Trevor Bauer vindicated. His accuser is facing up to 16 years in prison for extortion- but why isn’t he still on a MLB team?


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Remember the me2 people …I’m sure that there were some on the US message board who without any proof without anything to back up their claim said “he’s getting what he deserves” … left-wing fanatics were quick to throw Trevor Bauer under the bus.

But Bauer never did anything wrong.

Will the MLB give Bauer another chance? Will the MLB get sued for hundreds of millions of dollars perhaps rightfully by Trevor Bauer? Either way Bauer is one of the greatest pictures of our time ..the fact that he’s not on an MLB team right now is mindboggling.

One thing we all have learned from the past few years is how dangerous the left-wing can be. I mean they usher in the worst political violence in the history of the USA with regards to the left-wing BLM riots of 2020. Their wokeness and cancel culture has continuously Hurt our economy and American way of life.
He has faced multiple accusers of sexual assault, and he is also a real douchebag that most of his teammates didn't like. You could look at his Twitter account over the years to get a good read on who this dude really is.

Most teams don't want him, regardless of his talent.

Remember the me2 people …I’m sure that there were some on the US message board who without any proof without anything to back up their claim said “he’s getting what he deserves” … left-wing fanatics were quick to throw Trevor Bauer under the bus.

But Bauer never did anything wrong.

Will the MLB give Bauer another chance? Will the MLB get sued for hundreds of millions of dollars perhaps rightfully by Trevor Bauer? Either way Bauer is one of the greatest pictures of our time ..the fact that he’s not on an MLB team right now is mindboggling.

One thing we all have learned from the past few years is how dangerous the left-wing can be. I mean they usher in the worst political violence in the history of the USA with regards to the left-wing BLM riots of 2020. Their wokeness and cancel culture has continuously Hurt our economy and American way of life.
The Reds had him and he won their first Cy Young award.

He also took them to the playoffs.

And if they picked him up again, they would go straight back to the playoffs. Without him, not so much.

Them not picking him up shows the power of PC.

Many people hated Ty Cobb as well, yet he was the reason the teams he was on won.

There is no question he hangs around the wrong people, which is why he was falsely accused, but to black ball him for that when he can do a job no one else can for a team?

It reminds me of Trump. He can do a better job than Biden but people don't like him.
His quality as a player is outweighed by the bad press he brings.

Major League Sports need to do more of this, not less. Watching the NFL pregame show is like watching the Crime blotter sometimes, with the drugs, dog-fighting and wife beating.

(Of course, these mental midgets could get confused and engage in wife-fighting and dog-beating, so there's that.)
His quality as a player is outweighed by the bad press he brings.

Major League Sports need to do more of this, not less. Watching the NFL pregame show is like watching the Crime blotter sometimes, with the drugs, dog-fighting and wife beating.

(Of course, these mental midgets could get confused and engage in wife-fighting and dog-beating, so there's that.)
If he does his job and does not break the law then leave him the hell alone, or be a Left-wing busy body like yourself.
Two Hall of Famers, Pete Rose and Ty Cobb. They are the hit leaders in MLB in the history of baseball.

What do they have in common? They both had issues.

Everyone on Ty Cobb's team hated the guy. He was just mean is all, and an ardent racist. He was hated so much by his team, his own teammates congratulated a player on another team that beat him out for a batting title for having the highest batting average in a season.

But then it got uglier. A fan in a wheelchair called Ty a half Ni&&er in the stands, after which Ty Cobb promptly jumped the fence and beat the hell out of him, almost killing him. Ty was then banned from baseball, just like Pete Rose later was. However, they were all such racists, they banned together with Ty and demanded he be reinstated or they would all quit, so MLB let him back in, as he eventually found himself in the Hall of Fame.

Pete Rose was not so lucky, because there was no such solidarity in baseball to defend him, even though betting on baseball is far less a crime than attempted murder of a handicapped person because you are a racist arse. Yet the PC police in baseball persist with their injustices. Rose should be more eligible than Ty, but there is no equity or equality in the PC of men.

And here we have Trevor, someone who has done far less than both Pete and Ty, being treated like pond scum treated worse than Ty or Pete.

Is their dysfunction the reason they excel in such sports? I think there is something to this thought. Do deficits in character translate into making up such deficits in other areas, such as being competitive?

I think so. Problem is, this is the type of people society celebrates as their heroes.

The true heroes in society, however, are the loving parents who stick by their spouse and children and raise them in a house of love, you know, the type of parents that show up to school boards and are demonized by Biden and targeted by the FBI cuz they get all bent out of shape that a drag queen is twerking in the face of their First grader in class. Those are the people that are not only not recognized as being heroes, they are demonized as being the problem with society.
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Remember the me2 people …I’m sure that there were some on the US message board who without any proof without anything to back up their claim said “he’s getting what he deserves” … left-wing fanatics were quick to throw Trevor Bauer under the bus.

