Why does everyone hate Jews?

So yeah, I know everyone doesn't hate Jews but stick with me.

I was raised Catholic, 12 years of nuns kicking my ass, all that. I still identify as Christian but since my great grandmother was Jewish I sometimes identify as a Jew for that reason. I'm not an anti-semite but I reject organized religion so keep that in mind.

Historically Jews have been persecuted. Rome, Byzantine, Ottoman Empire, Asia, list goes on. Nazis, old Europe, nobody wanted them.

In today's modern society, in large part because of the advent of Israel they're shunned also, however as an ethnic group they've been among the most productive, most artistic, most humanly advanced group in human history.

So why all the angst over them?

Come on already we all know its because: skin deep >>>


But seriously, you can hate them all you want, and then sob sorry bawl after all the funny/scary/sad/sappy moving pictures have left the buildings they play 'em in.
Sobie is dysfunctional.
He should piece his life together in one post and you’ll see why he actually hates everyone except Pollacks.
He uses Jews as his catch all.

I once knew a guy who blamed all of his problems on his girlfriend.

Well, he lost his girl friend, and he still has problems.

Haven't talked to him in a while so I don't know who he is blaming now.
I told Sobie to seek help.
His parents are toxic by enabling him.

Every country with a sizable Jewish population has seen expulsions or pogroms against Jews.

Either we're wrong or you are wrong.

Well during the Black Plague everyone was dying except the Jews.

Do you know why? It's because they followed the Mosaic cleanliness laws and avoided it.

Naturally, outsiders decided that it was because they made a deal with the devil and rounded them up and murdered them.

That is the type of intellect I'm talking to now.
I think Jews piss of a lot of people because they can be very racist. They can be very arrogant since they believe they are God’s chosen ones. It gives them a sense of entitlement, and they look down on everyone else as “goy”. Whatever society they are in, they don’t ever truly assimilate, which always keeps them alienated. Today it’s even worse when you have these liberal “atheist Jews” that are arrogant and hate Christians and even hate Orthodox Jews.

Not all Jews are like that, but a good size of them are.
God had thousands of religions to choose from

He wanted his son raised a Jew

yeah well, how'd that really work out?


Well......Virgin Mary was a Jew
So was Joseph and all the apostles

Christians worship a Jew

Thanks for stating the obvious. Thanks for admitting that Christians aren’t bigots since they follow the words of so many Jews.
Sobie is dysfunctional.
He should piece his life together in one post and you’ll see why he actually hates everyone except Pollacks.
He uses Jews as his catch all.

I once knew a guy who blamed all of his problems on his girlfriend.

Well, he lost his girl friend, and he still has problems.

Haven't talked to him in a while so I don't know who he is blaming now.
I told Sobie to seek help.
His parents are toxic by enabling him.

Every country with a sizable Jewish population has seen expulsions or pogroms against Jews.

Either we're wrong or you are wrong.

Well during the Black Plague everyone was dying except the Jews.

Do you know why? It's because they followed the Mosaic cleanliness laws and avoided it.

Naturally, outsiders decided that it was because they made a deal with the devil and rounded them up and murdered them.

That is the type of intellect I'm talking to now.

Not really, Poland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands all didn't get much of a Plague either.

Also the Plague period is only a small amount of the anti-Jewish Pogroms, and Expulsions.

That's why Poland did accept Jewish refugees, mostly starting in the Plague, and granted them Statute of Kalisz Civil Rights.

Even though Poland had the highest Number of Righteous Among the Nations, and was the first to fight the Nazis in WW2.

Dumb Jews tend to hate Poles more than all other Europeans, it's really telling, and a sign of uber disrespect, and ignorance on Jews behalf.
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I think Jews piss of a lot of people because they can be very racist. They can be very arrogant since they believe they are God’s chosen ones. It gives them a sense of entitlement, and they look down on everyone else as “goy”. Whatever society they are in, they don’t ever truly assimilate, which always keeps them alienated. Today it’s even worse when you have these liberal “atheist Jews” that are arrogant and hate Christians and even hate Orthodox Jews.

