Why do you people keep giving thanks to Lucifer?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Luciferian=worship of the false and fallen prophet and the teachings of mystical phosphorus light (physical light/Baal/Sun worship).

Fact; Luciferous light came to both Paul and Constantine saying it's name was Jesus, the one coming to Constantine told him to conquer using the symbol of the cross which was always the sign of death and destruction prior to it's adoption into the new one world religion Rome had converged and created. Therefore this Luciferous light told him to adopt the mark of the beast (power of destruction and death).

Fact: there were many christ figures so Christians are merely a blanket term for those following a Christ, but in forming the converged Christian religion Rome converged many figures into one new icon they had to give a new name & birth date to. One of these figures they placed more so forefront then the others was Yeshu son of Mary because he was half Roman (his father was a Roman soldier named Panderas). This figure of 100BC had learned forbidden maggis and underworld teachings from Egypt as well as borrowed John's teachings when stealing Johns flock that taught their god was the mystical phosphorus(luciferous) light between the sun and earth.
Fact; The NT has physical light metaphors and teachings along with harvest god (Baal) metaphors and worship.
The Hebrews taught light to be about spiritual light meaning knowledge and truth not physical light but the Nazarenes taught Luciferous light as their god.
Fact: Rome admits they are lifting high lucifer (the first messiah who fails and is lifted higher then god as a mask for Baal worship=he is emulating the mythologies with exact plagiarized accounts and birth date).
Seen in Rev 22:16 the morning star=Lucifer look it up in any collegiate dictionary or encyclopedia. The NT says this morning star (lucifer) is in their hearts which is why you see Luciferous light radiating from the sacred heart in iconographs of Jesus including those Rays eminating from his image. Including the baal cross (sun rays circle behind the cross).
IF the borrowing of Baals Dec 25th winter's solctice venerated sun birthday and changed sabbath to SUNday sabbath doesn't give you a clue then nothing will.
this is the symbol that Constantine used


This is a crucifix


Can you see any difference?
Lucifer is the enemy of Jesus Christ and mankind. He despises Jesus Christ and and he despises us because God created us in His Own Image (Genesis 1:26) Lucifer is not Jesus Christ, HaShev! Jesus Christ is God.
this is the symbol that Constantine used


This is a crucifix


Can you see any difference?

Jesus isn't hanging on a cross. Jesus is seated in heaven at the right hand of God the Father. He has risen! Constantine was a sun god worshipper until the day he died. That is a historical fact.
1) I have pics turned off so sorry
2) do you know what a baal cross looks like?
3) do you know the sickly man on a cross the former Pope carried was a Mithraic cross found predating the Jesus era.
4) the NT and Accounts of Yeshu of 100bc say he was stoned and hanged on a tree, the cross is a proven later adapted symbol.
5) the cross was always the mark of death destruction oredating the Jesus era. And the NT says thats the power of the devil making that cross the mark of the beast.
6) deflecting a portion of the whole discussion does not change the fact that all facts point to Christianity as Luciferianism including the character admission at the end of the Roman play ...
never ass/u/me.
( I figured you would be old enough to remember the
" bad news bears ".)
Born again Christians do not ever wear the crucifix or have one in their homes, HaShev. We know it is a cursed thing - Jesus Christ was crucified on a tree on a hill at Calvary. He isn't hanging on a cross. Catholics do not understand the history of Baal worship and the Babylonian religion - in their Catholic Romanism. They think it is Christianity but it isn't. You can tell them the history of it but I've found they refuse to believe anything that conflicts with what they have been told because they are taught to obey their priest ( who obeys the Pope) over God and His own Word.

As I told you before, HaShev. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. Not the Babylonian religion known as Catholicism today!
Moses also known as a sun God, my God the rabbis said he lit up the house when he was born and spoke and walked at birth. Moses hung a snake on a pole for all the Hebrews to worship, says so right in your OT, they worshipped snakes.

It had to take the exile and the Persians to let them know God was monotheistic, because before them, the smartest man, King Solomon , made idols and altars to many Gods.

Quit knocking our peace loving Jesus, Yahoo was a tribal WAR god, a Hebrew one. We have Jesus, an ideology you do not have or know.
Born again Christians do not ever wear the crucifix or have one in their homes, HaShev. We know it is a cursed thing - Jesus Christ was crucified on a tree on a hill at Calvary. He isn't hanging on a cross. Catholics do not understand the history of Baal worship and the Babylonian religion - in their Catholic Romanism. They think it is Christianity but it isn't. You can tell them the history of it but I've found they refuse to believe anything that conflicts with what they have been told because they are taught to obey their priest ( who obeys the Pope) over God and His own Word.

