Why Does Governor Abbott Not Care About The Families Of Dead Children??

Why does the old dude in the White House not care about the 650 people who died crossing the border to get to Texas?
Nobody likes going to funerals. My Mam ordered me to go to one many years ago when I was looking to avoid it. She said that there is comfort in numbers and I just had to be there.
She was right. Abbot is low quality people.
Kids are killing kids every freaking week in Chicago. A 14 year old girl was charged with murder in the beating death with a traffic cone of a 73 year old man who was just passing by. No sign that the demented Chicago mayor ever attends a funeral of her constituents.

"Gov. Greg Abbott did not attend a single funeral for any of the 19 children or two teachers killed mass shooting at Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas on May 24, according to his schedule, which was obtained through an open records request by ABC News. In a Monday interview with MSNBC, state Sen. Roland Gutierrez, who represents Uvalde, criticized Abbott for not returning to the South Texas town, and alleged that Abbott has not been back since May 29 when President Joe Biden also visited a public vigil in Uvalde, rather than June 5 as the governor's schedule suggests.

Gutierrez's statements align with recent statements from some of the shooting victims' families. During a July 13 news conference, Angel Garza, father of 10-year-old victim Amerie Jo Garza, alleged that "since this happened, Gov. Abbott has yet to reach out." Garza added that Sen. Ted Cruz, who also attended some prayer vigils for victims, similarly failed to reach out to victims' families. "We've had Sen. Gutierrez in our living room, willing to come and talk to us," Garza said. "We've had Beto O'Rourke coming to our private meeting to fight with us. He marched with us. That means something to us. The fact that you're reaching out just to see how we're doing means something to us.

Garza continued in a direct appeal to Texas voters: "Everybody that's getting ready to vote, I want you guys to know that. These guys don't have compassion for us. They don't care. [Abbott] doesn't care that all these children were murdered and these teachers were murdered. Y'all need to realize that." In recent interviews, Uvalde Mayor Don McLauglin said that he has repeatedly called on Abbott to return to Uvalde to speak with grieving family members. During a press conference Sunday, McLaughlin said he had not heard from the governor in four weeks."

Be honest, take your party uniform off and put down your poms poms -- and ask yourself -- if this was your governor, and the children who were slaughtered, were your children -- wouldn't you expect to hear from the Governor who by all means, would have campaigned off of the deaths of your children had it gone the way they tried to spin it, had their cover-up been successful...There is no reason why Abbott or any other governor, regardless of party -- can attend fundraiser after fundraiser, stage bullshit stunts after bullshit stunts at the border, go tap dance for NRA donors, etc -- but can't spare a day to meet with a single family in Uvalde? Why? He couldn't take the heat? Didn't want to look into the faces of those mothers and fathers and continue to lie?

Ted Cruz tried to blame it on the parents -- Ted fucking Cruz -- the guy who lies with no shame...the guy who lets his own wife get disrespected in his face and he did nothing but bow down to the guy who did it.....Ted Cruz, the guy who flew to Cancun while millions froze in Texas, some of them to death.....this guy blamed it on the parents...and for Texas to not collectively say fuck Ted Cruz is beyond me.......what does holding elected officials accountable look like if they know you will give them a pass after pass, after pass.....as long as they hate the same people you hate -- and let's be honest....if this was a Gov Beto, we know damn well the energy would be different....however, at least with candidate Beto; he had enough time to come.....and as the parents said, it meant something to them...and isn't that what serving your constituents is supposed to be about??

Probably dumbass because he is the same as 95% of our politicians,evil and demonic fuckface.
If he had attended any of them he would have been accused of using them as a photo op he doesn't he is accused of not caring. If I was to find myself in the position of those who lost loved ones I would rather have all politicans stay away from the funeral having them there would do nothing to comfort me or ease the pain of losing a loved one.
It shows the family he cares

Obviously he just wants it to go away

Anybody worth their weight in dog shit would have done research:

Most of the funerals were private for families only, and so he sent flowers to the families:

“Governor Abbott has been to the community multiple times, visiting with every family who requested a meeting and joining his fellow Texans to grieve and worship at events into June,” Eze said in an emailed statement. “Many families requested private funerals, and the Governor and First Lady instead sent flowers and condolences to let the loved ones know they remain in their prayers.”

God damn you motherfuckers need to do fucking research before you post bullshit like this.
Anybody worth their weight in dog shit would have done research:

Most of the funerals were private for families only, and so he sent flowers to the families:

God damn you motherfuckers need to do fucking research before you post bullshit like this.
The families say different fuck-face......

He has not reached out to them in weeks...their words, not mine, not yours....are they lying??

And yes, Abbott has no problem with using the families of mass shooting victims for photo ops...hell, he put them in his campaign ads....so spare me that bullshit...
Nobody likes going to funerals. My Mam ordered me to go to one many years ago when I was looking to avoid it. She said that there is comfort in numbers and I just had to be there.
She was right. Abbot is low quality people.
And yet he doesn't grovel to fake "royalty" wearing a 30 million dollar hat.... like he's stuck in the 1200's. That puts him 15 notches above you on the food chain.... by definition.
And yet he doesn't grovel to fake "royalty" wearing a 30 million dollar hat.... like he's stuck in the 1200's. That puts him 15 notches above you on the food chain.... by definition.
The families say different fuck-face......

He has not reached out to them in weeks...their words, not mine, not yours....are they lying??

And yes, Abbott has no problem with using the families of mass shooting victims for photo ops...hell, he put them in his campaign ads....so spare me that bullshit...
So your "premise" is that the parents are concerned about a stranger in a wheelchair attending funerals after we just learned 376 LEO's were on the scene laughing and using hand sanitizer while their children were being slaughtered down the hall.

Yeah, sounds legit.

Do you the surviving parents approve of you using their dead children to try to score political points?

I'll bet they don't.
I know it's what their ilk do but IMHO what is much worse is the dems trying to profit politically off the deaths of children.

I'm no fan of Wheels nor Ted Cruz but I know dem crocodile tears when I see them.

How does Texas treat Gold Star Families?
The stuttering shit clown came down and grandstanded for a few minutes, sniffed some hair and was gone with the wind after he visited the border.

Wait, check that, he didn't visit the border. 50 miles is just too far away.
You don't know anything about Benghazi or Libya.
I think I do

Many libs still believe the lie that it was a spontaneous response to an offensive video

So I am ahead of the pack on that
I think I do

Many libs still believe the lie that it was a spontaneous response to an offensive video

So I am ahead of the pack on that

You don’t know anything about Benghazi or Libya

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