Why does Palestine have a right to exist?

This thread completely fails because Palestine, Israel, and any other country has no right to exist.

That is complete and total bullshit. By your logic, you have no right to land and anyone can come take over anyone else's land because they have no right to it.

The Arabs have rights to over 20 countries. That's their land, their rules, they do whatever they want.

Why do the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza need their own country?

Stop trying to justify why you think you're right David. At this point I believe you could care less about peace.

This topic has nothing to do with peace. If you want to talk about peace, go somewhere else.
Because they seriously believe that God gave them THAT land.

Uh, he did. If you don't believe in the Bible, then this discussion is not for you. Because Muslims, Christinas and Jews are basing their entire existences because there's a God.
That is complete and total bullshit. By your logic, you have no right to land and anyone can come take over anyone else's land because they have no right to it.

The Arabs have rights to over 20 countries. That's their land, their rules, they do whatever they want.

Why do the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza need their own country?

This topic has nothing to do with peace. If you want to talk about peace, go somewhere else.

:lol: No doubt you don't want peace David.

Besides, that's not my logic. I have a right to the land I live on because my parents own it. Just like anyone else who owns land as a right to it.

However, no one simply has a right to the land because God supposedly said so.

And no nation has a right to exist, period.
Uh, he did. If you don't believe in the Bible, then this discussion is not for you. Because Muslims, Christinas and Jews are basing their entire existences because there's a God.

So because they do, everyone else should? :cuckoo:

God also said in the bible (O.T for most of these) that slavery is okay, to kill disobedient children, to kill people who commit adultery, to kill homosexuals, to kill an entire town because one person in the town believes in a different god, to burn nonbelievers and or to shun them, that animal AND human sacrifice is pleasing to God, that God says rape is okay to commit.

In fact, God says if a woman is raped then she should be killed along with the rapist IF she is a married woman. If she is not a married woman, she is forced to marry the rapist. :cuckoo:

Polygamy is alright according to God, as is Baby Killing (death to the first born sons), killing fortunetellers, killing people who don't listen to priests, kill witches, kill people who curse their parents, death for fornication, kill false prophets, kill women who are not virgins on their wedding night, kill those who work on the sabbath, kill the sons of sinners (God had quite a thing for killing sons in the O.T), go kill all Babylon, God will kill Ethiopia.

Hmm, quite a list there huh David?

The fact you care to use that book as a way to say you're correct is at the very least laughable. Guess you also believe in all those things huh?

And before you open your ignorant mouth, I am in fact a catholic. But I'm not a blind and ignorant one that follows everything simply because "God" says so.
Besides, that's not my logic. I have a right to the land I live on because my parents own it.

How do your parents have a right to own land? Because the government says she does. If the government doesn't have a right to exist, why should your parents or you have a right to land that has no right?

Let's just invite everyone over.. no one owns land, no one owns territory, it's one big grassy field.

Sorry, you're wrong. America has a right to exist. Russia has a right to exist. Even Bulgaria has a right to exist.

Maybe I'm mis-understanding your definition of "right." So, inform me. What is your definition of a "right?"

Just like anyone else who owns land as a right to it.

You contradict yourself. How can anyone own land if a nation doesn't have a right to exist?

However, no one simply has a right to the land because God supposedly said so.

Why not? You'd think the most powerful, awesome being in the entire universe who created more planets than there are grains of sand on the earth has a right to say "Those who practice this religion can have this small piece of land."

This is with the assumption you believe in God. If you don't, this conversation is not for you. Athiests shouldn't have any rights.
HOLY FUCK! DavidS and JILLIAN ironically isnsiting that Palestine DOESNT HAVE A RIGHT TO EXIST?


Your true fascist zionist nature is showing DavidS

No wonder the Palestanians have no other option but to fight!

You're over reacting, yet again. This thread is specifically about why Palestine has the right to exist. It's not about the discussion of oil, Russia, solar energy or ongoing conflicts in the ME.

Since you're so well versed, would you care to answer my question? Why does Palestine have a right to exist?
HOLY FUCK! DavidS and JILLIAN ironically isnsiting that Palestine DOESNT HAVE A RIGHT TO EXIST?

Actually, I'm not saying that at all. All I'm asking is one, very simple question: Why does Palestine have a right to exist?

So far the answers I'm getting are:

No nation has a right to exist
It has a right to exist because people are there
DavidS is insisting Palestine doesn't have a right to exist

#1 is completely incorrect, #2 is just plain dumb because if a group of people being in a specific location is all of the qualifications needed to form a country, I'm going to get a few Giants fans together and we're going to create our own country in New Jersey and secceed from the US.

And #3 doesn't even answer the question.
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How do your parents have a right to own land? Because the government says she does. If the government doesn't have a right to exist, why should your parents or you have a right to land that has no right?

