Why does Palestine have a right to exist?

I'm so confused. You're contradicting yourself with every other sentence you say. "No nation has the right to exist, but it's ok if they do?"

Do I have the right of freedom of speech? Yes. That is a right given to me by my country. I asked for your definition of a right, you ignored that.
What is your definition of a right?

Whether or not God gave the land of Israel to the Jews is irrelevant in this pretext. Abraham raised an army and conquered Caanan. And there they existed, the Jews in the Kingdom of Israel for thousands of years. They were conquered and when the Ottoman Empire dissolved, founded Palestine under the British Flag. The Brits had the right to do that because they beat the Ottoman Empire in a war. So Palestine became their land and they gave it to the Jews. The Jews then asked for the land to be re-named Israel and so it was.

These are facts and are irrelevant to your theory of rights and such. Therefore, the land owned by Israel is Israel's only and it can decide what to do with its own land. The land it won during wars was Gaza and the West Bank and Israel, being a sovreign country, can kick every single Arab out of Gaza and the West Bank.

The issue was Palestine's right to exist. That was the origin of the thread topic - I should know, I started it. You refuse to answer yes or no on the question, however; judging from your "no nation has a right to exist" statement, Palestine has no right to exist, therefore, you have no problem with Israel re-taking its own land and expanding its borders, correct?

Are you fucking stupid by accident or purposely?

No nation has a right (By God or another country) to exist. If a country exists then it exists. Do YOU have any idea what the hell what that phrase means?

I've already given the definition of a right. (Temporary Privileges)

To the part I bolded: You used the argument that God gave the Jews that land originally, that was your whole fuckin reasoning as to why the Jews should get that land. So go fuck yourself for being a hypocrite.

And to the second part I bolded: I guess that means any Muslims in the country just get thrown out? I stopped taking what you say even seriously after you said Atheists should have no rights. Imagine if I said Jews should have no rights? Holy fucking shit would you be foaming from the mouth crying to Gunny to ban me.

And to the third part I bolded: I guess this means killing innocent children and others then too?

Yes, it's official, you're a fucking whacko.

I already answered no, just like I would that Israel has no right to exist. Doesn't make me antisemite either when I feel that NO country has a right to exist simply because some God might of said so or because another country said they had a right to.

I have a problem with Israel killing any civilians and innocent people. You have no such problem. God knows you'd probably kill a few yourself if you knew you could get away with it and weren't such a damn coward.

But hey, let Israel go attack other countries and try to "re-claim their land". But don't fucking come crying to me when they get attacked back.
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Actually, very few animals act as uncivilized as many of these Arabs. It is not about hating Arabs; it is about hating what they stand for, which is the devaluation of human life on every level, including their own. The OP is 100% correct that there never was a Palestine. He is also correct that at any time a new country of Palestine could have been created, where this new country could have interacted with Israel at the closest levels of cooperation. Together, everyone's lives would have been improved greatly. Instead, the stupid Arab Muslims continue to wage an unwinnable war destroying any chance their people have of living a productive and enjoyable life.

All one need do is look at the quality of life of Arabs living in Israel versus Arabs living in the West Bank or Gaza. Arabs within Israel enjoy a much higher standard of living than Arabs in any other part of this entire region.
American Thinker: The Arab constituency in Israel

I just provided you a map of Palestine

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Hey David the Coward, I await a response to this:

Uh, he did. If you don't believe in the Bible, then this discussion is not for you. Because Muslims, Christinas and Jews are basing their entire existences because there's a God.

So because they do, everyone else should? :cuckoo:

God also said in the bible (O.T for most of these) that slavery is okay, to kill disobedient children, to kill people who commit adultery, to kill homosexuals, to kill an entire town because one person in the town believes in a different god, to burn nonbelievers and or to shun them, that animal AND human sacrifice is pleasing to God, that God says rape is okay to commit.

