Why do they use Handmaids tale for Trump, when the socialists actually do this?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
Handmaid’s Tale is about people turning to religious madness when most of the human population becomes sterile. The theocracy used strategies that the GOP is using today to seize control of the country.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
Handmaid’s Tale is about people turning to religious madness when most of the human population becomes sterile. The theocracy used strategies that the GOP is using today to seize control of the country.

Not even close.

But keep up with these pathetic attempts of baseless equivocation.

Progressives are far more likely to lead us to a Police State than Trump is.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?

I have discovered that most of these stupid delusional Moon Bats don't even know that "The Handmaid's Tale" is fiction. They think it is a documentary on Right Wing Christian America, or something.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
Handmaid’s Tale is about people turning to religious madness when most of the human population becomes sterile. The theocracy used strategies that the GOP is using today to seize control of the country.

Not even close.

But keep up with these pathetic attempts of baseless equivocation.

Progressives are far more likely to lead us to a Police State than Trump is.
Republican propaganda speaks in support of single party rule. That Democrats have a “mental disease,” they seek the collapse of America, they both are and support terrorists, they are communists. Republicans say any information source other than their propaganda outlets are fake news, that religion is above the law, that the opposition hates the country. Gilead should take notes.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
Handmaid’s Tale is about people turning to religious madness when most of the human population becomes sterile. The theocracy used strategies that the GOP is using today to seize control of the country.

Not even close.

But keep up with these pathetic attempts of baseless equivocation.

Progressives are far more likely to lead us to a Police State than Trump is.
Republican propaganda speaks in support of single party rule. That Democrats have a “mental disease,” they seek the collapse of America, they both are and support terrorists, they are communists. Republicans say any information source other than their propaganda outlets are fake news, that religion is above the law, that the opposition hates the country. Gilead should take notes.
All those things are true, to a degree, but it's an absurd claim by either party, to be fair.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
Handmaid’s Tale is about people turning to religious madness when most of the human population becomes sterile. The theocracy used strategies that the GOP is using today to seize control of the country.

Not even close.

But keep up with these pathetic attempts of baseless equivocation.

Progressives are far more likely to lead us to a Police State than Trump is.
Republican propaganda speaks in support of single party rule. That Democrats have a “mental disease,” they seek the collapse of America, they both are and support terrorists, they are communists. Republicans say any information source other than their propaganda outlets are fake news, that religion is above the law, that the opposition hates the country. Gilead should take notes.

Show me "Republican Propaganda" indicating support for the elimination of opposing political parties

As for the rest, those are the words of individuals, nothing different from what progressives spew about people they disagree with.

Religion is not "above the law". However Free Exercise is a right of any Citizen of the United States, and thus has to be taken into account when it comes against laws and other individuals rights.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
The NAZIS were fascists....extreme RWrs. But I'm looking for the gun references in your OP and not seeing them.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?

I've read the novel by Margaret Atwood and watched the series up to date and the 80's movie based on the book. While the novel was intended as a cautionary tale against totalitarian theocracy and misogyny in the wake of a global human reproductive crisis, when compared the contemporary culture of U.S. the plot aligns more with the radical American Left, than the Right.

The modern cults of political correctness which encompass coerced, forced and prohibited speech, celebrated, even expected racial self-hatred, discrimination against Caucasian peoples, the ideological indoctrination of our children in public schools, preference for immigrant welfare and assimilation over citizen rights, and the worldwide war on Christianity--share eerie similarity with the dystopian authoritarian universe of the book.

Now, what I could envision happening is the popular call for and implementation--in the United States--of a comparably harsh government if the radical Leftist cultural revolution continues on unchecked in its destruction of all rational, fundamental foundations of American heritage and tradition and rule by Constitution, as a means of checking or stopping it. I believe some Americans are already prepared to support that.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
Handmaid’s Tale is about people turning to religious madness when most of the human population becomes sterile. The theocracy used strategies that the GOP is using today to seize control of the country.

Not even close.

But keep up with these pathetic attempts of baseless equivocation.

Progressives are far more likely to lead us to a Police State than Trump is.
Republican propaganda speaks in support of single party rule. That Democrats have a “mental disease,” they seek the collapse of America, they both are and support terrorists, they are communists. Republicans say any information source other than their propaganda outlets are fake news, that religion is above the law, that the opposition hates the country. Gilead should take notes.

Yeah....said no one ever.....
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
The NAZIS were fascists....extreme RWrs. But I'm looking for the gun references in your OP and not seeing them.

Fascism is socialism you twit.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
He doesn't. The left just likes to blame us for the shit they do.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
Handmaid’s Tale is about people turning to religious madness when most of the human population becomes sterile. The theocracy used strategies that the GOP is using today to seize control of the country.

And yet Republicans are not seizing control of anything.....please get back to us when Trump starts to arrest members of the press, the courts and the political opposition.

So far, the only ones spying on the opposition party like a 3rd World dictatorship are the democrats.
The only governments that had actual breeding programs were socialist governments....

the national socialists wanted more kids so they gave bonuses to german women to have kids.

The Chinese socialists wanted fewer kids so they mandated women get abortions.

The democrats in this country side with muslim extremist groups like care...who actually force muslim women to wear head coverings, accept 2nd Class status and are forced to marry men and have children.

So where exactly does Trump fit into this?
Handmaid’s Tale is about people turning to religious madness when most of the human population becomes sterile. The theocracy used strategies that the GOP is using today to seize control of the country.

Not even close.

But keep up with these pathetic attempts of baseless equivocation.

Progressives are far more likely to lead us to a Police State than Trump is.
Republican propaganda speaks in support of single party rule. That Democrats have a “mental disease,” they seek the collapse of America, they both are and support terrorists, they are communists. Republicans say any information source other than their propaganda outlets are fake news, that religion is above the law, that the opposition hates the country. Gilead should take notes.

They are mentally ill.


They have worked hard to create a demographic of mentally ill people dependent on ssi and other federal benefits..who vote Democrat to protect their *benefits*. It is a familiar strategy used by fascists..whether they're nazi, or communist. Create a dependent population that will fight to keep you in power because they are dependent upon you.

You do seek the collapse of America. That's what the whole *Resist* and *Antifa* and *Impeach Trump* and *assassinate trump* movement is all about. That's what hte attacks on free speech, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms is about.



You do support terrorists.



You are communists.
Facebook opens a subsidiary in China, a breakthrough for the banned social media platform

And the leftist media are propagandists.

At CNN, Retracted Story Leaves an Elite Reporting Team Bruised

CNN Corrects a Trump Story, Fueling Claims of ‘Fake News’

ABC News faces blowback over corrected Flynn report

There. Glad to clear that up, you're welcome.
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A look at the silliness of this idea about the Hand Maid's Tale.... he starts to get into his views at the 2:18 mark...


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