Let's just invite everyone over.. no one owns land, no one owns territory, it's one big grassy field.

Sorry, you're wrong. America has a right to exist. Russia has a right to exist. Even Bulgaria has a right to exist.

Maybe I'm mis-understanding your definition of "right." So, inform me. What is your definition of a "right?"

You contradict yourself. How can anyone own land if a nation doesn't have a right to exist?

Why not? You'd think the most powerful, awesome being in the entire universe who created more planets than there are grains of sand on the earth has a right to say "Those who practice this religion can have this small piece of land."

This is with the assumption you believe in God. If you don't, this conversation is not for you. Athiests shouldn't have any rights.

Because my parents paid a little thing called money, you know what that is right? People don't accept God bucks here.

No country has a right to exist, simple.

Difference between land and a nation.

Well answer this one Einstein: If God loved all his children equally like the bible says, then why would he give certain plots to certain people who practice a certain religion?

And besides, that's if you believe in Judaism.

If you're a Christian, the Jews had a choice between freeing a criminal and Jesus; they chose the criminal. So according to the bible, why should the Jews have a right to any such land when they went and killed the son of God? Nice way to be thankful to God huh?

Let me put it this way: Using religion to try and justify politics is complete and utter BULLSHIT.

And to what I bolded: This is why I think your utterly batshit insane.
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Actually, I'm not saying that at all. All I'm asking is one, very simple question: Why does Palestine have a right to exist?

Bull fucking shit.

You've been saying all along that Palestine has no right to exist while Israel does. I await your response to my long post I made awhile ago.
Because my parents paid a little thing called money, you know what that is right? People don't accept God bucks here. No country has a right to exist, simple. Difference between land and a nation.

No offense, Robert, but I think this is where your age is beginning to show. Your parents have to pay the state government taxes to own that land. Somewhere down the line, somewhere along the way, someone bought that piece of land from the state government and built a house there. Your parents basically have a contract with the government that says "As long as you pay your property taxes, you can keep your home." But if the government doesn't have a right to exist, who cares? The contract is moot. Oh and uh, if another group of people disagree with your philosophy of no government having a right to exist, they are free to take your home from you. Why? No government stopping them.
No offense, Robert, but I think this is where your age is beginning to show. Your parents have to pay the state government taxes to own that land. Somewhere down the line, somewhere along the way, someone bought that piece of land from the state government and built a house there. Your parents basically have a contract with the government that says "As long as you pay your property taxes, you can keep your home." But if the government doesn't have a right to exist, who cares? The contract is moot. Oh and uh, if another group of people disagree with your philosophy of no government having a right to exist, they are free to take your home from you. Why? No government stopping them.

That's if the government doesn't exist. I don't make the rules for America David.

But once again, you're avoiding the rest of my posts and my long post I've asked you to respond to because you are nothing more then a coward.

Your God cannot save your ass from the facts.
anyone have ANY illusions about how DavidS-types of zionist jews in israel ARE the root of the conflict? We demonize muslims for religious, racist bullshit.... but when a jew does the exact same shit in order to validate violence and ethnic domination... well.. thats the way god wants it.

absolutely batshit crazy. AND, anyone who doesn't fall in line finds Jillian types swooping in to apply Scarlet A's and deflect criticism at any non-jew within reach.
anyone have ANY illusions about how DavidS-types of zionist jews in israel ARE the root of the conflict? We demonize muslims for religious, racist bullshit.... but when a jew does the exact same shit in order to validate violence and ethnic domination... well.. thats the way god wants it.

absolutely batshit crazy
. AND, anyone who doesn't fall in line finds Jillian types swooping in to apply Scarlet A's and deflect criticism at any non-jew within reach.

110% agree with you there. :clap2:
DavidS, you seek to justify your hatred of the Palestanian people by dehumanizing them and calling them animals on several posts.

This is No different that the Nazi's who made propanganda film's in which the Jews were compared to rats and other vermin.

Actually, very few animals act as uncivilized as many of these Arabs. It is not about hating Arabs; it is about hating what they stand for, which is the devaluation of human life on every level, including their own. The OP is 100% correct that there never was a Palestine. He is also correct that at any time a new country of Palestine could have been created, where this new country could have interacted with Israel at the closest levels of cooperation. Together, everyone's lives would have been improved greatly. Instead, the stupid Arab Muslims continue to wage an unwinnable war destroying any chance their people have of living a productive and enjoyable life.

All one need do is look at the quality of life of Arabs living in Israel versus Arabs living in the West Bank or Gaza. Arabs within Israel enjoy a much higher standard of living than Arabs in any other part of this entire region.
American Thinker: The Arab constituency in Israel
And nonsense like this destroys any semblance of an argument that you may have had.

Exactly, imagine if you were him and said Jews in place of that Kevin?

So many members of the board would be calling for your head faster then America wanted Osama Bin Laden's.

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