Not all Jews are like that, but a good size of them are.
God had thousands of religions to choose from

He wanted his son raised a Jew

yeah well, how'd that really work out?


Well......Virgin Mary was a Jew
So was Joseph and all the apostles

Christians worship a Jew

Thanks for stating the obvious. Thanks for admitting that Christians aren’t bigots since they follow the words of so many Jews.

It's all lies, and manipulations. The period before Jesus should be considered Proto-Judeo-Christian, as both shared the same root, and then split with Jesus, fact is more people went with Jesus, the people who spent 2,000 years rejecting Jesus certainly aren't more pro-Jesus than Christians. No matter how many times some Evangelicals insist that.
Keep in mind Yiddish German speakers rejecting Jesus, are no more a continouation of Christ than Palestinian Christian speakers accepting Jesus.
Jews are ruining this country, and the West, and you the Individualist Western European filth don't get it, Individualists don't get anything.
Ruining which country? Poland? Maybe you should start rounding them up.

Anyone who thinks Jewish influences in America have been mostly positive, is simply a fool, at best.
Jews have been running the US forever. And it’s a great country. Better that Polackland.

Jews ruined Eastern Europe, and they're in the process of ruining America.

Eastern Europeans largely knew, especially Poles that the Jews were a threat.

Americans being such inferior idiots, don't grasp much, they're Individualist savages, who just grasp getting mine now, and nothing more.
I bet you wish that Poland’s ovens were still working.

Like the fake smoke the Wiesenthal Center added to a photo of Nazi German concentration camps?

Jews have pushed bad goods only Liberal propaganda.
More like we don't want Jews to do anything. because everything they touch tutns to sh1t.

Sounds like you work for Jews. You don’t have the balls to express yourself, and feel emasculated. So you pop off like a little pussy boy racist. Sounds like the script of any episode of special victims unit. Very amusing though.

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He worked for Italians and they fired him.
I said. I quit because they were terrible & disrespectful.

You are such a dumb big mouth.

Similar to the Jews, huh? You really shouldn’t waste time here, when the Klan is looking for a few like minded weirdos. They might actually like you. No they would. You could be their new role model.

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Sobie has been banned everywhere else.

Yes, I've been kicked out of every other website online.

Just like Jews have been kicked out of every other nation in real life.

Just, the reason I've been kicked off of most websites is because of Jews, either Jewish run ones like Youtube, or ones where Jews snitched on me, or Jewish mods banned me.

One site was so touchy on Jews, all I did was list a few Jewish Communists in Poland, and SAY Nothing insulting, or non-factual.
I get banned,
Meanwhile people could trash Russians as drunken dumb oafs on that website, and NOTHING, they were free to do so.

This is EXACTLY another reason to hate Jews, they have been censoring the sh*t out of the Internet & they NEVER ever seem to censor out anti-White Christian sentiments, like I outlined against groups like say Poles, or Italians, or Russians etc. etc.

Although I have been kicked out of White Nationalist sites too, for daring to take a jab at Western Europeans.
You are stupid & Jewish & a obsessive vindictive swine who can't discuss seious facts.
Your parents were called by your boss?
You have an IEP?
Because you’re really messed up.

My bosses have my number simply because they knew my number when I called them about snow-days, and so forth.

What does IEP have to do with ANYTHING, other than your Jewish mania?
What’s your diagnosis?
Everyone here has the right to know they’re dealing with a dysfunctional person.

You should be banned, if I'm banned for for going off topic, so should your personal lies, and desperate BS.
people here often try to understand where the other person’s point of view originates.

I didn't like Jews for a while especially finding out about Commie Jews, and Israel's brutality.

I didn't start to hate Jews until I went onto a Polish themed forum that no longer exists, everybody there would constantly blame Poland for the Holocaust, for years, even before I arrived.

When I arrived, all my talk of Communist Jews made them very nervous, and itchy, so they got mega-pissed at me.

They would constantly call Poles as dumb Polak's, and say Poland was the main part of the Holocaust, or Poland was the worst of the Nazis.