In fact, God says if a woman is raped then she should be killed along with the rapist IF she is a married woman. If she is not a married woman, she is forced to marry the rapist. :cuckoo:

Polygamy is alright according to God, as is Baby Killing (death to the first born sons), killing fortunetellers, killing people who don't listen to priests, kill witches, kill people who curse their parents, death for fornication, kill false prophets, kill women who are not virgins on their wedding night, kill those who work on the sabbath, kill the sons of sinners (God had quite a thing for killing sons in the O.T), go kill all Babylon, God will kill Ethiopia.

Hmm, quite a list there huh David?

The fact you care to use that book as a way to say you're correct is at the very least laughable. Guess you also believe in all those things huh?

And before you open your ignorant mouth, I am in fact a catholic. But I'm not a blind and ignorant one that follows everything simply because "God" says so.
The same declaration that put Israel on the map put Palestinian on the map. So if you claim Israel exists so does Palestinian. The difference is Palastian has been loosing territory on a daily basis where the land theives Israel has been gaining it - ILLEGALLY.

dear doosh, Palestinians lost land when they act like morons and wage war. Arab nations got back land Israel took to use as a buffer against attacks from her neighbors.

There will be peace in the mideast when Arab mothers love their children more than they hate Jews...and when fuckin' idiots like you stop sending support to the people who danced in the streets on 911. Fuck you and have a miserable new year you traitorous scum. Stop supporting the enemies of the USA.
Originally posted by DavidS
How can you militarily occupy your own land? Israel isn't forcing the Arabs to live there you know. They come from Arabia, not Israel. They can easily go back and live the Wahabi Fine life.

David, I'm gonna create a thread explaining the palestinian national identity. All these questions will be addressed there.
dear doosh, Palestinians lost land when they act like morons and wage war. Arab nations got back land Israel took to use as a buffer against attacks from her neighbors.

There will be peace in the mideast when Arab mothers love their children more than they hate Jews...and when fuckin' idiots like you stop sending support to the people who danced in the streets on 911. Fuck you and have a miserable new year you traitorous scum. Stop supporting the enemies of the USA.

So Dev, do you think the shit that David spews is right?

You agree that Israel can and should do anything that's within their borders?

That Atheists have no rights?

That God (who loves all his children) supposedly just gave the Jews a special piece of land? The same one he promised to the Christians and Muslims?

Palestine has the right to exist for the same reason Israel has the right to exist. Somebody gave them the land that they exist on. You see this as an injustice, the same way I'm sure they saw it as an injustice when Israel was given land to exist on.

Exactly. It's somewhat humorous that private property, being the very tenants of capitalism, was abdicated, and yet, U.S.'s mortal enemy during the 2nd half of the 20th century was communist Russia.

No nation or government has the right to exist, period. It's the basic tenants of human rights, that the governors get the rights to govern from the people they serve, not the other way around.
Originally posted by Shogun
thats an awfully zionist flavoured answer, amigo. Who was the jewish version of those gringos that ASKED, and received permission, to settle israel?

Instead of denying History America should be learning from it…

If anything, to prevent it from repeating itself… this time with America on the receiving end of the violence/land grab…

Well... who cares about History at this point in time anyway?? too late to do anything.

The best thing anglos can do by now is throw in the towel and enjoy the enchilada :D
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So Dev, do you think the shit that David spews is right?

You agree that Israel can and should do anything that's within their borders?

That Atheists have no rights?

That God (who loves all his children) supposedly just gave the Jews a special piece of land? The same one he promised to the Christians and Muslims?


I make no apologies for David. I don't give a fuck about any Atheists as I am a non believer who belongs to no group. I have no opinions on any mythical gods.
dear doosh, Palestinians lost land when they act like morons and wage war. Arab nations got back land Israel took to use as a buffer against attacks from her neighbors.

There will be peace in the mideast when Arab mothers love their children more than they hate Jews...and when fuckin' idiots like you stop sending support to the people who danced in the streets on 911. Fuck you and have a miserable new year you traitorous scum. Stop supporting the enemies of the USA.

