Why does Palestine have a right to exist?

You forget:

It was JEWISH Palestine that existed. It was NOT ARAB Palestine that existed.


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So one Jew SAYS kill all Palestinians and all Zionists are assholes, but thousands upon thousands of Palestinians people (the street) dance in the streets celebrating the collapse of the Twin Towers with what was thought at the time to be ten thousand people or more, and some of you think Zionists are the enemy and the poor dancers of Palestine are worthy of the shit off my bum cheeks?

On the Palestinian Problem
Every time a reporter highlights Israel and Palestine as the most ... of "peace" on the Palestinian street may have a different meaning than that of their ...
www.jewishmag.com/78mag/palestineproblem/palestineproblem.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
World Prout Assembly: The Streets Of Gaza: Diary Of A Palestinian ...
"If we take the full meaning of the term society into consideration, it will be seen that till now ... The Streets Of Gaza: Diary Of A Palestinian Mother ...
www.worldproutassembly.org/archives/2006/12/the_streets_of.html - 63k - Cached - Similar pages
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So one Jew SAYS kill all Palestinians and all Zionists are assholes, but thousands upon thousands of Palestinians people (the street) dance in the streets celebrating the collapse of the Twin Towers with what was thought at the time to be ten thousand people or more, and some of you think Zionists are the enemy and the poor dancers of Palestine are worthy of the shit off my bum cheeks?

Unless you're a mind reader, you have no idea what I think.
Palestine has a right to exist because it's people are indigenous to the land .. unlike european jews who populate Israel.
This simply isn't true.

In 1900 the ottoman census placed the population of the area at roughly 200,000, mostly living in Jerusalem. More then half of those ottoman subjects were Jews.

European jews came after the ottomans made a deal with them, the deal was they couild come IF they developed the land and paid taxes to the Ottoman Empire.

These early settlers joined the sabras (the native jews you claim don't exist) and began to reclaim the area, and produced many job opprotunities, this brought many MUSLIM immigrants to Judea to work in these newly reclaimed lands.

This all changed after WWI when The Ottomans gave up the place, the origina; Balfour plan was Judea was to be ALL Jewish and the The Muslim state would be Jordan.

The Brits proved to be both heavily anti-semitic and favored greatly the Muslims (as they held huge Muslim territores and this favored Imperial policy to make them happy) so they restricted Jewish immigration and instead incouraged Muslim immigration as well as pogroms to kill Jews.

So don't even try to claim the 'arabs' lived there and Jews didn't, they both did and teh jews where there a hell of a lot longer.

And I say this with an eye to the fact I'm genertally neutral to each side in their wars, believing they should fight it out winner take all.
The death toll in Gaza continues to rise. The carnage is everywhere – city streets, a mosque, hospitals, police stations, a jail, a university bus stop, a plastics factory, a television station. It seems impossible, unacceptable, to step back to analyze the situation while bodies remain buried under the rubble, while parents continue to search for their missing children, while doctors continue to labor to stitch burned and broken bodies back together without sufficient medicine or equipment. The hospitals are running short even of electricity—the Israeli blockade has denied them fuel to run the generators. It is an ironic twist on the legacy of Israel’s involvement in an earlier massacre – in the Sabra and Shatila camps, in Lebanon back in 1982, it was the Israeli soldiers who lit the flairs, lighting the night sky so their Lebanese allies could continue to kill.

continued here:
Editorial Digest: Keeping You Informed!
You would think the OP would mention the 10,000 rockets Hamas has fired at Israel and that every single target that's been hit, has been for defensive purposes of Israel only. Hamas is the agressor, here folks. Don't let these anti-Zionists say anything different.
You would think the OP would mention the 10,000 rockets Hamas has fired at Israel and that every single target that's been hit, has been for defensive purposes of Israel only. Hamas is the agressor, here folks. Don't let these anti-Zionists say anything different.

Hamas being the aggressor is impossible seeing Gaza is being attacked by the occupier.

Here is a website the Israelis don't want you to see
A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict
You see, they invented Hamas to divide and conquer
the op is talking about the killings of refugees in the early 1980's by the christian group the phalanges.

of course no one wants to discussion these massacures...it reveals a very dark side of this "conflict" that israel would not like to discuss. how they allowed the phalanges to slaughtered the people of these camps and how the us stood by and did nothing.

i knew this would be brought up sooner or later....i will be interested to see the denial of this begin....
We in the west have our own "war on Terror" the Israelis murder innocent people.Is it me or is something askew here?
the op is talking about the killings of refugees in the early 1980's by the christian group the phalanges.

of course no one wants to discussion these massacures...it reveals a very dark side of this "conflict" that israel would not like to discuss. how they allowed the phalanges to slaughtered the people of these camps and how the us stood by and did nothing.

i knew this would be brought up sooner or later....i will be interested to see the denial of this begin....
uh, no, i dont think he is
it looks like he is taking about the current situation

and in this case, Hamas has been lobbing rocket after rocket into Israeli civilian areas

how long should Israel endure this kind of an attack and do nothing?
to you it has no right to exist !

live and see palestinians take this right back, whether you like it or not .

btw. Jerusalem is Palestine's capital .
Israel occupied it 1948 , called it Orshalem or sth.
to you it has no right to exist !

live and see palestinians take this right back, whether you like it or not .

btw. Jerusalem is Palestine's capital .
Israel occupied it 1948 , called it Orshalem or sth.


Aw, c'mon, we all know that's not going to happen. The best the Palestinians can hope for is a state in Gaza and most of the West Bank but without the major settlements and without Jerusalem if they renounce all violence, all claims on Israel and the right of return. When you consider that the alternative is to just continue the way things are or to see the land annexed by Israel, Jordan and Egypt, that's pretty good.

Aw, c'mon, we all know that's not going to happen. The best the Palestinians can hope for is a state in Gaza and most of the West Bank but without the major settlements and without Jerusalem if they renounce all violence, all claims on Israel and the right of return. When you consider that the alternative is to just continue the way things are or to see the land annexed by Israel, Jordan and Egypt, that's pretty good.
this guy is delusional
this guy is delusional


It certainly seems that way to me, but more than a few posters on this board seem to think the Palestinians should hold out for everything they want even if it means they will never get anything. Are such people really pro Palestinian or just anti Israeli?

It certainly seems that way to me, but more than a few posters on this board seem to think the Palestinians should hold out for everything they want even if it means they will never get anything. Are such people really pro Palestinian or just anti Israeli?
clearly, anti-Israel
The death toll in Gaza continues to rise. The carnage is everywhere – city streets, a mosque, hospitals, police stations, a jail, a university bus stop, a plastics factory, a television station. It seems impossible, unacceptable, to step back to analyze the situation while bodies remain buried under the rubble, while parents continue to search for their missing children, while doctors continue to labor to stitch burned and broken bodies back together without sufficient medicine or equipment. The hospitals are running short even of electricity—the Israeli blockade has denied them fuel to run the generators. It is an ironic twist on the legacy of Israel’s involvement in an earlier massacre – in the Sabra and Shatila camps, in Lebanon back in 1982, it was the Israeli soldiers who lit the flairs, lighting the night sky so their Lebanese allies could continue to kill. continued here:
Editorial Digest: Keeping You Informed!

that is where he begins with the slaughters of the refugees..doesnt he?

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