So, I of course knew they were Jews, things simply escalated, and for about 4 years on that forum, Jews would even go so far as to call for Polish people's genocides, or nuking Poland.

It was constant, and after-awhile I just completely hated these Jews.

Before this I also had quite a number of Jews blame Poland for the Holocaust, or dumb and also quite the number of Jews blame Poland for the Holocaust, or as dumb after that.

But, these people were rabidly anti-Polish, to the point of provoking genocide.

They NEVER got banned, that's what irks me.

I could make lists of actual Jewish terrorists like Menachem Begin, or Jewish Commies like Genrikh Yagoda, and I'd get banned.

But, NEVER once did anybody get banned for anti-Polish genocide remarks, and constant belligerency towards Poles.
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So yeah, I know everyone doesn't hate Jews but stick with me.

I was raised Catholic, 12 years of nuns kicking my ass, all that. I still identify as Christian but since my great grandmother was Jewish I sometimes identify as a Jew for that reason. I'm not an anti-semite but I reject organized religion so keep that in mind.

Historically Jews have been persecuted. Rome, Byzantine, Ottoman Empire, Asia, list goes on. Nazis, old Europe, nobody wanted them.

In today's modern society, in large part because of the advent of Israel they're shunned also, however as an ethnic group they've been among the most productive, most artistic, most humanly advanced group in human history.

So why all the angst over them?

Not everyone hates the Jews. The Jew-hating thing comes from the middle ages when people who considered themselves Christian decided not to blame themselves for their own shortcomings and needed someone else to blame.

In modern times, 2018, I would like to see the antisemites produce a Leonard Bernstein or a Yo-Yo Ma, but it's not happening. Antisemites are people who cannot produce educated people or anything of quality. In fact, they glory in a lack of education.

Wagner was vastly superior over Bernstein. Wagner was anti-Semitic.

You need to do more research.

You know this how?
I'm not big on zionists , especially those claiming all jews are zionists, their followers are zionsists , and zionism is a really good thing for everyone.

2.) Jews like George Schlatter's Laugh In, and Norman Lear's All in the Family pushed dumb Polak jokes into the mainstream.

Uh, guy, Polish Jokes didn't come out of those shows, they came from the big wave of Polish Immigration that happened in the 1950's and 1960's, most of the jokes centered around how the Poles seemed dumb because they didn't understand the culture

And actually, there are only two Polish Jokes. The rest are true stories.
Ruining which country? Poland? Maybe you should start rounding them up.

Anyone who thinks Jewish influences in America have been mostly positive, is simply a fool, at best.
Jews have been running the US forever. And it’s a great country. Better that Polackland.

Jews ruined Eastern Europe, and they're in the process of ruining America.

Eastern Europeans largely knew, especially Poles that the Jews were a threat.

Americans being such inferior idiots, don't grasp much, they're Individualist savages, who just grasp getting mine now, and nothing more.
I bet you wish that Poland’s ovens were still working.

Like the fake smoke the Wiesenthal Center added to a photo of Nazi German concentration camps?

So that's a yes, you fucking crybaby who runs to the mods because he can't handle the tough questions?
So yeah, I know everyone doesn't hate Jews but stick with me.

I was raised Catholic, 12 years of nuns kicking my ass, all that. I still identify as Christian but since my great grandmother was Jewish I sometimes identify as a Jew for that reason. I'm not an anti-semite but I reject organized religion so keep that in mind.

Historically Jews have been persecuted. Rome, Byzantine, Ottoman Empire, Asia, list goes on. Nazis, old Europe, nobody wanted them.

In today's modern society, in large part because of the advent of Israel they're shunned also, however as an ethnic group they've been among the most productive, most artistic, most humanly advanced group in human history.

So why all the angst over them?

Not everyone hates the Jews. The Jew-hating thing comes from the middle ages when people who considered themselves Christian decided not to blame themselves for their own shortcomings and needed someone else to blame.

