Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

Maybe it has to do with the trillions of planets circling stars within habitable zones?

Wheres your evidence for this god? Oh'yess, a book written by goat herders.
Have you ever sat down and read the Bible? Even if you don't wish to believe in GOD, the Bible is one very deep well thought out piece of literature second to none!

-- Provided one gets one's jollies out of murder, rape, stoning, incest, pillage, smiting, laying waste, dashing babies' heads against the rocks and authoritarian power trips.

None for me, thanks. :)
Maybe it has to do with the trillions of planets circling stars within habitable zones?

Wheres your evidence for this god? Oh'yess, a book written by goat herders.
Have you ever sat down and read the Bible? Even if you don't wish to believe in GOD, the Bible is one very deep well thought out piece of literature second to none!

-- Provided one gets one's jollies out of murder, rape, stoning, incest, pillage, smiting, laying waste, dashing babies' heads against the rocks and authoritarian power trips.

None for me, thanks. :)

Not a huge Stephen King fan?
I don't know anyone who believes in aliens and I know 100's of people. The earth is unique in how things turned out for life here. it might evolve in other places, but they will never get here. They are too far away and star travel is just a fantasy. it's never going to happen.
Maybe it has to do with the trillions of planets circling stars within habitable zones?

Wheres your evidence for this god? Oh'yess, a book written by goat herders.
Have you ever sat down and read the Bible? Even if you don't wish to believe in GOD, the Bible is one very deep well thought out piece of literature second to none!

-- Provided one gets one's jollies out of murder, rape, stoning, incest, pillage, smiting, laying waste, dashing babies' heads against the rocks and authoritarian power trips.

None for me, thanks. :)

Not a huge Stephen King fan?

Not in the least, nope. He's a Maineac.
I don't know anyone who believes in aliens and I know 100's of people. The earth is unique in how things turned out for life here. it might evolve in other places, but they will never get here. They are too far away and star travel is just a fantasy. it's never going to happen.

You do know they don't need to "get here" in order to exist, right?
Maybe it has to do with the trillions of planets circling stars within habitable zones?

Wheres your evidence for this god? Oh'yess, a book written by goat herders.
Have you ever sat down and read the Bible? Even if you don't wish to believe in GOD, the Bible is one very deep well thought out piece of literature second to none!

-- Provided one gets one's jollies out of murder, rape, stoning, incest, pillage, smiting, laying waste, dashing babies' heads against the rocks and authoritarian power trips.

None for me, thanks. :)

Not a huge Stephen King fan?

Not in the least, nope. He's a Maineac.

Not one artifact of alien civilization has ever been found. If aliens had visited us, they would have left something behind: cigarette butts, paper cups, articles of clothing, etc.

NOTHING has been found.

First, maybe aliens are non smokers.
Second, cigarette butts are biodegradable, hard to find after certain time.
Third, if I was an alien and saw this idiots on earth, I would leave them nothing. Nothing, not even shit.
Not one artifact of alien civilization has ever been found. If aliens had visited us, they would have left something behind: cigarette butts, paper cups, articles of clothing, etc.

NOTHING has been found.

First, maybe aliens are non smokers.
Second, cigarette butts are biodegradable, hard to find after certain time.
Third, if I was an alien and saw this idiots on earth, I would leave them nothing. Nothing, not even shit.
That doesn't answer the age old question of whether or not we are alone in the universe.

However it may be the reason why....its like asking why that guy covered in filth and stink playing with himself is sitting there in a corner alone all by himself if other people exist..

Its kind of obvious....
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Have you ever sat down and read the Bible? Even if you don't wish to believe in GOD, the Bible is one very deep well thought out piece of literature second to none!

Yees, I've read it in full already as a child. The Bible, not some TV churchs "preacher" version of it.
You know, we European Catholics (ok, me as a former one :evil: ) are the originals.
Some teaching for you: the bible is not a deep well thought out piece of literature.
The bible is a patchwork of ancient notes and novels, mostly fictional, written by dozens of people. Lot of fakes, too. The origins of which are rooted somewhere after the years 70ff. when the romans wiped out the jews from Palestine. What makes it very doubtful that one single word was really from some apostles, because they would have been over 100 years old then. What was rather difficult at that times.
This pieces where then put together with the Tora (all that shit of the 5 books of Moses) aka old Testament as New testament by the Concile of Nicäa, Pope Konstantin I. and then more detailed until year 400. If you want it more precise, study church history.
A lot of things which were considered as disturbing for the dumb illiterates were simply discarded and destroyed.

So, what it was meant for was to set certain live rules and support the hierarchy in society. Somethng the ancient religions of Zeus and Jupiter did miss out. The backup by a mystical god was extremely helpful, it supplied the fear of consequences in case of misbehaviour.

And, it was restricted to the Mediterranian. The god of the bible did not know that America, Australia or Asia existed. Read the bible, your country is not mentioned there.
1. The Bible isn't evidence, it's hearsay.

2. To the best of my knowledge military jets have never chased Jesus.
The Bible is a perfect book that all comes together even though many people put pen to paper over thousands of years. Why would military jets chase Jesus? Jesus more than likely keeps them form being shot down on more than one occasion. What sane person bites the hand that feeds it?
I think you are confused. I'll try to use smaller words and less complicated examples.

The Bible is hearsay. That means it is an account of something told by someone who wasn't there and didn't see it. It is not proof because we don't know if the person telling the story is telling the truth. And yes, I know you assume he is but that is faith, not proof.

