Why do YOU think the US Government spent billions on a Spy Data Center in Utah?

Mr. Paranoia, just what the hell do you think they are doing with all that data? Are they analyzing your porn collection? Building a database of every time you forgot to pay the water bill? Using it to spy on your teenage daughter changing into her nightie? Just exactly WTF are you so worried about?
Wow, just wow!! What brilliance!!! I bet you use Brasso every day to shine your ego..........

Your emotional outbursts, clinging to personal insults only and lack of substantiation are revealing you position of ignorance.
Thanks for the confirmation ;-)

(hint, you really should stop digging now)
Could you possibly be any more delusional??!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hell if you were any nuttier Planters would have to package you. :thup:
Mr. Paranoia, just what the hell do you think they are doing with all that data? Are they analyzing your porn collection? Building a database of every time you forgot to pay the water bill? Using it to spy on your teenage daughter changing into her nightie? Just exactly WTF are you so worried about?

wow. That's the fourth time you've mentioned porn.......a fixation of yours?
I never mentioned any porn at all.
Trust the government? Nope. I'm also not paranoid over its data collection. That's its job now. You wanted it to stop terrorist attacks and that's how it works such a thing out. They don't care when you type in College Girls Fucking. They care when you type in College Girls Making Pipe Bombs for ISIS.

Let's see, so 1.7 BILLION dollars and they can't even stop the ONE OR TWO so called terrorist attacks that have taken place over the last what, 5 years ie Boston Bomber?

Yeah, GREAT use of a few billion bucks.
Apparently you think that all systems can be perfected? Now who's not living in the real world. The system didn't stop the Las Vegas massacre either. Had it done just that I would have been very pleased. Maybe next time?
n fine
Mr. Paranoia, just what the hell do you think they are doing with all that data? Are they analyzing your porn collection? Building a database of every time you forgot to pay the water bill? Using it to spy on your teenage daughter changing into her nightie? Just exactly WTF are you so worried about?

wow. That's the fourth time you've mentioned porn.......a fixation of yours?
I never mentioned any porn at all.
I'm trying to figure out just WTF you are so worried about? So far you can't tell us. And boys love their porn, second only to their small boy parts.
Paranoid much? Uummm, yeah, why do I need to ask........

So you got nothing? Just another ignorant gun grabbing boot licker.

They already HAD data centers for the BS your trans BF Katie mentioned.

Maybe you'd be better off in North Korea where healthy paranoia is not tolerated.
Their existing data centers weren't big enough. The plans for the next set are undoubtedly being approved as we type. If you don't have anything to hide don't worry. You are worried so therefore _______________________
Your ignorance is stunning...

The IRS scandal where the IRS targeted conservative groups and denied them their rights while giving free reign of left wing communists to do whatever they wanted is wrong.. but you justify it because YOU think your banana republic view is how it should be... Left wing snowflake or should I call you simply a useful idiot? Either one would be accurate.
Could you possibly be any more delusional??!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hell if you were any nuttier Planters would have to package you. :thup:

wow, you're so funny. Like a 4th grader.

Anyone reading this thread can see you're not worth the time to discuss.
Stop wasting my time. If I don't reply anymore it's not because you have any valid or worthwhile points....it's because wasting my time on imbeciles is not something I do. ;)

Paranoid much? Uummm, yeah, why do I need to ask........

So you got nothing? Just another ignorant gun grabbing boot licker.

They already HAD data centers for the BS your trans BF Katie mentioned.

Maybe you'd be better off in North Korea where healthy paranoia is not tolerated.
Their existing data centers weren't big enough. The plans for the next set are undoubtedly being approved as we type. If you don't have anything to hide don't worry. You are worried so therefore _______________________
Your ignorance is stunning...

