Why do the Democrats keep saying the Republicans want to end medicare or S.S.

This is totally a false statement. In Ryans plan he wants it reformed so we have something for us and our children. Plus, his current plan does not affect anyone 55 and above. If something is not done there would be nothing left for us. I know our family is preparing for this. Savings, 401Ks , husband military retirement ect .. We are not going to prepare for us to get social security because their is a lot of doubt that we will even receive it and the way Obama is going that doubt is becoming reality :eusa_whistle:

ya.... whatever you say.

isn't that kool aid a little overly sweet?

the right has been trying to destroy social security and medicare since roosevelt.

here's a clue... prior to social security, 50% of senior citizens lived below the poverty line.

and a little more information for low information voters like you... a voucher system that doesn't give the elderly sufficient funds to pay for health insurance OR health care isn't adequate. So while you're collecting those federal checks your husband earned, perhaps you want to think a little before supporting a plan that would hurt people who aren't getting those federal checks.

Social Security is broke, you need to keep up on current events

another rightwingnut lie, frankie...the repubs just have to put the money back that they took out of the trust fund. :thup:
A lie? How much money is in the "lock box"? Not the IOU's... What is the current balance?
ya.... whatever you say.

isn't that kool aid a little overly sweet?

the right has been trying to destroy social security and medicare since roosevelt.

here's a clue... prior to social security, 50% of senior citizens lived below the poverty line.

and a little more information for low information voters like you... a voucher system that doesn't give the elderly sufficient funds to pay for health insurance OR health care isn't adequate. So while you're collecting those federal checks your husband earned, perhaps you want to think a little before supporting a plan that would hurt people who aren't getting those federal checks.

Social Security is broke, you need to keep up on current events

another rightwingnut lie, frankie...the repubs just have to put the money back that they took out of the trust fund. :thup:
If the money that Congress spent was put back, would that eliminate the Social Security shortfall? Or is it bigger than that?
Yep, those socialist Germans have full wage retirements, and don't spend their lives worrying about 401ks, investments, or medical expenses leaving them broke, and all that bullshit. of Course Socialism is a bad thing.:lol::lol:

Our GDP per capita is 32% higher than theirs.

And you still don't have full wage retirements and full medical care!!! LMAO!!! Oh, you do have trillions of debt and a failed capitalist failed system.....................:lol:

If I had the 12.4% of my income that the government steals from my retirement savings, on top of the money I already put into retirement, I'd have better than full wage retirement. And I could leave what I don't spend to my kids.
Can't do that when you die on Social Security.

Failed capitalist system?
How'd communism work out for East Germany? :lol::lol:
ya.... whatever you say.

isn't that kool aid a little overly sweet?

the right has been trying to destroy social security and medicare since roosevelt.

here's a clue... prior to social security, 50% of senior citizens lived below the poverty line.

and a little more information for low information voters like you... a voucher system that doesn't give the elderly sufficient funds to pay for health insurance OR health care isn't adequate. So while you're collecting those federal checks your husband earned, perhaps you want to think a little before supporting a plan that would hurt people who aren't getting those federal checks.

Social Security is broke, you need to keep up on current events

another rightwingnut lie, frankie...the repubs just have to put the money back that they took out of the trust fund. :thup:

its not a D or R issue, its all of our elderly Dear.

It would be wonderful if we could actually address it before there's a real revolution
Americans want Social Security and Medicare, but they don't want to pay for it.

Time to grow up.
Americans want Social Security and Medicare, but they don't want to pay for it.

Time to grow up.

Actually Americans are beginning to realize that we've been paying into a fund more corrupt than Bernie Madoffs
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ya.... whatever you say.

isn't that kool aid a little overly sweet?

the right has been trying to destroy social security and medicare since roosevelt.

here's a clue... prior to social security, 50% of senior citizens lived below the poverty line.

and a little more information for low information voters like you... a voucher system that doesn't give the elderly sufficient funds to pay for health insurance OR health care isn't adequate. So while you're collecting those federal checks your husband earned, perhaps you want to think a little before supporting a plan that would hurt people who aren't getting those federal checks.

Social Security is broke, you need to keep up on current events

another rightwingnut lie, frankie...the repubs just have to put the money back that they took out of the trust fund. :thup:

Oh Come on jill are you really implying Democrats never took money out of the trust fund? For real?

Say it ain't so.
Americans want Social Security and Medicare, but they don't want to pay for it.

Time to grow up.

It's not that we don't want to pay for them. We don't want to see them full of abuse, and waste which they are. We don't want to see them fail. Which they will if left alone.

