Zone1 Why Does God Even Hate Homosexuality?

The real question is why do religious people even care?

Don't you trust your gods enough to deal with those homosexuals on judgement day? Your bible even says that judgement is your god's purview not the business of mere mortals.
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Not "really" because this word is born in 1864.

You asshole like to attack Christians, that's all. Decades ago I had a homosexual boss who made not any secret out of the fact that he had been a homosexual man. And he was discriminated nowhere from no one.
I was talking about the person who preferred same sex partners, not the word gay. Also, why did you call me asshole? Do you think about that a lot?
Romans chapter one explains why homosexuality is sin.

I do not have any idea what was wrong with Paulus when he wrote this lines. "Homosexuality" was for Paulus for sure a totally unknown word. Perhaps he had been a homosexual man on his own. Who knows? He was sexually not active at all. If I see it the right way then he knew that specially a sexual relation between men is also biologically and medical more risky. And if someone is not able to think about this (and similar) facts, psychological problems and risks then god (god is reason) is not in the near of the people who he describes here as "pagans". And he says in our language today "They could know what's wrong, because they are reasonable." But they deny god (So they deny also their ability to be reasonable).

And now forget what I said here because I am not a theologist and I never liked to be one. I'm a simple Catholic Christian. Make your own interpretation of this text. But try to be loveful and reasonable when you do so. And do not forget that Paulus was born more than 2000 years ago.
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Um the larger question is: WHY did the American Psychiatry institute suddenly proclaim HOMOSEXUALITY isn't a mental illness despite the fact certainty it 99.99% is? That is a real head scratcher. You don't need a weather man to tell which way the wind blows.
Did you know the board actually voted it down to change that but the big wig did it anyway? If its true. I read that somewhere a couple years ago.
Because you attack Christians. I am Christian so you are a asshole because you attack me and my people.

About what?
I know I need a lot of work as a Christian. But I think a bit of self examination might be good for you.
Scripture is clear that God considers homosexuality an abomination. An abomination is a very vile sin in the eyes of God. Why would God even consider it a sin if it is beyond our choice? God does consider it a choice and for this reason it is a sin and a very vile sin known as an abomination. If it were a genetic flaw, God would not be just in judging it to be a sin since we have no choice but it is forced upon us. I don't believe God is unjust, nor do I believe that God doesn't know all things. He gave us a commandment not to do such because he knows of a surety that it is a choice and that we are able to forsake it and repent of it. It is a very vile and gross sin.
I have a nephew who is gay. I knew it when he was only five. His mother was in denial until he 'came out' to her as an adult. He had much angst about it and still does. At no time in his life did he act 'straight'. Being gay was not a choice for him.
Anyone here ever read Oliver Sacks?


Famed British neurologist. I have known a schizophrenic.

He wrote something about schizophrenia? That's new to me. He's a neurologist and not a psychiatrist.

yeah. The mind is amazing,

He shows how amazing the brain is. When you like to go you need legs. When you like to see you need eyes. When you like to coordinate perception, "mind" and action then you need a brain.

it also has its many faults. The man the mistook his wife for a hat...

What a luck that he did not mistake the hat for his wife. ... By the way: A longer time ago a Korean married in Japan his beloved cuddly cushion.

do we need to creat a political group for people that have facial aphasia? Democrats have lost the meaning of democracy.

No - not really. When democratically we will decide the sky is green and the grass is blue then we can make such a law. No one says that we do not have the right to be idiots all together. Indeed I fear we are all together idiots - everyone in another way. And some people are very intellectual idiots.
I have a nephew who is gay. I knew it when he was only five.

How? 200 - 300 years ago five year old boys for example had been clothed in a pink dress. This had not any effect on their sexuality.

His mother was in denial until he 'came out' to her as an adult. He had much angst about it and still does. At no time in his life did he act 'straight'. Being gay was not a choice for him.
Perhaps "Why does God hate homosexuality?" is the wrong question. Let's try, "Why does God love us so much He warns us against homosexuality?" If we truly study God's Commandments, they are guides on how to live despite a rather perilous physical reality on earth.

I find it interesting that God also warned against divorce, but Moses shrugged that one off and permitted divorce anyway. Jesus warned that divorce led to other sexual sin. When people start practicing any sexual sin, others leap into line along with them.

If adultery is permitted, why not sex outside of marriage. If sex outside of marriage is also permitted, why not homosexuality? Why not pedophilia? Why not...well let's let our genitalia direct our lives. If we don't like the genitalia with which we were born, surgically change it. Let's make our earthly existence all about sex. And teach our children to do likewise, because of course we have to become involved with the sex of others--including the sex of other people's children.

Could Moses have made a big mistake when he gave in to people and permitted divorce despite God's warning against it?

Maybe we humans need to rethink our priorities. Is giving sex the highest priority in anyone's best interest, either as an individual, a community, or a nation?

Why does God love us so well He warns us against divorce....and all that comes after?
Because you attack Christians. I am a Christian so you are an asshole because you attack me and my people.

So much for the turn the other cheek orders from your god huh?

Funny how you Christians don't seem to listen to the god you worship most of the time
I know I need a lot of work as a Christian.


But I think a bit of self examination might be good for you.

Ever thought about in this context that you are not all others? I personmally "hate" it very much when Christians are attacked because of intolerance, because I personally know not any more tolerant "species" who not is indifferent the same time.
So much for the turn the other cheek orders from your god huh?

Oh sorry. I did the virtual hand not see coming. And my reflexes and reactions are in the real world so damned fast that an attacker would fly some yards through the air before I will realize that I had to attack him with my other cheek. Nobody is perfect.

Funny how you Christians don't seem to listen to the god you worship most of the time

Funny how you un-Christian listen with your own ears in others to something what you are not able to hear because you don't believe in.
Does it ever even explain why in the Bible? Or is it simply just because God intended for men and women to be together because only they can reproduce?
Do I think homosexuality is likely an anomaly like many other human conditions that the vast majority of people don't have? Probably because so far there is no known gene that causes it and you know scientists have looked for one.

Do I believe homosexuality is evil or that God hates it? I know too many loving, caring, wonderful people who are gay/lesbian to believe that. Other than their sexual orientation, gays/lesbians are people just like all other people, some good, some not so much, some lovable, some not so much, some commendable, some not so much.

So long as people do not intentionally complicate my life, my community, my values, my ethics, I think a live and let live concept and attitude is the best choice for everybody.
Do I think homosexuality is likely an anomaly like many other human conditions that the vast majority of people don't have? Probably because so far there is no known gene that causes it and you know scientists have looked for one.

Do I believe homosexuality is evil or that God hates it? I know too many loving, caring, wonderful people who are gay/lesbian to believe that. Other than their sexual orientation, gays/lesbians are people just like all other people, some good, some not so much, some lovable, some not so much, some commendable, some not so much.

So long as people do not intentionally complicate my life, my community, my values, my ethics, I think a live and let live concept and attitude is the best choice for everybody.
Are you a Christian?

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