Why does Palestine have a right to exist?

It does matter, because Israel did not exist when "speaking" of the Balfour 'Agreement' - Palestine DID exist. How else could Israel be placed within it?

A Palestinian state or people known as Palestinians did not exist.

...on the same day Arafat signed the Declaration of Principles on the White House lawn in 1993, he explained his actions on Jordan TV. Here's what he said: "Since we cannot defeat Israel in war, we do this in stages. We take any and every territory that we can of Palestine, and establish a sovereignty there, and we use it as a springboard to take more. When the time comes, we can get the Arab nations to join us for the final blow against Israel."
Palestine (Arabic فلسطین pronounced filasteen) is a name which has been widely used since Roman times to refer to the region that includes contemporary Israel and the Palestinian territories, parts of Jordan, and parts of Lebanon and Syria.[1][2] In its narrow meaning, it refers to the area within the boundaries of the former British Mandate of Palestine (1920-1948) west of the Jordan River.

Palestine can also refer to the Proposed Palestinian State. Within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the use of the term Palestine can arouse fierce controversy.[3]

For now there is the Palestinian Terrortories and a sate entity will follow

That argument only holds weight if you believe the USA (and other countries) is no longer a sovereign nation and is controlled by United Nations (invented by the Jews)

As you said the State was established.
Ask yourself why you believe Israel has rioghts no other nation should have before you get too pompous.

I have never asked why Israel should exist nor have I ever suggested that it shouldn't .. and I defy you to find a post from me that suggest I have.

I'm responding here to what seems to me a really strange question coming from people who would shit bricks if anyone suggests Israel should not exist.

Funny... you're responding to someone who thinks that there should be two autonomous states... you're the one applying a double standard and has solutions that leave only dead or subjugated jews.

and I think I'd prefer you answer my question before you try to deflect.
Oh like this:
The State of Palestine

The State of Palestine was proclaimed on November 15, 1988 by the Palestinian National Council, the legislative body of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), in Algiers, by a vote of 253-46, with 10 abstentions. The declaration invoked the Treaty of Lausanne (1923) and UN General Assembly Resolution 181 in support of its claim to a "State of Palestine on our Palestinian territory with its capital Jerusalem". It became the most diplomatically successful of a number of efforts to create a Palestinian state, despite the fact that, because the State of Palestine did not have control over any territory at the time, it did not fulfill a typical requirement of an autonomous state — possession of sovereign territory. Currently, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), along with the United States, the European Union, and the Arab League, envision the establishment of a State of Palestine to include all or part of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, living in peace with Israel under a democratically elected and transparent government. The State of Palestine was recognized immediately by the Arab League, and about half the world's governments recognize it today. It maintains embassies in these countries (which are generally PLO delegations). The State of Palestine is not recognized by the United Nations, athough the European Union, as well as most member states, maintain diplomatic ties with the Palestinian Authority, established under the Oslo Accords (Leila Shahid, envoy of the PNA to France since 1984, was named in November 2005 representant of the PNA for Europe).
While the declaration concerns Palestine as defined by the British Mandate of Palestine, which includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, it is generally interpreted to have recognized Israel within its pre-1967 boundaries, or was at least a major step on the path to recognition. Just as in Israel's declaration of independence, it partly bases its claims on UN GA 181. By reference to "resolutions of Arab Summits" and "UN resolutions since 1947" (like SC 242) it implicitly and perhaps ambiguously restricted its immediate claims to the Palestinian territories and Jerusalem. It was accompanied by a political statement that explicitly mentioned SC 242 and other UN resolutions and called only for withdrawal from "Arab Jerusalem" and the other "Arab territories occupied."
Yasser Arafat's statements in Geneva a month later were accepted by the United States as sufficient to remove the ambiguities it saw in the declaration and to fulfill the longheld conditions for open dialogue with the United States.

Palestine is one of many historical names for the region between the Mediterranean Sea and the banks of the Jordan River, plus various adjoining lands to the east and south. Many different definitions of the region have been used in the past three millennia
fine, move them to Algiers
why not allow them to return to what was their home until they were forcibly removed?

Are you intentionally lying? Or do you just not know what you're talking about?

No one was forcibly removed. At least not before the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem told the population to leave so they could "send the jews to the sea in three days".
The State of Palestine was proclaimed on November 15, 1988

Gosh, that's even younger than the date I had of 1967. So all of a sudden, a brand new ethnicity, with hundreds of thousands of years worth of civilizations and what not, just pops up out of nowhere.

