Why does Joni Ernst hate America?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Joni Ernst Responds to SOTU By Not Discussing It At All

Notice anything in last nights GOP response to Obamas state of the Union address? GOP darling Joni Ernst managed to wear cammo shoes but refused to wear the American Flag. Does she know what country she is in? Is she ashamed to proudly wear the American Flag?

Our President proudly wears a United States Flag Pin like a real American. Why are Republicans ashamed to show the colors?
Joni Ernst Responds to SOTU By Not Discussing It At All

Notice anything in last nights GOP response to Obamas state of the Union address? GOP darling Joni Ernst managed to wear cammo shoes but refused to wear the American Flag. Does she know what country she is in? Is she ashamed to proudly wear the American Flag?

Our President proudly wears a United States Flag Pin like a real American. Why are Republicans ashamed to show the colors?
I bet she puts her hand over her heart when listening to the national anthem unlike the non-natural norn citizen president who doesn't. And by the way, it is Obama who really hates America. Otherwise he wouldn't want to fundamentally transform it.

Nothing says I love my country more then a lady wearing Camo heels.
They trump flag pins everyday and twice on Sunday.
Too bad the SOTU is not given on Saturday nights....That's when Obama plays dress up....
Maybe she felt like the rest of us, it wasn't even worthy of a response. Same old shit, different day. Obama essentially has one speech and we've heard it a hundred times.
Joni needs a new wig and perhaps a new brain along with it. I find her to be nauseating,

She put me to sleep with her dumb ass speech perhaps so the ignorant's can keep up.

I can not believe anyone would actually fall for her scamming lies, well perhaps those who only listen her and not what the facts are showing will be dumb enough to believe I guess.

Well who didn't see this coming. Be they a woman vet or a black Republican. smear smear it and all she did was give a RESPONSE to the Dear leaders lies and hate

can't crawl much lower
Any politician who insults America for refusing to wear a flag pin must be suspected of being a commie
Official picture of Joni Ernst again refusing to wear a flag pin


Why is she ashamed to honor our country?
Our President proudly wears the flag

Joni Ernst Responds to SOTU By Not Discussing It At All

Notice anything in last nights GOP response to Obamas state of the Union address? GOP darling Joni Ernst managed to wear cammo shoes but refused to wear the American Flag. Does she know what country she is in? Is she ashamed to proudly wear the American Flag?

Our President proudly wears a United States Flag Pin like a real American. Why are Republicans ashamed to show the colors?
Flag pins are a bullshit token, but Obama had to be shamed into wearing them.

I wouldn't wear one for all the farms in Cuba.
Well who didn't see this coming. Be they a woman vet or a black Republican. smear smear it and all she did was give a RESPONSE to the Dear leaders lies and hate

can't crawl much lower

Stick around.

dimocraps never disappoint when it comes to sinking lower than the gutter trash of humanity they already are

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