I am all for Both Programs, but they need to be sustainable, and we must find a way to cut down on the abuse, Waste, and our right theft in both programs.


IMO The SS we were sold when it was passed, The pay as you go retirement plan where workers pay in and then take it back out. Needs to be separated from the Rest of SS. The Disability, the Payments to kids of Deceased Parents. Those things should be on their own separate Budgets. This way the Retirement part of SS can be what it was meant to be, and not Welfare.

As far as MC I do not have the first clue how to fix that mess. I saw one study that estimated nearly half of every dollar we spend on it, Is wasted, our out right stolen through Fraud, and unnecessary procedures.

There is some validity to the argument that Insurance and MC have ruined the Health Care Industry, By removing the I'm spending my own Money factor out of it. the Industry is able to charge Outrageous Amounts for stuff. Like when my dad was dying and his insurance was charged 12,000 Dollars a day for a single shot, that they continued to give him even after they decided it was not working and he was going to die. If People paid with their own money, the Health care industry would not be able to charge that much, Nobody could afford it, and they would have no customers. They are only able to do so, because people have MC, or Insurance to pay for it for them.
This is totally a false statement.

If it were a false statement, the most vigorous defense of Ryan's proposal wouldn't be:

Plus, his current plan does not affect anyone 55 and above.

Folks 55 or above get Medicare, folks below 55 don't. The gamble with using this as a defense is that while Ryan and his acolytes hope it keeps present-day seniors from deserting the Republicans, it also concedes the fundamental point that they continue to deny. Pick your poison, I suppose.
Yup, so true. People will say anything to keep their constituentcy of old farts.
If you're under 55, better hurry up and screw alot of people, make zillions of dollars so you can retire in style.
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Well, I'm seeing some good arguments here, but why has nobody mentioned that when a repug or a tea party member want's less government involvement, do they suck on the teet like michelle bachman for instance. She received subsidies and tax breaks w/her hubby for businesses, and maybe some dealings which were not so business like. I know exactly what you'll all say, everybody's doin' it.
ya.... whatever you say.

isn't that kool aid a little overly sweet?

the right has been trying to destroy social security and medicare since roosevelt.

here's a clue... prior to social security, 50% of senior citizens lived below the poverty line.

where will they be when the nation is bankrupt? in yer basement?

:lol: You are relentless A giant hat tip. Thank you.

if you mean relentlessly angry, i agree. she is. I like her anyway, though.

i love all the rightwingnuts running around crying that we're bankrupt. but you know what, if i intentionally decreased my income while increasing my spending, i'd be broke, too.

baby bush was the first leader in history to cut taxes during time of war. it's really not that complicated to figure out that would cause problems. so, if those tax breaks are restored, as they should be and as they were always intended to be, and we get out of iraq and afghanistan, problem largely solved.

that should be simple enough even for tea people to understand. except it isn't about that. it's the same ideological idiocy that the rightwingnuts have been pushing for years... the pretense at "small government".... except of course when that "small government" invades our bedrooms and our bodies.
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Well, I'm seeing some good arguments here, but why has nobody mentioned that when a repug or a tea party member want's less government involvement, do they suck on the teet like michelle bachman for instance. She received subsidies and tax breaks w/her hubby for businesses, and maybe some dealings which were not so business like. I know exactly what you'll all say, everybody's doin' it.

yep... they do have that bit of disconnect... like them intentionally holding up bills to secure agricultural subsidies... *shrug*
Still waiting to hear what the lefts plan for fixing SS and Medicare is.....................

Or is it as simple as tax more, spend more?

Because that's all I'm hearing and seeing............

No one on the left likes what the right is talking about yet they have nothing to fix anything either...
Still waiting to hear what the lefts plan for fixing SS and Medicare is.....................

Or is it as simple as tax more, spend more?

Because that's all I'm hearing and seeing............

No one on the left likes what the right is talking about yet they have nothing to fix anything either...

Social Security is easy. It is in good fiscal shape and just needs tweaking. The easiest is to tell people 35 and younger that they have to work until 70 instead of 68 and raise the annual threshold of what you pay in

Medicare, like all Health issues is a tougher nut. The basic problem is that prices keep escallating. We have amazing medical techniques and medicines. Problem is that they cost more. We need to restructure our whole healthcare system, make it more competitive, cut back on the enormous overhead of billing and recordkeeping. I also think Americans will have to realize that medical care is going to be a larger part of your family budget
where will they be when the nation is bankrupt? in yer basement?

