Why does Palestine have a right to exist?

btw goofball, I never said Palestinians are scum, but if think only scum would dance celebrating 911 you need to take a cold hard look at who you are supporting.
What happened with mr. Devnell is he was over whelmed with the Facts of the Balfour Agreement (that again placed Palastine firmly on the map) and Illegal land grabs by the Israelis so he went back to the old 9/11 song. Typical reaction when these ignorant Israeli Firsters get clobbered with the truth. Of course anyone with a brain knows distortion of the facts and inducing deception - steering away from the facts- is the only argument he has.

An area known as Palestine was on the map. There was no Palestinian state created.
nobody owned anything? but Jewish people were in control of 7% of the land before UN, an illegal world government body, attempted to intervene. They had partitioned it so that 57% of the land in Palestine (not a state, like you said) would be given to Israel and 43% to the Arabs. The Arabs living in the Jewish territory would be forcibly removed from their private property, and compensated with inferior desert land (making up a majority of the 43%) given to Arabs. It was an unfair agreement, and I would have shot it down without even thinking twice.

Abdication of private property rights is exactly what the marxist Communists tried to preach, and it's the abomination of all things evil.
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Exactly. It's somewhat humorous that private property, being the very tenants of capitalism, was abdicated, and yet, U.S.'s mortal enemy during the 2nd half of the 20th century was communist Russia.

Did the commies dance in the streets after the Twin Towers fell on 911? No? Is that why you do not support them?
nobody owned anything? but Jewish people were in control of 7% of the land before UN, an illegal world government body, attempted to intervene. They had partitioned it so that 57% of the land in Palestine would be given to Israel and 43% to the Arabs. The Arabs living in the Jewish territory would be forcibly removed from their private property, and compensated with inferior desert land (making up a majority of the 43%) given to Arabs. It was an unfair agreement, and I would have shot it down without even thinking twice.

you're arguing with history. Israel is a recognized state entity.

go beat your meat elsewhere you traitorous bastard
Palestine has the right to exist for the same reason Israel has the right to exist. Somebody gave them the land that they exist on. You see this as an injustice, the same way I'm sure they saw it as an injustice when Israel was given land to exist on.

Thank you. I will research this answer and get back to you.

Not too difficult, folks.
nobody owned anything? but Jewish people were in control of 7% of the land before UN, an illegal world government body, attempted to intervene. They had partitioned it so that 57% of the land in Palestine (not a state, like you said) would be given to Israel and 43% to the Arabs. The Arabs living in the Jewish territory would be forcibly removed from their private property, and compensated with inferior desert land (making up a majority of the 43%) given to Arabs. It was an unfair agreement, and I would have shot it down without even thinking twice.

Abdication of private property rights is exactly what the marxist Communists tried to preach, and it's the abomination of all things evil.

What is your source on all of these numbers and statistics?
Only a true blue Jew will look you in the face and deny any wrong doing by Israel with regard to the flare up in the Gaza strip.

Starving people and blocking supplies for nearly two years is not humane. Any creature that is starved is going to get a few kicks in before it dies. This is genocide no matter how you try to paint it.

Israel continues to refuse help from other countries in the resolution of the crisis. So, again, I make this argument, that if it were up to me, I would let Israel fight the "terrorists" as they see fit. But, I would also cut off all economic aid, and military aid to Israel. Israelis don't want our help, just our money because they seem to think they are so much smarter than everyone else.. Fine, prove it. Fight your own battles and fund your own existence.

As far as Obama goes, I would guess the Palestinians are screwed. With Rahm Emanual, Hillary Clinton, David Axlerod in the driver's seats,,,, I can't imagine any help coming from the US to the poor, beaten people in Gaza. Those three power brokers will just look the other way and deny any wrong doing.. Just like Conde Rice, another blind puppet.
Only a true blue Jew will look you in the face and deny any wrong doing by Israel with regard to the flare up in the Gaza strip.

Starving people and blocking supplies for nearly two years is not humane. Any creature that is starved is going to get a few kicks in before it dies. This is genocide no matter how you try to paint it.

Israel continues to refuse help from other countries in the resolution of the crisis. So, again, I make this argument, that if it were up to me, I would let Israel fight the "terrorists" as they see fit. But, I would also cut off all economic aid, and military aid to Israel. Israelis don't want our help, just our money because they seem to think they are so much smarter than everyone else.. Fine, prove it. Fight your own battles and fund your own existence.

As far as Obama goes, I would guess the Palestinians are screwed. With Rahm Emanual, Hillary Clinton, David Axlerod in the driver's seats,,,, I can't imagine any help coming from the US to the poor, beaten people in Gaza. Those three power brokers will just look the other way and deny any wrong doing.. Just like Conde Rice, another blind puppet.


nobody's listening...


The Palestinian street on 911

No. Go look it up.


Oh like this:
The State of Palestine

The State of Palestine was proclaimed on November 15, 1988 by the Palestinian National Council, the legislative body of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), in Algiers, by a vote of 253-46, with 10 abstentions. The declaration invoked the Treaty of Lausanne (1923) and UN General Assembly Resolution 181 in support of its claim to a "State of Palestine on our Palestinian territory with its capital Jerusalem". It became the most diplomatically successful of a number of efforts to create a Palestinian state, despite the fact that, because the State of Palestine did not have control over any territory at the time, it did not fulfill a typical requirement of an autonomous state — possession of sovereign territory. Currently, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), along with the United States, the European Union, and the Arab League, envision the establishment of a State of Palestine to include all or part of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, living in peace with Israel under a democratically elected and transparent government. The State of Palestine was recognized immediately by the Arab League, and about half the world's governments recognize it today. It maintains embassies in these countries (which are generally PLO delegations). The State of Palestine is not recognized by the United Nations, athough the European Union, as well as most member states, maintain diplomatic ties with the Palestinian Authority, established under the Oslo Accords (Leila Shahid, envoy of the PNA to France since 1984, was named in November 2005 representant of the PNA for Europe).
While the declaration concerns Palestine as defined by the British Mandate of Palestine, which includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, it is generally interpreted to have recognized Israel within its pre-1967 boundaries, or was at least a major step on the path to recognition. Just as in Israel's declaration of independence, it partly bases its claims on UN GA 181. By reference to "resolutions of Arab Summits" and "UN resolutions since 1947" (like SC 242) it implicitly and perhaps ambiguously restricted its immediate claims to the Palestinian territories and Jerusalem. It was accompanied by a political statement that explicitly mentioned SC 242 and other UN resolutions and called only for withdrawal from "Arab Jerusalem" and the other "Arab territories occupied."
Yasser Arafat's statements in Geneva a month later were accepted by the United States as sufficient to remove the ambiguities it saw in the declaration and to fulfill the longheld conditions for open dialogue with the United States.

Palestine is one of many historical names for the region between the Mediterranean Sea and the banks of the Jordan River, plus various adjoining lands to the east and south. Many different definitions of the region have been used in the past three millennia
An area known as Palestine was on the map. There was no Palestinian state created.

when speaking of the Bal declaration. The operative word being was

It does matter, because Israel did not exist when "speaking" of the Balfour 'Agreement' - Palestine DID exist. How else could Israel be placed within it?

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