As I told you before, HaShev. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. Not the Babylonian religion known as Catholicism today!

Also quit knocking RC, I know about the crusades, but without those you would of never been a Christian, have the NT, and there would not be Christians.
I do not know what book they gave you to read, Penelope, but your information is wrong. Very, very wrong. Moses was a worshipper of God Almighty. The G-d of Israel! Moses was not a Baal worshipper!
Born again Christians do not ever wear the crucifix or have one in their homes, HaShev. We know it is a cursed thing - Jesus Christ was crucified on a tree on a hill at Calvary. He isn't hanging on a cross. Catholics do not understand the history of Baal worship and the Babylonian religion - in their Catholic Romanism. They think it is Christianity but it isn't. You can tell them the history of it but I've found they refuse to believe anything that conflicts with what they have been told because they are taught to obey their priest ( who obeys the Pope) over God and His own Word.

As I told you before, HaShev. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. Not the Babylonian religion known as Catholicism today!

Also quit knocking RC, I know about the crusades, but without those you would of never been a Christian, have the NT, and there would not be Christians.
The early church had the Scriptures long before the Catholics tried to obtain them in order to destroy them and write their own version of the Bible! Luke wrote the book of Acts! Not Constantine! I am a Christian in spite of Rome's best efforts to wipe out Christianity by murdering Protestants and Jews all over the globe! They didn't succeed in destroying the King James Bible either! To God be the Glory!
I do not know what book they gave you to read, Penelope, but your information is wrong. Very, very wrong. Moses was a worshipper of God Almighty. The G-d of Israel! Moses was not a Baal worshipper!

Moses was a fable, and if anything he was a warrior, setting up a society with Egyptian rules, but mainly he was a fable. Moses was not the first one to be found in a basket in water, there was one before him, and the story was copied.

Why did he put a snake on a pole?
1) I have pics turned off so sorry
2) do you know what a baal cross looks like?
3) do you know the sickly man on a cross the former Pope carried was a Mithraic cross found predating the Jesus era.
4) the NT and Accounts of Yeshu of 100bc say he was stoned and hanged on a tree, the cross is a proven later adapted symbol.
5) the cross was always the mark of death destruction oredating the Jesus era. And the NT says thats the power of the devil making that cross the mark of the beast.
6) deflecting a portion of the whole discussion does not change the fact that all facts point to Christianity as Luciferianism including the character admission at the end of the Roman play ...

You're talking about this cross.


It's satanic. We know it, HaShev, but try telling people who have been brainwashed by the Catholic Institution to not question anything they are taught to believe. It is the same type of fear the Islamists hold the Muslims in. Which is understandable because Mohammad was indoctrinated by the Vatican and their teachings through Khadija ( a devout Catholic / agent of Rome ) and her Catholic cousin!
Born again Christians do not ever wear the crucifix or have one in their homes, HaShev. We know it is a cursed thing - Jesus Christ was crucified on a tree on a hill at Calvary. He isn't hanging on a cross. Catholics do not understand the history of Baal worship and the Babylonian religion - in their Catholic Romanism. They think it is Christianity but it isn't. You can tell them the history of it but I've found they refuse to believe anything that conflicts with what they have been told because they are taught to obey their priest ( who obeys the Pope) over God and His own Word.

As I told you before, HaShev. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. Not the Babylonian religion known as Catholicism today!

Also quit knocking RC, I know about the crusades, but without those you would of never been a Christian, have the NT, and there would not be Christians.
The early church had the Scriptures long before the Catholics tried to obtain them in order to destroy them and write their own version of the Bible! Luke wrote the book of Acts! Not Constantine! I am a Christian in spite of Rome's best efforts to wipe out Christianity by murdering Protestants and Jews all over the globe! They didn't succeed in destroying the King James Bible either! To God be the Glory!

