Why does Biden lie about illegals? Why does he want them here? Get your answers.

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
This is not merely my country, you also own it. Why allow a criminal operation, The Cartel, to earn billions carting illegals into America and why does Joe Biden put them on airplanes and bring them to the 50 states? I do not hear he takes them to Haiti but he has airplanes picking them up where they come from and brings them to America cities. When you want to live in the same conditions as Venezuela import their citizens. When you want to live in China, import them. When you want to have a vast pool of the poor, fly them to your city.

Maybe this will wake you up.

This is not merely my country, you also own it. Why allow a criminal operation, The Cartel, to earn billions carting illegals into America and why does Joe Biden put them on airplanes and bring them to the 50 states? I do not hear he takes them to Haiti but he has airplanes picking them up where they come from and brings them to America cities. When you want to live in the same conditions as Venezuela import their citizens. When you want to live in China, import them. When you want to have a vast pool of the poor, fly them to your city.

Maybe this will wake you up.

I say it's because of the world economic forum and it's primary members like George soros and claus scwaub that are heavy donators to the democratic party.

They want to see America destroyed and doing everything they can to ruin the country.

They have gone as far to say america won't be a world super power in 2030.

They said it years ago in multiple predictions, most of which have come true due to their direct influence.

Elon musk has also stated George soros learned if you can't change the rules then you change the people who enforce the rules. Hence why there are so many democratic politicians and district attorneys that soros has funded.

Soros buys his way into America to influence and control it. Like he bought the 2nd largest broadcaster in America.

Lying is a standard MO for demmunists so biden’s lies are moot.
Democrats are trying to destroy the country from within and are using illegals as numbers to achieve that end.
Again with that loose term "lie." Loosely using the term lie for an opinion you disagree with does not make it a lie. Try again.
Biden welcomed in an estimated 7,000 members of the Romanian mob who are busy across the US robbing Americans blind. This group of scum use Visa, Debit and EBT skimmers to rob us blind. Are leading a baby formula left ring which ships the formula to Mexico and auctions it off.

That's only one of the untold thousands, likely ten's or hundreds of thousands of criminals Joe Biden helped cross our borders illegally and RIP OFF Americans.
Again with that loose term "lie." Loosely using the term lie for an opinion you disagree with does not make it a lie. Try again.
How about "knowingly making a false statement".

Like Biden claiming he regularly traveled by train across the Key Bridge?

Or his claim that he was never advised to retain Bagram?

"We have created 12 million new jobs"

The wealthy don't pay their fair share

All Americans we be out of AFG before the pullout

"I used to drive a tractor trailer"

I'm just skipping around here... the field of Biden lies is flush. Every speech, nearly every press conference, more are proliferated.
Just the idea that Biden is truthful is laughable.
This is not merely my country, you also own it. Why allow a criminal operation, The Cartel, to earn billions carting illegals into America and why does Joe Biden put them on airplanes and bring them to the 50 states? I do not hear he takes them to Haiti but he has airplanes picking them up where they come from and brings them to America cities. When you want to live in the same conditions as Venezuela import their citizens. When you want to live in China, import them. When you want to have a vast pool of the poor, fly them to your city.

Maybe this will wake you up.

Moar propaganda from a convicted felon.
This is not merely my country, you also own it. Why allow a criminal operation, The Cartel, to earn billions carting illegals into America and why does Joe Biden put them on airplanes and bring them to the 50 states? I do not hear he takes them to Haiti but he has airplanes picking them up where they come from and brings them to America cities. When you want to live in the same conditions as Venezuela import their citizens. When you want to live in China, import them. When you want to have a vast pool of the poor, fly them to your city.

Maybe this will wake you up.

Pass a border bill, MAGA!
The democrats are treasonous and have sold America out to a WEF takeover in hopes the WEF will keep them in power when the takeover is complete.
The democrats are treasonous and have sold America out to a WEF takeover in hopes the WEF will keep them in power when the takeover is complete.
If Socialism worked, all it would need is for Governments print awesome amounts of money and mail the funds per month to citizens. But they don't do that except for SS payments.

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