The IRS scandal where the IRS targeted conservative groups and denied them their rights while giving free reign of left wing communists to do whatever they wanted is wrong.. but you justify it because YOU think your banana republic view is how it should be... Left wing snowflake or should I call you simply a useful idiot? Either one would be accurate.
So these groups couldn't do what they needed to because the donations weren't tax exempt yet? Fuck, why bother then or start the group long before an election. Free speech doesn't just apply to those with a tax exemption. It can be had by anyone willing to pay the price.
I'm trying to figure out just WTF you are so worried about? So far you can't tell us. And boys love their porn, second only to their small boy parts.

Ok...and you're obviously a troll.

So, no answer? You're all paranoid about nothing at all since you have yet to post even a single reason why the government collecting all this data is a problem? Can you name just one actual valid reason why the average American not a criminal or planning to attack the government or the American people should give anything like a fuck? Just one?
Could you possibly be any more delusional??!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hell if you were any nuttier Planters would have to package you. :thup:

wow, you're so funny. Like a 4th grader.

Anyone reading this thread can see you're not worth the time to discuss.
Stop wasting my time. If I don't reply anymore it's not because you have any valid or worthwhile points....it's because wasting my time on imbeciles is not something I do. ;)

Well it's obvious you have projection down to an art form........ :thup:
So these groups couldn't do what they needed to because the donations weren't tax exempt yet? Fuck, why bother then or start the group long before an election. Free speech doesn't just apply to those with a tax exemption. It can be had by anyone willing to pay the price.

They did more than just deny their tax exempt status.

Many were dragged into legal battles that cost them time and money.

But you miss the point....ONE GROUP was targeted, THE OTHER was not.

That is weaponizing the IRS.....you attempt to minimize the damage because the political side you prefer was NOT TARGETED.

If you were wise, you would oppose government TARGETING ANYONE.
So these groups couldn't do what they needed to because the donations weren't tax exempt yet? Fuck, why bother then or start the group long before an election. Free speech doesn't just apply to those with a tax exemption. It can be had by anyone willing to pay the price.

They did more than just deny their tax exempt status.

Many were dragged into legal battles that cost them time and money.

But you miss the point....ONE GROUP was targeted, THE OTHER was not.

That is weaponizing the IRS.....you attempt to minimize the damage because the political side you prefer was NOT TARGETED.

If you were wise, you would oppose government TARGETING ANYONE.
So sorry, I will try to make sure that the government treats ISIS supporters and you exactly the same from now on. God what a bunch of fucking pussies you rightwingers are. I fought the IRS and I won but you can't man up and do the same? Fucking pathetic.

And you still can't tell us why this Big Data is a problem? And do you know why? Because you don't fucking know you were just told it's a bad thing and parrot it back like a drone.
I see the little Pirate rushed to add location information to his profile.


Regardless of his claims, he is NOT a US citizen. I would bet on it.
His or her game is the enjoyment of taunting (trolling) US citizens who oppose Leftist.

He is likely Canadian
The US government spent 1.5 BILLION on a "Data" center in Utah. This is not "conspiracy theory", it is fact.

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia

NSA Intelligence Mining From Major US Internet Companies']U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program

Welcome to Utah, the NSA's desert home for eavesdropping on America

"Our government" has become quite fond of collecting as much "information" on every single American citizen as it possibly can. Whether by tapping into our phones, our computers at home and work or using surveillace cameras.

Do we have THAT much terrorism going on? Where is it?

The REAL reason for that data center is the Paranoia that begins to grip Authority as it manuevers to slowly tighten it's grip on it's "Subjects.

If you think this in not true, you are a NAIVE IMBECILE PERIOD. No other explanation.

If you don't think that's what's going on there, what's YOUR explanation for spending 1.5 BILLION to gather data? And on who?

The only people so naive as to think it's ok (or funny) and just a routine part of government are those people who hope to gain by processes similar to what happened in Venezuela.....or are foreign idiots jealous of what we have in the USA.

If you want to learn who the REAL traitors are to We The American People, follow the trail of who pushed for this, who in Congress voted for it and who approved the funding.

