Why do YOU think the US Government spent billions on a Spy Data Center in Utah?

You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.

As far as Domestic Tranquility.....

We The People don;t NEED the governments protection. We are armed.

Just get out of our way and stop prosecuting decent Americans who DO protect themselves.
So, this is as far as we've gotten. BHU, I hate they government and they have a copy of what I said saying so and that makes me paranoid because they might just be mean to me when I ask for a timely tax exemption (from the government I hate and don't support in the first place). Terrific.

No, it's not. It's summary of your paranoid nonsense. Your fear of data collected in Utah is the same as right-wing groups submitting applications for a tax exemption from the IRS. Bicycles and tuna fish.

You have yet to say why them having you data in Utah is a problem for you? Do you think the IRS checks the applications for tax exemptions there first and denies them if you post anti-government drivel here?
Stalinists never see a problem with a government spying on its own citizens. They view us as property of the state who have no right to privacy.
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.
I gave up nothing, turd. Buying a camera, computer or cell phone doesn't give government permission to access them.

I definititely don't demand that government "protect me," as you call it - not in the way you think of it. I have objected to all this surveillance shit since the day it started.
Stop saying immature things like "Be a man" and "grow the fuck up". Converse like an adult if you can.

Two things persist......

1). You still don't see a problem with government TARGETING select political entities.
2). I asked you many times if you have many white friends......you have avoided answering that like it's the plague.

Do you have many WHITE friends?
Either stick with the OP or go away. And the government not being nice to anti-government groups? Shocking, simply shocking.

I wouldn't be shocked if it was Communist China, Iran or the former Soviet Union.
You shouldn't be shocked at all. It's common sense. Governments aren't big on those who oppose, the government.

That's what makes government dangerous, moron. The Revolution was fought specifically to put an end to that kind of shit. The only people who support it are Stalinist pigs.

Do you have a problem with concentration camps and torture? Government is big on those two things as well.
Our concentration camps are only for wetbacks, and we only torture Muslims here. Is that a problem for you?

Both claims are lies.
So, this is as far as we've gotten. BHU, I hate they government and they have a copy of what I said saying so and that makes me paranoid because they might just be mean to me when I ask for a timely tax exemption (from the government I hate and don't support in the first place). Terrific.

No, it's not. It's summary of your paranoid nonsense. Your fear of data collected in Utah is the same as right-wing groups submitting applications for a tax exemption from the IRS. Bicycles and tuna fish.

You have yet to say why them having you data in Utah is a problem for you? Do you think the IRS checks the applications for tax exemptions there first and denies them if you post anti-government drivel here?
Stalinists never see a problem with a government spying on its own citizens. They view us as property of the state who have no right to privacy.
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.
I gave up nothing, turd. Buying a camera, computer or cell phone doesn't give government permission to access them.

I definititely don't demand that government "protect me," as you call it - not in the way you think of it. I have objected to all this surveillance shit since the day it started.
Fat lot of good it did you and once you made the decision to embrace the technology that tracked everything you did the game was over. You can still move to the middle of nowhere and go off the grid. No cell phone, no Internet, no nothin'. That will get you close to the privacy you had when King George still walked the earth. Otherwise grow up and deal with the real world. Big Data will only get bigger and they have everything on you they need already. They just don't fucking care because they don't need to yet.
Either stick with the OP or go away. And the government not being nice to anti-government groups? Shocking, simply shocking.

I wouldn't be shocked if it was Communist China, Iran or the former Soviet Union.
You shouldn't be shocked at all. It's common sense. Governments aren't big on those who oppose, the government.

That's what makes government dangerous, moron. The Revolution was fought specifically to put an end to that kind of shit. The only people who support it are Stalinist pigs.

Do you have a problem with concentration camps and torture? Government is big on those two things as well.
Our concentration camps are only for wetbacks, and we only torture Muslims here. Is that a problem for you?

Both claims are lies.
Dude, those aren't lies. We have tortured Muslims and we have Concentration Camps for wetbacks. Try to keep up.
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.

As far as Domestic Tranquility.....

We The People don;t NEED the governments protection. We are armed.

Just get out of our way and stop prosecuting decent Americans who DO protect themselves.
What difference did a gun make on 9-11? None. And if you don't want the government trying to protect your sorry ass then you need to find another country to live in. Here that is now part of day to day life. They are watching every move and for most that gives them comfort. They demanded it.
No, it's not. It's summary of your paranoid nonsense. Your fear of data collected in Utah is the same as right-wing groups submitting applications for a tax exemption from the IRS. Bicycles and tuna fish.