LOL- I see you have no facts, just animal zionist spews of vial hate. The theft of land has been proven over and over again to be ILLEGAL.

The Israeli's were the one's dancing in the streets on 9/11

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tRfhUezbKLw&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tRfhUezbKLw&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

The Palestinians had NOTHING to do with 9/11 dummy.
dear doosh, Palestinians lost land when they act like morons and wage war. Arab nations got back land Israel took to use as a buffer against attacks from her neighbors.

There will be peace in the mideast when Arab mothers love their children more than they hate Jews...and when fuckin' idiots like you stop sending support to the people who danced in the streets on 911. Fuck you and have a miserable new year you traitorous scum. Stop supporting the enemies of the USA.

I'll take 57% of everything you legitimately own, and expect you not to retaliate, moron? You goddamn right you'd respond with all your might. Murray Rothbard, a Jewish founder of austro-libertarianism and laissez-faire capitalism, wrote this succinct article on the tragedies imposed on those Arabs exiled from their rightful property:


Looks like the same could be said about certain Israelis. When the certain Israelis love peace more than they love to remove Palestinians from their property by force, there will be peace. They even brainwash little girls to hate peace:


Don't dare fucking bring 911 into this mess, as that was caused by the very same narrow-minded collectivist pieces of shit like you. I had knew people that died, personally, and so go fuck yourself with an iron stick and rotate.
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Don't dare fucking bring 911 into this mess, as that was caused by the very same narrow-minded collectivist pieces of shit like you. I had knew people that died, personally, and so go fuck yourself with an iron stick and rotate.

So do I and my best friend was there in the rubble of the Twin Towers looking to save Americans as Palestinians were dancing in the streets giving the V for victory sign. Sorry if I hold people to their actions and not their words alone.

give the 'ownership' of 911 act a rest. There are lots of us who knew people who died or were injured.
So do I and my best friend was there in the rubble of the Twin Towers looking to save Americans as Palestinians were dancing in the streets giving the V for victory sign. Sorry if I hold people to their actions and not their words alone.

give the 'ownership' of 911 act a rest. There are lots of us who knew people who died or were injured.

There are some Americans who deny the Holocaust ever happened. Do they speak for all of us? Absolutely not.

Don't use 9/11 as a fucking political point. It's a tragedy, plain and simple.
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There are some Americans who deny the Holocaust ever happened. Do they speak for all of us? Absolutely not.

Don't use 9/11 as a fucking political point. It's a tragedy, plain and simple.

Political point? 911?

The people who committed the acts that are known by 911 did exactly that...they made a political point.

stop acting like you own 911...you don't. get off the victim wagon
Political point? 911?

The people who committed the acts that are known by 911 did exactly that...they made a political point.

stop acting like you own 911...you don't. get off the victim wagon

I don't, at all. It belongs to the dead. You're using 911 to somehow convince people Palestinians are scum. I'm saying let it be.

Moving on, you still haven't responded to my question about what you would do if I took 57% of everything you owned?
I don't, at all. It belongs to the dead. You're using 911 to somehow convince people Palestinians are scum. I'm saying let it be.

Moving on, you still haven't responded to my question about what you would do if I took 57% of everything you owned?

nobody owned anything over there. Israel is a recognized state entity...move on.

911 does NOT belong to the dead or their families. Niot if it was a national tragedy. get it loser?

Palestinians not only danced in the streets celebrating the collapse of the Twin Towers, they did it for the cameras of CNN knowing we Americans would see it.
There are some Americans who deny the Holocaust ever happened. Do they speak for all of us? Absolutely not.

Don't use 9/11 as a fucking political point. It's a tragedy, plain and simple.

What happened with mr. Devnell is he was over whelmed with the Facts of the Balfour Agreement (that again placed Palastine firmly on the map) and Illegal land grabs by the Israelis so he went back to the old 9/11 song. Typical reaction when these ignorant Israeli Firsters get clobbered with the truth. Of course anyone with a brain knows distortion of the facts and inducing deception - steering away from the facts- is the only argument he has.

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