*grabs nazi-zionist map made in China* Howacomes I don't see it on the map?
I already gave you a map of palestine.

I also gave you a paper of the same name that declaired the creation of Isreal.
why not allow them to return to what was their home until they were forcibly removed?
they declared "Palestine" in Algiers

btw, they left of their own free will
inspite of the Israelis BEGGING them to stay and help build a strong country together
they declared "Palestine" in Algiers

btw, they left of their own free will
inspite of the Israelis BEGGING them to stay and help build a strong country together

Many Arabs stayed and their sons and grandsons are part of Israel right now with the same freedoms and rights as every single Jew. There are Arab businsses everywhere and they employ Jews. Jews employ Arabs. It works as a great melting pot.

In Israel, many if not all of the signs are bilingual. They show not only Hebrew, but Arabic as well.

Here is a list of every single Arab-Islamic political party that exist freely and legally in Israel:

Category:Arab political parties in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here is a list of every single Jewish political party that exist freely and legally in every single other Arabic country in the world:

There aren't any!
It does matter, because Israel did not exist when "speaking" of the Balfour 'Agreement' - Palestine DID exist. How else could Israel be placed within it?

You forget:

It was JEWISH Palestine that existed. It was NOT ARAB Palestine that existed.
Many Arabs stayed and their sons and grandsons are part of Israel right now with the same freedoms and rights as every single Jew. There are Arab businsses everywhere and they employ Jews. Jews employ Arabs. It works as a great melting pot.

In Israel, many if not all of the signs are bilingual. They show not only Hebrew, but Arabic as well.

Here is a list of every single Arab-Islamic political party that exist freely and legally in Israel:

Category:Arab political parties in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here is a list of every single Jewish political party that exist freely and legally in every single other Arabic country in the world:

There aren't any!

Do you know who said this?

"Death to the animals! May our missiles and tanks level all of Gaza!"
Are you intentionally lying? Or do you just not know what you're talking about?

No one was forcibly removed. At least not before the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem told the population to leave so they could "send the jews to the sea in three days".

No matter how many times you say that, it won't make it true.

"In November 1947 the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to recommend partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. The two states were to be joined in an economic union, and Jerusalem would be administered by the United Nations. The Arabs would get 43 percent of the land, the Jews 57 percent. The proposed apportionment should be assessed in light of the following facts: The Jewish portion was better land; by the end of 1947 the percentage of Palestine purchased by Jews was less than 7 percent; Jewish land purchases accounted for only 10 percent of the proposed Jewish state; and Jews made up less than one-third of the population of Palestine.[48] Moreover, the Jewish state was to include 497,000 Arabs, who would constitute just under 50 percent of the new state's population."

Sheldon Richman, Senior Editor, CATO Institute.
"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention

The amount of land the Jewish peoples had in 1947 would increase substantially in size if they had accepted the partition plan, and Arabs were very well justified and rejecting it.

Furthermore, the exact data on property:

The Alienation of a Homeland: How Palestine Became Israel

It's well documented, and full of tables and graphs giving empirical data on how much property obtained through coercion, purchases, and other illegal and legal means.

"On April 9, 1948, 254 unarmed men, women, and children at Deir Yassin, an Arab village west of Jerusalem, were massacred by Zionist terrorists. Most of the mutilated bodies were thrown down a well, while others were scattered about the village. While the attack was spearheaded by Begin’s Irgun Zvai Leumi and the frankly fascist Stern gang, the commander of the Haganah approved the attack, although Ben-Gurion’s party attempted to exculpate itself from blame. According to Begin, the attackers used “large numbers of hand-grenades,” and the civilians “suffered inevitable casualties.” Deir Yassin was “the first Arab village to be captured by Jewish forces,” leading the Arabs to expect genocide at the hands of the Zionists.

Panic overwhelmed the Arabs of Eretz Israel.... Arabs throughout the country, induced to believe wild tales [sic] of “Irgun butchery,” were seized with limitless panic and started to flee for their lives. This mass flight soon developed into a maddened, uncontrollable stampede.31

In Jerusalem, Zionist soldiers paraded a few bloodstained Deir Yassin survivors through the streets, and in Haifa Zionist loudspeakers warned the Arabs of more Deir Yassins. “All the Jewish forces proceeded to advance through Haifa like a knife through butter. The Arabs began fleeing in panic, shouting: ÔDeir Yassin!’“32 Sixty thousand Arabs fled Haifa, and almost all of Jaffa’s Arab population of a hundred thousand evaporated. Almost 900 villages and five million dunums of land were abandoned as some three-quarters of a million Arabs fled Jewish, Arab, and British armies alike. “The greater part of the agricultural land was in the hands of these villagers.”33

In mid May 1948, when Israel proclaimed its existence as a state, Jews were still less than one-third of the population of Palestine. Jewish land-ownership, as a result of the expulsion of the Arabs, jumped from nearly 7% of Palestine to 79%; thus it was military force, rather than a half century of land purchases (largely from Arab absentee landowners), that was the primary method by which the land of Palestine became the land of Israel."