I wasn't implying that fighter jets would really chase jesus should be show up, but that they have chased UFOs and have both radar and camera images of them, while no one has a pic of Jesus that isn't in a piece is toast or a burrito.

Get it now?
You are under a cloak of hearsay and not the Bible. Moses (raised in the House of Pharoah) wrote the 1st 5 books of the Bible. He was there for the Plagues of Egypt. He was there for the parting of the Red Sea. He was there when the Lord wrote the tablets with the 10 Commandments. Joshua continued on. David wrote the Psalms. Solomon wrote the Proverbs. Ezekiel wrote that book. The new Testament was for the most part written by men who walked with Jesus while He was on this planet. And it seems to me that there is growing evidence that the Shroud of Turin does possess the image of Jesus. But so what! I don't know what my great great grandparents looked like ---- how many really do? Does that matter? Who says Darwin wrote The Descent of Man? Hearsay?
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You are under a cloak of hearsay and not the Bible. Moses (raised in the House of Pharoah) wrote the 1st 5 books of the Bible.

Moses did never exist. No Pharao ever would have raised a Bastard. You know, Pharaos were God-Kings. Actually we know pretty much about them, because they left their heritage written in stone.
What a petty that Moses lost the two stone plates given to him by God. Without witnesses, of course.
Not one artifact of alien civilization has ever been found. If aliens had visited us, they would have left something behind: cigarette butts, paper cups, articles of clothing, etc.

NOTHING has been found.
Now....that makes TOTAL sense....:71:
Maybe it has to do with the trillions of planets circling stars within habitable zones?

Wheres your evidence for this god? Oh'yess, a book written by goat herders.
Have you ever sat down and read the Bible? Even if you don't wish to believe in GOD, the Bible is one very deep well thought out piece of literature second to none!
Seriously? :71:
1. The Bible isn't evidence, it's hearsay.

2. To the best of my knowledge military jets have never chased Jesus.
The Bible is a perfect book that all comes together even though many people put pen to paper over thousands of years. Why would military jets chase Jesus? Jesus more than likely keeps them form being shot down on more than one occasion. What sane person bites the hand that feeds it?
I think you are confused. I'll try to use smaller words and less complicated examples.

The Bible is hearsay. That means it is an account of something told by someone who wasn't there and didn't see it. It is not proof because we don't know if the person telling the story is telling the truth. And yes, I know you assume he is but that is faith, not proof.

I wasn't implying that fighter jets would really chase jesus should be show up, but that they have chased UFOs and have both radar and camera images of them, while no one has a pic of Jesus that isn't in a piece is toast or a burrito.

Get it now?
You are under a cloak of hearsay and not the Bible. Moses (raised in the House of Pharoah) wrote the 1st 5 books of the Bible. He was there for the Plagues of Egypt. He was there for the parting of the Red Sea. He was there when the Lord wrote the tablets with the 10 Commandments. Joshua continued on. David wrote the Psalms. Solomon wrote the Proverbs. Ezekiel wrote that book. The new Testament was for the most part written by men who walked with Jesus while He was on this planet. And it seems to me that there is growing evidence that the Shroud of Turin does possess the image of Jesus. But so what! I don't know what my great great grandparents looked like ---- how many really do? Does that matter? Who says Darwin wrote The Descent of Man? Hearsay?
And where's the archeoalogical (sp?) evidence of all this?
1. The Bible isn't evidence, it's hearsay.

2. To the best of my knowledge military jets have never chased Jesus.
The Bible is a perfect book that all comes together even though many people put pen to paper over thousands of years. Why would military jets chase Jesus? Jesus more than likely keeps them form being shot down on more than one occasion. What sane person bites the hand that feeds it?
I think you are confused. I'll try to use smaller words and less complicated examples.

The Bible is hearsay. That means it is an account of something told by someone who wasn't there and didn't see it. It is not proof because we don't know if the person telling the story is telling the truth. And yes, I know you assume he is but that is faith, not proof.

I wasn't implying that fighter jets would really chase jesus should be show up, but that they have chased UFOs and have both radar and camera images of them, while no one has a pic of Jesus that isn't in a piece is toast or a burrito.

Get it now?
You are under a cloak of hearsay and not the Bible. Moses (raised in the House of Pharoah) wrote the 1st 5 books of the Bible. He was there for the Plagues of Egypt. He was there for the parting of the Red Sea. He was there when the Lord wrote the tablets with the 10 Commandments. Joshua continued on. David wrote the Psalms. Solomon wrote the Proverbs. Ezekiel wrote that book. The new Testament was for the most part written by men who walked with Jesus while He was on this planet. And it seems to me that there is growing evidence that the Shroud of Turin does possess the image of Jesus. But so what! I don't know what my great great grandparents looked like ---- how many really do? Does that matter? Who says Darwin wrote The Descent of Man? Hearsay?
That is your faith. There is no evidence.
I believe the premise of the OP comes from the latest GW thesis that compares alien civilization to ours. Funny thing that report is only a hypothetical and blackrook believes it is defined proof of aliens.

It's the same with Global Warming.

Some scientist makes a prediction. They make it clear it's a prediction. Some right winger then decides this is what WILL happen according to this person, when it doesn't happen they then say how stupid the scientist is for saying it WILL happen.

It gets tiring.

Say what?

Some scientist fear mongers to get government funds and try to force us into higher electric rates

Turns out to be wrong, we are still stuck with higher electric rates

That's how the liberal mind works, just like with obama/ Gruber care lie

The ends justify the bullshit...

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