Why do YOU think the US Government spent billions on a Spy Data Center in Utah?

Dude, did you even read the articles you've cited?

  1. The first article you cited has no apparent relationship to anything at the Utah facility. The word "Utah" doesn't appear in the article.

    The second article clearly states, "We don't know for sure if the DEA's Special Operations Division is getting its tips from the same database that's been the subject of multiple congressional hearings in recent months.
  2. Do you know the difference between evidence and hearsay?

    The content to which you linked is mere hearsay and speculation, neither of which is evidence.
If there's any paranoia afoot, it's yours. You don't know what is going on at that facility, but you do know of one thing the NSA did that it should not have. You are, on the basis of that, and that alone, jumping to the conclusion that something untoward is going on at the NSA's Utah Data Center.

I don't know what's going on the Utah Data Center, but I know a fallacious and purely speculative argument when I see one. That is all you've got. You could be right or wrong, but you haven't shared one thing that militates strongly and soundly for concluding either way.

"Dude" (as you say)....YOU are a bold face, MFing LIAR.

Nice try....as the Left ALWAYS does....
1). Discredit
2). Accuse

You missed the memo.....that old BS Leftist tactic doesn't work anymore.
Maybe try shedding a few fake Internet Tears....seems to be the latest Leftist stupid trick.

They could hit you and you'd say thank you can I have some more.
Let me guess......You are also for more "Gun Control"? Shall I search your posts?

Idiots willfully place their freedom and security into the hands of people far away who have only their own best interests in mind.

You keep defending your beloved massive government moron. You may get bitten by your own dog someday. It will be poetic justice when it happens.
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He lives in the wrong nation and so do you. That can't be helped unless you hit the road, and please do.
You live in the wrong country, but Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union no longer exist.
You two hate it here. I don't.
You obviously prefer a country like Nazi Germany. You have made that much perfectly clear.
No, but you do. They tortured enemies of the state there however you are an enemy of the state here. That is what is probably making you so upset. It's not only the radical Muslims who hate the current US, you don't like it either making you, another enemy and you know what we do to them.

Apparently you imagine there's some kind of intelligable thought hidden in that mess you just posted.
You've made yourself an enemy of the very government trying to protect you. No wonder you are so nervous.

And they aren't peeking though your windows, they are making big databases out of call logs and email. When you use a computer to send mail or make a call that is to be expected. It's anything but private. Now you know, paranoia boy.
Seeing as you are a little monster in human skin that surprises me not at all. And I'm sure you approve of them treating our citizens the same way.
Hmmmm, no I don't. There's a big difference between foreigners intent on killing us and American citizens. The later are protected by the Constitution.

You don't have a problem with putting Americans in concentration camps and spying on them, so why do you have a problem with torturing foreign terrorists?
I'm against torture, all forms for all people, concentration camps, all forms for all people, and spying, all forms for all people but the government having a data warehouse of your electronic records is just modern life in an electronic world.

And if torture is good for us why not others? Find an enemy, say a US soldier in Iraq, and see what you can get out of him/her. The same rules apply, if you are not being a total hypocrite that is.

You obviously aren't against spying. You've been arguing in support of it this entire thread.

You're naive if you think Americans aren't tortured when they are captured. When a government Spies on its own citizens it's taking the first step down the road to concentration camps and torture.
What is this spying you are so concerned about? Call logs? What's written here? What the hell are you afraid of? They have vast amounts of data on your government hatin' ass and you are still free as a bird so expect for paranoia exactly what do you have that says this is a problem?

The "what do you have to be afraid of if you aren't breaking the law?" argument has been debunked thousands of time. Only Stalinist douche bags like you use it. Why don't we just allow the police to conduct house-to-house searches for drugs? That's probably a bad argument to use on you because you probably have no problem with it.

If you don't understand the problem with the government conducting espionage on its own citizens, then you are just to fucking stupid to bother arguing with.
I understand the problem but in a world in which planes are flown into buildings, there's a camera on every street corner, you only send mail using a computer, and the phone in your pocket knows exactly where you are there is no solution. That boat sailed long ago and all you can do now is wave.
After 9-11 we began monitoring a lot of communications

A center to analyze and collate the data seems reasonable
Dude, did you even read the articles you've cited?

  1. The first article you cited has no apparent relationship to anything at the Utah facility. The word "Utah" doesn't appear in the article.

