Why does Palestine have a right to exist?

it is about hating what they stand for, which is the devaluation of human life on every level, including their own

gosh, IRONY ABOUND! Say, it's awfully funny how you seem to have missed our local zionist jew calling for the extermination of muslims which would only perpetuate a cucle of violence against jews.. But, hey... muslims are beastly cockroaches who are probably tools of satan, right? Who needs to criticise jews when there are minions of the devil to prod into revelation's predictions?

It was once thought that there would never be a jewish israel too. I guess you should consider changing the perscription on your prediction glasses.

after all, comparing lifestyles probably has NOTHING to do with blockades, aparthied walls, and the US throwing money at israel. nope. This is a social VACUUM!

So once again, no one provides any valid argument of why Palestine should exist and instead revert to personal attacks on me.

Wonderful! Such intelligent and skilled debators on here!

The next time you scream and yell that Palestine should exist and Israel is nothing more than a monster, ask yourself "Why am I supporting the Arabs? Is it because I hate Israel or because the Arabs have a right to exist in that land?"
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So once again, no one provides any valid argument of why Palestine should exist and instead revert to personal attacks on me.

Wonderful! Such intelligent and skilled debators on here!

I have already answered your question.

YOU on the other hand have avoided answering mine, avoided my posts, and are completely psycho.

If this were an actual debate, you'd lose quite easily.
I have already answered your question.

You said that no nation has a right to exist. That includes America, because America is a nation. You are, in essence saying it's ok for America to not exist because we don't have a right to exist. Your argument is flawed and you're not even answering the question with relevance to Palestine.
So once again, no one provides any valid argument of why Palestine should exist and instead revert to personal attacks on me.

Wonderful! Such intelligent and skilled debators on here!

The next time you scream and yell that Palestine should exist and Israel is nothing more than a monster, ask yourself "Why am I supporting the Arabs? Is it because I hate Israel or because the Arabs have a right to exist in that land?"

says the guy who posted a thread calling for nuking muslims during a religious occasion.. Trust me, dude.. if you didn't have an automatic jew pass you wouldn't make it past the first round. Even then, your sole support wold come not for your debate but for your ethnicity. When white people act like you we call them Klansmen.
It's fucking hillarious to see the super patriotic american clowns of the US Message Board (JUSTIFIABLY) complaining about illegal mexican immigration in the US (a sovereign country with a massive military machine) and criticising the palestinian people, a people under military occupation, for reacting to thousands of euro jews entering their homeland without their consent.

"In 21th century America I phantasise about shooting wetbacks at the border."

But in Palestine it's "let's give half our homeland to foreigners and be grateful they allow us to live in the rest".
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You said that no nation has a right to exist. That includes America, because America is a nation. You are, in essence saying it's ok for America to not exist because we don't have a right to exist. Your argument is flawed and you're not even answering the question with relevance to Palestine.

the fact of the matter is that, before the creation of israel, there WERE muslims living on that land. YOU may not want to call them palis but THEY were a population that got in the way of your zionism and no amount of zionist talking points will negate this fact. Whatever they want to call themselves, Palestinians or whatever, THEY were there before your charished little racist state could set up shop and show the world how to get away with ethnically cleansing any non-jew input from making too much noise in a "western" state.
José;970621 said:
It's fucking hillarious to see the super patriotic american clowns of the US Message Board (JUSTIFIABLY) complaining about illegal mexican immigration in the US (a sovereign country with a massive military machine) and criticising the palestinian people, a people under military occupation, for reacting to thousands of euro jews entering their homeland without their consent.

"In 21th century America I phantasise about shooting wetbacks at the border."

But in Palestine it's "let's give half our homeland to foreigners and be grateful they allow us to live in the rest".

jey Jose... did you ever get around to answering my simple, YES OR NO question about gringos having full on permission from mexico city to settle Texas? When you finally get around to gathering the, uh I believe the word is Cajones, to do so please name for me the jewish equivilent to these permission getting gringos..

You said that no nation has a right to exist. That includes America, because America is a nation. You are, in essence saying it's ok for America to not exist because we don't have a right to exist. Your argument is flawed and you're not even answering the question with relevance to Palestine.

