Why do we call things "Conspiracy Theories"

One of the Benefits of having Trump as President, everyone had to fact check everything he said.
They had to, had to prove him wrong no matter what the cost.
And he knew it.
Let's take Wind Turbines cause Cancer for instance.
How many people went looking to fact check this simple little sentence? Thousands.
And what did we find?


The following is an article from the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness May newsletter.

It's not about whether what he said was accurate or not. It's about getting people to do their own research and finding the facts.
Hatred causes Blindness.

Trump never said to drink bleach or to inject disinfectnants. That is a conspiracy theory.
What he actually said is well documented on video, archived on C-span for everyone to fact check themselves.
What he did do was to ask if there were different things that could be done such as.......
It was an inquiry.
And considering NOW who he was getting his medical advice from.. Faulsy Fauci, I wouldn't be surprised if it originally came from those who sabotaging him from behind.
Listen for yourself carefully..
people are just plain ignorant sometimes.

I'm not even going to get into weather manipulation.. but it's funny what can or won't happen when people know they are being watched.

Yes there was spying.

And Trump IS the President of the USA :)

Not everything is a conspiracy "theory" . Some things are said to make people THINK for themselves and to investigate for themselves instead of relying on mockingbird media to tell you what to think.

Trump is Brilliant...
I love my President

Trigger Alert!
I think the CIA coined the term in order to provide cover for themselves for stuff like killing Kennedy or planning Operation Northwoods,
Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to both stage and actually commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets,[2] blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas,[2] hijacking planes to be shot down or given the appearance of being shot down,[2] blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.[3] The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.[4][5][6]

when the overwhelming majority of them are actually true?

Shouldn't we be asking who it is labeling current events of interest to the general public and pertinent to the general welfare of our society as "conspiracies", to be mocked and denigrated, and why?

How many times does this stuff have to turn out to be true before people start paying attention and asking some questions?
The overwhelming majority of them are NOT true.

We call them conspiracy theories because it is an accurate term although if one really wants to be techbical they should be called conspiracy delusions;

There are literally thousands of conspiracy theories. If any news worthy event happens someone somewhere will dream up a conspiracy theory about it. In fact it does not have to be an event. It can be an era or period of time such as the great depression or the cold war.

With so many such loopy theories being floated around it is a matter of mathematical certianty that a small number of them might be true even if by accident.

But they are simply the exception which proves the rule
I believe the phrase "Conspiracy Theory" originated with the CIA when JFK was assasinated.
A lot of people didn't believe the narrative and they started looking for evidence of what actually occured.
When people began coming out with another narrative, the CIA called them all conspiracy theorists so they would
be disregarded and others wouldn't question it.
It was used as a deterrant to push people away from seeking the truth.
Since then everything that is questioned or has been discovered is now called a Conspiracy theory.

The actual meaning of the word Conspiracy is when two or more people agree on something.
Joey and Mike conspired together to rob the local bank.

A theory is when one assumes a thing is true but have little facts to back it up.

Conspiracy Theory is the belief that something happened but with little evidence to support it.
Because Joey and Mike were seen at the bank, we can assume they robbed it.

Today, even if you have concrete evidence that there was a conspiracy, those that want to hide the truth will label it a conspiracy theory, or tin foil hat nut jobs.. discouraging others to consider the evidence given.

I would suggest, instead of believing either a conspiracy or a conspiracy theory, that one take the time to do a little investigating on their own for the truth.
Not everything is a conspiracy or a theory.

Not true at all.

The term conspiracy theory predates the CIA by many years even before the first world war.

Conspiracy theory is the willful shiut down of reason and logic to embrace some altenate idea which is done eitgher to sell books and or movies or whatever. Beliebvers find a sense of superioity from these ideas which they need because such people are usually second rate losers.

JFK is gthe perfect example. The fact is the evidence is overwhelming that the warren commission got it right and that is proven by EVIDENCE whicbh conspiracy theorists ignore. The conspiracy theories about JFK have all been disproven and the evidence once used to support them has been massively debunked.

But of course many believe the opposite and they ignore the evicence.
Conspiracy theory - telling truth about Zionist fraud and treason

Solve every conspiracy theory and you will find a blue six sided star.....
You have never told any such truth. You have been defeated and proven a liar even your own evidence defeats you,
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
There are people who believed in enough of them where they will live a bit more comfortable if things get bad. If they are bad enough, it means that things would get better after a month or so of brutal economics as the system attempts to or slowly starts to return to normal. Anything that last much longer would not be good. What we seen in the last year with massive printing of money may not be able to be done many more times without a huge negative. Even now we are seeing prices rise and some are saying there is going to be much higher prices in the future.
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
Here's a great Conspiracy Theory
For Entertainment purposes only

Enjoy the Show
I think the CIA coined the term in order to provide cover for themselves for stuff like killing Kennedy or planning Operation Northwoods,
Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to both stage and actually commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets,[2] blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas,[2] hijacking planes to be shot down or given the appearance of being shot down,[2] blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.[3] The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.[4][5][6]

They did not kill Kennedy nor did the CIA plan operation Northwoods as your link clearly shows.

The term was around long before the CIA
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
Pull your head out of your ass, before the Communist end up separating it that way, dumbass.
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
Pull your head out of your ass, before the Communist end up separating it that way, dumbass.
I see you are projecting.

Fact little boy there is no evidence it was stolen
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
It was Stolen

Trump Won

I am an American!
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
It was Stolen

Trump Won

I am an American!
It was not stolen Trump lost that is fact which no evidence disputes. This is why conspiracy theory is used as a term of derision.

You wish it were true but it is a fallacy
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
It was Stolen

Trump Won

I am an American!
It was not stolen Trump lost that is fact which no evidence disputes. This is why conspiracy theory is used as a term of derision.

You wish it were true but it is a fallacy
When the evidence is in plain view for all the world to see,
I expect an apology.

Have a nice day
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
It was Stolen

Trump Won

I am an American!
It was not stolen Trump lost that is fact which no evidence disputes. This is why conspiracy theory is used as a term of derision.

You wish it were true but it is a fallacy
When the evidence is in plain view for all the world to see,
I expect an apology.

Have a nice day
There is no such evidence.

Months later and nothing .

It is a fallacy and you willl scream otherwise in the face of absolute evidence because you are gullible and stupid
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
It was Stolen

Trump Won

I am an American!
It was not stolen Trump lost that is fact which no evidence disputes. This is why conspiracy theory is used as a term of derision.

You wish it were true but it is a fallacy
When the evidence is in plain view for all the world to see,
I expect an apology.

Have a nice day
There is no such evidence.

Months later and nothing .

It is a fallacy and you willl scream otherwise in the face of absolute evidence because you are gullible and stupid
If it can be proven that there was 0 fraud and this was the cleanest and safest election ever,
and Biden won with the most votes EVER..
I will apologize.
Until then..
tick tock tick tock

Have a nice day

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