    The second article clearly states, "We don't know for sure if the DEA's Special Operations Division is getting its tips from the same database that's been the subject of multiple congressional hearings in recent months.
  2. Do you know the difference between evidence and hearsay?

    The content to which you linked is mere hearsay and speculation, neither of which is evidence.
If there's any paranoia afoot, it's yours. You don't know what is going on at that facility, but you do know of one thing the NSA did that it should not have. You are, on the basis of that, and that alone, jumping to the conclusion that something untoward is going on at the NSA's Utah Data Center.

I don't know what's going on the Utah Data Center, but I know a fallacious and purely speculative argument when I see one. That is all you've got. You could be right or wrong, but you haven't shared one thing that militates strongly and soundly for concluding either way.

"Dude" (as you say)....YOU are a bold face, MFing LIAR.

Nice try....as the Left ALWAYS does....
1). Discredit
2). Accuse

You missed the memo.....that old BS Leftist tactic doesn't work anymore.
Maybe try shedding a few fake Internet Tears....seems to be the latest Leftist stupid trick.

They could hit you and you'd say thank you can I have some more.
Let me guess......You are also for more "Gun Control"? Shall I search your posts?

Idiots willfully place their freedom and security into the hands of people far away who have only their own best interests in mind.

You keep defending your beloved massive government moron. You may get bitten by your own dog someday. It will be poetic justice when it happens.
Non-sequitur and ad hominem.
How much did the Britts "waste" on Bletchley Park in WWII
Saved countless lives and helped win the war
You live in the wrong country, but Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union no longer exist.
You two hate it here. I don't.
You obviously prefer a country like Nazi Germany. You have made that much perfectly clear.
No, but you do. They tortured enemies of the state there however you are an enemy of the state here. That is what is probably making you so upset. It's not only the radical Muslims who hate the current US, you don't like it either making you, another enemy and you know what we do to them.

Apparently you imagine there's some kind of intelligable thought hidden in that mess you just posted.
You've made yourself an enemy of the very government trying to protect you. No wonder you are so nervous.

And they aren't peeking though your windows, they are making big databases out of call logs and email. When you use a computer to send mail or make a call that is to be expected. It's anything but private. Now you know, paranoia boy.

I'm the enemy of the government? Do you think it should be authorized to wipe me out? Government is the enemy of every freedom loving person. Anyoenwho trusts government to do what's right is a fool. Obama proved that beyond question.

What I expect is for government to keep its nose out of my business. That's also what the Founders expected, and it's the reason they wrote the Bill of Rights.

You are the ultimate boot licking toady.
You two hate it here. I don't.
You obviously prefer a country like Nazi Germany. You have made that much perfectly clear.
No, but you do. They tortured enemies of the state there however you are an enemy of the state here. That is what is probably making you so upset. It's not only the radical Muslims who hate the current US, you don't like it either making you, another enemy and you know what we do to them.

Apparently you imagine there's some kind of intelligable thought hidden in that mess you just posted.
You've made yourself an enemy of the very government trying to protect you. No wonder you are so nervous.

And they aren't peeking though your windows, they are making big databases out of call logs and email. When you use a computer to send mail or make a call that is to be expected. It's anything but private. Now you know, paranoia boy.

I'm the enemy of the government? Do you think it should be authorized to wipe me out? Government is the enemy of every freedom loving person. Anyoenwho trusts government to do what's right is a fool. Obama proved that beyond question.

What I expect is for government to keep its nose out of my business. That's also what the Founders expected, and it's the reason they wrote the Bill of Rights.

You are the ultimate boot licking toady.
You are an enemy of yourself
You obviously prefer a country like Nazi Germany. You have made that much perfectly clear.
No, but you do. They tortured enemies of the state there however you are an enemy of the state here. That is what is probably making you so upset. It's not only the radical Muslims who hate the current US, you don't like it either making you, another enemy and you know what we do to them.

Apparently you imagine there's some kind of intelligable thought hidden in that mess you just posted.
You've made yourself an enemy of the very government trying to protect you. No wonder you are so nervous.

And they aren't peeking though your windows, they are making big databases out of call logs and email. When you use a computer to send mail or make a call that is to be expected. It's anything but private. Now you know, paranoia boy.

I'm the enemy of the government? Do you think it should be authorized to wipe me out? Government is the enemy of every freedom loving person. Anyoenwho trusts government to do what's right is a fool. Obama proved that beyond question.

