Why Do the Super-Rich Keep Comparing Obama to Hitler?

Yesterday I read this brilliant article by Matthew O'Brien...

Why Do the Super-Rich Keep Comparing Obama to Hitler? - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

Basically, saying that the 1% are in conniptions over nothing other than their perceived loss of total power and are making up stories about being persecuted, so much so as to compare it to Hitler-style persecution.

Do you agree?

I find it rather odd.
The more extreme right can't stand a black man being in the white house so they compare their spiritual leader to Obama in an attempt to get him out.
When he finally goes, they'll worship Hitler again, telling the world how he was right about blacks.

Basically, they're fucking idiots.
Yesterday I read this brilliant article by Matthew O'Brien...

Why Do the Super-Rich Keep Comparing Obama to Hitler? - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

Basically, saying that the 1% are in conniptions over nothing other than their perceived loss of total power and are making up stories about being persecuted, so much so as to compare it to Hitler-style persecution.

Do you agree?

I find it rather odd.
The more extreme right can't stand a black man being in the white house so they compare their spiritual leader to Obama in an attempt to get him out.
When he finally goes, they'll worship Hitler again, telling the world how he was right about blacks.

Basically, they're fucking idiots.

Shouldn't you be more focused about Indonesia going to war with Australia to free the Aborigines?
Yesterday I read this brilliant article by Matthew O'Brien...

Why Do the Super-Rich Keep Comparing Obama to Hitler? - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

Basically, saying that the 1% are in conniptions over nothing other than their perceived loss of total power and are making up stories about being persecuted, so much so as to compare it to Hitler-style persecution.

Do you agree?

I find it rather odd.
The more extreme right can't stand a black man being in the white house so they compare their spiritual leader to Obama in an attempt to get him out.
When he finally goes, they'll worship Hitler again, telling the world how he was right about blacks.

Basically, they're fucking idiots.

Basically, you're a fucking idiot
The article is good but seems to have a set of fuzzy facts and trying to make a clear picture and still draws conclusions held before having the fuzzy facts. So let me take a stab at it. The super rich are not without education. Being as such they look at historical trends much more than the rest of us near-sighted beings. It is not Nazism which is the parallel they fear but the rise of democracy/freedom. As has happened several times in both recent and less recent past totalitarian regimes have fallen. What happens first is someone speaks out a little. Given that no opposition can be allowed that is cracked down upon. The tht instance of crack down leads to more protest. The crackdown/protests gets bloody and a little freedom of speech is allowed. That freedom of speech leads to more vocal condemnations of the regime in power. Eventually the totalitarian system gives way to democracy and freedom for the state's citizens, or something like that. Most all the time, not always, the people at the top can see very clearly what they are doing to their subjects and they live in constant fear of, "If they ever found out what is really going on they are going to skin us alive." I have harped on it time and time again and yet once again, I think the unemployment insurance extension bill is a sign of the times. It makes perfect sense to pass it. There is no hard, honest reason not to. So why was there a vote almost perfectly down party lines which resulted in its death? Because there might be a truth other than what the regime claims there is, that people might actually need help from the government under certain circumstances. It might just open the question of inequality to some open debate because it would no long be a war of words but a debate about action.

The very model of the Catholic Church, before the Reformation!
Yesterday I read this brilliant article by Matthew O'Brien...

Why Do the Super-Rich Keep Comparing Obama to Hitler? - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

Basically, saying that the 1% are in conniptions over nothing other than their perceived loss of total power and are making up stories about being persecuted, so much so as to compare it to Hitler-style persecution.

Do you agree?

I find it rather odd.
The more extreme right can't stand a black man being in the white house so they compare their spiritual leader to Obama in an attempt to get him out.
When he finally goes, they'll worship Hitler again, telling the world how he was right about blacks.

Basically, they're fucking idiots.

Shouldn't you be more focused about Indonesia going to war with Australia to free the Aborigines?

I wonder if we should have a "Moronic post of the day" award.
I think you'd do very well.
I just went back and read this entire thread. I had to then go to my back door and check whether or not there is a full moon out tonight.

As near as I can tell, Obama is being compared to Hitler because he is ;
1. the puppet of the 1% capitalists
2. he is the puppet of the insurance industry
3. he is a communist
4. he has mental disorders and personality malfunctions
5. he thinks he is king.

All this is very enlightening, but what I really want to know is why is Obama causing all those cruise ships to spread stomach flu amoung American vacationers?
The article is good but seems to have a set of fuzzy facts and trying to make a clear picture and still draws conclusions held before having the fuzzy facts. So let me take a stab at it. The super rich are not without education. Being as such they look at historical trends much more than the rest of us near-sighted beings. It is not Nazism which is the parallel they fear but the rise of democracy/freedom. As has happened several times in both recent and less recent past totalitarian regimes have fallen. What happens first is someone speaks out a little. Given that no opposition can be allowed that is cracked down upon. The tht instance of crack down leads to more protest. The crackdown/protests gets bloody and a little freedom of speech is allowed. That freedom of speech leads to more vocal condemnations of the regime in power. Eventually the totalitarian system gives way to democracy and freedom for the state's citizens, or something like that. Most all the time, not always, the people at the top can see very clearly what they are doing to their subjects and they live in constant fear of, "If they ever found out what is really going on they are going to skin us alive." I have harped on it time and time again and yet once again, I think the unemployment insurance extension bill is a sign of the times. It makes perfect sense to pass it. There is no hard, honest reason not to. So why was there a vote almost perfectly down party lines which resulted in its death? Because there might be a truth other than what the regime claims there is, that people might actually need help from the government under certain circumstances. It might just open the question of inequality to some open debate because it would no long be a war of words but a debate about action.

The very model of the Catholic Church, before the Reformation!

I was thinking of Eastern Europe as one example in particular but there are several.
I find it rather odd.
The more extreme right can't stand a black man being in the white house so they compare their spiritual leader to Obama in an attempt to get him out.
When he finally goes, they'll worship Hitler again, telling the world how he was right about blacks.

Basically, they're fucking idiots.

Shouldn't you be more focused about Indonesia going to war with Australia to free the Aborigines?

I wonder if we should have a "Moronic post of the day" award.
I think you'd do very well.

Only if you can take a hint.
I think I might like having a black man as President.

A real one.

Not one of a sort of mixed type who had a little shoe polish brushed on (metaphorically speaking) by a flock of limo-libs in order to hoodwink the enslaved entitlement element.
Any comparison to Hitler cheapens the atrocities that are associated with the Holocaust. People are simply using it as an easy way to generate 'shock'.
My money's on Obama, sooner, rather than later refusing to leave office when its his time.
People actually believe that Barack Obama will refuse to leave after his second term is up? Is that the basis for all these Hitler comparisons? What a sad delusion.
Any comparison to Hitler cheapens the atrocities that are associated with the Holocaust. People are simply using it as an easy way to generate 'shock'.
My money's on Obama, sooner, rather than later refusing to leave office when its his time.
People actually believe that Barack Obama will refuse to leave after his second term is up? Is that the basis for all these Hitler comparisons? What a sad delusion.

Based on Hitler comparisons?


Based on his narcissism, arrogant behaviour and demonstrated disregard of large sections of the U.S. Constitution?


I do agree, though, that you ARE sadly deluded if you disregard the obvious.

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