You have yet to say why them having you data in Utah is a problem for you? Do you think the IRS checks the applications for tax exemptions there first and denies them if you post anti-government drivel here?
Stalinists never see a problem with a government spying on its own citizens. They view us as property of the state who have no right to privacy.
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.
I gave up nothing, turd. Buying a camera, computer or cell phone doesn't give government permission to access them.

I definititely don't demand that government "protect me," as you call it - not in the way you think of it. I have objected to all this surveillance shit since the day it started.
Fat lot of good it did you and once you made the decision to embrace the technology that tracked everything you did the game was over. You can still move to the middle of nowhere and go off the grid. No cell phone, no Internet, no nothin'. That will get you close to the privacy you had when King George still walked the earth. Otherwise grow up and deal with the real world. Big Data will only get bigger and they have everything on you they need already. They just don't fucking care because they don't need to yet.

"Fat lot of good" what good did me? Being spied on? Sorry, but buying a cell phone doesn't give government permission to spy on me. The 14th Amendment specifically prevents government from doing this kind of shit. Accepting totalitarianism is not "dealing with the real world." It's just a sign that you're a bootlicking Stalinist douche bag. You're the kind that would be happy to drop the Xyklon-B tablets into the gas chamber where the Jews are exterminated.
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.

As far as Domestic Tranquility.....

We The People don;t NEED the governments protection. We are armed.

Just get out of our way and stop prosecuting decent Americans who DO protect themselves.
What difference did a gun make on 9-11? None. And if you don't want the government trying to protect your sorry ass then you need to find another country to live in. Here that is now part of day to day life. They are watching every move and for most that gives them comfort. They demanded it.

Spoken like a true Stalinist douche bag.
I wouldn't be shocked if it was Communist China, Iran or the former Soviet Union.
You shouldn't be shocked at all. It's common sense. Governments aren't big on those who oppose, the government.

That's what makes government dangerous, moron. The Revolution was fought specifically to put an end to that kind of shit. The only people who support it are Stalinist pigs.

Do you have a problem with concentration camps and torture? Government is big on those two things as well.
Our concentration camps are only for wetbacks, and we only torture Muslims here. Is that a problem for you?

Both claims are lies.
Dude, those aren't lies. We have tortured Muslims and we have Concentration Camps for wetbacks. Try to keep up.

We don't have concentration camps for illegal aliens, and we tortured foreign terrorists. I'd be more than happy if we tortured more of them.
You shouldn't be shocked at all. It's common sense. Governments aren't big on those who oppose, the government.

That's what makes government dangerous, moron. The Revolution was fought specifically to put an end to that kind of shit. The only people who support it are Stalinist pigs.

Do you have a problem with concentration camps and torture? Government is big on those two things as well.
Our concentration camps are only for wetbacks, and we only torture Muslims here. Is that a problem for you?

Both claims are lies.
Dude, those aren't lies. We have tortured Muslims and we have Concentration Camps for wetbacks. Try to keep up.

We don't have concentration camps for illegal aliens, and we tortured foreign terrorists. I'd be more than happy if we tortured more of them.
Seeing as you are a little monster in human skin that surprises me not at all. And I'm sure you approve of them treating our citizens the same way.
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.

As far as Domestic Tranquility.....

We The People don;t NEED the governments protection. We are armed.

Just get out of our way and stop prosecuting decent Americans who DO protect themselves.
What difference did a gun make on 9-11? None. And if you don't want the government trying to protect your sorry ass then you need to find another country to live in. Here that is now part of day to day life. They are watching every move and for most that gives them comfort. They demanded it.

Spoken like a true Stalinist douche bag.
He lives in the wrong nation and so do you. That can't be helped unless you hit the road, and please do.
No, it's not. It's summary of your paranoid nonsense. Your fear of data collected in Utah is the same as right-wing groups submitting applications for a tax exemption from the IRS. Bicycles and tuna fish.

You have yet to say why them having you data in Utah is a problem for you? Do you think the IRS checks the applications for tax exemptions there first and denies them if you post anti-government drivel here?
Stalinists never see a problem with a government spying on its own citizens. They view us as property of the state who have no right to privacy.
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.
I gave up nothing, turd. Buying a camera, computer or cell phone doesn't give government permission to access them.

I definititely don't demand that government "protect me," as you call it - not in the way you think of it. I have objected to all this surveillance shit since the day it started.
Fat lot of good it did you and once you made the decision to embrace the technology that tracked everything you did the game was over. You can still move to the middle of nowhere and go off the grid. No cell phone, no Internet, no nothin'. That will get you close to the privacy you had when King George still walked the earth. Otherwise grow up and deal with the real world. Big Data will only get bigger and they have everything on you they need already. They just don't fucking care because they don't need to yet.