In modern times, 2018, I would like to see the antisemites produce a Leonard Bernstein or a Yo-Yo Ma, but it's not happening. Antisemites are people who cannot produce educated people or anything of quality. In fact, they glory in a lack of education.

Wagner was vastly superior over Bernstein. Wagner was anti-Semitic.

You need to do more research.

You know this how?

The hateful side of Wagner's musical genius | DW | 31.05.2013

Wagner letter sold in Jerusalem
Anyone who thinks Jewish influences in America have been mostly positive, is simply a fool, at best.
Jews have been running the US forever. And it’s a great country. Better that Polackland.

Jews ruined Eastern Europe, and they're in the process of ruining America.

Eastern Europeans largely knew, especially Poles that the Jews were a threat.

Americans being such inferior idiots, don't grasp much, they're Individualist savages, who just grasp getting mine now, and nothing more.
I bet you wish that Poland’s ovens were still working.

Like the fake smoke the Wiesenthal Center added to a photo of Nazi German concentration camps?

So that's a yes, you fucking crybaby who runs to the mods because he can't handle the tough questions?

Runs to the mods?
Who's running to the mods?
2.) Jews like George Schlatter's Laugh In, and Norman Lear's All in the Family pushed dumb Polak jokes into the mainstream.

Uh, guy, Polish Jokes didn't come out of those shows, they came from the big wave of Polish Immigration that happened in the 1950's and 1960's, most of the jokes centered around how the Poles seemed dumb because they didn't understand the culture

And actually, there are only two Polish Jokes. The rest are true stories.

That's not exactly what the Polish American Journal says.

It does blame Nazis for mocking Poles as dumb in Europe.

It blames the media, and Hollywood for modern American dumb Polak jokes like Jewish George Schlatter mostly for his show Laugh In, as well as All in the Family by Jew Norman Lear, or the movie the End written by Jewish Jerry Belson, and produced by Jewish Lawrence Gordon

The Origin of the Polish Joke

lthough there were degrading jokes about all ethnic groups in the United States due to assimilation problems when they arrived, the jokes that portray Poles as having subhuman intelligence, did not predate the 20th Century in America, since it was introduced by left-wing bigots in Hollywood and TV networks like NBC-TV in the late 1960s and 1970s.

Many Polish Americans who lived before this time have reported that they never heard these racist subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles, until after they were introduced by Left-Wing networks like NBC-TV in conjunction with Hollywood. NBC-TV launched Polish-bashing shows such as “Laugh In” which ridiculed Polish people constantly. Polish Americans felt the producer of “Laugh In,” George Schlatter, was an Anti-Polish bigot. In addition late night bigots were encouraged to bash Poles with “jokes” that portrayed the Polish people as having subhuman intelligence. Therefore the power of Television and motion pictures was used to demean and dehumanize Polish people with repetitive Big Lie type propaganda.

Anti-Polish movies such as “The End” were some of the earliest movies meant to degrade Poles with racist humor. In addition other anti-Polish shows such as “All in the Family” were used to degrade the Polish people even though the left-wing producer claimed the ruse that the show was suppose to be “against bigotry”. “All in the family” was filled with racist anti-Polish sound bites such as “Dumb Polak” in an attempt to influence its viewers to have the same anti-Polish prejudice, that the Left-wing producer of the show (Norman Lear) had.

So basically, Polish “jokes” were part of a Hollywood/TV media hate campaign against Polish people.
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fact is more people went with Jesus, the people who spent 2,000 years rejecting Jesus certainly aren't more pro-Jesus than Christians.

Are you complaining about Jews rejecting the stupid things that Christians claimed to believe about Jesus for the past 2000 years, or are you complaining about them rejecting you because you wish them a merry Christmas and then they look at you as if you are an idiot?

You should be thanking them for having enough faith and self respect to reject your ignorant beliefs about a triune edible mangod .
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Sobie is dysfunctional.
He should piece his life together in one post and you’ll see why he actually hates everyone except Pollacks.
He uses Jews as his catch all.

I once knew a guy who blamed all of his problems on his girlfriend.

Well, he lost his girl friend, and he still has problems.