What I expect is for government to keep its nose out of my business. That's also what the Founders expected, and it's the reason they wrote the Bill of Rights.

You are the ultimate boot licking toady.
You are an enemy of yourself
Wrong, but you are my enemy. That much is clear.
Hmmmm, no I don't. There's a big difference between foreigners intent on killing us and American citizens. The later are protected by the Constitution.

You don't have a problem with putting Americans in concentration camps and spying on them, so why do you have a problem with torturing foreign terrorists?
I'm against torture, all forms for all people, concentration camps, all forms for all people, and spying, all forms for all people but the government having a data warehouse of your electronic records is just modern life in an electronic world.

And if torture is good for us why not others? Find an enemy, say a US soldier in Iraq, and see what you can get out of him/her. The same rules apply, if you are not being a total hypocrite that is.

You obviously aren't against spying. You've been arguing in support of it this entire thread.

You're naive if you think Americans aren't tortured when they are captured. When a government Spies on its own citizens it's taking the first step down the road to concentration camps and torture.
What is this spying you are so concerned about? Call logs? What's written here? What the hell are you afraid of? They have vast amounts of data on your government hatin' ass and you are still free as a bird so expect for paranoia exactly what do you have that says this is a problem?

The "what do you have to be afraid of if you aren't breaking the law?" argument has been debunked thousands of time. Only Stalinist douche bags like you use it. Why don't we just allow the police to conduct house-to-house searches for drugs? That's probably a bad argument to use on you because you probably have no problem with it.

If you don't understand the problem with the government conducting espionage on its own citizens, then you are just to fucking stupid to bother arguing with.
I understand the problem but in a world in which planes are flown into buildings, there's a camera on every street corner, you only send mail using a computer, and the phone in your pocket knows exactly where you are there is no solution. That boat sailed long ago and all you can do now is wave.
Yes, there is a solution: simply have the government follow the law.
I'm against torture, all forms for all people, concentration camps, all forms for all people, and spying, all forms for all people but the government having a data warehouse of your electronic records is just modern life in an electronic world.

And if torture is good for us why not others? Find an enemy, say a US soldier in Iraq, and see what you can get out of him/her. The same rules apply, if you are not being a total hypocrite that is.

You obviously aren't against spying. You've been arguing in support of it this entire thread.

You're naive if you think Americans aren't tortured when they are captured. When a government Spies on its own citizens it's taking the first step down the road to concentration camps and torture.
What is this spying you are so concerned about? Call logs? What's written here? What the hell are you afraid of? They have vast amounts of data on your government hatin' ass and you are still free as a bird so expect for paranoia exactly what do you have that says this is a problem?

The "what do you have to be afraid of if you aren't breaking the law?" argument has been debunked thousands of time. Only Stalinist douche bags like you use it. Why don't we just allow the police to conduct house-to-house searches for drugs? That's probably a bad argument to use on you because you probably have no problem with it.

If you don't understand the problem with the government conducting espionage on its own citizens, then you are just to fucking stupid to bother arguing with.
I understand the problem but in a world in which planes are flown into buildings, there's a camera on every street corner, you only send mail using a computer, and the phone in your pocket knows exactly where you are there is no solution. That boat sailed long ago and all you can do now is wave.
Yes, there is a solution: simply have the government follow the law.
What law says email and phone records are private?
You obviously aren't against spying. You've been arguing in support of it this entire thread.

You're naive if you think Americans aren't tortured when they are captured. When a government Spies on its own citizens it's taking the first step down the road to concentration camps and torture.
What is this spying you are so concerned about? Call logs? What's written here? What the hell are you afraid of? They have vast amounts of data on your government hatin' ass and you are still free as a bird so expect for paranoia exactly what do you have that says this is a problem?

The "what do you have to be afraid of if you aren't breaking the law?" argument has been debunked thousands of time. Only Stalinist douche bags like you use it. Why don't we just allow the police to conduct house-to-house searches for drugs? That's probably a bad argument to use on you because you probably have no problem with it.

If you don't understand the problem with the government conducting espionage on its own citizens, then you are just to fucking stupid to bother arguing with.
I understand the problem but in a world in which planes are flown into buildings, there's a camera on every street corner, you only send mail using a computer, and the phone in your pocket knows exactly where you are there is no solution. That boat sailed long ago and all you can do now is wave.
Yes, there is a solution: simply have the government follow the law.
What law says email and phone records are private?
The 4th Amendment says so, you boot licking douche bag.

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