But Bauer never did anything wrong.

Will the MLB give Bauer another chance? Will the MLB get sued for hundreds of millions of dollars perhaps rightfully by Trevor Bauer? Either way Bauer is one of the greatest pictures of our time ..the fact that he’s not on an MLB team right now is mindboggling.

One thing we all have learned from the past few years is how dangerous the left-wing can be. I mean they usher in the worst political violence in the history of the USA with regards to the left-wing BLM riots of 2020. Their wokeness and cancel culture has continuously Hurt our economy and American way of life.
how the hell is he one of the greatest pitchers of our time?....
The Reds had him and he won their first Cy Young award.

He also took them to the playoffs.

And if they picked him up again, they would go straight back to the playoffs. Without him, not so much.

Them not picking him up shows the power of PC.

Many people hated Ty Cobb as well, yet he was the reason the teams he was on won.

There is no question he hangs around the wrong people, which is why he was falsely accused, but to black ball him for that when he can do a job no one else can for a team?

It reminds me of Trump. He can do a better job than Biden but people don't like him.
yea he won it in
Two Hall of Famers, Pete Rose and Ty Cobb. They are the hit leaders in MLB in the history of baseball.

What do they have in common? They both had issues.

Everyone on Ty Cobb's team hated the guy. He was just mean is all, and an ardent racist. He was hated so much by his team, his own teammates congratulated a player on another team that beat him out for a batting title for having the highest batting average in a season.

But then it got uglier. A fan in a wheelchair called Ty a half Ni&&er in the stands, after which Ty Cobb promptly jumped the fence and beat the hell out of him, almost killing him. Ty was then banned from baseball, just like Pete Rose later was. However, they were all such racists, they banned together with Ty and demanded he be reinstated or they would all quit, so MLB let him back in, as he eventually found himself in the Hall of Fame.

Pete Rose was not so lucky, because there was no such solidarity in baseball to defend him, even though betting on baseball is far less a crime than attempted murder of a handicapped person because you are a racist arse. Yet the PC police in baseball persist with their injustices. Rose should be more eligible than Ty, but there is no equity or equality in the PC of men.

And here we have Trevor, someone who has done far less than both Pete and Ty, being treated like pond scum treated worse than Ty or Pete.

Is their dysfunction the reason they excel in such sports? I think there is something to this thought. Do deficits in character translate into making up such deficits in other areas, such as being competitive?

I think so. Problem is, this is the type of people society celebrates as their heroes.

The true heroes in society, however, are the loving parents who stick by their spouse and children and raise them in a house of love, you know, the type of parents that show up to school boards and are demonized by Biden and targeted by the FBI cuz they get all bent out of shape that a drag queen is twerking in the face of their First grader in class. Those are the people that are not only not recognized as being heroes, they are demonized as being the problem with society.
Cobb was not the racist he was said to be....he had no problems with blacks playing in his day....Cap Anson was a real racist....
He has faced multiple accusers of sexual assault, and he is also a real douchebag that most of his teammates didn't like. You could look at his Twitter account over the years to get a good read on who this dude really is.

Most teams don't want him, regardless of his talent.
I don’t think so. He’s one of the most popular guys on social media. His YouTube channel has grown tremendous.

Either way, just as votto pointed out… Trevor Bauer gets things done… Terrell Owens was a controversial guy, but one of the best receivers in the league when he played so there’s no excuse for an MLB team, not to have them. They are dominated by a fringe psychotic minority of this country. And it usually cost them money. I don’t know why they and other sports organizations and Hollywood do this.
I don’t think so. He’s one of the most popular guys on social media. His YouTube channel has grown tremendous.

Either way, just as votto pointed out… Trevor Bauer gets things done… Terrell Owens was a controversial guy, but one of the best receivers in the league when he played so there’s no excuse for an MLB team, not to have them. They are dominated by a fringe psychotic minority of this country. And it usually cost them money. I don’t know why they and other sports organizations and Hollywood do this.
so how the hell is this guy one of the greatest pitchers of our time?....
I don’t think so. He’s one of the most popular guys on social media. His YouTube channel has grown tremendous.

Either way, just as votto pointed out… Trevor Bauer gets things done… Terrell Owens was a controversial guy, but one of the best receivers in the league when he played so there’s no excuse for an MLB team, not to have them. They are dominated by a fringe psychotic minority of this country. And it usually cost them money. I don’t know why they and other sports organizations and Hollywood do this.
Owens was a locker room cancer, Bauer is not.
If he does his job and does not break the law then leave him the hell alone, or be a Left-wing busy body like yourself.
Or you realize that if you are in a position of fame, you have a requirement to be a role model.

