Why does Palestine have a right to exist?

So one Jew SAYS kill all Palestinians and all Zionists are assholes, but thousands upon thousands of Palestinians people (the street) dance in the streets celebrating the collapse of the Twin Towers with what was thought at the time to be ten thousand people or more, and some of you think Zionists are the enemy and the poor dancers of Palestine are worthy of the shit off my bum cheeks?

are you fucking kidding me? So, you just CRIED about stereotypes.... but then GO ON to stereotype palis...

That is fucking awesome on many, MANY levels.

Originally posted by Shogun
WHY are you avoiding this simple question, dude? I'm not asking what you think the best thing we Gringos can do is. I'm asking you to give me the name of the jew who walked into palestine and asked those palestinians for the same permission to create israel as gringos had when walking into mexico city to settle texas. Why is this specific point so hard to answer?

Because it just doesn't matter anymore.

Anglos are back to their deserved minority status in the "american" southwest, just like before the landgrab of 1836.

Let's call it... Santa Anna's revenge.... :lol:

It certainly seems that way to me, but more than a few posters on this board seem to think the Palestinians should hold out for everything they want even if it means they will never get anything. Are such people really pro Palestinian or just anti Israeli?

pro-equality and anti-zionist racism. You seem to think that we are at the end of this game, dude. Hell, even white south Afrikaners has their little apartheid state for about as long as israel has been a nation. But I have to say, it's pretty ironic that anyone from your side hints at the racism of anyone else. Truly.
Hamas being the aggressor is impossible seeing Gaza is being attacked by the occupier.

Here is a website the Israelis don't want you to see
A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict
You see, they invented Hamas to divide and conquer

Occupier? Gaza is part of Israel. Perhaps you don't remember the 1967 war? Egypt had control of the Gaza strip from 1948 - 1967. Then, Israel beat the snot of out Egypt and gained the Gaza strip. Israel also gained the Sinai peninsula a few years later, but gave that back to Egypt in exchange for peace. Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights are all part of Israel. If Gaza is occupied, then so is Guam or Pueto Rico for the US.
Iraq Genocide - The USA killed way more Iraqis then Saddam. Clinton was starving around 8,000 thousand a month to death when he was in the seat, then Bush came in and killed over a million more. The depleted uranium spread throughout Iraq will take millions more. It's clear who commited genocide.

Death For Oil

Hamas- They have been financed all along by Israel (as well as Fatah). Israel has killed many many times more Palestinians then Hamas, even though Israel is killing Palestinians through Hamas as a proxy. It's called divide and conquer. The Ashkenazi Jews are the best at it.

Civilian Targets - You are quite WRONG


What a cool looking graph. Unfortunately I don't have a graph making machine thingy mabob here so I'll just kinda do it like this:

Number of busses Israelis have blown up with innocent Gaza Civilians on them since 2000:


Number of rockets Israelis have hurled at Gaza indiscriminately hoping to cause as much damage and as many casualties as possible.


Number of civilians Israel has intentionally targetted and killed:


Now, can you say the same about those there Arabs? I don't think you can. So for all of you supporting America's war on terror, for all of you supporting our operation in Afghanistan, for all of you who feel India has a right to attack Pakistan for hiding the terrorists responsible for Mumbai and then for all of you who think Israel shouldn't be doing what it's doing: You're a bunch of two-faced, moronic hypocrites. It's the SAME fucking thing! America and every single other country in the entire world has a RIGHT to defend themselves against terrorists. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Israel has a RIGHT to protect its people.
Occupier? Gaza is part of Israel. Perhaps you don't remember the 1967 war? Egypt had control of the Gaza strip from 1948 - 1967. Then, Israel beat the snot of out Egypt and gained the Gaza strip. Israel also gained the Sinai peninsula a few years later, but gave that back to Egypt in exchange for peace. Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights are all part of Israel. If Gaza is occupied, then so is Guam or Pueto Rico for the US.

Gaza is still occupied - all that happened was a

US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation : Index
Gaza is still occupied - all that happened was a

US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation*:*Index

You're pointing this out to me on some kind of anti-Israel site?

At least I'm using a neutral source. Jesus, man. WAKE THE FUCK UP. Gaza belongs to Israel until Israel no longer wants it.


Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula

Conquest of Sinai. June 7-June 8, 1967The Egyptian forces consisted of seven divisions: four armored, two infantry, and one mechanized infantry. Overall, Egypt had around 100,000 troops and 900-950 tanks in the Sinai, backed by 1,100 APCs and 1,000 artillery pieces.[106] This arrangement was thought to be based on the Soviet doctrine, where mobile armor units at strategic depth provide a dynamic defense while infantry units engage in defensive battles. Israeli forces concentrated on the border with Egypt included six armored brigades, one infantry brigade, one mechanized infantry brigade, three paratrooper brigades and 700 tanks giving a total of around 70,000 men, organized in three armored divisions. The Israeli plan was to surprise the Egyptian forces in both timing (the attack exactly coinciding with the IAF strike on Egyptian airfields), location (attacking via northern and central Sinai routes, as opposed to the Egyptian expectations of a repeat of the 1956 war, when the IDF attacked via the central and southern routes) and method (using a combined-force flanking approach, rather than direct tank assaults).

