Why Do the Super-Rich Keep Comparing Obama to Hitler?

I voted for Obama in 2008 not because I'm a blind partisan,like you sound, but because he was the only one promising single payer national healthcare.This was needed for our industry to stay competitive globally and stop losing more jobs overseas.But your boy Obama sold us out to the insurance companies,as they promised to fund his re-election and single payer went out the window.So if you can tell me why you are still kissing up to him,then and only then will I feel it's worth my time to read your link and answer your question. I'll be waiting for your response.
I voted for Obama in 2008 not because I'm a blind partisan,like you sound, but because he was the only one promising single payer national healthcare.This was needed for our industry to stay competitive globally and stop losing more jobs overseas.But your boy Obama sold us out to the insurance companies,as they promised to fund his re-election and single payer went out the window.So if you can tell me why you are still kissing up to him,then and only then will I feel it's worth my time to read your link and answer your question. I'll be waiting for your response.
People like you absolutely kill me.

You act as if Obama's a king.

He couldn't just enact single payer. Look at the fight he got for doing, as you stated a sell-out to the insurance companies, which is right in line with what the neo-cons and self-proclaimed Conservatives wanted and have been getting for decades. Yet he was labelled and slandered as the worst socialist since socialism was invented.

Suggesting I'm "kissing up" to Obama, and other such nonsense. Do you hear yourself?

Spell out how single-payer could have been enacted please...since CLEARLY you believe it was possible.

I await your response.
The article is good but seems to have a set of fuzzy facts and trying to make a clear picture and still draws conclusions held before having the fuzzy facts. So let me take a stab at it. The super rich are not without education. Being as such they look at historical trends much more than the rest of us near-sighted beings. It is not Nazism which is the parallel they fear but the rise of democracy/freedom. As has happened several times in both recent and less recent past totalitarian regimes have fallen. What happens first is someone speaks out a little. Given that no opposition can be allowed that is cracked down upon. The tht instance of crack down leads to more protest. The crackdown/protests gets bloody and a little freedom of speech is allowed. That freedom of speech leads to more vocal condemnations of the regime in power. Eventually the totalitarian system gives way to democracy and freedom for the state's citizens, or something like that. Most all the time, not always, the people at the top can see very clearly what they are doing to their subjects and they live in constant fear of, "If they ever found out what is really going on they are going to skin us alive." I have harped on it time and time again and yet once again, I think the unemployment insurance extension bill is a sign of the times. It makes perfect sense to pass it. There is no hard, honest reason not to. So why was there a vote almost perfectly down party lines which resulted in its death? Because there might be a truth other than what the regime claims there is, that people might actually need help from the government under certain circumstances. It might just open the question of inequality to some open debate because it would no long be a war of words but a debate about action.
Spell out how single-payer could have been enacted please...since CLEARLY you believe it was possible.
Very easily enacted by extending medicare to the uninsured.
Public opinion was and is clearly in favor of the 25-30% less expensive single payer.
"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its a duck my friend."

Plus, both Hitler and Stalin, like Obama, were victims of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Its a very frightening confluence of events, having someone afflicted by that disorder simultaneously being one of the worlds most powerful men. My money's on Obama, sooner, rather than later refusing to leave office when its his time. That's what Van Jones and the Occupy thugs and slugs are here to help with, along with the Obambi's relentless pruning of the military leadership so that many of the command officers are completely loyal to him alone. When Hitler succeeded in manipulating the German Army into swearing its loyalty oath to him personally, instead of to the German State, as historically before, it was all over for the rest of the world, the Holocaust, WWII, and the untimely deaths of fifty million people were an irreversible done deal at that moment.
It seems that every talking point is exaggerated to make headlines. Logical, clear discussions and debating points are eschewed by the media and the public in favor of the sensational. A prime case in point is Donald Trump, who has been so discredited by all his rash assertions that nobody should be giving the bozo another five minutes of fame. But, the media still laps up his brain farts.

It seems like some fact checking has been set up for the worst of the media abuses, and we really need that kind of mindset now to chastise the politicians and others who hijack the media time with the ridiculous. But, that means the public has to start pushing back against the media about this kind of stuff. But, instead, we seem to love the sensational, even when we know its half baked. Proof of that is the kind of publications you see at the any supermarket check-out. If they didn't sell, they wouldn't be there.

The enemy in all this is us.
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Yesterday I read this brilliant article by Matthew O'Brien...

Why Do the Super-Rich Keep Comparing Obama to Hitler? - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

Basically, saying that the 1% are in conniptions over nothing other than their perceived loss of total power and are making up stories about being persecuted, so much so as to compare it to Hitler-style persecution.

Do you agree?

They compare him to Hitler because of his tactics! The same tactics of Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Vladimir Putin!! The tactics of the Communist Manifesto!!
The 1% has experienced a total loss of power? What planet do you live on? Do you only read and see things that meet a certain criteria of yours?

Jeffery Immelt, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Harvey Weinstein and a host of Hollyweird actors, producers and directors. The list goes on and on. All of them very rich and all of them dictating to Barry and his group of criminal cronies. Remember when Barry said that his administration wouldn't have anything to do with lobbyist's? He's got more lobbyist's on the payroll than the Bushes, Clinton or Reagan before him. Remember when he said that he wanted the 1% to pay more taxes? Why is it that the middle class is clearly paying more and more taxes? The middle class' average yearly income has dropped $4,000 since he took office while the tax burden has increased over 50% in total.