Pete Rose was not so lucky, because there was no such solidarity in baseball to defend him, even though betting on baseball is far less a crime than attempted murder of a handicapped person because you are a racist arse. Yet the PC police in baseball persist with their injustices. Rose should be more eligible than Ty, but there is no equity or equality in the PC of men.

I think you fail to realize WHY MLB came down so hard on Rose. Ever since the 1919 Chicago Black Sox scandal, MLB has been terrified of having its reputation even adjacent to the whiff of a gambling scandal.

And here we have Trevor, someone who has done far less than both Pete and Ty, being treated like pond scum treated worse than Ty or Pete.

I would say that raping multiple women is a LOT more serious than gambling or beating the snot out of a loudmouth fan.

Is their dysfunction the reason they excel in such sports? I think there is something to this thought. Do deficits in character translate into making up such deficits in other areas, such as being competitive?

I think so. Problem is, this is the type of people society celebrates as their heroes.

Says the guy who voted for a Reality TV star who never had any business being in the White House.

The true heroes in society, however, are the loving parents who stick by their spouse and children and raise them in a house of love, you know, the type of parents that show up to school boards and are demonized by Biden and targeted by the FBI cuz they get all bent out of shape that a drag queen is twerking in the face of their First grader in class. Those are the people that are not only not recognized as being heroes, they are demonized as being the problem with society.

Uh, yeah, being a hateful twit is not a good thing, no matter how much you try to paint it as good parenting.
Or you realize that if you are in a position of fame, you have a requirement to be a role model.

I think you fail to realize WHY MLB came down so hard on Rose. Ever since the 1919 Chicago Black Sox scandal, MLB has been terrified of having its reputation even adjacent to the whiff of a gambling scandal.

I would say that raping multiple women is a LOT more serious than gambling or beating the snot out of a loudmouth fan.

Says the guy who voted for a Reality TV star who never had any business being in the White House.

Uh, yeah, being a hateful twit is not a good thing, no matter how much you try to paint it as good parenting.
The charges against Trevor are more than likely all false or grossly exaggerated.

But then, people like you don't need court proceedings, you just judge people based on who you like or hate.

And again, Ty almost killed man in a wheelchair idiot.
The charges against Trevor are more than likely all false or grossly exaggerated.

All these women are lying? Seriously?

But then, people like you don't need court proceedings, you just judge people based on who you like or hate.

I never heard of the man before today. The fact a misogynist Russian Troll like Franklin is defending him should give me enough reason to be suspicious.

All that said, MLB players have a union, and they have morals clauses that they sign. This guy is going to have a LOT more protection than the rest of us would have if we were accused of something awful.

And again, Ty almost killed man in a wheelchair idiot.
Claude Lucker was not in a wheelchair. He did, however, have no hands.
In 1912, it was fairly common for players to get into fights with unruly fans. Today, misbehaving fans are thrown out of the game.

Two Hall of Famers, Pete Rose and Ty Cobb. They are the hit leaders in MLB in the history of baseball.

What do they have in common? They both had issues.

Everyone on Ty Cobb's team hated the guy. He was just mean is all, and an ardent racist. He was hated so much by his team, his own teammates congratulated a player on another team that beat him out for a batting title for having the highest batting average in a season.

But then it got uglier. A fan in a wheelchair called Ty a half Ni&&er in the stands, after which Ty Cobb promptly jumped the fence and beat the hell out of him, almost killing him. Ty was then banned from baseball, just like Pete Rose later was. However, they were all such racists, they banned together with Ty and demanded he be reinstated or they would all quit, so MLB let him back in, as he eventually found himself in the Hall of Fame.

Pete Rose was not so lucky, because there was no such solidarity in baseball to defend him, even though betting on baseball is far less a crime than attempted murder of a handicapped person because you are a racist arse. Yet the PC police in baseball persist with their injustices. Rose should be more eligible than Ty, but there is no equity or equality in the PC of men.

And here we have Trevor, someone who has done far less than both Pete and Ty, being treated like pond scum treated worse than Ty or Pete.

Is their dysfunction the reason they excel in such sports? I think there is something to this thought. Do deficits in character translate into making up such deficits in other areas, such as being competitive?

I think so. Problem is, this is the type of people society celebrates as their heroes.

The true heroes in society, however, are the loving parents who stick by their spouse and children and raise them in a house of love, you know, the type of parents that show up to school boards and are demonized by Biden and targeted by the FBI cuz they get all bent out of shape that a drag queen is twerking in the face of their First grader in class. Those are the people that are not only not recognized as being heroes, they are demonized as being the problem with society.
Rose bet on baseball while participating. That undermines the essence of the game. Unforgivable.
The others just had baggage not unlike too many of today’s sports figures.

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