:lol: You are relentless A giant hat tip. Thank you.

if you mean relentlessly angry, i agree. she is. I like her anyway, though.

i love all the rightwingnuts running around crying that we're bankrupt. but you know what, if i intentionally decreased my income while increasing my spending, i'd be broke, too.

baby bush was the first leader in history to cut taxes during time of war. it's really not that complicated to figure out that would cause problems. so, if those tax breaks are restored, as they should be and as they were always intended to be, and we get out of iraq and afghanistan, problem largely solved.

that should be simple enough even for tea people to understand. except it isn't about that. it's the same ideological idiocy that the rightwingnuts have been pushing for years... the pretense at "small government".... except of course when that "small government" invades our bedrooms and our bodies.

Your Social Security is gone too. You realize that, right?
Cantor: Social Security "Cannot Exist" In The America "We" Want | OurFuture.org


I mean, just from the very notion that it said that 50 percent of beneficiaries under the Social Security program use those monies as their sole source of income. So we've got to protect today's seniors. But for the rest of us? For - you know, listen. We're going to have to come to grips with the fact that these programs cannot exist if we want America to be what we want America to be.

He knows what the right wants.

What they want America to be is a place without any safety net for people.
Still waiting to hear what the lefts plan for fixing SS and Medicare is.....................

Or is it as simple as tax more, spend more?

Because that's all I'm hearing and seeing............

No one on the left likes what the right is talking about yet they have nothing to fix anything either...

Social Security is easy. It is in good fiscal shape and just needs tweaking. The easiest is to tell people 35 and younger that they have to work until 70 instead of 68 and raise the annual threshold of what you pay in

Medicare, like all Health issues is a tougher nut. The basic problem is that prices keep escallating. We have amazing medical techniques and medicines. Problem is that they cost more. We need to restructure our whole healthcare system, make it more competitive, cut back on the enormous overhead of billing and recordkeeping. I also think Americans will have to realize that medical care is going to be a larger part of your family budget

We can almost agree on SS.

But I thought Onbamacare was originally supposed to lower medical costs?
Still waiting to hear what the lefts plan for fixing SS and Medicare is.....................

Or is it as simple as tax more, spend more?

Because that's all I'm hearing and seeing............

No one on the left likes what the right is talking about yet they have nothing to fix anything either...

Social Security is easy. It is in good fiscal shape and just needs tweaking. The easiest is to tell people 35 and younger that they have to work until 70 instead of 68 and raise the annual threshold of what you pay in

Medicare, like all Health issues is a tougher nut. The basic problem is that prices keep escallating. We have amazing medical techniques and medicines. Problem is that they cost more. We need to restructure our whole healthcare system, make it more competitive, cut back on the enormous overhead of billing and recordkeeping. I also think Americans will have to realize that medical care is going to be a larger part of your family budget

We can almost agree on SS.

But I thought Onbamacare was originally supposed to lower medical costs?

Obamacare is a bandaid on an out of control healthcare system. It is a way to provide insurance not a way to control costs

Just like Bush found out when he tried to pass his prescription drug plan, the lobbies are too powerful. You cant force big pharm to compete, just like you couldn't offer a government option to compete with insurance companies

The Hospitals, Doctors, Lawyers, Pharmaceutical and Insurance companies run our healthcare. If we really want to control costs, we need to go after them

Our politicians lack the balls
Social Security is easy. It is in good fiscal shape and just needs tweaking. The easiest is to tell people 35 and younger that they have to work until 70 instead of 68 and raise the annual threshold of what you pay in

Medicare, like all Health issues is a tougher nut. The basic problem is that prices keep escallating. We have amazing medical techniques and medicines. Problem is that they cost more. We need to restructure our whole healthcare system, make it more competitive, cut back on the enormous overhead of billing and recordkeeping. I also think Americans will have to realize that medical care is going to be a larger part of your family budget

We can almost agree on SS.

But I thought Onbamacare was originally supposed to lower medical costs?

Obamacare is a bandaid on an out of control healthcare system. It is a way to provide insurance not a way to control costs

Just like Bush found out when he tried to pass his prescription drug plan, the lobbies are too powerful. You cant force big pharm to compete, just like you couldn't offer a government option to compete with insurance companies

The Hospitals, Doctors, Lawyers, Pharmaceutical and Insurance companies run our healthcare. If we really want to control costs, we need to go after them

Our politicians lack the balls

Not so sure about the Doctors. Some maybe. My family Doctor lives well but not extravagant. Of course he also works from 11 to 14 hours 6 days a week. (except Thursday, he only works 7 hours) And the original intent of fixing healthcare was to lower costs. It's simply that the message got lost in the power grabs and backroom deals.

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