Dude, everyone is scared to death and the blame lies on Barry's doormat. My bank has a person dedicated to helping customers move retirement and savings OUT OF THE COUNTRY into overseas accounts that are sheltered. This nation is in trouble. Deep and very serious trouble. Brokers are counseling to get out of the market and to shelter your money. The alarms from the financial sector are growing increasingly shrill and urgent. Some are calling for a 'correction' of over 50% and I've heard as much as 90%. And if that's the truth, October 1929 will look like a walk in the park.

We KNOW that Barry is a bold-faced liar. We know that true unemployment is almost triple of what is being bandied about. 90 million Americans no longer are even looking for work. A 30-year high. Pull up your socks and hold on to your cajones boys... Barry is about to do what many have tried to do and failed.
Spell out how single-payer could have been enacted please...since CLEARLY you believe it was possible.
Very easily enacted by extending medicare to the uninsured.
Public opinion was and is clearly in favor of the 25-30% less expensive single payer.

I'm with you on this. There was a period of time when dems had the house and senate. Obama never tried for single payer for whatever reason. I think myself he had the idea of being bipartisan and that the repubs would go along with ACA which was originally a republican plan. He doesn't realize that republicans would destroy the country to get even with him for occupying their white house. I Still voted for him last time. It was Obama or Romney, I went for Obama as the lesser of two evils
The 1% has experienced a total loss of power? What planet do you live on? Do you only read and see things that meet a certain criteria of yours?

Jeffery Immelt, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Harvey Weinstein and a host of Hollyweird actors, producers and directors. The list goes on and on. All of them very rich and all of them dictating to Barry and his group of criminal cronies. Remember when Barry said that his administration wouldn't have anything to do with lobbyist's? He's got more lobbyist's on the payroll than the Bushes, Clinton or Reagan before him. Remember when he said that he wanted the 1% to pay more taxes? Why is it that the middle class is clearly paying more and more taxes? The middle class' average yearly income has dropped $4,000 since he took office while the tax burden has increased over 50% in total.

Dude, everyone is scared to death and the blame lies on Barry's doormat. My bank has a person dedicated to helping customers move retirement and savings OUT OF THE COUNTRY into overseas accounts that are sheltered. This nation is in trouble. Deep and very serious trouble. Brokers are counseling to get out of the market and to shelter your money. The alarms from the financial sector are growing increasingly shrill and urgent. Some are calling for a 'correction' of over 50% and I've heard as much as 90%. And if that's the truth, October 1929 will look like a walk in the park.

We KNOW that Barry is a bold-faced liar. We know that true unemployment is almost triple of what is being bandied about. 90 million Americans no longer are even looking for work. A 30-year high. Pull up your socks and hold on to your cajones boys... Barry is about to do what many have tried to do and failed.

So what exactly is it that Jeffery Immelt, George Soros and others are dictating to Obama?
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Spell out how single-payer could have been enacted please...since CLEARLY you believe it was possible.
Very easily enacted by extending medicare to the uninsured.
Public opinion was and is clearly in favor of the 25-30% less expensive single payer.
OK, that's the METHOD.

What about the PROCESS?

Would the Republicans have went along with that?
Dude, everyone is scared to death and the blame lies on Barry's doormat.

Yes, the financial scammers make a big profit predicting panic. I hope you didn't get fleeced too badly by them. For example, did you buy gold at the start of 2013 at $1700, and then watch it crash to $1200 by the end of 2013? Many conservatives did, being gold was pushed so hard on them.

Scammers target conservatives, because they're such easy marks. Just tell 'em Obama is Hitler, and watch the conservatives hand over their cash. For example, if I head over to Newsmax now ...

Total economic collapse just around the corner! (again)

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Listen to right-wing radio, you hear much of the same. Needless to say, you don't see the liberal sources infested with scammers.
Dude, everyone is scared to death and the blame lies on Barry's doormat.

Yes, the financial scammers make a big profit predicting panic. I hope you didn't get fleeced too badly by them. For example, did you buy gold at the start of 2013 at $1700, and then watch it crash to $1200 by the end of 2013? Many conservatives did, being gold was pushed so hard on them.

Scammers target conservatives, because they're such easy marks. Just tell 'em Obama is Hitler, and watch the conservatives hand over their cash. For example, if I head over to Newsmax now ...

Total economic collapse just around the corner! (again)

How to get free stuff! And by the way, buy gold! Just subscribe to our newsletter (which isn't free) to find out how!

The Biblical money code! Just $97!
The Biblical Money Code

Listen to right-wing radio, you hear much of the same. Needless to say, you don't see the liberal sources infested with scammers.

Scaring the little guy usually comes from the right. Howard Ruff got wealthy doing if since the 70's. Gary North and y2k. Buy their stuff and protect your family. I'm still waiting for the usafsniper to tell me what Immelt, Soros, and hollywood actors are dictating to Obama that is going to make the great depression look like a sunday school picnic.
"Why Do the Super-Rich Keep Comparing Obama to Hitler?"

The Super-Rich are all Obama campaign contributors. Why would they do something as silly as that?

Find another hobby Marc.

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