"Fat lot of good" what good did me? Being spied on? Sorry, but buying a cell phone doesn't give government permission to spy on me. The 14th Amendment specifically prevents government from doing this kind of shit. Accepting totalitarianism is not "dealing with the real world." It's just a sign that you're a bootlicking Stalinist douche bag. You're the kind that would be happy to drop the Xyklon-B tablets into the gas chamber where the Jews are exterminated.
So, you have issues killing Muslim terrorists, enemies of the state, or would you be first in line?

And where does it say the government can't collect cell phone call logs, traffic cam data, copies of email sent over government financed data networks?
That's what makes government dangerous, moron. The Revolution was fought specifically to put an end to that kind of shit. The only people who support it are Stalinist pigs.

Do you have a problem with concentration camps and torture? Government is big on those two things as well.
Our concentration camps are only for wetbacks, and we only torture Muslims here. Is that a problem for you?

Both claims are lies.
Dude, those aren't lies. We have tortured Muslims and we have Concentration Camps for wetbacks. Try to keep up.

We don't have concentration camps for illegal aliens, and we tortured foreign terrorists. I'd be more than happy if we tortured more of them.
Seeing as you are a little monster in human skin that surprises me not at all. And I'm sure you approve of them treating our citizens the same way.
Hmmmm, no I don't. There's a big difference between foreigners intent on killing us and American citizens. The later are protected by the Constitution.

You don't have a problem with putting Americans in concentration camps and spying on them, so why do you have a problem with torturing foreign terrorists?
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.

As far as Domestic Tranquility.....

We The People don;t NEED the governments protection. We are armed.

Just get out of our way and stop prosecuting decent Americans who DO protect themselves.
What difference did a gun make on 9-11? None. And if you don't want the government trying to protect your sorry ass then you need to find another country to live in. Here that is now part of day to day life. They are watching every move and for most that gives them comfort. They demanded it.

Spoken like a true Stalinist douche bag.
He lives in the wrong nation and so do you. That can't be helped unless you hit the road, and please do.
You live in the wrong country, but Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union no longer exist.
Stalinists never see a problem with a government spying on its own citizens. They view us as property of the state who have no right to privacy.
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.
I gave up nothing, turd. Buying a camera, computer or cell phone doesn't give government permission to access them.

I definititely don't demand that government "protect me," as you call it - not in the way you think of it. I have objected to all this surveillance shit since the day it started.
Fat lot of good it did you and once you made the decision to embrace the technology that tracked everything you did the game was over. You can still move to the middle of nowhere and go off the grid. No cell phone, no Internet, no nothin'. That will get you close to the privacy you had when King George still walked the earth. Otherwise grow up and deal with the real world. Big Data will only get bigger and they have everything on you they need already. They just don't fucking care because they don't need to yet.

"Fat lot of good" what good did me? Being spied on? Sorry, but buying a cell phone doesn't give government permission to spy on me. The 14th Amendment specifically prevents government from doing this kind of shit. Accepting totalitarianism is not "dealing with the real world." It's just a sign that you're a bootlicking Stalinist douche bag. You're the kind that would be happy to drop the Xyklon-B tablets into the gas chamber where the Jews are exterminated.
So, you have issues killing Muslim terrorists, enemies of the state, or would you be first in line?

And where does it say the government can't collect cell phone call logs, traffic cam data, copies of email sent over government financed data networks?

The 4th Amendment says so, dumbass. The government doesn't finance the internet or cell phone towers.
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.
I gave up nothing, turd. Buying a camera, computer or cell phone doesn't give government permission to access them.

I definititely don't demand that government "protect me," as you call it - not in the way you think of it. I have objected to all this surveillance shit since the day it started.
Fat lot of good it did you and once you made the decision to embrace the technology that tracked everything you did the game was over. You can still move to the middle of nowhere and go off the grid. No cell phone, no Internet, no nothin'. That will get you close to the privacy you had when King George still walked the earth. Otherwise grow up and deal with the real world. Big Data will only get bigger and they have everything on you they need already. They just don't fucking care because they don't need to yet.

"Fat lot of good" what good did me? Being spied on? Sorry, but buying a cell phone doesn't give government permission to spy on me. The 14th Amendment specifically prevents government from doing this kind of shit. Accepting totalitarianism is not "dealing with the real world." It's just a sign that you're a bootlicking Stalinist douche bag. You're the kind that would be happy to drop the Xyklon-B tablets into the gas chamber where the Jews are exterminated.
So, you have issues killing Muslim terrorists, enemies of the state, or would you be first in line?

And where does it say the government can't collect cell phone call logs, traffic cam data, copies of email sent over government financed data networks?