I never said whether it's okay for any nation to exist.

I said no nation has a RIGHT (Whether given by a group or some God) to exist.

What a fucking idiot you are, you continue to avoid the issue. Do it again and I'll just repost what I said until you decide to be a man for once in your pitiful life and respond.
the fact of the matter is that, before the creation of israel, there WERE muslims living on that land.

Yes, and? There were also Israeli Jews, Druze and Bedouin. Your point? Israel has never outlawed any religion to be freely practiced on its land. There are over 1 million Arab Muslims living peacefully in Israel today.

YOU may not want to call them palis but THEY were a population that got in the way of your zionism and no amount of zionist talking points will negate this fact. Whatever they want to call themselves, Palestinians or whatever, THEY were there before your charished little racist state could set up shop and show the world how to get away with ethnically cleansing any non-jew input from making too much noise in a "western" state.

This is complete ignorance and nothing else. There is no ethnic cleansing or racism or anything else. As I said, Arab Muslims live freely in Israel today. Over a million. They did not get in the way of the founding of Israel, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Iraq and a whole host of other Arab countries got in the way. We removed their ability to continue to get in our way.

While a Jew may visit Iraq, a Jew may not serve on its government. Nor may a Jew serve in the government of many other Arab nations. Yet Arab Muslims can serve on the government in Israel.
I never said whether it's okay for any nation to exist.

I said no nation has a RIGHT (Whether given by a group or some God) to exist.

What a fucking idiot you are, you continue to avoid the issue. Do it again and I'll just repost what I said until you decide to be a man for once in your pitiful life and respond.

CLEARLY, you just admitted that you want to see dead jews floating in the Mediterranean and can't wait to throw a jew down a well. Watch his reaction.
Originally posted by Shogun
jey Jose... did you ever get around to answering my simple, YES OR NO question about gringos having full on permission from mexico city to settle Texas? When you finally get around to gathering the, uh I believe the word is Cajones, to do so please name for me the jewish equivilent to these permission getting gringos..


I was addressing the following comment in my previous post:

Originally posted by auditor0007
He is also correct that at any time a new country of Palestine could have been created, where this new country could have interacted with Israel at the closest levels of cooperation. Together, everyone's lives would have been improved greatly.

Never saw you criticising the palestinian people for not welcoming with open arms the mass immigration/invasion of European jews without their consent... So the post was not directed at you in any way...

As far as the landgrab of Mexico's former northern provinces is concerned, there's no point in explaining for the umpteenth time something you don't want to understand in the first place...
Yes, and? There were also Israeli Jews, Druze and Bedouin. Your point? Israel has never outlawed any religion to be freely practiced on its land. There are over 1 million Arab Muslims living peacefully in Israel today.

And nothing. THAT is the point, zionist. outlawed religions are not what is at stake here. Excuses to margninalize non-jews for the sake of your zionist wet dream are - those other populations be damned. You asked for an answer and you got it. Now, if that sends you into a rabid fit of seeing antisemitism then so be it. Do you really think your reaction is not predictable?

This is complete ignorance and nothing else. There is no ethnic cleansing or racism or anything else. As I said, Arab Muslims live freely in Israel today. Over a million. They did not get in the way of the founding of Israel, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Iraq and a whole host of other Arab countries got in the way. We removed their ability to continue to get in our way.

The jewish right of return, AND REFUSAL TO BE DEMOCRATIC IF THERE ARE NOT MORE VOTING JEWS, is exactly that. Blacks live FREELY in America yet without the promise of equality, BY EVIDENCE OF BLACK PERSPECTIVE ON POLITICS UP TO AND INCLUDING BLACK PRESIDENTS, then WE would fail just like YOU are going to. You see, ACTUAL democracies don't "remove people that get in our zionist way" so much as they assimilate populations and extend EQUALITY despite ethnic differences.

tell me, zionist.. when do you fathom a Muslim Pali ever being the PM of Israel for any conclusive timeframe? Your answer destroys your position.

