Why does CNN and MSNBC not allow readers comments and interactios while Fox News does?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Isn't the exchange of ideas and opinion a concept that should be embraced by media networks?

It appears to me that some networks simply tell you what you MUST believe, a one directional feed of media, while others encourage exchange and respect the feedback on their journalism.

We have a similar dynamic here in Canada, where National Post allows comments, while CBC only allows comments for some articles and they close comments as soon as their readers post too much resistance and difference of opinion. Furthermore, shadowbanning and site approval of comments is customary.

This was most evident during the discussion of Covid.
Isn't the exchange of ideas and opinion a concept that should be embraced by media networks?

It appears to me that some networks simply tell you what you MUST believe, a one directional feed of media, while others encourage exchange and respect the feedback on their journalism.

We have a similar dynamic here in Canada, where National Post allows comments, while CBC only allows comments for some articles and they close comments as soon as their readers post too much resistance and difference of opinion. Furthermore, shadowbanning and site approval of comments is customary.

This was most evident during the discussion of Covid.
for the same reason youtube covered up the dislike counts on videos,,
they cant handle rejections,,
Isn't the exchange of ideas and opinion a concept that should be embraced by media networks?

It appears to me that some networks simply tell you what you MUST believe, a one directional feed of media, while others encourage exchange and respect the feedback on their journalism.

We have a similar dynamic here in Canada, where National Post allows comments, while CBC only allows comments for some articles and they close comments as soon as their readers post too much resistance and difference of opinion. Furthermore, shadowbanning and site approval of comments is customary.

This was most evident during the discussion of Covid.
They let you come here. Write them an email or a letter.
Apparently, CNN and MSNBC are so insecure they don't want anyone questioning their authority.

I haven't been watching the news media's reporting on the war in Ukraine. They tend to lag behind the events and sometimes their reporting is incorrect. There's also Russian propaganda everywhere.
What we have is "news" outlets such as NYT, The Washington 'Jimmy's world' Post NBC, ABC, CBS etc, etc... constantly reporting false crude defamatory anti-USA disinformation every single day. Just like the old KGB 1st directorate "active measure" operations during the heydays of the Soviet Union. A constant stream of disinformational bullshit.

Donald Trump brilliantly labeled it "fake news". That saves a lot of keystrokes and syllables compared to "false crude defamatory anti-USA disinformation". Fucking brilliant.

Bottom line; All intelligent Americans have caught on to the leftist fake news media's corrupt bullshit. And in the user comments section the leftist fake news media constantly would have their stupid lies exposed immediately after publishing thier stupid lies.

So the leftist fake news media had to simply cut off user comments on their fake news articles.
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Isn't the exchange of ideas and opinion a concept that should be embraced by media networks?

It appears to me that some networks simply tell you what you MUST believe, a one directional feed of media, while others encourage exchange and respect the feedback on their journalism.

We have a similar dynamic here in Canada, where National Post allows comments, while CBC only allows comments for some articles and they close comments as soon as their readers post too much resistance and difference of opinion. Furthermore, shadowbanning and site approval of comments is customary.

This was most evident during the discussion of Covid.
The worse the Left becomes and ruins the country, the more the Left wing controlled media will have to censor and control everyone.

It's not rocket science.
Isn't the exchange of ideas and opinion a concept that should be embraced by media networks?

It appears to me that some networks simply tell you what you MUST believe, a one directional feed of media, while others encourage exchange and respect the feedback on their journalism.

We have a similar dynamic here in Canada, where National Post allows comments, while CBC only allows comments for some articles and they close comments as soon as their readers post too much resistance and difference of opinion. Furthermore, shadowbanning and site approval of comments is customary.

This was most evident during the discussion of Covid.
Here. . . many of the commenters that used to participate in the comment section of those sites, are now on our forum because they closed those comment sections down. I believe they also used to have a chat room at Yahoo or AOL after those mainstream lefty sites got rid of commenting. . . not sure. If you ask them, I am sure they might tell you. . maybe. Best not tell them you lean, well, normal first. Be nice and tell them you are, believe the government is good, and whatever the news tells us can be trusted, and all that. What ever you do, you don't know who Mindful is.


They are a bit prickly of outsiders.

Isn't the exchange of ideas and opinion a concept that should be embraced by media networks?

It appears to me that some networks simply tell you what you MUST believe, a one directional feed of media, while others encourage exchange and respect the feedback on their journalism.

We have a similar dynamic here in Canada, where National Post allows comments, while CBC only allows comments for some articles and they close comments as soon as their readers post too much resistance and difference of opinion. Furthermore, shadowbanning and site approval of comments is customary.

This was most evident during the discussion of Covid.
It should be noted also that recently, Google's YouTube, took away user's ability to see how many dislikes a video had gotten. This comes after they had readjusted their algorithm a year or so ago so that mostly only establishment news media will be pushed into users news feeds.

I lot of users would look at the number of dislikes to see if a video was worth their time to watch. I know I certainly used to use that metric to gauge how worthy a video was worth my time. Now? We can't see that gauge anymore. And, in the age of Biden, such a metric is more important than ever, one would argue.

There is a Firefox extension, I did find once, that you can add to your Firefox browser, that would enable you to once again see the dislikes, but I never downloaded it. I read the reviews on it, and it looked like it still needed some bugs worked out. . . and I don't like to put a lot of mods on my browser.

But yeah, the corporate establishment really does go out of its way to stifle feedback from the consumer if it can.

This can only happen when there is market in-elasticity.

I noticed getting to view user comments is how Rumble entices folks to sign up and give them there email address and personal info. . .
Free speech and the open exchange of ideas is the enemy of Democrat jive turkeys.

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