staff. The buildings still required heat, electricity, and water, during the pandemic, as well as routine maintenance to all HVAC systems, and other mechanical systems. The grass had to be cut, and the grounds maintained.

Now, for schools to be properly re-opened, class sizes have to be smaller, which means money for more teachers. The ventilation systems have to be upgraded (something that needed to be done in any case), and other changes need to be made to keep schools safe for both students and staff. The school boards need money for testing staff as well.

Every other day, classrooms are sent into quaratine and back to e-learning via email, because someone in the classroom has tested positive.

Last year, when parents were getting ready to go away for Spring Break, the Premier announced the schools were closing for 2 weeks, and when the country went into lockdown one week later, the Premier announced that schools would re-open for elearning classrooms one week later.

Teachers had one week to set up a teaching centre from home, including buying the computer, in some cases, getting the software, figuring out how to use it, and then transpose their lesson plans to an elearning format. All of their worksheets had to be scanned and emailed to all of the parents. The also had to coordinate with all of the parents to find out any equipment needs, and coach parents through getting their kids logged in. Parents have to be able to scan and email the worksheets back to the teacher for marking.

And they did it.
Don't they have money left over from last year when they did nothing?

Prove me wrong.....................

This is actually a simple task, since you're so often wrong.

You are even dumber than you seem. Students attended online classes all last year.
... buying and setting up the software so teachers could teach from home
...in addition to supplying students without access to computer equipment at home with tablets/laptops, and internet, so they could learn from home.
The School Boards still paid salaries to teachers, and other staff. The buildings still required heat, electricity...

Nostra thinks children took the year off.

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