While a Jew may visit Iraq, a Jew may not serve on its government. Nor may a Jew serve in the government of many other Arab nations. Yet Arab Muslims can serve on the government in Israel.

Iraq is not a WESTERN DEMOCRATIC NATION like you are pretending israel is. In fact, we are currently in Iraq pounding the shit out of them.. I guess if you want to add israel to that list...

deflect deflect deflect! hell, if nazis got away with gassing jews then it's only antisemetic NOT to allow israel the same options, right dude??

you are a failure, zionoist. enjoy the upcoming century.
I never said whether it's okay for any nation to exist. I said no nation has a RIGHT (Whether given by a group or some God) to exist.

I'm so confused. You're contradicting yourself with every other sentence you say. "No nation has the right to exist, but it's ok if they do?"

Do I have the right of freedom of speech? Yes. That is a right given to me by my country. I asked for your definition of a right, you ignored that.
What is your definition of a right?

Whether or not God gave the land of Israel to the Jews is irrelevant in this pretext. Abraham raised an army and conquered Caanan. And there they existed, the Jews in the Kingdom of Israel for thousands of years. They were conquered and when the Ottoman Empire dissolved, founded Palestine under the British Flag. The Brits had the right to do that because they beat the Ottoman Empire in a war. So Palestine became their land and they gave it to the Jews. The Jews then asked for the land to be re-named Israel and so it was.

These are facts and are irrelevant to your theory of rights and such. Therefore, the land owned by Israel is Israel's only and it can decide what to do with its own land. The land it won during wars was Gaza and the West Bank and Israel, being a sovreign country, can kick every single Arab out of Gaza and the West Bank.

What a fucking idiot you are, you continue to avoid the issue. Do it again and I'll just repost what I said until you decide to be a man for once in your pitiful life and respond.

The issue was Palestine's right to exist. That was the origin of the thread topic - I should know, I started it. You refuse to answer yes or no on the question, however; judging from your "no nation has a right to exist" statement, Palestine has no right to exist, therefore, you have no problem with Israel re-taking its own land and expanding its borders, correct?
As far as the landgrab of Mexico's former northern provinces is concerned, there's no point in explaining for the umpteenth time something you don't want to understand in the first place...

thats an awfully zionist flavoured answer, amigo. Who was the jewish version of those gringos that ASKED, and received permission, to settle israel?
José;970621 said:
It's fucking hillarious to see the super patriotic american clowns of the US Message Board (JUSTIFIABLY) complaining about illegal mexican immigration in the US (a sovereign country with a massive military machine) and criticising the palestinian people, a people under military occupation, for reacting to thousands of euro jews entering their homeland without their consent.

"In 21th century America I phantasise about shooting wetbacks at the border."

But in Palestine it's "let's give half our homeland to foreigners and be grateful they allow us to live in the rest".

How can you militarily occupy your own land? Israel isn't forcing the Arabs to live there you know. They come from Arabia, not Israel. They can easily go back and live the Wahabi Fine life.
CLEARLY, you just admitted that you want to see dead jews floating in the Mediterranean and can't wait to throw a jew down a well. Watch his reaction.

:lol: You mean like Borat?


And before David flips out, Sasha himself is Jewish.

Edit: I must say, the guy sure can play a guitar and sing. :lol:
Is it OK if I ask as non-confrontational as possible why does Israel have the right to exist?

After all, it's a creation of British zionists colonialists who have never had any claim, right, or title to the land.

Israel is an artificial creation that is populated by european jews who also never had any claim, right, or title to the land.

"Israel is an artificial creation..." - Captain Oblivious

So are every nation on earth.

The same declaration that put Israel on the map put Palestinian on the map. So if you claim Israel exists so does Palestine. The difference is Palestine has been loosing territory on a daily basis where the land thieves Israel has been gaining it - ILLEGALLY.


The Balfour Declaration (it its entirety):
Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour
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Palestine has the right to exist for the same reason Israel has the right to exist. Somebody gave them the land that they exist on. You see this as an injustice, the same way I'm sure they saw it as an injustice when Israel was given land to exist on.

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