The 4th Amendment says so, dumbass. The government doesn't finance the internet or cell phone towers.
The 4th amendment mentions cell phones and email? Remarkable.
You had a right to privacy and you gave it up. Once all your life was on cameras, computers, cell phones, credit cards, and the Internet those days were long gone. And you aren't property but you demand they protect you so you put yourself in your own tiny display case, all because you were afraid of what might happen if big daddy didn't protect your sorry ass.

Save me from another 9-11 but by God don't read my email, that would be an invasion of my privacy. You can have one or the other, not both.

As far as Domestic Tranquility.....

We The People don;t NEED the governments protection. We are armed.

Just get out of our way and stop prosecuting decent Americans who DO protect themselves.
What difference did a gun make on 9-11? None. And if you don't want the government trying to protect your sorry ass then you need to find another country to live in. Here that is now part of day to day life. They are watching every move and for most that gives them comfort. They demanded it.

Spoken like a true Stalinist douche bag.
He lives in the wrong nation and so do you. That can't be helped unless you hit the road, and please do.
You live in the wrong country, but Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union no longer exist.
You two hate it here. I don't.
Our concentration camps are only for wetbacks, and we only torture Muslims here. Is that a problem for you?

Both claims are lies.
Dude, those aren't lies. We have tortured Muslims and we have Concentration Camps for wetbacks. Try to keep up.

We don't have concentration camps for illegal aliens, and we tortured foreign terrorists. I'd be more than happy if we tortured more of them.
Seeing as you are a little monster in human skin that surprises me not at all. And I'm sure you approve of them treating our citizens the same way.
Hmmmm, no I don't. There's a big difference between foreigners intent on killing us and American citizens. The later are protected by the Constitution.

You don't have a problem with putting Americans in concentration camps and spying on them, so why do you have a problem with torturing foreign terrorists?
I'm against torture, all forms for all people, concentration camps, all forms for all people, and spying, all forms for all people but the government having a data warehouse of your electronic records is just modern life in an electronic world.

And if torture is good for us why not others? Find an enemy, say a US soldier in Iraq, and see what you can get out of him/her. The same rules apply, if you are not being a total hypocrite that is.
I gave up nothing, turd. Buying a camera, computer or cell phone doesn't give government permission to access them.

I definititely don't demand that government "protect me," as you call it - not in the way you think of it. I have objected to all this surveillance shit since the day it started.
Fat lot of good it did you and once you made the decision to embrace the technology that tracked everything you did the game was over. You can still move to the middle of nowhere and go off the grid. No cell phone, no Internet, no nothin'. That will get you close to the privacy you had when King George still walked the earth. Otherwise grow up and deal with the real world. Big Data will only get bigger and they have everything on you they need already. They just don't fucking care because they don't need to yet.

"Fat lot of good" what good did me? Being spied on? Sorry, but buying a cell phone doesn't give government permission to spy on me. The 14th Amendment specifically prevents government from doing this kind of shit. Accepting totalitarianism is not "dealing with the real world." It's just a sign that you're a bootlicking Stalinist douche bag. You're the kind that would be happy to drop the Xyklon-B tablets into the gas chamber where the Jews are exterminated.
So, you have issues killing Muslim terrorists, enemies of the state, or would you be first in line?

And where does it say the government can't collect cell phone call logs, traffic cam data, copies of email sent over government financed data networks?

The 4th Amendment says so, dumbass. The government doesn't finance the internet or cell phone towers.
The 4th amendment mentions cell phones and email? Remarkable.
It doesn't mention telephones either, but the courts have required a warrant to tap one ever since the day they were invented. The constitution doesn't limit itself to the technology that existed when it was written. Only Stalinist dumbasses make such claims.
Both claims are lies.
Dude, those aren't lies. We have tortured Muslims and we have Concentration Camps for wetbacks. Try to keep up.

We don't have concentration camps for illegal aliens, and we tortured foreign terrorists. I'd be more than happy if we tortured more of them.
Seeing as you are a little monster in human skin that surprises me not at all. And I'm sure you approve of them treating our citizens the same way.
Hmmmm, no I don't. There's a big difference between foreigners intent on killing us and American citizens. The later are protected by the Constitution.

You don't have a problem with putting Americans in concentration camps and spying on them, so why do you have a problem with torturing foreign terrorists?
I'm against torture, all forms for all people, concentration camps, all forms for all people, and spying, all forms for all people but the government having a data warehouse of your electronic records is just modern life in an electronic world.

And if torture is good for us why not others? Find an enemy, say a US soldier in Iraq, and see what you can get out of him/her. The same rules apply, if you are not being a total hypocrite that is.

You obviously aren't against spying. You've been arguing in support of it this entire thread.

You're naive if you think Americans aren't tortured when they are captured. Saddam had every captured American prisoner captured. When a government Spies on its own citizens it's taking the first step down the road to concentration camps and torture.

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