The northernmost Israeli division, consisting of three brigades and commanded by Major General Israel Tal, one of Israel's most prominent armor commanders, advanced slowly through the Gaza Strip and El-Arish, which were not heavily protected. The central division (Maj. Gen. Avraham Yoffe) and the southern division (Maj. Gen. Ariel Sharon), however, entered the heavily defended Abu-Ageila-Kusseima region, leading to what is known as the Battle of Abu-Ageila. Egyptian forces there included one infantry division (the 2nd), a battalion of tank destroyers and a tank regiment, formed of soviet WW2 armor, which included 90 T-34/85 tanks (with 85mm guns), 22 SU-100 tank destroyers (with 100mm guns), and about 16,000 men,[107] while the Israelis had a man-power of about 14,000, and 150 post WW2 tanks including the AMX-13 with 90mm guns, Centurions, and Super Shermans (both types with 105mm guns).
Sharon initiated an attack, precisely planned, coordinated and carried out. He sent two of his brigades to the north of Um-Katef, the first one to break through the defenses at Abu-Ageila to the south, and the second to block the road to El-Arish and to encircle Abu-Ageila from the east. At the same time, a paratrooper force was heliborne to the rear of the defensive positions and destroyed the artillery, preventing it from engaging Israeli armor and infantry. Combined forces of armor, paratroopers, infantry, artillery and combat engineers then attacked the Egyptian position from the front, flanks and rear, cutting the enemy off. The breakthrough battles, which were in sandy areas and minefields, continued for three and a half days until Abu-Ageila fell. Many of the Egyptian units remained intact and could have tried to prevent the Israelis from reaching the Suez Canal or engaged in combat in the attempt to reach the canal. However, when the Egyptian Minister of Defense, Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer heard about the fall of Abu-Ageila, he panicked and ordered all units in the Sinai to retreat. This order effectively meant the defeat of Egypt. Due to the Egyptians' retreat, the Israeli High Command decided not to pursue the Egyptian units but rather to bypass and destroy them in the mountainous passes of West Sinai. Therefore, in the following two days (June 6 and 7), all three Israeli divisions (Sharon and Tal were reinforced by an armored brigade each) rushed westwards and reached the passes. Sharon's division first went southward then westward to Mitla Pass. It was joined there by parts of Yoffe's division, while its other units blocked the Gidi Pass. Tal's units stopped at various points to the length of the Suez Canal.

Israel's blocking action was only partially successful. Only the Gidi pass was captured before the Egyptians approached it, but at other places, Egyptian units managed to pass through and cross the canal to safety. Nevertheless, in four days of operations, Israel defeated the largest and most heavily equipped Arab army, leaving numerous points in the Sinai littered with hundreds of burning or abandoned Egyptian vehicles and military equipment.

On June 8, Israel had completed the capture of the Sinai by sending infantry units to Ras-Sudar on the western coast of the peninsula. Sharm El-Sheikh, at its southern tip, had already been taken a day earlier by units of the Israeli Navy. Several tactical elements made the swift Israeli advance possible: first, the complete air superiority of the Israeli Air Force over its Egyptian counterpart; second, the determined implementation of an innovative battle plan; and third, the lack of coordination among Egyptian troops. These would prove to be decisive elements on Israel's other fronts as well.
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Gaza is still occupied - all that happened was a

US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation*:*Index

The country is called Israel, any Arabs legally living there should be calling themselves Israelis and acting accordingly.Palestine doesn't and never has existed.Lowly peasant Arabs have meandered aimlessly over the land for centuries but never deemed it necessary to lay claim to the patch of scrub until it was partitioned and reborn.Let them call themselves Palestinians if it pleases them, much as it pleases Immigrants in the UK to build their own little ethnic corners and believe the law of the land doesn't apply to them, pity for them it does.
Needs no words


Then seperate from them.

Quit taking over their territories.

From a neutral perspective, it seems Israel does things that make these people desperate enough to strap bombs to their bodies.

You wouldn't do that for America if we were invaded and occupied and treated like second class citizens for decades/centuries? Pussy! :lol:
Again, it's not their territories. Egypt and Jordan aren't doing anything to reclaim their territories so now it's ours.

Oh, you are Jewish? What would Egypt and Jordan have to do to "reclaim" their territories? So Israeli's are in the habit of moving into territories that aren't for sure theirs?

As far as Palistinians/Israeli's go, I know that Jewish settlers move into places where Palistinians are living and the Palistinians are outraged by it.

And if Palistinians don't officially have a country, then is that a loophole Israel uses for going wherever they please? For example, people in Alaska can't tell people in Michigan that they are trespassing if the Federal Government sells federal land to Michiganders.

For awhile there is sounded like Isreal was going to give in a little, but then I guess some of the Isreali citizens don't want to give up one inch.

Basically, its starting to sound a lot like the debates we have about Iraq. Some Americans think the US is not at all responsible for why Arabs hate the West. As if we do no wrong. That's hardly fair.

Anyways, I wish Israel would just build a wall and give the Palistinians their own country/land. But I get the feeling the people pulling all the strings in the US and Irsael like the conflict.

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