Why do we call things "Conspiracy Theories"

Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Not watching some crackpot video
Give me some facts not a propaganda video
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
It was Stolen

Trump Won

I am an American!
It was not stolen Trump lost that is fact which no evidence disputes. This is why conspiracy theory is used as a term of derision.

You wish it were true but it is a fallacy
When the evidence is in plain view for all the world to see,
I expect an apology.

Have a nice day
There is no such evidence.

Months later and nothing .

It is a fallacy and you willl scream otherwise in the face of absolute evidence because you are gullible and stupid
If it can be proven that there was 0 fraud and this was the cleanest and safest election ever,
and Biden won with the most votes EVER..
I will apologize.
Until then..
tick tock tick tock

Have a nice day
We have seen it before
No amount of proof is acceptable
All proof is deemed fake

A common ploy among conspiracy theorists
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Not watching some crackpot video
Give me some facts not a propaganda video
You scared bro...
go watch sesame street
It does say for mature audiences only
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
It was Stolen

Trump Won

I am an American!
It was not stolen Trump lost that is fact which no evidence disputes. This is why conspiracy theory is used as a term of derision.

You wish it were true but it is a fallacy
When the evidence is in plain view for all the world to see,
I expect an apology.

Have a nice day
There is no such evidence.

Months later and nothing .

It is a fallacy and you willl scream otherwise in the face of absolute evidence because you are gullible and stupid
If it can be proven that there was 0 fraud and this was the cleanest and safest election ever,
and Biden won with the most votes EVER..
I will apologize.
Until then..
tick tock tick tock

Have a nice day
It can never be proven that there was zero fraud. In a nation this size there is always going to be some small level of fraud.

The fact is already proven this was a routine and typically fair election.

The fact remains no evidence of any kind supports the bald faced lie that it was stolen and trump won. It proves conclusively he lost and it was not stolen.

You will simply continue to be childish and gullible and deny fact.

Have a rotten day that you never forget
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Not watching some crackpot video
Give me some facts not a propaganda video
You scared bro...
go watch sesame street
It does say for mature audiences only
You are the one claiming the election was stolen
Burden of proof lies with you
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Not watching some crackpot video
Give me some facts not a propaganda video
You scared bro...
go watch sesame street
It does say for mature audiences only
It was a fictional video which is the tool of the weak minded who have no argument which is why many conspiracy theorists resort to such crap to back up their debynked and disproven garbage
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Not watching some crackpot video
Give me some facts not a propaganda video
You scared bro...
go watch sesame street
It does say for mature audiences only
It was a fictional video which is the tool of the weak minded who have no argument which is why many conspiracy theorists resort to such crap to back up their debynked and disproven garbage
Did you watch it then?
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Not watching some crackpot video
Give me some facts not a propaganda video
You scared bro...
go watch sesame street
It does say for mature audiences only
It was a fictional video which is the tool of the weak minded who have no argument which is why many conspiracy theorists resort to such crap to back up their debynked and disproven garbage
Conspiracy propaganda targeted at the weak minded
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Not watching some crackpot video
Give me some facts not a propaganda video
You scared bro...
go watch sesame street
It does say for mature audiences only
It was a fictional video which is the tool of the weak minded who have no argument which is why many conspiracy theorists resort to such crap to back up their debynked and disproven garbage
Did you watch it then?
Got evidence?

Hint garbage videos with opinions and no facts do not count.
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Not watching some crackpot video
Give me some facts not a propaganda video
You scared bro...
go watch sesame street
It does say for mature audiences only
You are the one claiming the election was stolen
Burden of proof lies with you
It's in progress.
You can't stop what's coming
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Not watching some crackpot video
Give me some facts not a propaganda video
You scared bro...
go watch sesame street
It does say for mature audiences only
You are the one claiming the election was stolen
Burden of proof lies with you
It's in progress.
You can't stop what's coming
No it is not.

There is nothing coming.

Just like in all the other previous theories. ( JFK 911 Lunaer landing etc etc )

There is no evidence none is forthcoming and you are proven wrong
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
This is why they call them conspiracy theories.
Wild, unproven accusations without a shred of proof
Watch the video,
Then tell me if it is a Conspiracy or just a theory.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Not watching some crackpot video
Give me some facts not a propaganda video
You scared bro...
go watch sesame street
It does say for mature audiences only
You are the one claiming the election was stolen
Burden of proof lies with you
It's in progress.
You can't stop what's coming
Been eight months….
What are you waiting for?

Still think Trump will be reinstated next month?
Your afraid to watch a 1 hour video because the facts that are in it will blow your conspiracy theory out of the water.
I never seen such cowards in my life.

You afraid it's gonna bite you?
You afraid of the truth?
Go wear your masks and hide in a corner, or better yet, go dance with nurses on Tik Tok.
It's about Covid, not the election.
Your afraid to watch a 1 hour video because the facts that are in it will blow your conspiracy theory out of the water.
I never seen such cowards in my life.

You afraid it's gonna bite you?
You afraid of the truth?
Go wear your masks and hide in a corner, or better yet, go dance with nurses on Tik Tok.
It's about Covid, not the election.
Your own words ( for entertainment purposes ONLY )

I watched it and it was worthlless it presents no facts and blows nothing out of the water except an hour of wasted time

NO one said it was about Triump it was made by some asswipe who strung together a bunch of meaningless crap
Your afraid to watch a 1 hour video because the facts that are in it will blow your conspiracy theory out of the water.
I never seen such cowards in my life.

You afraid it's gonna bite you?
You afraid of the truth?
Go wear your masks and hide in a corner, or better yet, go dance with nurses on Tik Tok.
It's about Covid, not the election.
One hour video?
Are you fucking crazy?

I would rather pluck my eyes out with a dull pencil
This thread is about What is a conspiracy theory?
The video I just posted today is the biggest conspiracy ever pulled on the world.
It killed people, it killed economies, people lost their livlihood, people committing suicide from depression.
And you want to argue about what?
Grow up.
This thread is about What is a conspiracy theory?
The video I just posted today is the biggest conspiracy ever pulled on the world.
It killed people, it killed economies, people lost their livlihood, people committing suicide from depression.
And you want to argue about what?
Grow up.
I am not the gullible idiot like you who believes in fairy tales and needsw to grow up.

COVID is a real videu not a conspiracy theory. The overreaction by government killed economies it is true. But that is typical government incompetance not a conspiracy,

You have nothing least of all evidence
I started a thread on this about 2 years ago.:cool:

Yes and three years ago you were owned and debunked.

The term strikes no fear into the hearts of anyone it illicits exasperation that people can be so gullible and dumb.

The term was in use ong before the CIA and the claim is bullshit

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