Why do YOU think the US Government spent billions on a Spy Data Center in Utah?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
The US government spent 1.5 BILLION on a "Data" center in Utah. This is not "conspiracy theory", it is fact.

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia

U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program

Welcome to Utah, the NSA's desert home for eavesdropping on America

"Our government" has become quite fond of collecting as much "information" on every single American citizen as it possibly can. Whether by tapping into our phones, our computers at home and work or using surveillace cameras.

Do we have THAT much terrorism going on? Where is it?

The REAL reason for that data center is the Paranoia that begins to grip Authority as it manuevers to slowly tighten it's grip on it's "Subjects.

If you think this in not true, you are a NAIVE IMBECILE PERIOD. No other explanation.

If you don't think that's what's going on there, what's YOUR explanation for spending 1.5 BILLION to gather data? And on who?

The only people so naive as to think it's ok (or funny) and just a routine part of government are those people who hope to gain by processes similar to what happened in Venezuela.....or are foreign idiots jealous of what we have in the USA.

If you want to learn who the REAL traitors are to We The American People, follow the trail of who pushed for this, who in Congress voted for it and who approved the funding.
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Why? To track all electronic communications of everyone in the world should they need to look at them and to scan them as they come in for real-time threats. Don't worry about it, they don't care about what porn you look at or what undies you buy online. What they do care about - rental trucks, fuel oil, and fertilizer. Real privacy was dead decades ago. Deal with it, Snowflake.
Why? To track all electronic communications of everyone in the world should they need to look at them and to scan them as they come in for real-time threats. Don't worry about it, they don't care about what porn you look at or what undies you buy online. What they do care about - rental trucks, fuel oil, and fertilizer. Real privacy was dead decades ago. Deal with it, Snowflake.

Well look who's back. The little Transgender Communist.

Are you really that stupid?
Did you not just see the news stories where IRS TOP Management confessed to using the IRS as a political WEAPON against targeted groups?

So you are one of those boot kissing, naive, Anti_American idiots all in favor of oppressive government?

Figures. I'll bet you are for "Gun Control" as well.

Are you in Russia, China or North Korea?

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Why? To track all electronic communications of everyone in the world should they need to look at them and to scan them as they come in for real-time threats. Don't worry about it, they don't care about what porn you look at or what undies you buy online. What they do care about - rental trucks, fuel oil, and fertilizer. Real privacy was dead decades ago. Deal with it, Snowflake.

Are you really that stupid?
Did you not just see the news stories where IRS TOP Management confessed to using the IRS as a political WEAPON against targeted groups?

So you are one of those boot kissing, naive, Anti_American idiots all in favor of oppressive government?

Figures. I'll bet you are for "Gun Control" as well.

Are you in Russia, China or North Korea?

Paranoid much? Uummm, yeah, why do I need to ask........
Paranoid much? Uummm, yeah, why do I need to ask........

So you got nothing? Just another ignorant gun grabbing boot licker.

They already HAD data centers for the BS your trans BF Katie mentioned.

Maybe you'd be better off in North Korea where healthy paranoia is not tolerated.
Why? To track all electronic communications of everyone in the world should they need to look at them and to scan them as they come in for real-time threats. Don't worry about it, they don't care about what porn you look at or what undies you buy online. What they do care about - rental trucks, fuel oil, and fertilizer. Real privacy was dead decades ago. Deal with it, Snowflake.

Are you really that stupid?
Did you not just see the news stories where IRS TOP Management confessed to using the IRS as a political WEAPON against targeted groups?

So you are one of those boot kissing, naive, Anti_American idiots all in favor of oppressive government?

Figures. I'll bet you are for "Gun Control" as well.

Are you in Russia, China or North Korea?

The IRS had a ton of phony-ass rightwingers asking for a tax exemption, which very few should have in the first place. Your paranoia about the government is just that, paranoia. They aren't arresting you because you are ten year old sick girl and came here illegally as a baby.

If you are worried about what they are collecting on you as you live your life stop doing it. Otherwise they have everything they can get their hands on and there is not a damn thing you can do about it but good news, they don't fucking care unless you give them a reason to so don't.

It's time you start dealing with reality. If you put it on a computer another computer has a copy. When you email mommy you email the world so watch your mouth.
The US government spent 1.5 BILLION on a "Data" center in Utah. This is not "conspiracy theory", it is fact.

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia

NSA Intelligence Mining From Major US Internet Companies']U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program

Welcome to Utah, the NSA's desert home for eavesdropping on America

"Our government" has become quite fond of collecting as much "information" on every single American citizen as it possibly can. Whether by tapping into our phones, our computers at home and work or using surveillace cameras.

Do we have THAT much terrorism going on? Where is it?

The REAL reason for that data center is the Paranoia that begins to grip Authority as it manuevers to slowly tighten it's grip on it's "Subjects.