We don't know who wrote the Nt or the ot for that matter. They were wrote in Rome and Alexandria most likely, after the war that demolished Herods temple. Constantine made it the Roman religion , so that is why the NT was wrote, or you would of been a heaven.
1) I have pics turned off so sorry
2) do you know what a baal cross looks like?
3) do you know the sickly man on a cross the former Pope carried was a Mithraic cross found predating the Jesus era.
4) the NT and Accounts of Yeshu of 100bc say he was stoned and hanged on a tree, the cross is a proven later adapted symbol.
5) the cross was always the mark of death destruction oredating the Jesus era. And the NT says thats the power of the devil making that cross the mark of the beast.
6) deflecting a portion of the whole discussion does not change the fact that all facts point to Christianity as Luciferianism including the character admission at the end of the Roman play ...

You're talking about this cross.


It's satanic. We know it, HaShev, but try telling people who have been brainwashed by the Catholic Institution to not question anything they are taught to believe. It is the same type of fear the Islamists hold the Muslims in. Which is understandable because Mohammad was indoctrinated by the Vatican and their teachings through Khadija ( a devout Catholic / agent of Rome ) and her Catholic cousin!

Then you worship a Satanic God, Because he has Jesus on a cross.
I do not know what book they gave you to read, Penelope, but your information is wrong. Very, very wrong. Moses was a worshipper of God Almighty. The G-d of Israel! Moses was not a Baal worshipper!

Moses was a fable, and if anything he was a warrior, setting up a society with Egyptian rules, but mainly he was a fable. Moses was not the first one to be found in a basket in water, there was one before him, and the story was copied.

Why did he put a snake on a pole?
Moses was the meekest man to ever walk the face of the earth, Penelope. You've been brainwashed by your Roman Catholic teachers. These teachings are not in the King James Bible. Neither is purgatory, Limbo, mortal / venial sins / confirmation rituals, substantiation - satanic ritual during communion - praying to the dead / holy water (which has pagan roots also) praying to dead people / praying to Mary as if she were an equal to God or Jesus Christ ( she's not - she was just a sinner saved by Grace through believing on Jesus Christ for her salvation) burning of incense (another pagan - satanic ritual ) and so on.............
Born again Christians do not ever wear the crucifix or have one in their homes, HaShev. We know it is a cursed thing - Jesus Christ was crucified on a tree on a hill at Calvary. He isn't hanging on a cross. Catholics do not understand the history of Baal worship and the Babylonian religion - in their Catholic Romanism. They think it is Christianity but it isn't. You can tell them the history of it but I've found they refuse to believe anything that conflicts with what they have been told because they are taught to obey their priest ( who obeys the Pope) over God and His own Word.

As I told you before, HaShev. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. Not the Babylonian religion known as Catholicism today!

Also quit knocking RC, I know about the crusades, but without those you would of never been a Christian, have the NT, and there would not be Christians.
The early church had the Scriptures long before the Catholics tried to obtain them in order to destroy them and write their own version of the Bible! Luke wrote the book of Acts! Not Constantine! I am a Christian in spite of Rome's best efforts to wipe out Christianity by murdering Protestants and Jews all over the globe! They didn't succeed in destroying the King James Bible either! To God be the Glory!

We don't know who wrote the Nt or the ot for that matter. They were wrote in Rome and Alexandria most likely, after the war that demolished Herods temple. Constantine made it the Roman religion , so that is why the NT was wrote, or you would of been a heaven.

Your church may tell you that but Bible scholars have proven otherwise.
1) I have pics turned off so sorry
2) do you know what a baal cross looks like?
3) do you know the sickly man on a cross the former Pope carried was a Mithraic cross found predating the Jesus era.
4) the NT and Accounts of Yeshu of 100bc say he was stoned and hanged on a tree, the cross is a proven later adapted symbol.
5) the cross was always the mark of death destruction oredating the Jesus era. And the NT says thats the power of the devil making that cross the mark of the beast.
6) deflecting a portion of the whole discussion does not change the fact that all facts point to Christianity as Luciferianism including the character admission at the end of the Roman play ...

You're talking about this cross.


It's satanic. We know it, HaShev, but try telling people who have been brainwashed by the Catholic Institution to not question anything they are taught to believe. It is the same type of fear the Islamists hold the Muslims in. Which is understandable because Mohammad was indoctrinated by the Vatican and their teachings through Khadija ( a devout Catholic / agent of Rome ) and her Catholic cousin!

Then you worship a Satanic God, Because he has Jesus on a cross.

Jesus hung on a tree at Calvary. I worship Jesus Christ. Not a cross. I need to move on to another thread now, Penelope - Sermon of the day - and Streams in the desert, coming up.

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