Are you asking why it was built in Utah?

If you are it was a cost saving measure. It would have cost the
Govt 3 billion to build anywhere else.

But by building in Utah...we took the 150,000 Japs we had interned there
and force them to build it for a dollar an hour and a bowl of rice.

Originally we were going to use illegal immigrants from Mexico and
nab Blacks as they entered the welfare office, but both the EPA and
Dept of Agriculture complained. They feared the smell of those folks sweating in
the hot Utah sun would kill sheep grazing nearby.
I see the little Pirate rushed to add location information to his profile.


Regardless of his claims, he is NOT a US citizen. I would bet on it.
His or her game is the enjoyment of taunting (trolling) US citizens who oppose Leftist.

He is likely Canadian
It doesn't mater if he comes from fucking Mars, if his arguments are sound. And so far his are far better than anything you can manage.

Why is government Big Data a problem for you? If you can't answer that then please, just STFU okay?
So sorry, I will try to make sure that the government treats ISIS supporters and you exactly the same from now on. God what a bunch of fucking pussies you rightwingers are. I fought the IRS and I won but you can't man up and do the same? Fucking pathetic.

And you still can't tell us why this Big Data is a problem? And do you know why? Because you don't fucking know you were just told it's a bad thing and parrot it back like a drone.

What you are saying here....in simple terms........

KatieK feels it is OK for the Government to target groups he/she doesn't agree with.

Let's see how you feel when that same government is used against you. I'll bet you'll be crying and whining all day.
As far as the reasons, I posted two links AND gave personal reasons.

If you're having comprehension issues, please get an adult to help you.
It doesn't mater if he comes from fucking Mars, if his arguments are sound. And so far his are far better than anything you can manage.
Why is government Big Data a problem for you? If you can't answer that then please, just STFU okay?

Uhhh, yes it does.
Many Canuks, under their transgender queen, like to act like American affairs are more their domain than of American citizens themselves.

They are unable to manage their own affairs yet want to interfere in those of real US citizens.

They are angry that Americans elected a REAL leader and all they have is a fairy for a leader.
So sorry, I will try to make sure that the government treats ISIS supporters and you exactly the same from now on. God what a bunch of fucking pussies you rightwingers are. I fought the IRS and I won but you can't man up and do the same? Fucking pathetic.

And you still can't tell us why this Big Data is a problem? And do you know why? Because you don't fucking know you were just told it's a bad thing and parrot it back like a drone.

What you are saying here....in simple terms........

KatieK feels it is OK for the Government to target groups he/she doesn't agree with.

Let's see how you feel when that same government is used against you. I'll bet you'll be crying and whining all day.
As far as the reasons, I posted two links AND gave personal reasons.

If you're having comprehension issues, please get an adult to help you.
So, your entire reason for your paranoia of the government collecting data is they will use it against you because you wish to remake the USA as England 1496. If you are so worried about being a target WTF are doing here making yourself a target then?

And if you can't start a group that can stand up to the government and folds like a towel instead don't bother. If I start Panties against Trump I'm pretty sure my being granted a tax exemption might be a while under the Trump Administration. Common sense (which you lack entirely).
It doesn't mater if he comes from fucking Mars, if his arguments are sound. And so far his are far better than anything you can manage.
Why is government Big Data a problem for you? If you can't answer that then please, just STFU okay?

Uhhh, yes it does.
Many Canuks, under their transgender queen, like to act like American affairs are more their domain than of American citizens themselves.

They are unable to manage their own affairs yet want to interfere in those of real US citizens.

They are angry that Americans elected a REAL leader and all they have is a fairy for a leader.
Try being a man, for once, and just dealing fairly with what is posted regardless of where it came from or who said it. You might just learn something.

So far you are at I fear the government because I hate it and it knows it. Gee, who would have ever thought such a wild-ass thing.

BTW, the tax exemption that ISIS requested is still under review. Imagine that.

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