If you think this in not true, you are a NAIVE IMBECILE PERIOD. No other explanation.

If you don't think that's what's going on there, what's YOUR explanation for spending 1.5 BILLION to gather data? And on who?

The only people so naive as to think it's ok (or funny) and just a routine part of government are those people who hope to gain by processes similar to what happened in Venezuela.....or are foreign idiots jealous of what we have in the USA.

If you want to learn who the REAL traitors are to We The American People, follow the trail of who pushed for this, who in Congress voted for it and who approved the funding.
So they can announce with great pride after every terrorist attack..." yeah we knew about him ....them.....her......"
The IRS had a ton of phony-ass rightwingers as for a tax exemption, which very few should have in the first place. Your paranoia about the government is just that, paranoia. They aren't arresting you because you are ten year old sick girl and came here as a baby.

If you are worried about what they are collecting on you as you live your life stop doing it. Otherwise they have everything they can get their hands on and there is not a damn thing you can do about it but good news, they don't fucking care unless you give them a reason to so don't.

It's time you start dealing with reality. If you put it on a computer another computer has a copy. When you email mommy you email the world so watch your mouth.

Yeah, because in spite of THE FACTS, you trust everything the government says.

Where do you get YOUR information? Aren't you and your BF the Pirate the same ones who said the IRS scandal didn't exist and only "rightwingers" are corrupt? Laughable imbeciles the both of you.

Paranoid much? Uummm, yeah, why do I need to ask........

So you got nothing? Just another ignorant gun grabbing boot licker.

They already HAD data centers for the BS your trans BF Katie mentioned.

Maybe you'd be better off in North Korea where healthy paranoia is not tolerated.
Their existing data centers weren't big enough. The plans for the next set are undoubtedly being approved as we type. If you don't have anything to hide don't worry. You are worried so therefore _______________________
Now tell me, how did I know you were going to come back with some moronic (and incorrect) "accusation"......... All y'all are sooooooo predictable!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Now be a good boy and go take your anti-psychotics as prescribed. :thup:

When people start posting multiple emoticons like you just did, you know you've kicked their ignorant asses good. lmao
Paranoid much? Uummm, yeah, why do I need to ask........

So you got nothing? Just another ignorant gun grabbing boot licker.

They already HAD data centers for the BS your trans BF Katie mentioned.

Maybe you'd be better off in North Korea where healthy paranoia is not tolerated.
Their existing data centers weren't big enough. The plans for the next set are undoubtedly being approved as we type. If you don't have anything to hide don't worry. You are worried so therefore _______________________
You're trying to be rational with an irrational person? Good luck with that.
Now tell me, how did I know you were going to come back with some moronic (and incorrect) "accusation"......... All y'all are sooooooo predictable!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Now be a good boy and go take your anti-psychotics as prescribed. :thup:

When people start posting multiple emoticons like you just did, you know you've kicked their ignorant asses good. lmao
Wow, just wow!! What brilliance!!! I bet you use Brasso every day to shine your ego..........
The IRS had a ton of phony-ass rightwingers as for a tax exemption, which very few should have in the first place. Your paranoia about the government is just that, paranoia. They aren't arresting you because you are ten year old sick girl and came here as a baby.

If you are worried about what they are collecting on you as you live your life stop doing it. Otherwise they have everything they can get their hands on and there is not a damn thing you can do about it but good news, they don't fucking care unless you give them a reason to so don't.

It's time you start dealing with reality. If you put it on a computer another computer has a copy. When you email mommy you email the world so watch your mouth.

Yeah, because in spite of THE FACTS, you trust everything the government says.

Where do you get YOUR information? Aren't you and your BF the Pirate the same ones who said the IRS scandal didn't exist and only "rightwingers" are corrupt? Laughable imbeciles to both of you.

Trust the government? Nope. I'm also not paranoid over its data collection. That's its job now. You wanted it to stop terrorist attacks and that's how it works such a thing out. They don't care when you type in College Girls Fucking. They care when you type in College Girls Making Pipe Bombs for ISIS.
Trust the government? Nope. I'm also not paranoid over its data collection. That's its job now. You wanted it to stop terrorist attacks and that's how it works such a thing out. They don't care when you type in College Girls Fucking. They care when you type in College Girls Making Pipe Bombs for ISIS.

Let's see, so 1.7 BILLION dollars and they can't even stop the ONE OR TWO so called terrorist attacks that have taken place over the last what, 5 years ie Boston Bomber?

Yeah, GREAT use of a few billion bucks.
Wow, just wow!! What brilliance!!! I bet you use Brasso every day to shine your ego..........

"More so than you"? That's a cop out reply if I ever heard one.
So it's confirmed, you are not even an American citizen. Now you will try to desperately fake it.

Your emotional outbursts, clinging to personal insults only and lack of substantiation are revealing you position of ignorance.
Thanks for the confirmation ;-)

(hint, you really should stop digging now)

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