Zone1 Why Does God Even Hate Homosexuality?

And you don't find that a problem?
It is certainly not a problem for me. And it doesn't seem to be for them. I am quite sure all of them would be opposed to exposing young children to sexualized content in schools and they would say let the kids grow up blissfully innocent as they all did. All are probably far more leftist than I am but they don't get in my (or anybody else's) face with their politics or sexual orientation.

In fact, if I didn't know them all so well personally, I would be unlikely to even know they were gay.

I just have a hard time believing they are somehow worst sinners than the rest of us are.
Your butt hurt all the time?

I don't think that. It just sounds like these gay "Christians" are just twisting the words "being happy who you are" around because they're continuing to live in sin and not caring about it at all.
Does it ever even explain why in the Bible? Or is it simply just because God intended for men and women to be together because only they can reproduce?

Why? Because 2,000 years ago men were sleeping with men and someone decided they didn't like it.
I don't think that. It just sounds like these gay "Christians" are just twisting the words "being happy who you are" around because they're continuing to live in sin and not caring about it at all.
They don't believe it is sin. Perhaps judging them more harshly than other sinners are judged is a worse sin? I don't know which is why I leave such things up to God who is far more qualified to judge than I am.

I see all these people I know as commendable citizens who pull their own weight, help others, and do not harm me or anybody else so far as I can see. I will live and let live ANYBODY, Christian or not, who lives his/her life that way. I reserve my judgment for bad acts, those which are destructive, harmful, malicious, hurtful. And yes, I do tend to be resentful of those who claim to be Christian but harm others.
No. They all seem to accept their sexual orientation as who and what they are. All enjoy support and acceptance of their families, friends, churches, whatever. Almost all of these people are remarkable people, well educated, interesting, caring, assets to their various communities. Most are in long term relationship spanning decades.
This is what they project to the public. But if the studies are correct, they are not in a monogamous relationship.
This is what they project to the public. But if the studies are correct, they are not in a monogamous relationship.
I know these people very well. And I believe all who are in relationships are in loving monogamous relationships at least as much as my heterosexual friends.
So in other words you want to live how you want to live and not how God wants you to live
If that is how you choose to judge me. I personally am a sinner both by commission and omission and I don't feel I have the right to assume my sins are somehow less sinful than the other person's.

The Lord who forgave me and assured me of eternal life had a lot to say to those who assumed they were somehow more righteous than someone else, and it was not complimentary. He also commanded us to forgive so that we can be forgiven. He also said he who is without sin cast the first stone and thereby saved a woman's life. He was pretty harsh with those who presumed to overlook their own sins while they accused and condemned others.

I cannot see where my gay friends are hurting anybody anywhere unless it is themselves. So where is our right or authority to intervene or tell them how they must live their lives?
Aw we've usually gotten along fine here. I was just surprised at a sort of attack post of that type given the discussion.

Well, if they got on my ignore list, it was probably due to insults or complete lack of debate. So now you can see if it's more a trend than you though.
Does it ever even explain why in the Bible? Or is it simply just because God intended for men and women to be together because only they can reproduce?
No, but probably because he didn't create women for that shit to happen.

I guess some people don't care about the shit smell. :dunno:
I all need to do is listen to you religious people saying things that contradict what you god says in the bible to know that you are all hypocrites

First of all is the expression "you religious people" a 'racist' expression: You know nothing about me and your not-knowledge do you try to compensate with your learned prejudices. But I am a stranger - so your prejudices fail. Second: Your use of the word "religious" is absurde. Third: "all hypocrite" see what I said "first". And now comes the only interesting thing of your "argument": What do I say what's in your way to see the world a contradiction to this what you think what god said/says/will say?

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Paul had been a Pharisee. He knew Scripture inside and out.

And what says this? That you and I do understand easily what he says? What do you call "scripture known from Paul" for example? Or very concrete: What means for example "receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet".
I see this for example as a hint on dangerous consequences of anal-sex and the message is "learn from the consequences by thinking" and not by making this experience on the own. So this is a rule for men - and not only for homosexual men but also for heterosexual men.
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They don't believe it is sin. Perhaps judging them more harshly than other sinners are judged is a worse sin? I don't know which is why I leave such things up to God who is far more qualified to judge than I am.

I see all these people I know as commendable citizens who pull their own weight, help others, and do not harm me or anybody else so far as I can see. I will live and let live ANYBODY, Christian or not, who lives his/her life that way. I reserve my judgment for bad acts, those which are destructive, harmful, malicious, hurtful. And yes, I do tend to be resentful of those who claim to be Christian but harm others.

You never met real Nazis, extremist socialists and criminal members of other "religions" and religions, I guess. Otherwise you would be more tolerant in case of real Christians. I see by the way the most dangerous people in "wolves in sheep's clothings". A sparkle of light in an authentic heart no one is able to hear and to see from outside. The question is not what kind of character someone has - the question is not to lose the contact to our father in heaven.

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