I hardly call that a lie.

Both sources are respected libertarian authors, and they both document their work very well.
Gosh, that's even younger than the date I had of 1967. So all of a sudden, a brand new ethnicity, with hundreds of thousands of years worth of civilizations and what not, just pops up out of nowhere.

*grabs nazi-zionist map made in China* Howacomes I don't see it on the map?

Ben Freedman's speech in 1961 may better help you understand the history. Mr. Freedman was a Jew that was alive and informed during all of these times.

Please listen to the speech:


Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times. The Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C., speech was given before a patriotic, Christian audience (NOT before Nazis as some have suggested) in 1961 on behalf of Conde McGinley's patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense.
No matter how many times you say that, it won't make it true.

"In November 1947 the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to recommend partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. The two states were to be joined in an economic union, and Jerusalem would be administered by the United Nations. The Arabs would get 43 percent of the land, the Jews 57 percent. The proposed apportionment should be assessed in light of the following facts: The Jewish portion was better land; by the end of 1947 the percentage of Palestine purchased by Jews was less than 7 percent; Jewish land purchases accounted for only 10 percent of the proposed Jewish state; and Jews made up less than one-third of the population of Palestine.[48] Moreover, the Jewish state was to include 497,000 Arabs, who would constitute just under 50 percent of the new state's population."

Sheldon Richman, Senior Editor, CATO Institute.
"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention

The amount of land the Jewish peoples had in 1947 would increase substantially in size if they had accepted the partition plan, and Arabs were very well justified and rejecting it.

Furthermore, the exact data on property:

The Alienation of a Homeland: How Palestine Became Israel

It's well documented, and full of tables and graphs giving empirical data on how much property obtained through coercion, purchases, and other illegal and legal means.

"On April 9, 1948, 254 unarmed men, women, and children at Deir Yassin, an Arab village west of Jerusalem, were massacred by Zionist terrorists. Most of the mutilated bodies were thrown down a well, while others were scattered about the village. While the attack was spearheaded by Begin’s Irgun Zvai Leumi and the frankly fascist Stern gang, the commander of the Haganah approved the attack, although Ben-Gurion’s party attempted to exculpate itself from blame. According to Begin, the attackers used “large numbers of hand-grenades,” and the civilians “suffered inevitable casualties.” Deir Yassin was “the first Arab village to be captured by Jewish forces,” leading the Arabs to expect genocide at the hands of the Zionists.

Panic overwhelmed the Arabs of Eretz Israel.... Arabs throughout the country, induced to believe wild tales [sic] of “Irgun butchery,” were seized with limitless panic and started to flee for their lives. This mass flight soon developed into a maddened, uncontrollable stampede.31

In Jerusalem, Zionist soldiers paraded a few bloodstained Deir Yassin survivors through the streets, and in Haifa Zionist loudspeakers warned the Arabs of more Deir Yassins. “All the Jewish forces proceeded to advance through Haifa like a knife through butter. The Arabs began fleeing in panic, shouting: ÔDeir Yassin!’“32 Sixty thousand Arabs fled Haifa, and almost all of Jaffa’s Arab population of a hundred thousand evaporated. Almost 900 villages and five million dunums of land were abandoned as some three-quarters of a million Arabs fled Jewish, Arab, and British armies alike. “The greater part of the agricultural land was in the hands of these villagers.”33

In mid May 1948, when Israel proclaimed its existence as a state, Jews were still less than one-third of the population of Palestine. Jewish land-ownership, as a result of the expulsion of the Arabs, jumped from nearly 7% of Palestine to 79%; thus it was military force, rather than a half century of land purchases (largely from Arab absentee landowners), that was the primary method by which the land of Palestine became the land of Israel."

I hardly call that a lie.

Both sources are respected libertarian authors, and they both document their work very well.

I'm sure you think floonnet and the CATO institute are valid sources.

But I really hate revisionist history.

You need to go study. Start with something easy.

History of Israel and Palestine in VERY Easy To Understand Maps

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