Why Does Race Matter For The Census Count? Is The Census Form Racist?

Holly (IDS)

Dec 3, 2014
Hi, my name is Holly and I'm doing a school project on what I've learned in my class and I need your help!!! PLEASE keep ALL your responses and comments clean and educated so I can turn your feedback into my professor.
What are your opinions on the census form question about race? And why does the census form ask a question about Hispanic origin and the very nest question is about your race and they want you to answer both?
The census is also used to report on national demographics not only how many people but who they are, where they live and what they do

Valuable information
Hi, my name is Holly and I'm doing a school project on what I've learned in my class and I need your help!!! PLEASE keep ALL your responses and comments clean and educated so I can turn your feedback into my professor.
What are your opinions on the census form question about race? And why does the census form ask a question about Hispanic origin and the very nest question is about your race and they want you to answer both?
I refuse to answer the census form.

As a free citizen, I was offended by the warning on the outside of the envelope saying I must fill it out UNDER PENALTY OF LAW.

I make them write letters, make threats, send people out here and make them let me take the short phone survey AFTER they say please.

For some reason I get that damned Community survey, and I will not answer those questions.

I think they have me flagged, last time I got the form, somebody called when I didn't send it back, and asked me if I would please take the phone survey.

The first time I told them I would take it if they said please, the stupid idiot had to get a supervisor.
Hi, my name is Holly and I'm doing a school project on what I've learned in my class and I need your help!!! PLEASE keep ALL your responses and comments clean and educated so I can turn your feedback into my professor.
What are your opinions on the census form question about race? And why does the census form ask a question about Hispanic origin and the very nest question is about your race and they want you to answer both?
I have Hispanic heritage, a Spanish soldier in the Spanish army in Spanish Louisiana is in my line.

But I am white as it gets.

Aren't the very high class Latin Americans of almost pure Spanish heritage considered Hispanic and white also?
Interesting thing about Census Forms.....they become your legacy

I do a lot of family research and Census Forms are my primary source of research. When you die, typically the only record of your life would be a tombstone with your name, year of birth and year of death....That is your legacy on earth
I have researched census forms from almost two hundred years ago. I found information on where my ancestors lived, what country they came from, what they did for a living, how much money they make, how many children they had and what their names were, how much school they had, how many times they were married.
Looking at those records, I was able to recreate much of their lives and put together their life story

Sadly, with rightwing paranoia about big government, that legacy will be lost. 200 years from now, if someone wants to find out who you are, they might just have to look at your tombstone
Interesting thing about Census Forms.....they become your legacy

I do a lot of family research and Census Forms are my primary source of research. When you die, typically the only record of your life would be a tombstone with your name, year of birth and year of death....That is your legacy on earth
I have researched census forms from almost two hundred years ago. I found information on where my ancestors lived, what country they came from, what they did for a living, how much money they make, how many children they had and what their names were, how much school they had, how many times they were married.
Looking at those records, I was able to recreate much of their lives and put together their life story

Sadly, with rightwing paranoia about big government, that legacy will be lost. 200 years from now, if someone wants to find out who you are, they might just have to look at your tombstone

Why is anyone obligated to help you practice genealogy?

Sorry but there is no need to know anything but how many people are in the country. It's no one's business how many bedrooms my house has etc
Interesting thing about Census Forms.....they become your legacy

I do a lot of family research and Census Forms are my primary source of research. When you die, typically the only record of your life would be a tombstone with your name, year of birth and year of death....That is your legacy on earth
I have researched census forms from almost two hundred years ago. I found information on where my ancestors lived, what country they came from, what they did for a living, how much money they make, how many children they had and what their names were, how much school they had, how many times they were married.
Looking at those records, I was able to recreate much of their lives and put together their life story

Sadly, with rightwing paranoia about big government, that legacy will be lost. 200 years from now, if someone wants to find out who you are, they might just have to look at your tombstone

Why is anyone obligated to help you practice genealogy?

Sorry but there is no need to know anything but how many people are in the country. It's no one's business how many bedrooms my house has etc

Your loss

Look at it as a form of immortality. A record of your life on this planet. Who you were, where you lived, what you did, who were your offspring

If you want to die and leve no record of who you were.....go ahead
Interesting thing about Census Forms.....they become your legacy

I do a lot of family research and Census Forms are my primary source of research. When you die, typically the only record of your life would be a tombstone with your name, year of birth and year of death....That is your legacy on earth
I have researched census forms from almost two hundred years ago. I found information on where my ancestors lived, what country they came from, what they did for a living, how much money they make, how many children they had and what their names were, how much school they had, how many times they were married.
Looking at those records, I was able to recreate much of their lives and put together their life story

Sadly, with rightwing paranoia about big government, that legacy will be lost. 200 years from now, if someone wants to find out who you are, they might just have to look at your tombstone

Why is anyone obligated to help you practice genealogy?

Sorry but there is no need to know anything but how many people are in the country. It's no one's business how many bedrooms my house has etc

Your loss

Look at it as a form of immortality. A record of your life on this planet. Who you were, where you lived, what you did, who were your offspring

If you want to die and leve no record of who you were.....go ahead

Immortality? That's funny.

The only record I need to leave is in the hearts and minds of my loved ones. Why would I care about anything else?
Hi, my name is Holly and I'm doing a school project on what I've learned in my class and I need your help!!! PLEASE keep ALL your responses and comments clean and educated so I can turn your feedback into my professor.
What are your opinions on the census form question about race? And why does the census form ask a question about Hispanic origin and the very nest question is about your race and they want you to answer both?