Haven't talked to him in a while so I don't know who he is blaming now.
I told Sobie to seek help.
His parents are toxic by enabling him.

Every country with a sizable Jewish population has seen expulsions or pogroms against Jews.

Either we're wrong or you are wrong.

Well during the Black Plague everyone was dying except the Jews.

Do you know why? It's because they followed the Mosaic cleanliness laws and avoided it.

Naturally, outsiders decided that it was because they made a deal with the devil and rounded them up and murdered them.

That is the type of intellect I'm talking to now.

Not really, Poland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands all didn't get much of a Plague either.

Also the Plague period is only a small amount of the anti-Jewish Pogroms, and Expulsions.

That's why Poland did accept Jewish refugees, mostly starting in the Plague, and granted them Statute of Kalisz Civil Rights.

Even though Poland had the highest Number of Righteous Among the Nations, and was the first to fight the Nazis in WW2.

Dumb Jews tend to hate Poles more than all other Europeans, it's really telling, and a sign of uber disrespect, and ignorance on Jews behalf.
Jews look down on Poles
Like most people
fact is more people went with Jesus, the people who spent 2,000 years rejecting Jesus certainly aren't more pro-Jesus than Christians.

Are you complaining about Jews rejecting the stupid things that Christians claimed to believe about Jesus for the past 2000 years, or are you complaining about them rejecting you because you wish them a merry Christmas and then they look at you as if you are an idiot?

You should be thanking them for having enough faith and self respect to reject your ignorant beliefs about a triune edible mangod .

I am an Agnostic of Catholic heritage.
Even so I value Christmas.

Jews spent 2,000 years surrounded by Christians & still refused to assimilate.

Then can't grasp why they are despised
2.) Jews like George Schlatter's Laugh In, and Norman Lear's All in the Family pushed dumb Polak jokes into the mainstream.

Uh, guy, Polish Jokes didn't come out of those shows, they came from the big wave of Polish Immigration that happened in the 1950's and 1960's, most of the jokes centered around how the Poles seemed dumb because they didn't understand the culture

And actually, there are only two Polish Jokes. The rest are true stories.

That's not exactly what the Polish American Journal says.

It does blame Nazis for mocking Poles as dumb in Europe.

It blames the media, and Hollywood for modern American dumb Polak jokes like Jewish George Schlatter mostly for his show Laugh In, as well as All in the Family by Jew Norman Lear, or the movie the End written by Jewish Jerry Belson, and produced by Jewish Lawrence Gordon

The Origin of the Polish Joke

lthough there were degrading jokes about all ethnic groups in the United States due to assimilation problems when they arrived, the jokes that portray Poles as having subhuman intelligence, did not predate the 20th Century in America, since it was introduced by left-wing bigots in Hollywood and TV networks like NBC-TV in the late 1960s and 1970s.

Many Polish Americans who lived before this time have reported that they never heard these racist subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles, until after they were introduced by Left-Wing networks like NBC-TV in conjunction with Hollywood. NBC-TV launched Polish-bashing shows such as “Laugh In” which ridiculed Polish people constantly. Polish Americans felt the producer of “Laugh In,” George Schlatter, was an Anti-Polish bigot. In addition late night bigots were encouraged to bash Poles with “jokes” that portrayed the Polish people as having subhuman intelligence. Therefore the power of Television and motion pictures was used to demean and dehumanize Polish people with repetitive Big Lie type propaganda.

Anti-Polish movies such as “The End” were some of the earliest movies meant to degrade Poles with racist humor. In addition other anti-Polish shows such as “All in the Family” were used to degrade the Polish people even though the left-wing producer claimed the ruse that the show was suppose to be “against bigotry”. “All in the family” was filled with racist anti-Polish sound bites such as “Dumb Polak” in an attempt to influence its viewers to have the same anti-Polish prejudice, that the Left-wing producer of the show (Norman Lear) had.

So basically, Polish “jokes” were part of a Hollywood/TV media hate campaign against Polish people.
Dumb Polack Sobieski misses the entire point of All in the Family

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