I have seen no discernible benefit for minorities in the gathering of such information. The resulting
Database is valuable for some White people who are worried about the size and growth of racial groups in America. The census survey empowers such whites and affords management of the minorities within various areas of jurisdiction. The resulting database is useful for maintaining the status quo and for implementing nefarious strategies in keeping it that way.
Hi, my name is Holly and I'm doing a school project on what I've learned in my class and I need your help!!! PLEASE keep ALL your responses and comments clean and educated so I can turn your feedback into my professor.
What are your opinions on the census form question about race? And why does the census form ask a question about Hispanic origin and the very nest question is about your race and they want you to answer both?
I have Hispanic heritage, a Spanish soldier in the Spanish army in Spanish Louisiana is in my line.

But I am white as it gets.

Aren't the very high class Latin Americans of almost pure Spanish heritage considered Hispanic and white also?
I think they are. See, that's where it would get soooo confusing!!! Race and origin should not matter in any case and it's really none of anyone's business. In ur case I guess u could check a couple different boxes on the form, unless u just want to consider urself white, but that is ur decision to make and not anyone else's.
Interesting thing about Census Forms.....they become your legacy

I do a lot of family research and Census Forms are my primary source of research. When you die, typically the only record of your life would be a tombstone with your name, year of birth and year of death....That is your legacy on earth
I have researched census forms from almost two hundred years ago. I found information on where my ancestors lived, what country they came from, what they did for a living, how much money they make, how many children they had and what their names were, how much school they had, how many times they were married.
Looking at those records, I was able to recreate much of their lives and put together their life story

Sadly, with rightwing paranoia about big government, that legacy will be lost. 200 years from now, if someone wants to find out who you are, they might just have to look at your tombstone
Well in ur case it worked out for u in ur favor because u were looking for more info about ur ancestors, but as far as how personal the government gets on the census form and how much info they ask, it's just none of their business. The ONLY thing the census form should ask is, "How many people live in ur household?" The census count should ONLY be used to calculate how many people there are in an area. That's ALL the government needs to know about that!!!
Hi, my name is Holly and I'm doing a school project on what I've learned in my class and I need your help!!! PLEASE keep ALL your responses and comments clean and educated so I can turn your feedback into my professor.
What are your opinions on the census form question about race? And why does the census form ask a question about Hispanic origin and the very nest question is about your race and they want you to answer both?

Interestingly, Hispanics are often counted as "white" but when looking at the FBI crime statistics I found something interesting. If a white person commits a racial crime against an Hispanic it is counted as a "hate crime." However, when an Hispanic commits a racially based crime against a white person it is recorded as a "white on white" crime. Not too sure why this is unless the FBI has some good reason to make white people look like worse people than Hispanics.

Outside of that I do find it interesting that the USA is being programmed to be "color blind" yet the census report records all the various and distinct races. How "color blind" is that?

As you and I know, race discrimination against whites is a quickly growing trend in the USA. If a white person openly celebrated "White History Month" he would quickly be deemed a "racist." But it has become perfectly acceptable and "legitimate" for blacks to celebrate "Black History Month." Tell your professor that reverse discrimination is on the rise and many white folks are starting to wake up to that fact. The sleeping giant won't sleep forever.
Hi, my name is Holly and I'm doing a school project on what I've learned in my class and I need your help!!! PLEASE keep ALL your responses and comments clean and educated so I can turn your feedback into my professor.
What are your opinions on the census form question about race? And why does the census form ask a question about Hispanic origin and the very nest question is about your race and they want you to answer both?
I refuse to answer the census form.

As a free citizen, I was offended by the warning on the outside of the envelope saying I must fill it out UNDER PENALTY OF LAW.

I make them write letters, make threats, send people out here and make them let me take the short phone survey AFTER they say please.

For some reason I get that damned Community survey, and I will not answer those questions.

I think they have me flagged, last time I got the form, somebody called when I didn't send it back, and asked me if I would please take the phone survey.

The first time I told them I would take it if they said please, the stupid idiot had to get a supervisor.

I never make it easy on them either and I don't answer all of the questions. Only the ones that I deem necessary. Since I'm about 1/64th American Indian I have actually counted myself an "Indian" at least once. LOL
Interesting thing about Census Forms.....they become your legacy

I do a lot of family research and Census Forms are my primary source of research. When you die, typically the only record of your life would be a tombstone with your name, year of birth and year of death....That is your legacy on earth
I have researched census forms from almost two hundred years ago. I found information on where my ancestors lived, what country they came from, what they did for a living, how much money they make, how many children they had and what their names were, how much school they had, how many times they were married.
Looking at those records, I was able to recreate much of their lives and put together their life story

Sadly, with rightwing paranoia about big government, that legacy will be lost. 200 years from now, if someone wants to find out who you are, they might just have to look at your tombstone
Well in ur case it worked out for u in ur favor because u were looking for more info about ur ancestors, but as far as how personal the government gets on the census form and how much info they ask, it's just none of their business. The ONLY thing the census form should ask is, "How many people live in ur household?" The census count should ONLY be used to calculate how many people there are in an area. That's ALL the government needs to know about that!!!
Looks like you have already drawn the conclusion for your "class project"
Why bother asking?
I told them how many people live in my home and refused to answer any of the other questions.

Information about race is dangerous in the hands of the government, see the example of Nazi Germany.

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